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How To Teach Your Kids About Deepfakes

Is it real? Is it fake? 

Deepfake technology has certainly made everything far more complicated online. How do you know for sure what’s real? Can you actually trust anything anymore? Recently, a Hong Kong company lost A$40 million in a deepfake scam after an employee transferred money following a video call with a scammer who looked like his boss! Even Oprah and Taylor have been affected by deepfake scammers using them to promote dodgy online schemes. So, how do we get our heads around it, and just as importantly, how do we help our kids understand it? Don’t stress – I got you. Here’s what you need to know. 

What Actually Is Deepfake Technology? 

Deepfake technology is essentially photoshopping on steroids. It’s when artificial intelligence is used to create videos, voice imitations, and images of people doing and saying things they never actually did. The ‘deep’ comes from the type of artificial intelligence that is used – deep learning. Deep learning trains computers to process data and make predictions in the same way the human brain does. 

When it first emerged around 2017, it was clunky and many of us could easily spot a deepfake however it is becoming increasingly sophisticated and convincing. And that’s the problem. It can be used to create great harm and disruption. Not only can it be used by scammers and dodgy operators to have celebrities promote their products, but it can also be used to undertake image abuse, create pornographic material, and manipulate the outcome of elections. 

How Are DeepFakes Made? 

When deepfakes first emerged they were clunky because they used a type of AI model called Generative Adversarial Network (or GAN). This is when specific parts of video footage or pictures are manipulated, quite commonly the mouth. You may remember when Australian mining magnate Andrew Forest was ‘deepfake’ into spruiking for a bogus ‘get rich quick’ scheme. This deepfake used GAN – as they manipulated just his mouth. 

But deepfakes are now even more convincing thanks to the use of a new type of generative AI called a diffusion model. This new technology means a deepfake can be created from scratch without having to even manipulate original content making the deepfake even more realistic.  

Experts and skilled scammers were the only ones who really had access to this technology until 2023 when it became widely available. Now, anyone who has a computer or phone and the right app (widely available) can make a deepfake.  

While it might take a novice scammer just a few minutes to create a deepfake, skilled hackers are able to produce very realistic deepfakes in just a few hours. 

Why Are Deepfakes Made? 

As I mentioned before, deepfakes are generated to either create harm or cause disruption. But a flurry of recent research is showing that creating deepfake pornographic videos is where most scammers are putting their energy. A recent study into deepfakes in 2023 found that deepfake pornography makes up a whopping 98% of all deepfake videos found online. And not surprisingly, 99% of the victims are women. The report also found that it now takes less than 25 minutes and costs nothing to create a 60-second deepfake pornographic video of anyone using just one clear face image! Wow!! 

Apart from pornography, they are often used for election tampering, identity theft, scam attempts and to spread fake news. In summary, nothing is off limits!  

How To Spot A Deepfake 

The ability to spot a deepfake is something we all need, given the potential harm they can cause. Here’s what to look out for: 

  • If it’s a video, check the audio matches the video i.e. is the audio synced to the lip movements? Check for unnatural blinking, odd lighting, misplaced shadows, or facial expressions that don’t match the tone of the voice. These might be the ‘older’ style of deepfakes, created using the GAN or ‘face-swap’ model. 
  • Deepfake videos and pictures created with the ‘face swap’ model may also look ‘off’ around the area where they have blended the face onto the original forehead. Check for colour and textual differences or perhaps an unusual hairline.   
  • The newer diffusion model means deepfakes can be harder to spot however look for asymmetries like unmatching earrings or eyes that are different sizes. They also don’t do hands very well, so check for the right number of fingers and ‘weird’ looking hands. 
  • A gut feeling! Even though the technology is becoming very sophisticated, it’s often possible to detect when it doesn’t seem quite right. There could be an awkwardness in body movement, a facial feature that isn’t quite right, an unusual background noise, or even weird looking teeth!! 

How To Protect Yourself 

There are two main ways you could be affected by deepfakes. First, as a victim e.g. being ‘cast’ in a deepfake pornographic video or photo. Secondly, by being influenced by a deepfake video that is designed to create harm e.g. scam, fake news, or even political disinformation. 

But the good news is that protecting yourself from deepfake technology is not dissimilar to protecting yourself from general online threats. Here are my top tips: 

Be Careful What You Share 

The best way to protect yourself from becoming a victim is to avoid sharing anything online at all. I appreciate that this perhaps isn’t totally realistic so instead, be mindful of what and where you share. Always have privacy settings set to the highest level and consider sharing your pics and videos with a select group instead of with all your online followers. Not only does this reduce the chances of your pictures making their way into the hands of deepfake scammers but it also increases the chance of finding the attacker if someone does in fact create a deepfake of you. 

Consider Watermarking Photos 

If you feel like you need to share pics and videos online, perhaps add a digital watermark to them. This will make it much harder for deepfake creators to use your images as it is a more complicated procedure that could possibly be traceable. 

Be Cautiously Suspicious Always 

Teach your kids to never assume that everything they see online is true or real. If you always operate with a sceptical mindset, then there is less of a chance that you will be caught up in a deepfake scam. If you find a video or photo that you aren’t sure about, do a reverse image search. Or check to see if it’s covered by trusted news websites, if it’s a news video. Remember, if what the person in the video is saying or doing is important, the mainstream news media will cover it. You can always fact check what the ‘person’ in the video is claiming as well. 

Use Multi-Factor Authentication 

Adding another layer of security to all your online accounts will make it that much harder for a deepfake creator to access your accounts and use your photos and videos. Multi-factor authentication or 2-factor authentication means you simply add an extra step to your login process. It could be a facial scan, a code sent to your smartphone, or even a code generated on an authenticator app like Google Authenticator. This is a complete no-brainer and probably adds no more than 30 seconds to the logging in process. 

Keep Your Software Updated 

Yes, this can make a huge difference. Software updates commonly include ‘patches’ or fixes for security vulnerabilities. So, if your software is out of date, it’s a little like having a broken window and then wondering why people can still get in! I recommend turning on automatic updates, so you don’t have to think about it. 

Passwords Are Key 

A weak password is also like having a broken window – it’s so much easier for deepfake scammers to access your accounts and your pics and videos. I know it seems like a lot of work but if every one of your online accounts has its own complex and individual password then you have a much greater chance of keeping the deepfake scammers away! 

So, be vigilant, always think critically, and remember you can report deepfake content to your law enforcement agency. In the US, that’s the FBI and in Australia, it is the eSafety Commissioner’s Office.

Stay safe all!


The post How To Teach Your Kids About Deepfakes appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How Do You Manage Your Social Media Privacy?

‘Ensure your privacy settings are set to the highest level’ – if you’ve been reading my posts for a bit then you’ll know this is one of my top online safety tips. I’m a fan of ensuring that what you (and your kids) share online is limited to only the eyes that you trust. But let’s talk honestly. When was the last time you checked that your privacy settings were nice and tight? And what about your kids? While we all like to think they take our advice, do you think they have? Or it is all a bit complicated? 

‘We Don’t Want To Share Everything with Everybody’ 

Research from McAfee confirms that the majority of us are keen to share our content online but with a tighter circle. In fact, 58% of social media users are keen to share content with only their family, friends, and followers but there’s a problem. Nearly half (46%) do not adjust their privacy settings on their social media platforms which means they’re likely sharing content with the entire internet!

And it’s probably no surprise why this is the case. When was the last time you tried to check your privacy settings? Could you even find them? Well, you are not alone with 55% of survey respondents confessing that they struggled to find the privacy settings on their social media platforms or even understand how they work. 

Enter McAfee’s Social Privacy Manager 

Well, the good news is there is now a much easier way to decide exactly who you want to share with online. Introducing McAfee’s Social Privacy Manager. All you need to do is select your privacy preferences in a few quick clicks and McAfee will then adjust the privacy settings on your chosen social media accounts. Currently, McAfee’s software works with more than 100 platforms including LinkedIn, Google, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. It works across Android and iOS devices and on Windows and Mac computers also. The software is part of the McAfee+ suite. 

What Else Can You Do To Ensure Your Privacy Is Protected Online? 

Well, once you’ve got your social media privacy under control – you can relax – but just for a bit. Because there are a few other critical steps you need to take to ensure your online privacy is as protected as possible. Here’s what I recommend: 

1. A Clever Password Strategy 

In my opinion, passwords are one of the most powerful ways of protecting yourself online. If you have a weak and easily guessed password, you may as well not even bother. In an ideal world, every online account needs its own unique, complex password – think at least 12 characters, a combination of numbers, symbols, and both lower and upper case letters. I love using a crazy sentence. Better still, why not use a password manager that will create a password for you that no human could – and it will remember them for you too! A complete no-brainer! 

2. Is Your Software Up To Date? 

Software that is out of date is a little like leaving your windows and doors open and wondering why you might have an intruder. It exposes you to vulnerabilities and weaknesses that scammers can easily exploit. I always recommend setting your software to update automatically so take a little time to ensure yours is configured like this. 

3. Think Critically Always 

I encourage all my family members – both young and old – to always operate with a healthy dose of suspicion when going about their online business. Being mindful that not everything you see online is true is a powerful mindset. Whether it’s a sensational news article, a compelling ‘must have’ shopping deal, or a ‘TikTok’ influencer providing ‘tried and tested’ financial advice – it’s important to take a minute to think before acting. Always fact-check questionable news stories – you can use sites like Snopes. Why not ‘google’ to see if other customers have bad experiences with the shopping site that’s catching your eye? And if that TikTok influencer is really compelling, do some background research. But, if you have any doubts at all – walk away!  

4. Wi-Fi – Think Before You Connect 

Let’s be honest, Wi-Fi can be a godsend when you are travelling. If you don’t have mobile coverage and you need to check in on the kids then a Wi-Fi call is gold. But using public Wi-Fi can also be a risky business. So, use it sparingly and never ever conduct any financial transactions while connected to it – no exceptions! If you are a regular traveller, you might want to consider using a VPN to help you connect securely. A VPN will ensure that anything you send using Wi-Fi will be protected and unavailable to any potential prying eyes! 

Keeping you and your family safe online is no easy feat. It’s time-consuming and let’s be honest sometimes quite overwhelming. If you have 3 kids and a partner and decided to manually update (or supervise them updating) their privacy settings then I reckon you’d be looking at least half a day’s work – plus all the associated negotiation! So, not only will McAfee’s Social Privacy Manager. ensure you and your loved ones have their social media privacy settings set nice and tight, it will also save you hours of work. And that my friends, is a good thing!

The post How Do You Manage Your Social Media Privacy? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Teen Slang – What You Need To Know To Understand Your Teen

Got any ‘rizz’? Did you ‘slay’ that dinner? Is the ‘cozzie livs’ stressing you out? 

If you do not comprehendo, then you wouldn’t be alone. As a mum of 4, I can attest that understanding teenage slang can be quite the feat – as soon as you finally understand a few terms, there’s more! And while you don’t want to seem too intrusive (or uncool) and constantly ask your kids to translate, you probably want to keep a handle on what’s going on – in case you need to get involved!! 

Where Does Slang Come From and Why Do We Use It? 

Nothing ever stays the same and that includes language. Slang happens when we shorten words. Think fab instead of fabulous; or when we combine words think chill and relax = chillax. It can also ‘evolve’ when we give words new, unexpected meanings eg cheugy – a term to often describe older generations when they make an effort but fail – harsh!! 

And more often than not, words that end up becoming slang will become part of our everyday language. Did you know that the word ‘mad’ was in fact a slang word for angry that became popular around 100 years ago?  

Emily Brewster, senior editor at Merriam Webster Dictionary believes that ‘slang can be used to have a special form of communication with a subset of people.’ And ‘by using words that are only understood by the small group of people there’s an intimacy that can develop.’ So, really it’s a type of bonding tool!! 

What Slang Do You Need To Know Now 

While slang can sometimes be geographic based, the rise of platforms like TikTok have meant that its far more universal than it was in pre-social media days. So, if you’re keen to know the top words your kids are using so you ensure all is well, then here’s your go-to guide with the top 20 slang words. Apologies in advance for the potentially lewd references!! 

1. Addy – address
‘Can you send me your addy? I’ll be there soon.’

2. Based – when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves
‘You’re going to that party? Based.’

3. Ate that – to successfully achieve something
‘I love that dress. You totally ate that look’ (the dress looked great on you)

 4. Basic – average
A word to describe someone who is predictable or bland. It’s an insult.

 5. Cappin – lying
‘He’s so cappin’ (he is so not telling the truth) 

 6. Cheugy – basic, out of date or trying too hard
‘My older brother still wears his uggs, that’s so cheugy!’ 

 7. Cozzie Livs – the cost of living crises
An Australian slang expression that was nominated as Macquarie Dictionary’s word of the year in 2023.
‘I can’t go out tonight. Especially with the cozzie livs and all that jazz.’ 

 8. Ded – so funny or embarrassing!
‘OMG. That pic has me ded’ 

 9. Delulu – a short-hand term for delusional. It’s often used to describe someone in a humorous way who chooses to reject reality in favour of a more interesting interpretation of events.
‘She’s so delulu. She thinks she’s going to marry the lead actor in her favourite movie.’

10. Gas Up – to encourage or hype someone up.
‘My sister was feeling down so I gassed her up and reminded her just how great she is.’ 

 11. Low key – The opposite of high key, it can mean slightly, occasionally, or even secretly.
‘I low key want a Poke bowl right now!’  

 12. High key – the opposite of ‘low key’. The term is used to when you really like something like something or want to emphasise it.
‘I high key love that brand’ (you’re a fan!) 

13. IFKKYK – if you know you know.
It means if you weren’t there, you wouldn’t know. It could also refer to an inside joke.
‘Last night’s concert was amazing! IFKKYK’

 14. No Cap – a term to emphasise that you’re not lying. A modern way of saying ‘I swear’
‘I saw him take the last biscuit. No cap’ 

15. Pop Off – when someone is doing well – often used in gaming.
‘Look at Ninja (streamer). He’s popping off on Fortnight’

16. Rizz – charisma. It can also describe one’s ability to attract a partner.
‘She’s got rizz!’ 

 17. Roman Empire – something you love and think about all the time. 
‘Visiting Paris is my Roman Empire’ or ‘America Ferrera’s Barbie monologue is my Roman Empire.’  

18. Salty – annoyed or upset.
‘I don’t know why he is so salty’. 

19. Simp – someone who tries too hard or goes above and beyond to impress the person they like.
‘He got her a ring after four dates. He’s such a simp!’ 

20. Slay – to do something exceedingly well.
‘He slayed that performance’. 

So, next time your teen drops a phrase or acronym they think you can’t decipher, you will have NP (no problem) understanding what’s happening in your kids’ lives and absolutely no FOMO (fear of missing out)! 

Good luck!! 

Alex x 

The post Teen Slang – What You Need To Know To Understand Your Teen appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Raise Responsible Digital Citizens

‘So, what is the ultimate goal of all of our parenting?’ When I asked this question to a group of mum friends during the week, the answers were all quite mixed. ‘To raise kind humans’, one offered. ‘To have someone look after me when I’m old!’, said another. But after a few minutes of heavy debate, we all agreed on one thing – our goal is to create responsible citizens who are independent and self-sufficient.  

Now, clearly, this is a project that takes place over at least 18 years!! Quick fixes do not cut it when trying to mould and shape little humans into responsible adults. And of course, this also includes raising responsible digital citizens too – no room for quick fixes here! 

What is Digital Citizenship? 

We’ve all heard the term but what does it really mean?  

Digital citizenship is all about safely and responsibly navigating digital environments and participating in a respectful fashion. In short, it means being responsible, respectful, and intentional in all your online activity.  

In my opinion, a child’s emotional intelligence is intrinsically linked to their ability to be an effective digital citizen. So, I understand why some experts prefer the term digital intelligence to digital citizenship. It does a much better job of explaining that effective digital citizenship requires a set of social, emotional, and cognitive skills that are essential for navigating the digital world. 

In my opinion, teaching kids about digital citizenship needs to happen as soon as a child can pick up a device. Yes – your child might only be 18 months old! But the earlier you start weaving in messages about responsibility and safety – the more automatic it will be for them to adopt a positive digital citizen mindset. 

Raising Digital Citizens Means Raising Safe Citizens 

You’d be hard-pressed to find many parents who don’t worry about the risks of their kids being online. Whether it’s scams, online predators, or cyberbullying, unfortunately, there will always be some level of risk. And while many of us would love to remove our kids’ devices or better still, wrap our babies in cotton wool, this is just not a reality. So, in my opinion, the best way to protect them is to prepare them. I believe that if we take the time to help them develop into responsible and effective digital citizens then they are far more likely to make safe and responsible choices! A complete no-brainer! 

What You Need To Teach Your Kids To Be Effective Digital Citizens 

1. Your Online Identity Is A Key Part of Your Identity 

This is one lesson you don’t want your kids to learn the hard way! When tweens and teens are in the moment, it is easy to forget to think of the consequences of what they post. But one’s online presence is a significant part of their identity and can often be the first place that someone forms an impression of you. The manager of our local supermarket regularly tells me how he will first assess potential applicants with a quick ‘Google’ before he even offers an interview. And if your child is keen to be considered for a leadership position at school or university, it is imperative that they think about how they conduct themselves online too. Intentional, respectful interactions are the name of the game! 

2. Be Respectful and Expect Respect Too 

Respect is at the core of all healthy relationships and that absolutely includes online interactions. So, encourage your child to extend the same level of respect to their online friends and acquaintances as they would to those they meet face-to-face. This means not creating or forwarding hurtful content and or getting involved in negative online discussions or gossip about anyone – no exceptions! 

I’m a big fan of teaching your child to speak up if they experience or witness bullying. While they may think they can handle it on their own, having input from a trusted adult will make the situation feel more manageable and less overwhelming. Advise your kids to block anyone who does not treat them respectfully online – but always take screenshots first! Being proactive will help create a positive and supportive online experience. 

3. Master Healthy Digital Habits 

There are a few essential basic digital habits that are not negotiable, in my opinion. Ensuring your kids have these down-pat will mean that they are maximising the chance of a safe and positive online experience. Here are my top 5: 

  • Think before you post 
  • Limit what personal information you share online 
  • Never, ever share passwords – no exceptions! 
  • Know when to trust a source and when to check your facts 
  • Watch your screen time – take breaks and focus on ‘real-life’ activities too 

4. Do Not Copy or Plagiarise 

Kids love creating content, but it is essential that they don’t copy or plagiarise the work of others. Using others’ work without obtaining their permission is both unethical and technically, against the law. This encompasses all forms of online content (aka intellectual property) including texts, images, and music. As parents, we need to foster digital citizenship in our kids by reminding them to appreciate the efforts and originality of fellow digital creators. In my opinion, giving credit when using others’ work is a ‘best practice’. 

The ’do not copy’ rule also extends to piracy – the illegal downloading of digital content e.g. music or movies. Many kids dabble in piracy, but it really is no different to stealing someone’s work. Encourage your kids to treat the creative work of others with the same respect you would want for your own. And yes, that includes Taylor Swift! 

5. Think Critically Always 

One of the hardest lessons some kids learn online is that not everyone is who they say they are. It can be a crushing moment. So, getting ahead of the game and teaching your kids to be cautiously suspicious about people, platforms, organisations and offers they come across online will hold them in great stead. 

Exercising caution when sharing information with strangers and unfamiliar organisations is an important way to protect yourself. Always do your due diligence before ‘trusting’ someone you connect with on a dating site, always request a legitimate way to transfer money when buying goods online and never just enter personal information on a site without doing your research. 

We’ve all heard the expression ‘when something is too good to be true, it usually is’. This needs to be the golden rule when navigating the internet. Whether it’s early access to snippets from a yet to be released movie, a compelling discount on an iPhone or weight loss supplements, scammers know how to hook us in! Scamwatch is a great resource for identifying and reporting scams here in Australia.  

If your child is uncertain about a website’s credibility, they can pose critical questions to themselves, such as “whose interests does this site serve?” or “how accurate and reliable is the information I’m reading?” This can guide your child in distinguishing between questionable sites and those providing accurate news and content. 

But let me share one final piece of advice. We can encourage and educate our kids all day long about being a responsible digital citizen but unless we are modelling the behaviour we are trying to foster, it’s just not going to work. So, when you’re sharing a new post on Facebook, or commenting on a news article, ensure you are considerate and responsible with your word choice. Show your kids how to have kind and respectful interactions online and always fact-check any information you choose to share – because they are always watching and learning!! 

Happy parenting digital citizens!! 


The post How to Raise Responsible Digital Citizens appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Protect Your Kids From Inappropriate Online Content

Inquisitive, curious and fiercely independent. These are the three words that come to mind when I remember my boys as tweens and teens. Now, these are all wonderful qualities but when you’re trying to teach your kids to navigate the internet, these ‘wonderful’ qualities can often make things a little harder!! Curious types want to discover and investigate – that’s natural! But it also makes our job as parents even more challenging, particularly when it comes to protecting them from the slew of inappropriate content that can be found online. 

What Is Inappropriate Content? 

In short, inappropriate content is anything your kids may find online that they find disturbing or are not yet ready for, developmentally. It may be an image, a video or written text that is offensive and upsetting. Now, this could happen accidentally but also deliberately.  

Many of us immediately think of sexually explicit material when we think of inappropriate content but there is, unfortunately, more. It can also include material that promotes extremism or terrorism, violent imagery or copy, hateful or offensive sites or posts as well as false or misleading information. 

How Many Aussie Kids Have Been Exposed? 

As you can imagine, it’s hard to find accurate data as to how many kids have seen inappropriate content. Many kids would loathe to admit what they have seen, feel embarrassed or are simply too distressed to report their experience. So, it’s likely that the real statistics are higher than the reported data. Research undertaken by our eSafety Office shows that a high proportion of Aussie kids aged 12 to 17 have seen inappropriate content. Here are the details: 

  • 57% have seen real violence that they considered disturbing 
  • Nearly 50% of kids aged 9 to 16 have regular exposure to sexual images 
  • 33% have seen images or videos promoting terrorism 

What You Can Do To Minimise Your Kids Seeing Inappropriate Content? 

Is it inevitable that you will see something inappropriate online? I wish I could answer no, but the reality is that at some stage it is likely that your kids will see something that they find confusing or upsetting. So, the aim of the parental game here is to ensure this happens as late as possible and that they are ready for it. Here is where I suggest you put your energy into making this happen: 

1. Set Ground Rules 

I am a big fan of a family tech agreement that outlines your expectations of your kids’ online behaviour and the family’s ‘rules of engagement.’ This should be age appropriate but if your kids are young enough then please include a list of the sites they can visit, the apps they can download and the information they can share – nothing personally identifiable. I would also include rules about device usage – no devices in bedrooms overnight!! Check out my post here that will help you tailor an agreement for your family.  

A clear and detailed agreement means that every family member has clarity on the rules that will keep them safe. I find sharing the ‘why’ with my kids so important – so ensure they know you’re your goal here is to keep them safe and set them up for a positive online experience.  

2. Communicate Regularly, Openly and Calmly 

Go out of your way to create a home environment when your kids feel comfortable talking and sharing about all aspects of their lives without judgement. Once you have this, then you will be able to have regular conversations that will help them better understand the online world and most importantly, keep them safe! The goal here is to have genuine 2-way conversations without them feeling like they are being lectured at. For example, you can explain that anything they share online creates their own ‘digital footprint’ so they need to be mindful of how they conduct themselves, You could also talk them through the dangers of spreading rumours online or sharing hurtful photos or jokes.  

And if your kids know they can talk to you about anything and that you won’t overact, then they are more likely to tell you if they have seen something online that has worried them. Now, we all hope that doesn’t happen, but we all want to be able to help our kids navigate challenges if and when they arise. 

3. Consider Parental Controls 

Parental controls can be a really helpful tool that allows you to monitor and manage what your child sees and does online. Of course, using parental controls is not a silver bullet – you still need to remain vigilant and invested however it can be a great thing to have in your toolbox. Here’s what I Iike: 

  • They can block your child from accessing specific websites or apps – for example using a camera or purchasing goods 
  • They can filter out inappropriate content eg sexual content, content that promotes self-harm, violence, gambling or racism 
  • They can monitor your child’s time online and provide reports on the sites they visit, the apps they use and the frequency and time they have spent on each 
  • They can set time limits and block your child’s access after a set time 

Check out more information about McAfee’s parental controls here.   

 4. Use Child Friendly Search Engines 

As we all know, the sky is the limit when it comes to finding anything online. So, young curious minds have ample opportunity to have their every question answered. However, this is not ideal when your kids have neither age nor experience on your side. So, let me introduce you to some child-friendly search engines that will ensure there are healthy boundaries for inquisitive minds!  


This is a search engine that’s designed to produce safe results for kids so it will produce quite limited results – perfect! It has been designed to block swear words and ‘rude’ language but a Commonsense Media trial found that some violent content could be generated using it. 


This search engine uses Google’s strict filtering software to produce up-to-date results without the risk of anything inappropriate. Their advanced keyword filtering system monitors for alternate and modified spellings which is great for youngins! 


Also using Google’s SafeSearch, KidRex promotes kid-friendly pages in its results. It also has an additional database of inappropriate keywords and sites and blocks social media results. How good!  

But, if you just want to stick with Google and turn on the SafeSearch filters, you absolutely can. Just remember, that you’ll need to activate it on every device that your kids might use – including their phone! 

4. Be Open And A Great Role Model 

How often do you hear yourself saying or doing something your mother does? I do all the time! Our parents are our biggest influence and are our biggest role models. And this also applies to how we engage with technology. Make sure your kids see you enjoying tech-free time, so they ‘normalise’ this. Leave your phone at home when you walk the dog, never have phones at the dinner table and always turn your phone on do not disturb when talking with your kids. The less time spent on technology means the more time for real in-person human connection. 

Being open is also an imperative way to protect your kids. In fact, the more open and communicative you are with your kids, the less reason they will have to undertake their own ‘research’ online. So, if you’ve created an environment where talking about puberty, hormonal changes and teenage relationships is normal, chances are they won’t need to turn to Google for answers – and risk seeing inappropriate content.   

So, if you have a tribe of curious tweens or teens, then I’m sending you my very best. It’s not an easy task protecting them from some of the more challenging content that the internet can offer. But having come out the other side – and survived – I can assure you that the more proactive you are, the easier the ride will be.  

Good luck!!

Alex XX 

PS If you’re thinking about parental controls, don’t forget about enabling these on your streaming services too. Netflix, Amazon Prime and Stan all offer parental controls which can restrict the content that your kids can view. It’s definitely worth the effort.  


The post How to Protect Your Kids From Inappropriate Online Content appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Do I Really Need to be on Snapchat to be a Good Digital Parent?

If you had to count the number of social media platforms your teen uses, I wonder what the score would be? 2, 5 or maybe even more? Well, surprisingly research from our Aussie eSafety Commissioner shows that Aussie kids use an average of 4 social media services. I bet you thought it would be more. I did! So, maybe this means we don’t need to worry too much about joining and understanding these platforms? Surely their skills must be quite polished if there are only using four platforms? Wrong!! Being a good digital parent means we need to take the time to understand our kids’ digital world – even when we think they have a handle on it. 

My Top Tip Ever – Get Involved  

Over the last 12 years in my job as Cybermum, I’ve shared an abundance of advice. But if I had to pick the most important piece it is this – the absolute best way to keep your kids safe online is to commit to understanding your kids’ online world, particularly when they are starting out on their digital journey. So, if they are on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok then you need to sign up, and spend time understanding how it works. If they love Minecraft, Fortnite or Among Us – then you now do too! I’m sure you’re figuring out the pattern by now… 

Getting Involved Means You’ll Earn Some Tech Cred 

I’m not sure how it works for you but one thing that does NOT work for me is listening to advice from someone who has no relevant experience. To be honest, it really grinds my gears!! So, isn’t it logical that our teens would feel the same? I honestly don’t think we can expect them to take advice from us about online safety if we have no lived experience. In my opinion, experience = credibility.  

So, when you join Snapchat or Instagram not only are you learning about your child’s digital life but you’re also developing credibility which may just be the most important ingredient in keeping your kids safe online. Because if and when your kids find themselves in tricky situation online, they will be far more likely to come to you with a problem if they know you understand how it all works. 

Don’t Forget – You’re The Role Model 

Taylor Swift fandom is massive in Australia right now. With many taking days off work to secure tickets to her upcoming shows and a hot movie release, you’d be hard pressed to find many young girls who don’t think she is the ‘bees knees’. And if your sons are made keen Le Bron, Tom Brady or Nathan Cleary fans then they wouldn’t be alone – my sons are all in awe of these spectacular athletes. But despite all the hype and the potential influence from these celebrities, I need to remind you of one very important thing – you are the most important role model for your kids. You hold the greatest influence in their decision making and value setting. 

If your kids see you using the same platforms they use in a healthy, balanced way – then you really have a tonne of ability to help them develop positive digital habits. Your ‘tech cred’ will mean they are even more likely to pick up on your habits. So, make sure you have a healthy mix of digital and non-digital activities into your life. Consider: 

  • Regular screen-free time in your day 
  • Having a technology free hour (or two) before bed 
  • Banning phones from the dinner table 
  • Putting your phone on silent to minimise distractions 
  • Being ‘all in’ when you are talking to your kids and don’t pick up your phone. Give them your undivided attention! 

Remember, they are watching and learning!!  

So, Do you Really Need To Join Snapchat? 

Now, I don’t want to force you to do anything that you are not comfortable with, but I do want you to understand how best to support your kids in their digital life. To me, it’s quite simple. Whatever platform your kids spend the bulk of their time online then that’s where you need to spend your time too. You’ll develop credibility which means they are more likely to come to you if they have an issue online. It also gives you an opportunity to model health digital habits which can be really powerful. So, if your kids use Snapchat then yes – you need to join!!! All the ‘know-how’ you amass while using it will absolutely help make you a great digital parent.  

Till next time 


The post Do I Really Need to be on Snapchat to be a Good Digital Parent? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Help Your Teens Stay Safe When They Start Dating Online

In the 80’s, train stations and church groups were the key places to meet boys. And despite the fact I tried very hard to keep this side of my life well away from my parents, I know for a fact that they worried!! Well, some things have clearly changed with social media and dating apps providing unlimited opportunities for teens to connect with romantic partners across the world. But one thing definitely hasn’t changed – parents are still worrying!! 

Are All Teens Meeting Partners Online? 

Despite what we may think, school is still the main place teens find their romantic partners according to a fascinating research study entitled: ‘Adolescents’ Partner Search in the Digital Age: Correlates and Characteristics of Relationships Initiated Online’. But second to this is the internet. The internet (including social media) even trumps ‘friends, parties and neighbourhoods’ as the 2nd most common place where adolescents meet their significant other.  

Interestingly, the report also highlights the different types of kids who gravitate towards online dating. According to the research, girls who find it harder to fit in at school were more likely to initiate and find romantic relationships online rather than pursue them in person. This was the same for teens looking to pursue same-sex relationships. Overall, there were multiple examples of how the internet has become a ‘social intermediary’ for teens who may struggle with in-person social connection. 

Should I Be Worried? Is It Safe? 

I want to make it very clear that this post isn’t designed to scare you or have you immediately remove all devices from your teen – although I get why it’s tempting! Instead, I want to help you, help your kids navigate online dating.  

By now, we all know that there are both challenges and risks being online. Some of us navigate these with ease while others don’t. In my opinion, a teen’s ability to think critically, pick up social cues and manage conflict will have a direct impact on their ability to navigate their online life and that includes online dating. 

So, yes there are risks – your teen may experience harassment, discrimination, sextortion, scams or cyberstalking. And of course, these are big heavy possibilities that no-one wants their child to experience. But you have to remember that for our kids, meeting someone online is just as normal as it was for my friends and I to meet boys at the local train station. In fact, it may even be less overwhelming as they can ‘google’ potential love matches and find friends of friends who can vouch for them or warn them away. 

Instead of being worried, focus on helping your teen have a positive and safe online dating experience. 

How To Set Your Teens Up For Success 

It’s completely natural to be hesitant about your teen dating online – I’ve been there! And yes, talking about their budding love life may be a bit uncomfortable. But, when there are some pretty large risks at play, you’re just going to have to push through on the awkwardness. Here are my top tips: 

1. Research 

Take some time to research the various dating sites. Read the reviews, browse the community guidelines and understand how they verify users. The larger dating sites are for over 18s – think Hinge, Bumble and Tinder however let’s keep it real – it’s not that hard to ‘fudge’ your age. So even if your teen is under 18, I’d still do some due diligence here. In recent years, under 18 dating sites have cropped up. Mylol, the self-proclaimed “#1 teen network in the world”, is probably the most popular platform followed by Skout.   

But traditional dating sites are not the only way teens meet potential love interests online. It’s not uncommon for kids to start messaging other kids whose profile they may have come across on Snapchat, Discord or even while gaming on Fortnite. You may have heard the expression ‘slide into your DMs’ – that means that someone has sent you a direct message on social media, most commonly for romantic purposes!! 

2. Communication 

Once you understand how it all works – you’ll be able to speak with more ‘weight’ to your teen. So, push through the awkwardness and start talking. If there is a lot of pushback from your teen, you might need to go slow. Why not share articles about online dating? Or, relay stories and experiences from your friends and their kids? Always reserve judgment and stay calm and neutral. Why not help them work out what they want by asking open and non-judgemental questions e.g. Is it a committed relationship or just a ‘fling’? This may help them work out the best platform and also manage their expectations. 

3. Encourage Boundaries 

Once the awkwardness has gone, you should start talking about healthy relationship boundaries. It’s important they understand how to set parameters, so they are safe and respected. They need to know that: 

  • They can turn their phone off – they don’t need to be available 24/7 
  • It is ok to say no to inappropriate requests or anything that makes them feel uncomfortable  
  • They don’t have to respond immediately, or ever, to every text message and post 
  • You should always feel respected and safe in all relationships, both online or offline 

4. Focus on Safety 

There are also some key safety measures that will help protect them when they embark on online dating. I love reminding my boys of these – fingers crossed they listen!! 

  • Keep your logins and passwords to yourself. Ensure the password is unique for every online account. And remember it also needs to be complex – 8-10 characters with a mix of symbols, characters and numbers. 
  • Don’t send explicit photos to anyone – no matter how much you like them! Check out my recent article on Sextortion for why. 
  • Don’t request explicit photos from anyone. Remember, sending or receiving nude photographs of anyone under 18 is considered child pornography. You could be charged.  
  • Never meet a stranger in a private place. Always tell someone where you are going and have a plan in case the meeting doesn’t go to plan. 
  • Never share private information like your home address, the name of your school or your social security or Medicare numbers. No exceptions.  
  • Be careful what you share in conversations. Not everyone is who they say they are online. Your new love interest may in fact be a scammer or someone trying to extract information to bully or manipulate you later. 
  • Don’t send money to new online friends. If you are unsure, run the scenario past a trusted friend or better still, a parent. 

I’m a big believer that being proactive is a very worthwhile parenting strategy. So, ‘ripping off the bandaid’ and helping your teens with their online dating strategy is a great way to set them up for a safe and positive experience. We all know from experience that the path to true love isn’t always linear, so there might be a few heartbreaks or dramas along the way. So, remind your teen that you are always available to listen to their concerns and help them troubleshoot a situation. Remember, the more you keep the lines of communication open, the more likely they will be to come to you if there is an issue. 

Happy digital parenting!! 

Alex x 

The post How to Help Your Teens Stay Safe When They Start Dating Online appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Sextortion – What Every Parent Needs To Know

Imagine this. You’re 15, feeling unsure about yourself in the world, possibly even a little lonely. One day, a pretty girl starts messaging you on Instagram. She’s kind and funny. She has pets and several happy snaps of her friends and family on her profile – so she looks ‘normal’. Messages are running pretty hot for a few days and you’re loving it. You’re getting on well and are so pumped that someone likes you for you. But then she asks for a nude pic of you, including your face. You’re unsure what to do but don’t want to lose the vibe with this great girl. So, you send it. But there’s a big problem. The ‘normal’ looking girl is in fact a scammer. 

The Statistics 

In 2022, the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) averaged more than 100 reports of sextortion every month in 2022. But Australian law enforcement authorities believe the real statistics may in fact be much higher with many estimating than less than 25% of cases are reported. Australian Federal Police Commander Hilda Sirec said that data showed more than 90% of victims were male and aged predominantly between 15 and 17 years of age. Police have seen victims as young as 10 years old. 

How Does It Work? 

Sextortion or sexual extortion is a form of blackmail where someone threatens to share a nude or sexual image of yourself unless you meet their demands. Often the victim is tricked or coerced into sending the images. Offenders may demand money, more images or in-person sexual favours. Sexual images may also be captured while a young person is on live stream or video. This is known as ‘capping’. 

At the risk of stating the obvious, this can be an incredibly stressful process for the victim. Many offenders have mastered the art of manipulation and can make the victim feel like there is no way out of the situation. The constant threat of sharing content with family and friends coupled with the relentless demands can understandably, send many young people into a mental health tailspin. The shame and embarrassment are all consuming. Many victims feel like they have done something wrong and will be punished by parents and/or prosecuted by police if anyone finds out. 

A Global Phenomena 

The sextortion trend is not isolated to Australia. There is currently a global trend of sextortion targeting teenage boys to send sexual images and threatening to share them unless they pay up. Organised crime syndicates are believed to be behind the trend, having diversified from just targeting adults.  

In December 2022, the Australian Federal Police revealed that more than 500 Australian bank accounts, financial services and digital currency accounts linked to sextortion syndicates targeting Aussie teens had been shut down. 

What To Do If You Child Is Affected 

If your child is a victim, praise them for being brave and coming to you for help. And be grateful that you have an opportunity to help them! Here is what else I suggest: 

1. Be Supportive 

The most important thing to do is commit to supporting your teen. Reassure them that you will help them, that they are not in trouble, and that you’ll protect them. 

 2. Collect Evidence 

Help your teen collect as much proof as possible. Take screenshots of all interactions. These will be essential to help identify the perpetrator. 

 3. Report It 

Contact your local police station or the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) and report the incident. Please reassure your teen that they will not be prosecuted despite the fact they shared intimate content. Reporting the crime could prevent other teens becoming victims. 

 4. Stop Contact 

All contact with the person blackmailing your teen needs to stop ASAP. 

5. Do Not Pay 

Under no circumstance should you pay the blackmailer, give them more money or more intimate content – despite their demands. 

6. Get Support 

The ACCCE has developed an online blackmail and sexual exploitation response kit. You can access a copy here

In my opinion, the best way to get ahead of this disturbing trend is to focus on prevention. So, why not take the time to ensure your teens have the privacy settings on all their social media accounts set to ‘friends only’ or ‘private’? That way, they can’t be contacted by anyone they don’t know. Also, remind your kids that friends they meet online can’t be trusted like real ‘in-person’ friends so no sharing of personal information.  

And keep the communication open and regular. If your kids know you are genuinely interested in all aspects of their life – both online and offline – and that you have their back, then they are far more likely to come to you if and when there is a problem. And isn’t that what we are here for? To help them navigate the tricky stuff. 

Happy digital parenting 


The post Sextortion – What Every Parent Needs To Know appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Could ChatGPT Be The Best Thing That’s Ever Happened To Your Family?

I have a confession to make – I so wish ChatGPT was around when my kids were younger. I realise that it’s not perfect but in my opinion, it’s like having a personal digital assistant to help you wade through those super heavy parenting years. Imagine how helpful it would be to have your ‘assistant’ develop a personalised bedtime story for your 6-year-old or, work out what you can cook with just the ingredients in your fridge!! I am so sure I would have been a more relaxed mother if I had ChatGPT working for me!!

How Does ChatGPT Work?

ChatGPT is an amazing website that allows you to have human-like conversations with a chatbot that is driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The chatbot can answer your questions, compose emails and essays, translate text, develop code and more. At the time of writing, there is a free version of ChatGPT available which gives the user unlimited access however the paid premium version of $US20 per month gives priority access during peak times, faster response speeds and exclusive access to GPT-4 – a smarter and more capable chatbot!

If you’d like to know more about it, check out my Parents’ ChatGPT Guide which will help fill in the blanks.

How ChatGPT Can Make You A Better Parent

There are so many ways ChatGPT can reduce the stress of parenting and give you some much-needed head space. Here are my top 5:

1. What’s For Dinner?

If I look back at the super intense parenting years when I was working full-time with 4 kids, one of the greatest causes of my stress was dinner. I often wouldn’t have the physical energy to read a recipe book or stop at the shops after an afternoon of school and extra-curricular pickups so I would be scrambling to feed a bunch of ravenous boys. Imagine how good it would be to have your digital assistant, aka ChatGPT, devise a recipe based on what you have in your fridge and pantry? Nothing short of life-changing, in my opinion. And it can even factor in dietary restrictions! So clever!!

2. Can You Tell Me A Bedtime Story

My boys loved bedtime stories – preferably personalised! I know, very demanding!! Now, with 4 separate stories to deliver every night, you can only imagine how much mental energy this required. But if I had ChatGPT working for me, this would take just seconds to solve. Simply enter the name and age of the child (no surnames), the setting, the names of other characters that should be included, and then a theme e.g. hero’s journey, determination, friendship, and wham bam – you’ve got something ready to go!

3. Your Next Holiday – Sorted!

When things are so hectic, it is often the thought of a vacation that can keep you going. However, let’s be honest, successful holidays take quite a bit of planning to get right. Well – that’s where your digital assistant can help. If you ask, ChatGPT can develop itineraries with activity suggestions. It can also recommend hotels – simply ask it for suggestions within a specific location e.g. close to the Eiffel Tower. And it can also tailor its recommendations based on your budget. After planning and managing family holidays for my clan of 6 for well over 20 years, this is a life-changing feature!

4. The Best Birthday Party Checklist Ever

Far out, birthday parties can be stressful experiences. Invitations, themes, venue, entertainment, kids’ food, lolly bags, parents’ food, parents’ drinks, the list goes on and on. But if you haven’t already put ChatGPT to work as a party planner – then you’re missing out. Simply type in the age of the child and it can give you an entire plan. It will also give you 20-25 top tips that I guarantee will ensure you have everything covered!

5. Homework Help

If you’ve got a tribe of kids who are all at various levels and need homework help, then staying up to date with maths and science can be quite exhausting – particularly after a long day at work! Simply entering ‘explain’ or ‘explain so a 10-year-old can understand’ into ChatGPT will provide you with enough smarts to get that homework done. Of course, fact-checking ChatGPT is essential but what it will provide is some momentum in the right direction.

But A Word of Caution

ChatGPT can absolutely make your life easier as a parent but there are a few things to remember before you start typing into that chat box.

1. It Doesn’t Always Get Everything Right

It’s important to double-check everything. Ensure your kids also appreciate that everything online needs to be double-checked.

2. Be Mindful of Your Privacy When Using It

For a full explanation of its impact on privacy and how you can protect yourself, check out my recent blog post about . But to summarise: be careful what you share in the chat box, stay anonymous, and consider deleting your chat history.

3. Consider How You Use It With Your Kids

One of the biggest negatives of ChatGPT is its potential impact on creativity and thinking skills. Some schools and universities have banned its use while others have specialised programs that supposedly can detect whether a student has used it. While it does sadden me that our kids won’t need to struggle over complex maths questions or English essays like we did, I am a realist and believe that whether we like it or not – it is here to stay. My prediction is that the school and university systems will adapt because generative AI will be a part of our kids’ world. Our role as parents and educators is to teach them how to use it safely and with a critical-thinking mindset.

So, if you’ve dreamed about hiring a personal assistant (I do regularly!) then you so need to check out ChatGPT. It will help you get through your ‘to-do’ list, save you so much time and energy which means you’ve got more time to spend with your kids – or by yourself under a tree. You choose!!

Till Next Time

Stay Safe Online


The post Could ChatGPT Be The Best Thing That’s Ever Happened To Your Family? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Talk To Your Kids About Identity Theft

Let’s be honest, talking to your kids about identity theft isn’t probably top of your list. There’s a long list of topics to cover off when you are a parent. But if you take a minute to picture someone stealing your child’s identity or using their personal information to take out a loan for a shiny new car then you’ll probably want to move it closer to the top of your parenting to-do list!

What Is Identity Theft?

Identity theft occurs when a person’s personal identifying information is used without their permission, usually to commit fraud by making unauthorised purchases or transactions. Identity theft can happen in many ways, but its victims are usually left with significant damage to their finances, credit score, and even their mental health.

Most people associate identity theft with data breaches – think Optus, Latitude Financial and Medibank – however, there are many more ways that scammers can get their hands on your personal identifying details. They can use ‘phishing’ emails to get information from you, do a deep dive on your social media accounts to find identifying information in posts or photos, hack public Wi-Fi to access any information you share or simply, steal your wallet or go through your trash!!

How Big An Issue Is It Really?

In short, it’s a big problem – for both individuals and organisations. And here are the statistics:

  • 76,000 cybercrime reports were made in the 2021/22 financial year, an increase of nearly 13% from the previous year, according to The Annual Cyber Threat Report by The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC).
  • A recent study by The Australian Cybercrime Survey showed that 31% of respondents had experienced identity crime in their lifetime and 20% within the previous 12 months. Just under half of the victims reported that they had noticed suspicious transactions on their bank statements. Although 25% of respondents couldn’t identify how their information was stolen, 16% attributed it to the hacking of a computer or device.
  • 10 million Australians had their personal details stolen in the Optus data breach in September 2022.
  • 7 million Australians also had personal data stolen in the Medibank data breach in October 2022.
  • 14 million Australians had their personal information stolen in the Latitude Financial data breach in March 2023.

How Do You Know If You’re a Victim?

One of the biggest issues with identity theft is that you often don’t immediately know that you’re a victim. In some cases, it might take weeks before you realise that something is awry which unfortunately, gives the thief a lot of time to wreak havoc! Some of the signs that something might be wrong include:

  • Unfamiliar charges to your bank account
  • Calls and texts about products or services that you’ve never used
  • You’re denied credit
  • Strange emails in your inbox
  • Not receiving expected mail
  • Unexpected calls or letters from debt collectors

What To Do If You Think You’re a Victim

The key here is to act as soon as you believe you are affected. Don’t stress that there has been a delay in taking action – just take action now! Here’s what you need to do:

1. Call Your Bank

Your first call should be to your bank so they can block the affected account. The aim here is to prevent the scammer from taking any more money. Also remember to block any cards that are linked to this account, either credit or debit.

2. Change Your Passwords

If your identity has been stolen then it’s highly likely that the scammer knows your passwords so change the passwords for the affected accounts straight away!! And if you have used this same password on any other accounts then change these also. If you can’t remember, you can always reset the passwords on key accounts just to be safe.

3. Report It

It may feel like a waste of time reporting your identity theft, but it is an important step, particularly as your report becomes a formal record – evidence you may need down the track. It may also prevent others from becoming victims by helping authorities identify patterns and hopefully, perpetrators.  If you think your personal identifying information has been used, report it to the Australian authorities at ReportCyber.

4. Make a Plan

It’s likely you’re feeling pretty overwhelmed at what to do next to limit the damage from your identity theft – and understandably so! Why not make a contract with IDCARE? It’s a free service dedicated to assisting victims of identity theft – both individuals and organisations – in Australia and New Zealand.

How Do We Talk To Our Kids About It?

If there is one thing I have learned in my 20+ years of parenting, it is this. If you want to get your kids ‘onboard’ with an idea or a plan, you need to take the time to explain the ‘why’. There is absolutely no point in asking or telling them to do something without such an explanation. It is also imperative that you don’t lecture them. And the final ingredient? Some compelling statistics or research – ideally with a diagram – my boys always respond well to a visual!

So, if you haven’t yet had the identity theft chat with your kids then I recommend not delaying it any further. And here’s how I’d approach it.

Firstly, ensure you are familiar with the issue. If you understand everything I’ve detailed above then you’re in good shape.

Secondly, arm yourself with relevant statistics. Check out the ones I have included above. Why not supplement this with a few relevant news stories that may resonate with them? This is your ‘why’.

Thirdly, focus on prevention. This needs to be the key focus. But don’t badger or lecture them. Perhaps tell them what you will be doing to minimise the risk – see below for your key ‘hot tips’ – you’re welcome!

What You Can Do To Manage Identity Theft?

There are a few key things that you can today that will both minimise your risk of becoming a victim and the consequences if you happen to be caught up in a large data breach.

1. Passwords

Managing passwords for your online accounts is one of the best risk management strategies for identity theft. I know it’s tedious, but I recommend creating a unique and complex 10+ digit password for each of your online accounts. Tricky passwords make it harder for someone to get access to your account. And, if you use the same log-in details for each of your online accounts – and your details are either leaked in a data breach or stolen – then you could be in a world of pain. So, take the time to get your passwords sorted out.

2. Think Before You Post

Sharing private information about your life on social media makes it much easier for a scammer to steal your identity. Pet names, holiday destination and even special dates can provide clues for passwords. So, lock your social media profiles down and ensure your privacy settings are on.

3. Be Proactive – Monitor Your Identity Online

Imagine how good it would be if you could be alerted when your personal identifying information was found on the Dark Web? Well, this is now a reality! McAfee’s latest security offering entitled McAfee+ will not only protect you against threats but provide 24/7 monitoring of your personal details so it can alert you if your information is found on the Dark Web. And if your details are found, then advice and help may also be provided to remedy the situation. How good!!

4. Using Public Computers and Wi-Fi With Caution

Ensuring you always log out of a shared computer is an essential way of keeping prying eyes away from your personal identifying information. And always be super careful with public Wi-Fi. I only use it if I am desperate and I never conduct any financial transactions, ever! Cybercriminals can ‘snoop’ on public Wi-Fi to see what’s being shared, they can stage ‘Man in The Middle Attacks’ where they eavesdrop on your activity, or they can lure you to use their trustworthy sounding Wi-Fi network – designed purely to extract your private information!

5. Monitor Your Bank Accounts

Why not make a habit of regularly checking your bank accounts? And if you find anything that doesn’t look right contact your bank immediately to clarify. It’s always best to know if there is a problem so you can address it right away.

With so many Aussies affected by data breaches and identity theft, it’s essential that our kids are armed with good information so they can protect themselves as best as possible. Why not use your next family dinner to workshop this issue with them?

Till Next Time

Stay Safe Online


The post How to Talk To Your Kids About Identity Theft appeared first on McAfee Blog.

RUOK Day – How to Get Help Online When You’re Not Feeling OK

I’m such a fan of RUOK? Day. Started in 2009, it’s an Australian non-profit suicide prevention that is all about having conversations with others to address social isolation and promote a sense of community. What I love the most, is that RUOK? Day has become quite an event on the Australian calendar. You’d be hard-pressed to find a workplace that doesn’t host a morning tea or a retailer that’s not selling a ribbon or badge in support of the day. In my opinion, it has given many of us the confidence to talk about mental health and that, my friends, is a very good thing!

When You’re Not Feeling OK

You wouldn’t be human if you hadn’t ever felt a little down or anxious. It’s the natural ebb and flow of daily life. However, if these symptoms are hanging around and are affecting your ability to ‘do’ life then, it’s time to take some action.

Remember, it is incredibly common for someone to experience a dip in their mental health. Recent research shows that over 2 in 5 Aussies aged 16 to 85 will experience a mental disorder at some time in their life, with 1 in 5, experiencing a mental disorder in the previous 12 months.

If you’re not feeling OK, the most important thing to remember is that you do not need to deal with this all by yourself. Sometimes when you’re feeling really low, the thought of leaving the house and facing the world can feel too much. I totally get it! And that’s where the online world can play a huge role. There is an abundance of resources available online for anyone who needs mental health support which makes it so much easier to get the help you need when facing the world just feel a bit much.

Where To Go Online When You’re Not Feeling OK

Here is a list of organisations that offer online mental health services here in Australia. This list is not exhaustive however these are the most commonly used, and hence best funded, support services. If you are based in the US, please find details at the end of the post for organisations that can provide mental health support.

When Things Are Pretty Dire

  • The Suicide Call-Back Service offers free professional 24/7 counselling support to Aussies at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, affected by suicide as well as people experiencing emotional or mental health issues. There is an option for telephone support as well as online chat and video counselling also.
  • If you need to speak to someone ASAP then contact Lifeline. They offer a free 24/7 confidential one to one counselling service that can help you in a crisis. You can, of course, choose to speak to someone on the telephone (13 11 14) but you also have the option of either messaging or texting (0477 13 11 14) with a counsellor also.
  • Beyond Blue is another great Aussie mental health and wellbeing support service that can help in an emergency. Again, it offers 24/7 confidential counselling services for anyone who is struggling. Telephone counselling is an option here (1300 22 4636) but if you’d prefer, you can use their web chat option here.

Online Help Specifically For Young People

  • Kids Helpline is a dedicated 24/7 support service for young people aged 5 to 25 who want to chat for any reason. It’s free (even from a mobile phone) and there is a choice of telephone counselling or support via web chat or email. You can also access support if you are an adult supporting a young person. Since it was established in 1991, the service has supported over 8.5 million people. The service offers everything from life-saving crisis intervention through to emotional support when young people just need someone to listen.
  • Headspace is Australia’s Mental Health Young Foundation. It also provides free online and telephone support from 9am to 1am AEST, 7 days a week for young people (12-25) and their families. In addition to its crisis support services, it also offers regular counselling options through its network of 150 centres around Australia.

Other Services

  • The Butterfly Foundation’s National Helpline is a free confidential service that provides information, counselling, and treatment referral for people (and their families) with eating disorders and body image issues. It operates between 8am and midnight, 7 days a week and offers support via telephone (1800 33 4673), email and web chat. This is not a crisis service.
  • Friendline is a telephone and chat support service for anyone who’s feeling lonely, needs to reconnect or just wants a chat. You can call them 7 days a week on 1800 424 287, or chat online with one of their trained volunteers. All conversations with FriendLine are anonymous. This is not a crisis service.
  • MensLine Australia is a professional telephone and online counselling service offering support to Australian men 24 hours/7days a week. Whether it’s addiction issues, domestic violence, anxiety or depression, the service is able to offer support on 1300 78 99 or via online or video chat.
  • Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling provides 24/7 free and confidential telephone and webchat counselling to anyone who has served at least one day in the Australian Defence Force, their partner, and their families. It isn’t a crisis service, but it can offer ongoing mental health treatment and services.

So, if you are not just yourself at the moment and are feeling really low – or you know someone that is – please know that there is help available online 24/7. So, make yourself a cuppa and get started because you are not alone.

Alex xx

P.S. For my US friends:

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Helpline provides 24/7 free and confidential support and crisis resources for people in distress, and their families. Simply text or call 988 to access help.

The Crisis Text Line is a free and confidential 24/7 support service for anyone who resides in the US. Support can be accessed by text message (text HOME to 741-741) and online chat.

The post RUOK Day – How to Get Help Online When You’re Not Feeling OK appeared first on McAfee Blog.

ChatGPT’s Impact on Privacy and How to Protect Yourself

How To Manage Your Privacy When Using ChatGPT or Other Generative AI

Love it or hate it, generative artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT in particular have become one of the most talked about tech developments of 2023. Many of us have embraced it with open arms and have put it to work by tasking it to ‘assist’ with assignments, write copy for an ad, or even pen a love letter – yes, it’s a thing. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with it. As someone who writes for a living, it does ‘grind my gears’ but I am a big fan of its ability to create recipes with whatever I can find in my fridge. But like any new toy, if you don’t use it correctly then there could be issues – which may include your privacy.

ChatGPT – A Quick Recap

ChatGPT is an online software program developed by OpenAI that uses a new form of artificial intelligence – generative AI – to provide conversational, human-style responses to a broad array of requests. Think of it as Google on steroids. It can solve maths questions, translate copy, write jokes, develop a resume, write code, or even help you prepare for a job interview. If you want to know more, check out my Parent’s Guide to ChatGPT.

But for ChatGPT to answer tricky questions and be so impressive, it needs a source for its ‘high IQ’. So, it relies on knowledge databases, open data sources and feedback from users. It also uses social media to gather information and a practice known as ‘web scraping’ to gather data from a multitude of sources online. And it is this super powerful combination that allows ChatGPT to ‘almost always’ deliver on tasks.

Why Does Generative AI Pose A Threat To My Privacy?

Your privacy can be affected in several ways. While I discuss some specifics on ChatGPT, similar concerns apply to other generative AI programs. Some of these ways may not concern you, but I’m quite sure some will. Here’s what you need to know:

1. ChatGPT May be Using Your Data Without Your Express Permission

When ChatGPT (along with many similar tools) absorbed the enormous amount of data it needed to function from sources like books, articles, and web pages, they did so without seeking case-by-case permission. As certain data can be used to identify us, our friends and family or even our location, this can present privacy concerns. Some authors have already filed complaints for usage of their content without compensation, despite ChatGPT offering users a premium package for US$20/month. Recently, many online news outlets have blocked OpenAI’s crawler which will limit ChatGPT’s  ability to access their news content.

2. Whatever You Share With ChatGPT Goes Into Its Data Bank

Every time you share a piece of information with ChatGPT, you are adding to its data bank, risking that the information ends up somewhere in the public domain. The Australian Medical Association (AMA) recently issued a mandate for Western Australian doctors not to use ChatGPT after doctors at a Perth hospital used it to write patient notes. These confidential patient notes could be used to not only further train ChatGPT but could theoretically also be included in responses to other users.

3. ChatGPT Collects A Lot Of Information About Its Users

In addition to collecting the information users share, it also collects detailed information about its users. In the company’s privacy policy, it outlines that it collects users’ IP addresses and browser types. It also collects information on the behaviour of its users e.g. the type of content that users engage with as well as the features they use. It also says that it may share users’ personal information with unspecified parties, without informing them, to meet their business operation needs.

4. Risk of a Data Breach

One of the biggest risks to using ChatGPT and similar generative AI is the risk that your details will be leaked in a data breach. Between 100,000 ChatGPT accounts credentials were compromised and sold on the Dark Web in a large data beach which happened between June 2022 to May 2023, according to Search Engine Journal.

But here’s another potential problem – as ChatGPT users can store conversations, if a hacker gains access to an account, it may mean they also gain access into propriety information, sensitive business information or even confidential personal information.

What’s ChatGPT Doing To Protect Privacy?

Now please don’t misunderstand me, ChatGPT is taking action to protect users but it may not be enough to truly protect your privacy.

ChatGPT does make it very clear that all conversations between a user and ChatGPT are protected by end-to-end encryption. It also outlines that strict access controls are in place so only authorised personnel can access sensitive user data. It also runs a Bug Bounty program which rewards ethical hackers for finding security vulnerabilities. However, in order to remain protected while using the app, I believe the onus is on the user to take additional steps to protect their own privacy.

So, What Can I Do To Protect My Privacy?

As we all know, nothing is guaranteed in life however there are steps you can take to minimise the risk of your privacy being compromised. Here are my top tips:

1. Be Careful What You Share With ChatGPT and Other Platforms

Never share personal or sensitive information in any of your prompts. By doing so, you increase the risk of sharing confidential data with cybercriminals. If you need a sensitive piece of writing edited, ask a friend!!

2. Consider Deleting Your Chat History

One of the most useful ways of safeguarding your privacy is to avoid saving your chat history. By default, ChatGPT stores all conversations between users and the chatbot with the aim of training OpenAI’s systems. If you do choose not to save your chat history, OpenAI will store your conversations for 30 days. Despite this, it is still one of the best steps you can take to protect yourself.

3. Stay Anonymous

As mentioned above, ChatGPT can collect and process highly sensitive data and associate it with your email address and phone number. So, why not set up a dedicated email just for ChatGPT? And keep your shared personal details to a minimum. That way, the questions you ask or content you share can’t be associated with your identity. And always use a pseudonym to mask your true identity.

4. Commit To Staying Up To Date

Whether it’s ChatGPT or Google’s Bard, it’s imperative that you stay up to date with the company’s privacy and data retention policies, so you understand how your data is managed. Find out how long your conversations will be stored for before they are anonymised or deleted and who your details could potentially be shared with.

So, if you’re looking for a recipe for dinner, ideas for an upcoming birthday party or help with a love letter, by all means get ChatGPT working for you. However, use a dedicated email address, don’t store your conversations and NEVER share sensitive information in the chat box. But if you need help with a confidential or sensitive issue, then maybe find another alternative. Why not phone a friend – on an encrypted app, of course!!

The post ChatGPT’s Impact on Privacy and How to Protect Yourself appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Best Way to Stay Safe While Gaming

When my boys were in the thick of their teen years (pre pandemic), bad mouthing their seeming gaming obsession was almost a sport amongst my mum friends. And it would sound something like this: 

‘They just waste so much time on those stupid games’. ‘No matter what I try, I just can’t seem to get them off that silly Xbox’. ‘Can you believe they want to spend all their pocket money on the new version of COD?’ ‘I am so close to throwing all their gaming stuff in the bin!!’ 

Fast forward to life post pandemic and I think it’s fair to say that most of us have changed our attitude around gaming. There is no doubt that gaming helped many of us survive the incredible loneliness that resulted from protracted quarantine periods and seemingly endless lockdowns. It took just a few days of lockdown for things to change real fast in our house: daily gaming time caps were scrapped; screen time limits became a thing of history as survival became our top priority! 

Exactly How Much Gaming Is Happening In Australia? 

But now that life has returned to our ‘new normal’, have our gaming habits and attitudes really changed? Well, a 2022 report, entitled Digital Australia, has done a deep-dive into the gaming lives of Aussies and the insights are quite fascinating. Here are the most interesting takeaways: 

  • 17 million Aussies play games.  
  • 35 years is the age of the average player. 
  • 83 minutes a day is what most players spend gaming. 
  • Gaming is the 2nd most popular ‘online’ household activity after streaming TV and movies. 
  • 36% of participants have made friends through gaming. 
  • 80% of participants believe gaming has a positive effect on their mental health. 
  • 76% of parents play online games with their kids with the majority nominating connection as the motivation. 
  • 2/3 of parents set rules for game play. 
  • 70% of parents use parental controls. 

The Best Way to Stay Safe While Gaming 

So, there’s no doubt that gaming has become both a more regular and widely accepted part of our daily lives. But that doesn’t mean that we can take our eye off the ball. While there is a lot to love about gaming, there are still steps we should all take to ensure the experience is safe and positive for everyone, particularly our kids. Here are my top tips: 

1. Passwords 

If you read my blog regularly, I have no doubt you’re rolling your eyes! Yes, I’m talking about passwords again!! And here’s why – if you (or your kids) use the same password for each of your online accounts and one of those accounts get hacked, then you risk losing control of your entire digital life. Yes, I know it sounds dramatic but that is the reality. The easiest way of avoiding this scenario is by ensuring each of your online accounts, including your gaming accounts, has its own unique password. Now remember, passwords need to be at least 10 characters, have a combination of numbers, symbols and upper and lower-case letters and have no connection to anything about you at all. I’m a fan of a long, nonsensical sentence but, I’m an even bigger fan of a password manager that can both create and remember these unique passwords for you. Check out McAfee+ – it will make your life so much easier! 

2. Consider a VPN  

Keeping your location on the ‘down low’ when you game online is an important way of securing your privacy and a Virtual Private Network (or VPN) can do that. When you connect using a VPN, your location is concealed making it impossible for hackers or stalky types to find you. A VPN can also protect you against DDoS attacks which can be used by gaming opponents when the competition stakes are high! McAfee’s True Protection security software offers a VPN, check it out here. 

3. Say Yes To Two Factor Authentication 

‘Yes please’ needs to be the answer if your online gamer is offered 2-factor or multi factor authentication from a game or distributor. This adds another layer of security by adding an additional stage to the login process. Usually, a code will be sent to an email address or mobile phone number that needs to be entered before the user can access their account. And it appears as though distributors are getting behind player security with some games even offering in-game rewards to those who sign up for it. How good! 

4. Only Download Games (and Cheats) From Reputable Sources – No Exceptions! 

Scammers know we love gaming, so they have spent much energy creating websites that offer free downloads of the most popular online games. But unfortunately, visitors to these websites won’t be getting free games anytime soon as these websites are all about extracting vital personal information from gaming hungry types. So, ensure your kids understand this and that it is essential that they only download games, third-party add-ons, or cheat codes from reputable sites otherwise they risk introducing viruses or game malware into their beloved machines. 

5. Choosing The Right Games 

If you’ve got kids, then helping them choose the right games to play is essential. Instead of taking an authoritarian approach here, why not think of it as a collaboration? Ask them to do some research on the games they would like to play and ask them to include the recommended age, an overview of the content & whether there are privacy settings available. I then suggest reviewing the list together to see whether the potential games are good for problem solving skills, creativity, or purely social interactions. I also recommend checking out the Australian Classification Board’s review of potential games plus top notch digital parenting sites like Common Sense Media before making your final decision. 

Without doubt, the best way you can keep your kids safe while online gaming is to ensure the lines of communication are open and clear. If they know they can come to you if they experience an issue while gaming (and that you won’t immediately punish them and ack away the Xbox) then you’re ahead. Not sure how to kick start the communication? How about a family session on the Xbox. I promise, it will be time well spent! 

Happy digital parenting! 


The post The Best Way to Stay Safe While Gaming appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Online Banking – The Safe Way

If you’ve got teens, then no doubt you’ve received the SOS texts. ‘Mum, I need a haircut, can you just spot me $30?’ or ‘I’ve just finished footy and I’m starving, can you transfer me some money?’. Where would the modern parent be without online banking? How did our non-digital forefathers ever cope??

Online banking is just so convenient and basically a necessity of modern life. If you’ve recently tried to conduct a transaction at a branch, then you’ll know exactly what I mean. One of my boys recently tried to set up a new account at a local banking branch and they were told to come back the following day. Instead, we went home and did it online in less than 20 minutes!

Aussie banks are world class at implementing a range of security measures to keep our banking safe however there are still things we can do to avoid our banking details getting into the hands of hackers. But many of us just assume that ‘all is well’ – our banking apps work seamlessly, so why do we need to worry? And that’s where many come unstuck. If it doesn’t appear to be broken, why do we need to fix it? Well, being ahead of the risks is how you keep yourself safe, my friends. So, here are my top tips to ensure all your family members are banking online in the securest way possible.

1. Ensure You Are Using Legit Banking Apps

If you’re changing banks or helping your child set up their online banking, it’s essential that you download your bank’s official app. Imitations do exist! Ideally, download the app from the bank’s website however if this isn’t an option use a genuine app store like Apple’s AppStore or Google Play for Android devices. And always verify the app is legitimate by checking the developer details and reading the reviews.

Budgeting or financial management apps are an incredibly popular way to help manage finances, but you need to be cautious here too as many will require you to share your banking logins. Always check the app’s reviews, its history of data breaches and its security policies before you download.

2. Ensure your Passwords are Long, Strong and Unique

Using the name of your puppy, your kids or worse still, your birthday, is one of the fastest ways of getting your banking details into the hands of hackers. Passwords need to have no connection to any part of your life, should never be stored in your banking app or anywhere on your phone and NEVER, EVER written on the back of your debit card!! Here are my top tips:

Make them long – choose a phrase instead of just 1 word. I love a nonsensical sentence with at least 10 characters.

Always include lower and uppercase letters, a number or 2 and a few symbols.

Every online account needs its own unique password – no exceptions.

Put a reminder in your calendar to update your passwords regularly – at least every 3-6 months.

All sounds too hard? Try a password manager that will not only create complex passwords that no human could ever think of, but it will also remember then for you. Check out McAfee +,  complete no brainer!

3. Say No to Public Wi-Fi

Geez, public Wi-Fi is convenient, particularly if you are travelling. But, using it to undertake any banking or financial dealings is just too risky in, my opinion. Why? I hear you ask. Well, there are many ways hackers can hack public Wi-Fi, let me share a few:

‘Evil twin’ attack. This is when hackers set up malicious hotspots with seemingly logical and trustworthy names eg ‘Free Café Wi-Fi’. But as soon as you connect, they can easily get their hands on your data.

Man-in-the-middle attack (MitM). This is when hackers break into a network and eavesdrop on data as it travels between connected devices and the Wi-Fi router. For example, your online banking password!

Password cracking attack. Scammers use software that automatically tries a huge volume of usernames and passwords so they can control the router. And once they’ve gained control, they can dupe you into downloading malicious software (that could steal your identity) or redirects you to a webpage that phishes for your personal information.

If you don’t think you can possibly survive without public Wi-fi then you need to invest in a VPN that will ensure everything you share is protected.

4. Activate Two Factor Authentication

If your bank offers two-factor authentication to its customers, then your answer needs to be ‘yes please’! Two-factor authentication or multi factor authentication adds another layer of verification to your banking which minimises the chances of hacker causing you harm. If you’ve activated it, you’ll be asked to provide another piece of information after you’ve entered your login details. Usually a special code, this may be delivered to you via an app, text message or even an automated phone call.

5. Request Alerts From Your Bank

It will take just a few minutes to ring your bank and request to be notified when an activity occurs on your account. Every bank will manage this differently, however most banks can alert you on request via email or text if the following occur:

  • Low or high balances
  • New credit and debit transactions
  • New linked external accounts
  • Failed login attempts
  • Password changes
  • Personal information updates

And if anything at all seems a little fishy, contact your bank immediately!

Unfortunately, few things are guaranteed in life and that includes your online safety. And whether you’re an online banking fan or not, opting out isn’t really an option. So, take some time to tighten up your online banking. Only use legit apps; change your passwords so they are long, strong and complex; invest in a VPN so you can use public Wi-Fi and say yes to two-factor authentication. You’ve got this!

Happy banking!!


The post Online Banking – The Safe Way appeared first on McAfee Blog.

5 Minute Parent’s Guide to Social Media

The time has come. Your kids are chafing at the bit to get on social media and you can no longer hold them back. But you’re terrified. ‘What if they say the wrong thing? What if they meet some unsavoury types or worst case, what if they get bullied?’ I hear you – everything you are concerned about is completely normal and totally valid. But this is not the time to put your head in the sand people, tempting as it is.  

So, make yourself a cuppa. I’m going to run you through the basics so you can get your offspring (and yourself) through this quite significant moment in the best shape possible. 

How Old Does My Child Need To Be? 

Ah, such a tricky question!! While there is no specific Aussie law that dictates the minimum age kids need to be to join social media, most social media platforms require their users to be 13 years old to set up an account. This is a result of a US federal law, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) , which affects any social media platform that US citizens can join. So, therefore it affects nearly all social media platforms worldwide. 

But let’s keep it real – most kids join before they are 13. Some do with the consent of their parents, but many don’t. So, if your kids are consulting you on their move into social media, then pat yourself on the back. You’ve done a great job in keeping the lines of communication open and staying relevant. But if yours just charged ahead without involving you (like some of mine did) then it’s still not too late to be part of their journey. 

In my opinion, there is no simple answer. A one size fits all approach doesn’t work here. Some kids mature faster than their peers, others may have a bigger dose of emotional intelligence and instinctively understand the ramifications of poor online behaviour. Some kids are more resilient and robust while others are more sensitive. There are so many things to consider when advising but ultimately, this is your call as a parent. 

How Can I Keep Them Safe? 

This is where many of us can come unstuck because it can feel so overwhelming knowing where to start. But don’t worry – I’ve got you. I’m going to give you 5 things that you can action that will make a huge difference to your kids’ online safety. And these strategies are relevant to all of us parents – regardless of whether your kids are new to social media or old hands! 

1. Communication, Communication, Communication 

I can’t stress enough just how important it is to have real conversations with your kids about all aspects of their lives, including the digital part. Asking them what they do online, why they like a certain app and who they play online games with are just some of the ways of starting a conversation. I am also a fan of sharing details of your online life with them too. Whether its sharing new apps with my kids, funny posts, or relevant news articles, I think if I regularly demonstrate that I get social media then I generate a little ‘tech cred’. And when you’ve got ‘tech cred’, they are more likely to come to you when things aren’t going swimmingly. And that’s exactly what we want as parents! 

2. Create a Family Digital Contract 

I love the idea of a clear contract between parents and kids that details your expectations about their online behaviour and technology use. It’s a great way of developing a set of guidelines that will help them navigate some of the risks and challenges associated with being online. Now, this agreement should be a family exercise so ensure your kids are invested in the process too. If you want a starting point, check out this one from The Modern Parent here 

3. Passwords

Without a doubt, one of the most powerful ways to stay safe online is to ensure you have super duper passwords for each of your online accounts. So, take some time to ensure your kids have got this covered. Every online account needs its own individual password that should have no link to your child’s name, school, family, or favourite pet. I’m a big fan of a crazy sentence – I find they are easier to remember. If you include at least one capital letter, a few numbers, and symbols then you’re doing well. Password managers can be a great way of remembering and also generating complex passwords. These can be a godsend when your list of online accounts grows. All you need to do is remember the master password. How good! 

And ensure they know to NEVER share passwords. Tell them that passwords are like toothbrushes – never to be shared! That always worked with my boys! 

4. Turn Privacy Settings On 

Unless you are proactive, privacy settings on social media platforms will remain on the default setting which usually means public. Now, this means that anyone who has access to the internet can view the posts and photos that you share whether you want them to or not. Now, this is not ideal for anyone but particularly not a young tween who is trying to find their feet online.  

So, take some time to help your kids turn activate the privacy settings on all their online accounts. Turning their profile to private will give them more control over who can see their content and what people can tag them in. 

5. Get Technology Working for You 

There is some amazing technology that can really help you, help your kids stay safe. Installing security software on your kids’ devices is essential. McAfee+, McAfee’s new ‘all in one’ privacy, identity and device protection is a fantastic way to ensure all your family members are protected online. It features identity monitoring and a password manager but also an unlimited VPN, a file shredder, protection score and parental controls. A complete no brainer! 

What Happens If Something Goes Wrong? 

My absolute hope is that your kids’ social media career is smooth sailing. However, with four kids of my own, I know that curveballs and challenges are often inevitable. But if you’ve developed an open line of communication with your kids and possibly even generated a little ‘tech cred’, then it is likely they will reach out to you if things go awry.  

Depending on the issue they are experiencing, you may just need to talk them through the situation. Perhaps they need help understanding they should have expressed something in a less inflammatory way or that they may be over-reacting to a comment. It may be helpful for you to work with them to develop an action plan or formulate a response to someone who is perhaps being a bit tricky. 

But if they have experienced behaviour that you consider to be unacceptable, then you may need to take further action. I always recommend taking screen shots of concerning behaviour online. These may be important if you need to take further action down the track. Once you’ve taken screen shots, then block the person who is causing your child grief. You can also report the behaviour to the social media platform. If the perpetrator goes to the same school as your child, then I would approach the school and ask them to assist. If the situation is super serious, you can always report it to the Office of our ESafety Commissioner in Australia or the Police who can both work with social media platforms.  

Congratulations! You have completed the basic course in social media parenting. I know letting them go can feel quite terrifying, but I know that if you cover off the basics and keep talking to them, then you’re setting them up for success online. 

Over to you now, mum and dad! 

Good luck! 

Alex 😊 

The post 5 Minute Parent’s Guide to Social Media appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Is My Child Being Cyberbullied Or Is It Just Banter?

If you were to ask me what I consider to be the most attractive attribute in a person, it would be kindness but only closely followed by a sense of humour. There’s something about somebody who can tell a funny story that I just love. And humour can be a great bonding experience for us humans. Laughing over a funny video or sharing a hilarious story is pure friendship gold! But humour can often be murky territory online. 

Kids Love Humour 

One of my favourite things about being a mum of boys is the jokes. My boys can make me laugh till I cry. And the jokes and banter they share amongst themselves warms my heart. Sometimes it feels like slapstick comedy other times its brutal and direct and often a little cheeky. Over the years, ‘safe’ boundaries have been developed for their banter so that no-one gets hurt. But it hasn’t always been perfect. It takes a certain level of maturity and a healthy dose of empathy to know where to draw the line with your humour and, unfortunately, not everyone gets this right. 

When Is a Joke Just a Joke 

All friends will joke around with each other, and our tweens and teens are no exception. Whether it’s sharing comments on funny memes or TikTok’s or leaving witty comments on each other’s online posts, online banter can be quite the demonstration of friendship and connection.  

But sometimes it is hard to tell if someone is just having fun or trying to ridicule or make fun of another online. Without being able to see someone’s face and read their body language in person, the joker’s intention can often be ambiguous. It may be laughed off with a ‘just kidding’ or ‘relax, you’re too serious’. And so, here we are in the grey area. One of the most common questions I am asked by parents is how to differentiate between jokes and cyberbullying online. And my answer is simple. 

If you feel hurt by a joke or think others are laughing at you (instead of with you) then the joke has gone too far. Yes, we all have different levels of sensitivity but if you are offended then it’s time to take some action. Now, if it continues after asking for it to stop and you are still feeling upset then this is bullying.  

It really is simple – a joke is intended to be humorous without causing harm whereas bullying is intended to cause harm to others. And, of course jokes can sometimes go too far but in most cases an apology and an explanation can remedy any hurt.  

When To Take A Stand 

Navigating friendships when you’re in thick of being a teenager can be really tough for some kids particularly those who aren’t as mature or worldly as others. Kids who are a little younger or less experienced with life may feel that they are on the outskirts of their social group. And in my experience, this can be a tough place to be. Regardless of how many times we tell our kids that being popular or accepted doesn’t matter, when you’re 15 it really can. So, if your shy 15-year-old receives a joking message from a kid at school (who he’d like to be friends with) that upsets him, do you need to take action? Or will it jeopardise any chance your child might have to be friends with this child? 

I always like to give a person the benefit of the doubt. So, my advice here would be to continue to monitor the situation. If your child receives additional messages that upset him, then he needs to ask the ‘joker’ to stop. Some kids would be OK to manage this themselves while others might need some help. If they need help, I suggest contacting the school or sporting club that your kids have in common and asking them to intervene. Do not contact the child directly yourself. 

Teach Your Kids What To Do If They Are Cyberbullied 

One of the best things you can do for your kids is ensure they know what to do if they are on the receiving end of behaviour online that they find upsetting. Even if it doesn’t qualify as cyberbullying, having an action plan can empower them. Here’s what I suggest: 

  1. If appropriate, ask the bully or ‘joker’ to stop. If the behaviour continues, then proceed to next step. 
  2. Collect evidence – take screen shots of all communication. 
  3. Block the perpetrator – show your kids how to use these features. 
  4. Talk to a trusted adult – parent, teacher or family member. 
  5. Involve the school or sporting club, if appropriate. 
  6. If no luck with the school, report the incident to The Office of the eSafety Commissioner. They can work to have offensive material and cyberbullying situations addressed. 

It’s often hard to know when to get involved in your teens’ battles. At the end of the day, our job is to help our kids grow into independent adults. But when your gut tells you things are not right then it’s time to start investigating. Insomnia, anxiety, refusing to go to school and a change in the way they use their devices, are all signs they maybe on the receiving end of aggressive online behaviour. And remember, you know your kids better than anyone! 

Till Next Time 

Stay Safe Online 

Alex 🙂 

The post Is My Child Being Cyberbullied Or Is It Just Banter? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How To Be Safe On WhatsApp

I’m betting you have WhatsApp on your phone. Or, if you don’t – I’m quite sure a member of your family would. As the most popular messaging app in the world with 2 billion active monthly users, it’s clearly a favourite for many of us who want to keep in contact with both our Apple and Android friends in a safe and encrypted fashion. 

My relationship with WhatsApp was a slow burn. I discovered it a few years back when it became apparent that group messages to a close cluster of girlfriends weren’t being received by my Android pals. WhatsApp solved that problem instantly. But then over several years, I realized it solved quite a few other pesky problems namely expensive and tricky phone calls when travelling overseas and my frustration at not being able to send a message to a large group of people. I became a fan girl! 

But it hasn’t always been smooth sailing for WhatsApp users, over the years there have been scams including the 10th birthday scam where users were offered the chance to win 1000GB of free data and most recently the ‘mum and dad’ scam. There was also a wave of controversy in 2021, when new WhatsApp owner, Meta, introduced a new Privacy Policy which had a swathe of users concerned that it would share data with Facebook. Many of us threatened not to sign however if we didn’t – we couldn’t use it! So, we all agreed, somewhat reluctantly in the name of convenience and moved on. 

WhatsApp Offers Rolls Royce Encryption But Is It Enough? 

WhatsApp’s default end-to-end encryption sets it apart from other messaging apps and is another one of my favourite features. But what does that actually mean? In short, it means that your messages can only be read on the recipient’s phone. Likewise, video and audio calls can only be answered by the intended receiver. WhatsApp encrypts every message sent on its platform which means the only people who can decode it are the sender and the receiver. WhatsApp can’t access anything you share and nor could a hacker if they were to intercept a message. Love end-to-end encryption! 

But this doesn’t mean that there are no risks using WhatsApp. Like all online platforms, staying ahead of the risks is the smartest way of ensuring you have the best experience. And there are several steps you can take to stay ahead of the threats on WhatsApp. Here are my top tips: 

My Top Tips To Stay Safe While Using WhatsApp 

1. Turn On Automatic Updates 

Keeping your WhatsApp software up to date is essential as updates will almost always include fixes or ‘patches’ for new vulnerabilities and threats. Why not automate them to ensure that this happens? This means you won’t be at risk if you forget to update the software yourself. 

2. Be Careful What You Share 

Never ever share personal data or crucial financial information on the app, in case your device ends up in the wrong hands or it becomes infected with spyware or malware. And this goes for any app – keep your personal information nice and tight.  

3. Protect Your Device From Spyware 

To prevent your device from becoming compromised by malicious software, ensure your device has some super-duper mobile security software. McAfee’s Mobile Security software, available for both iOS and Android, will protect devices of all types from cyberthreats. 

4. Ignore Suspicious Messages 

As anyone can message anyone on WhatsApp, it’s inevitable you may receive some random or suspicious looking messages. Always err on the side of caution and do not respond to direct messages from people you don’t know. If you receive a promotional offer from a company that is quite tempting, go directly to their website to confirm. Scammers will often send out 1000’s of emails with a tempting offer and link to a malicious website in the hope that someone will ‘bite’. Don’t be caught in a phishing scam! 

5. Add a Pin Number 

Enabling 2 factor authentication is one the best ways to secure your WhatsApp account and ensure a hacker can’t download your account on their phone. Without your 6-digit pin number, a hacker can’t get into your account, even if they get their hands on the SMS code they need to activate your account on another device. And it takes 30 seconds to set up!  

6. Be Aware Of The Most Common WhatsApp Hacking Strategy 

If you haven’t set up your 6-digit pin, then you are at risk at being ‘socially hacked’. This is how it works: a hacker, who has hijacked one of your friend’s accounts, will message you asking for the 6-digit code that’s just been sent to your account. They will say it’s meant for them. And as you ‘know’ this person, you are likely to send that code straight through without even questioning them. But in fact, the 6-digit code in question has been requested by the hacker for your account, so the minute you share it – you will be immediately locked out! So, never ever share your 6-digit code with anyone. No-one will ever have a legitimate reason to request it.   

But please don’t let these risks put you off this fantastic messaging app. I’m a big believer in understanding the challenges so you can prepare yourself, go ahead and enjoy! And I haven’t even touched on some of the more fun aspects of the app – the stickers & the status updates – they can be quite the conversation starter! So go ahead and enjoy but just make sure you’ve done your homework!! 

Stay safe everyone! 


The post How To Be Safe On WhatsApp appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What Parents Need To Know About TikTok’s New Screen Time Limits

Social media platforms often get a hard time by us parents. But a recent announcement by TikTok of industry first screen time limits might just be enough to win you over. On March 1, the social media platform announced that it will automatically impose a 60-minute daily screen time limit to every account belonging to a user that is under the age of 18. How good??  

I hear what you’re thinking – maybe we can cross TikTok off our list of social media platforms that we need to get our head around? But no, my friends – not so fast! Tik Tok’s new screen time limits are all about parental involvement – which is why I am a fan! So, buckle-up because if you have an under 18 on TikTok (and you’re committed to their digital well-being) then my prediction is that you’ll soon know more about this social media platform than you even thought was possible!  

How Do The New Screen Time Limits Work? 

Over the coming weeks, every account that belongs to an under 18-year-old will automatically be set to a 60-minute daily screen time limit. Once they’ve clocked up an hour of scrolling, teens will be asked to enter a passcode, which TikTok will supply, to keep using the platform. TikTok refers to this as an ‘active decision’.  

So, clearly this isn’t quite the silver bullet to all your screen time worries as teens can choose to opt out of the 60-minute limits. But if they do choose to opt out and then spend more than 100 minutes a day on the platform, they will be prompted to set a daily screen time limit. ‘Will that actually do anything?’ – I hear you say. Well, in the first month of testing this approach, TikTok found that this strategy resulted in a 234% increase in the use of its screen time management tools – a move in the right direction! 

But Wait, There’s More… 

But here’s the part I love the most: TikTok offers Family Pairing which allows you to link your child’s account to yours. And as soon as you enable Family Pairing, your teen is no longer in control of their own screen time.  

Now, don’t get me wrong – I am not a fan of the authoritarian approach when it comes to all things tech. I do prefer a consultative ‘let’s work together’ vibe. However, TikTok’s move to involve parents in making decisions about their child’s screen time means that families will need to talk digital wellbeing more than ever before and here’s why… 

Within the Family Pairings settings, parents are able to set screen time limits based on the day of the week which means homework and holidays can be worked around. There is also a dashboard that shows your child’s screen time usage, the number of times the app was opened plus a breakdown of time spent during the day and night. Now, with all this control and information, you’ll be in quite the powerful position so be prepared to be sold hard by your teen on many the benefits of TikTok!  

Maybe It’s Time for A Family Digital Contract? 

For years I have been a fan of creating a Family Digital Contract which means you get to outline your family’s expectations around technology use. Now the agreement can include time spent online, the sites that can be visited and even the behaviour you expect of your child when they are online. So, if your kids are avid TikTok users then I highly recommend you do this ASAP. Check out the Family Safety Agreement from the Family Online Safety Institute as a starting point but I always recommend tailoring it to suit the needs of your own tribe.   

But let’s keep it real – your kids are not always going to comply, remember how you pushed the boundaries when you were young?? And that’s OK if they understand why their actions weren’t ideal and you have a suitable level of confidence that they will get back on track. However, if you have concerns that they need an additional level of structure to ensure their digital wellbeing remains intact then that’s when TikTok’s Family Pairing can work a treat! 

It’s no secret that social media can be incredibly captivating, possibly even addicting, for so many. And it’s not just TikTok – Instagram, Facebook even Twitter has all been designed to give us regular hits of dopamine with each scroll, like and post. And while I know that parental controls are only one part of the solution, they can be very handy if you need to bring your tween’s usage under control. 

Remember, Conversations Are King! 

But when all is said and done, please remember that the strength of your relationship with your child is the best way of keeping them safe online and their wellbeing intact. If your kids know that they can come to you about any issue at all – and that you will always have their back – then you’re winning!!  

So, be interested in their life – both online and offline – ask questions – who do they hang with? How do they spend their time? And remember to share your online experience with them too – get yourself a little ‘tech’ cred – because I promise they will be more likely to come to you when there is a problem. 

‘Till next time – keep talking!! 

Alex 😊 

The post What Parents Need To Know About TikTok’s New Screen Time Limits appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What Parents Need To Know About TikTok’s New Screen Time Limits

Social media platforms often get a hard time by us parents. But a recent announcement by TikTok of industry first screen time limits might just be enough to win you over. On March 1, the social media platform announced that it will automatically impose a 60-minute daily screen time limit to every account belonging to a user that is under the age of 18. How good??  

I hear what you’re thinking – maybe we can cross TikTok off our list of social media platforms that we need to get our head around? But no, my friends – not so fast! Tik Tok’s new screen time limits are all about parental involvement – which is why I am a fan! So, buckle-up because if you have an under 18 on TikTok (and you’re committed to their digital well-being) then my prediction is that you’ll soon know more about this social media platform than you even thought was possible!  

How Do The New Screen Time Limits Work? 

Over the coming weeks, every account that belongs to an under 18-year-old will automatically be set to a 60-minute daily screen time limit. Once they’ve clocked up an hour of scrolling, teens will be asked to enter a passcode, which TikTok will supply, to keep using the platform. TikTok refers to this as an ‘active decision’.  

So, clearly this isn’t quite the silver bullet to all your screen time worries as teens can choose to opt out of the 60-minute limits. But if they do choose to opt out and then spend more than 100 minutes a day on the platform, they will be prompted to set a daily screen time limit. ‘Will that actually do anything?’ – I hear you say. Well, in the first month of testing this approach, TikTok found that this strategy resulted in a 234% increase in the use of its screen time management tools – a move in the right direction! 

But Wait, There’s More… 

But here’s the part I love the most: TikTok offers Family Pairing which allows you to link your child’s account to yours. And as soon as you enable Family Pairing, your teen is no longer in control of their own screen time.  

Now, don’t get me wrong – I am not a fan of the authoritarian approach when it comes to all things tech. I do prefer a consultative ‘let’s work together’ vibe. However, TikTok’s move to involve parents in making decisions about their child’s screen time means that families will need to talk digital wellbeing more than ever before and here’s why… 

Within the Family Pairings settings, parents are able to set screen time limits based on the day of the week which means homework and holidays can be worked around. There is also a dashboard that shows your child’s screen time usage, the number of times the app was opened plus a breakdown of time spent during the day and night. Now, with all this control and information, you’ll be in quite the powerful position so be prepared to be sold hard by your teen on many the benefits of TikTok!  

Maybe It’s Time for A Family Digital Contract? 

For years I have been a fan of creating a Family Digital Contract which means you get to outline your family’s expectations around technology use. Now the agreement can include time spent online, the sites that can be visited and even the behaviour you expect of your child when they are online. So, if your kids are avid TikTok users then I highly recommend you do this ASAP. Check out the Family Safety Agreement from the Family Online Safety Institute as a starting point but I always recommend tailoring it to suit the needs of your own tribe.   

But let’s keep it real – your kids are not always going to comply, remember how you pushed the boundaries when you were young?? And that’s OK if they understand why their actions weren’t ideal and you have a suitable level of confidence that they will get back on track. However, if you have concerns that they need an additional level of structure to ensure their digital wellbeing remains intact then that’s when TikTok’s Family Pairing can work a treat! 

It’s no secret that social media can be incredibly captivating, possibly even addicting, for so many. And it’s not just TikTok – Instagram, Facebook even Twitter has all been designed to give us regular hits of dopamine with each scroll, like and post. And while I know that parental controls are only one part of the solution, they can be very handy if you need to bring your tween’s usage under control. 

Remember, Conversations Are King! 

But when all is said and done, please remember that the strength of your relationship with your child is the best way of keeping them safe online and their wellbeing intact. If your kids know that they can come to you about any issue at all – and that you will always have their back – then you’re winning!!  

So, be interested in their life – both online and offline – ask questions – who do they hang with? How do they spend their time? And remember to share your online experience with them too – get yourself a little ‘tech’ cred – because I promise they will be more likely to come to you when there is a problem. 

‘Till next time – keep talking!! 

Alex 😊 

The post What Parents Need To Know About TikTok’s New Screen Time Limits appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How You May be Sharing Private Information Online Without Even Knowing

When I started my job as Cybermum – over 10 years ago – it was quite common to strategise ways to prevent your private information appearing online. But those days have long gone. Unless you have been living off the grid and opted out of life completely, having an online presence is now essential. Whether you’re paying bills, booking appointments or renewing your insurance premiums, many companies have made it almost impossible to conduct your business in person, forcing even the most reluctant of us online. 

Now, many of us consider ourselves to be proactive in managing just what we share online by using VPNs, not always setting up accounts with online stores and ensuring our social media privacy settings are nice and tight. But unfortunately, managing your privacy online is more complicated than that. In fact, most of us maybe sharing our private information online every day without even knowing. So, in the spirit of keeping you safe – here are three different areas that I suggest you focus on to ensure you know exactly where you are sharing your private information 

1. Your Everyday Browsing 

Every time you visit an online site, send an email, search for information or basically do anything online, multiple parties collect this information. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP), Wi-Fi network administrator, operating system e.g. Windows or iOS, search engine plus the websites and apps you use will all keep a record of what’s you’re up to – even if you are in Incognito Mode! 

This information is often gathered using cookies – small files that are placed on your device by the website that you visit. These are created whenever you visit a website, and they contain data about your visit. Some websites are required by law to advise you if and when they use cookies but if you choose to reject cookies, your browsing experience can become really clunky. 

What each of these parties does with your private information varies. Your ISP, for example, can easily put together a pretty accurate profile based on your searching, location and downloads and link this to your IP (unique) address. This data can be held for years – subject to your country’s laws and could potentially be used for surveillance, policing and even advertising.  

Now I appreciate that my ISP is required to collect information for the greater good but I am far less comfortable when search engines, websites and apps collect my private data. Since the Cambridge Analytica Scandal of 2018, the industry has definitely had a shake-up however this can still be a risky business.  

How To Stay Safe 

  • Consider using a VPN to ensure the private information you share online is encrypted and protected. 
  • Refrain from setting up accounts on every website you visit. Buy items as a guest to avoid creating login details. 
  • Consider a search engine that doesn’t collect and store your information. And there are loads of more ‘privacy focussed’ options to choose from. Check out DuckDuckGo – a website that doesn’t profile users or track or sell your information to third parties.  
  • Never download apps from unknown sources. They may be designed to mine your personal information. Only download apps from reputable sources e.g. App Store for Apple or the Google Play store for Android devices.  
  • Always read reviews to see if anyone has had a problem with an app and always check the fine print before you download.

2. Adware 

You know those annoying pop-up adds that just randomly appear on your devices? Well – that’s adware, software that is designed to generate revenue through advertisements. Many of us download it without knowing – you may have downloaded a free program or app without realising it contained bonus adware software. Alternatively, hackers can insert it into your system by exploiting a vulnerability in your software – that’s why you need to keep all your software updated! 

And while those pop-ups can be super irritating what you really need to worry about is that adware can compromise your online privacy. Adware is designed to track your search and browsing history so it can display ads that are most relevant to you. And once the adware developer has your location and browser history, they are likely to sell this info to a third party, making themselves a nice, tidy profit – all without you even knowing!! 

How To Stay Safe 

  • Use a super-duper internet security software like McAfee’s Total Protection that will identify and remove adware.  
  • Keep your software and operating systems updates to prevent hackers from introducing adware into your system. 
  • Phishing emails are a renowned source of adware links – never open links in an email if you aren’t 100% sure it’s safe. 

3. AutoFill 

When I first discovered autofill, I was hooked! No need to tediously enter your name, address, telephone number- even credit card – every time you need it! How good?? But I have since learnt that having autofill enabled on your computer means your personal information is at risk of being hacked. Cybercrims have mastered the art of capturing our credentials by tricking browsers to share our personal details and here’s how: unsuspecting people are lured to a compromised website that has an invisible form. Autofill identifies that there is a form on the site and then gives up your private information allowing the hacker to collect your credentials. 

My Top Tips 

  • Disable auto-fill – yes it’s convenient but it’s just too risky. Here’s some advice on how to make that happen. 
  • Use a Safe Search service to ensure you don’t get involved in fraudulent websites. Check out McAfee’s WebAdvisor – it’s free! 

Not sure whether it’s worth the effort? Well, let me make it simple – if you want to lock down your online identity to ensure your financial health and reputation aren’t compromised then you need to do something very soon! Imagine losing your hard-earned savings or having your Instagram account hacked and your reputation compromised? Not fun at all – so it’s time to take action, my friends. 

Stay Safe 


The post How You May be Sharing Private Information Online Without Even Knowing appeared first on McAfee Blog.

A Parent’s Guide to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is, without doubt, the biggest tech story of the year. It’s created debate in schools and universities, made history by being the fastest ever growing app in history and even caused Google to issue a Code Red! But if you haven’t heard anything about it or still can’t get your head around it then I’ve got you! Keep reading because I’ve put together a ‘cheat sheet’ to help get you up to speed plus some pointers on how to manage this intriguing technology and your kids. 

So, what is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is an online software program that uses a new form of artificial intelligence – generative artificial intelligence – to provide human style responses to a broad array of requests. And let me assure you, its responses are much less robotic and far more intelligent sounding that earlier iterations of artificial intelligence. Whether you need a recipe formulated, poetry written, tips for your next party or text translated, ChatGPT can assist. Think of it as Google but on steroids. But instead of overwhelming you with 1000’s of search results, it summarises them in a conversational form.  

It was developed by San Francisco startup OpenAI, which was co-founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman in 2015. Like all new startups, it also has a host of investors in tow but Microsoft is without a doubt, the biggest. 

When I asked ChatGPT to describe itself, it replied: 

ChatGPT is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. It’s based on the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) architecture, which is one of the largest and most advanced language models in existence. The model has been trained on a massive corpus of text data from the internet, allowing it to generate human-like responses to a wide range of topics and questions. It can be used to power various applications such as chatbots, language translation, content generation, and more. 

Let me simplify – ChatGPT uses generative artificial intelligence to provide ‘human style’ content, language translation, summarisation ability and search engine results within seconds. It can solve maths questions, write jokes, develop a resume and cover letter, write code and even help you prepare for a job interview. 

How Does It Work? 

ChatGPT is powered by a large language model, or LLM, meaning it’s programmed to understand human language and create responses based on large quantities of data. It has the ability to remember or ‘log’ context from a user’s previous message and use it to create responses later in the conversation, giving it a human-like feel. 

How Popular is it? 

Just five days after its release, ChapGPT had signed up 1 million users, according to a tweet by OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman. In just two months, it had amassed a whopping 100 million monthly active users making it the fastest growing application in history. And just to give you some context, it took TikTok nine months to reach 100 million users and two and half years for Instagram. 

Without doubt, the main reasons for its popularity is the ease of access and its seemingly endless scope of ability. It’s super easy to use – once you’ve set up an account, it’s as simple as typing in your request or question into the text box. And there is no minimum age required for users – unlike many other social media platforms. And because it can assist with any issue from writing a legal brief to answering questions to providing companionship in almost 100 languages, a lot of us could easily find a way to use it in our day-to-day lives. 

Some experts believe that the timing of ChatGPT is another reason for its success. It’s widely known that the Renaissance period followed The Black Death in the 14th Century so ChatGPT could have arrived at a time in history when creativity is surging after 2-3 very long and hard years of living with Covid. 

How Much Does It Cost? 

ChatGPT is still a free service however recently it has introduced a premium version called ChatGPT Plus. For $US20 per month, users will get access to the chatbot even when demand is high with a faster response speed. Priority access to new features will also be made available to new users. While I have never had an issue gaining access to ChatGPT, even in peak times, friends of mine in the US have had to invest in the paid membership otherwise they have to wait till late in the evening to have their questions answered! 

Does It Have Any Competitors? 

Microsoft recently announced that it will be incorporating some of the ChatGPT functionality into its Bing and Edge search engines but that it will use a next generation OpenAI model that is more powerful than ChatGPT. If you’re a Microsoft customer, keep a watch on your inbox for an invite! 

Google has just unveiled its offering. Called Bard, it’s similar to ChatGPT but the biggest difference is that it will use current information from the web whereas ChatGPT’s data sources are only current as of September 2021 – I did confirm that with my ChatGPT source!! Bard is projected to be ready for use by the end of February 2023. Interestingly, Google was in fact the first to embrace conversational AI through the launch of Lamda (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) in 2021 but it didn’t launch a consumer version which left a wide opening for ChatGPT to be the first offering in the consumer race. 

As a Parent, What Should I Be Concerned About? 

There’s no doubt that ChatGPT will help fuel a curious mind and be a captivating way to spend time online for inquisitive kids however there are a few things us parents need to be aware of to ensure our kids stay as safe as possible. 

1. When ChatGPT Can Do Your Homework 

Without a doubt, using ChatGPT to write your essay, solve a maths problem or translate your French homework, has been the biggest concern for schools, universities, and parents. Some schools have already banned the use of ChatGPT while others are rewriting curriculums to avoid tasks that could be undertaken by ChatGPT.  

However, it appears that these concerns may be managed with the release of new software that can detect work that has been produced by ChatGPT. Stanford University has just released DetectGPT which will help teachers detect work that was created using the ChatGPT chatbot or other similar large language models (LLMs). ChatGPT has also released its own ChatGPT software detection tool however it does refer to it as ‘imperfect’.   

What To Do – Some experts believe we need to work with ChatGPT and that it in fact could be a powerful teaching tool if it’s embraced and used wisely. Regardless of your thoughts on this, I suggest you work closely with your child’s school to understand what their policy is on its use and encourage your kids to follow it accordingly. 

2. Inappropriate Content 

Even though ChatGPT states that its intention is to ‘generate appropriate and informative responses’, there’s no guarantee that this will always happen. I have spent a considerable time trying to catch it out and I am pleased to report that I couldn’t. It appears that there are certain topics it steers away from and that it does seem to have a good set of boundaries about what questions not to answer or topics to not content on, however don’t rely on these! 

What To Do – If you have concerns, ensure your child has supervision when using ChatGPT. 

3. Chat GPT Doesn’t Always Get It Right 

While ChatGPT’s IQ and scope seems limitless, it isn’t perfect. Not only have there been reports of it being factually incorrect when creating content, its data sources are only current as at September 2021. 

What To Do – Double check the content it creates for accuracy but steer your child towards a reliable and safe source for research projects. 

And my final piece of advice – if you haven’t yet used ChatGPT, make yourself a cuppa and give it a whirl. Like everything in the online world, you need to understand how it works if you want to be able to help your kids stay safe. And if you aren’t sure what to ask it – why not a recipe for dinner? Simply enter what you can find in your fridge in the text box and within seconds, you’ll have a recipe! 

Bon Appetit! 


The post A Parent’s Guide to ChatGPT appeared first on McAfee Blog.

When Does My Child Really Need A Phone?

Deciding when to give your child a phone is not an easy task. Should you wait until they start high school or until they catch public transport home alone from school? Or, should 10 be the magic age when they become official phone owners? Or do hold off as long as you can until you can no longer bear their moaning that everyone else has one except for them!! 

How I Made The Decision 

When my boys were younger (and I knew a little less), we had a family ‘understanding’ that when the boys started Year 5, they would receive a (very cheap and likely second hand) phone. Up until Year 5, my boys would go to after-school care. Somehow, turning 10 and entering Middle School meant after-school care wasn’t really that ‘cool’ anymore, so instead they required a phone so they could safely catch the train home by themselves. The fact that they could also use these devices to play games and talk to their friends was of course, only a secondary consideration for them! 😉 

That was how we managed the phone situation but let me assure you, almost every other family we knew had a different approach. Some gifted their offspring the latest iPhones as soon as they were requested, others provided a phone but with no ‘credit’ so the devices could only be used to receive calls. Others chose to wait till Year 7 and beyond and made their kids pay for the phone plan out of their pocket money.  

Now, I’m a big fan of parents choosing what works best – no one knows a child quite like a parent does, right? But the problem is, deciding what’s right can be really overwhelming. So, I’ve put together a list of things to consider when making this all important decision. Once you’ve worked through these points, I am sure you’ll feel more confident to make a decision that works for both you and your child. 

How Responsible and Savvy Is Your Child? 

Having parented 4 very different boys, I am the first to confirm that every child grasps personal responsibility at different stages. Some kids just have a knack for losing things while others have the same lunchbox their entire school career! Some kids just get the consequence of spending money while others spend up big whilst gaming online, blissfully unaware of their bill.  

You child’s digital reputation should also be worth considering when making your decision. Some kids understand that their online behaviour forms a key part of their reputation while others will charge forth in a heated online exchange without thinking.  

I really believe there is a direct link between social smarts and a positive online experience. When a child can read a situation and instinctively know when to shut it down or withdraw, their online experience will be far more rewarding. If your child is slow to catch on to social cues, they may struggle with posting and communicating online.   

Will A Phone Really Help With Safety? 

When I was deliberating about giving my eldest son a phone, he really went hard with the safety argument – knowing it would appeal to my parental anxiety. So, I relented but he had to promise to answer when I called. And he did – usually!! But it’s worth pointing out that a device itself doesn’t guarantee safety. If your kids are travelling home from school, they still need to know how to cross the road, not to talk to strangers and to always lock the front door once home. A phone doesn’t teach this. But I personally did find it handy (and anxiety reducing) to be able to give them a quick call to give them a few reminders and ensure all was well. 

When my younger boys received their phones, tracking apps like Life 360 were available. I know, they are controversial but, personally I found these super helpful. Being able to see where they were after school and to ensure they were heading in the right direction on the train, brought me great comfort to me when I was beating away on my keyboard at work.  

Could A ‘Dumb Phone’ Or Parental Controls Help? 

If, after reading this, you’re thinking that your child really isn’t ready but still love the idea of being able to contact them, why not consider parental controls or a phone with limited features?  

Putting age-appropriate boundaries around what your child does on their device is what parental controls will do. If you decide that you don’t want them to download TikTok, play particular games or view certain categories of websites, then this maybe your answer. You can also choose to set limits on their daily screen time and block out times when their phone can’t be used. Check out McAfee’s SafeFamily parental controls for peace of mind. 

Or, instead, why not make a ‘dumb’ phone their only option? A basic dumb phone lacks the advanced functionality of most smartphones – think phones before the internet. This means you’ll be able to call and text them but will probably be more relaxed knowing they’re not researching the latest fads on TikTok!  

Some companies have designed dumb phones for kids that even have built in parental controls. Open Mobile has a SmartKids Phone with a built-in GPS tracker and SOS button and comes without a camera. It does have internet connectivity but parents can see which apps have been downloaded, restrict specific apps and nominate what days and times apps can be used. A perfect option for a tween or young teenager! 


Now, before making your final decision, I think it’s essential to think about your child’s sense of connectedness. As adults, we all know that being part of a community and ‘belonging’ is critical to mental health and self-worth. And I would not be doing my job if I didn’t remind you of just how fabulous a phone can be for staying in touch with your people. Just take a moment to remember how essential devices were for survival during Covid lockdowns.  

So, over to you mums and dads. This is definitely one of the trickiest decisions you’ll make in your parenting journey but don’t forget that you know your child best. You’ve got this! 

The post When Does My Child Really Need A Phone? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How To Recognize An Online Scam

It’s been a particularly busy and colourful week, scam-wise in our household. Between 4 family members, we’ve received almost 20 texts or emails that we’ve identified as scams. And the range was vast: from poorly written emails offering ‘must have’ shopping deals to terse text messages reprimanding us for overdue tolls plus the classic ‘Dear mum, I’ve smashed my phone’ and everything in between. 

There’s no doubt that scammers are dedicated opportunists who can pivot fast. They can pose as health authorities during a pandemic, charities after a flood or even your next big love on an online dating platform. And it’s this chameleon ability that means we need to always be on red alert! 

How Big An Issue Are Scams in Australia? 

According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Aussies lost a record amount of more than $2 billion in scams in 2021. And that was with record levels of intervention from the government, law enforcement agencies and the private sector. The most lucrative scams were investment scams ($701 million) followed by payment redirection scams ($227 million) and then romance scams which netted a whopping $142 million. 

But the psychological trauma that is often experienced by victims can be equally as devastating. Many individuals will require extensive counselling and support in order to move on from the emotional scarring from being a victim of hacking. 

So, with scammers putting so much energy into trying to lure us into their web, how can we stay one step ahead of these online schemers and ensure we don’t become a victim? 

What You Can Do To Stay Ahead Of The Scammers 

While there are no guarantees in life, there are a few steps you can take so that you can quickly recognise an online scam. 

1. Slow Down 

If you’ve received a text message, email or call that you think is a scam, don’t respond. Take your time. Slow down and pause. If it’s a call, and you’re not sure – hang up! Or if it’s a text or email – delete it! But if you are concerned that it might be legitimate, call the company directly using the contact information from their official website or through their secure apps.  

2. Think First 

If you are being asked to share your personal information or pay money either via a text or phone call, take some time to think. Does it feel legitimate? Do you have a relationship with this organisation? Remember, scammers are very talented at pretending they are from organisations you know and trust. If in doubt, contact the company directly via their official communication channels. Or ask a trusted friend or family member for their input. But remember, NEVER click on any links in messages from people or organisations you don’t know – no exceptions!! 

3. If Concerned, Act Fast!  

Do not hesitate to take action if something feels wrong. If there are any transactions on your credit card or bank statements that don’t look right, call your bank immediately. If you think you may have given personal information to scammers, then act fast. I recommend calling ID Care – Australia and New Zealand’s national identity and cyber support service. They are a not-for-profit charity that provides support to individuals affected by identity and cyber security issues. 

ReportCyber is another way of notifying authorities of a scam. An initiative of the Australian Government and the Australian Cyber Security Centre, it helps authorities investigate and shut down scams. It’s also a good idea to report the scam to Scamwatch – the dedicated scam arm of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). 

4. Get Ahead Of The Scammers 

We’ve all heard that ‘prevention is better than a cure’ so taking some time to protect yourself before a scammer comes your way is a no-brainer. Here are my top 5 things to do: 

  • Ensure all your online accounts have an individual complex password. Use a password manager – they’ll create and remember your passwords. 
  • Add multi-factor authentication whenever possible. This could be a code sent to your phone, a token or a secret question. 
  • Ensure you have security software on all your devices 
  • Close any online accounts you don’t use. It will reduce the probability of being caught in a data breach. 
  • Software updates are an important way of protecting your devices (and private info) from security vulnerabilities. So, ensure these are automated.  

Please don’t think smart people don’t get caught up in scams because they do!! Scammers are very adept at looking legitimate and creating a sense of urgency. With many of us living busy lives and not taking the time to think critically, it’s inevitable that some of us will become victims. And remember if you’re offered a deal that just seems too good to be true, then it’s likely a scam! Hang up or press delete!! 

The post How To Recognize An Online Scam appeared first on McAfee Blog.

My Top Tips To Help Your Family Stay Safe Online This Holiday Period

It’s the most wonderful time of year’ – we’ve all heard the jingles and read the slogans. But the holiday season can also be a little overwhelming when you’re the one ‘in charge’. Whether it’s prepping for the inevitable influx of new devices, buying the gifts or booking the holiday – there are a lot of online safety considerations to workshop in addition to how you’re going to stuff the turkey and decorate the tree! 

So, with the Christmas spirit running through my keyboard, I hereby share with you my top tips to help you keep you and your family safe online this holiday period. 

1. Have a Safety Plan for ALL New Devices 

We all know that Santa loves technology so it’s inevitable that your family members may find a new device or two under the tree this year. So, as soon as they have unboxed their shiny new item, I recommend on insisting on a few steps to both protect the device and its new owner: 

  • Change the default passcode or set up a new one immediately 
  • Check for software updates – these ensure that any bugs or weak spots are addressed 
  • Choose a ‘back-up’ solution. If it’s an iPhone, iCloud can work. I’m a fan of Dropbox as it works so well on both phones and laptops. 
  • Invest in a security solution. If you already have a premium subscription to an online security solution like McAfee+ then you’ll likely be able to add the new devices (phones, tablets or laptops) to your family plan. If not, consider investing. Not only will it protect devices from viruses and phishing attacks, but it will also help you locate it if it ever gets misplaced- very common occurrence in my household!      

2. Online Shopping 

Getting to the bottom of the Christmas gift list takes time particularly if you are ‘lucky’ enough to get COVID before Christmas, like myself! While there are still some retailers guaranteeing delivery before Christmas – including Amazon until Christmas Eve (phew!) – you might need to focus on gift cards if you don’t want to face the hordes at the shops. Regardless of what you buy, please follow the following online shopping tips to avoid being cyberscrooged this year: 

  • Only buy from trusted retailers – even if it costs a few more dollars 
  • Ensure the site is secure – look for a padlock at the start of a web address and an address that starts with ‘https’ 
  • Avoid offers that are ‘too good to be true’ – they usually are! 
  • Don’t ever use public Wi-Fi to do your shopping – no exceptions! 

3. Book Your Holiday From a Reputable Online Site 

I don’t think there would be anything more disappointing than anticipating a holiday only to have it not happen. Or, to be scammed while preparing for it. With holiday makers having to jump through more hoops thank to COVID requirements, many experts are predicting scammers will be turning their attention to creating fake COVID verification sites, designed purely to extract personal details from unsuspecting holiday makers. So, if you’re booking a holiday, or doing your admin for it, please do the following: 

  • Take a moment to verify – check the website URL to ensure it leads to where you expect before clicking and paying. And always verify the validity of any requests for payment. Contact your travel retailer if you have any concerns. 
  • Think before you click – make sure the site is secure before you pay: check that the URL has a visible padlock in the search bar and that it starts with an ‘https’. 
  • Using BPay or PayID is also another good way to protect yourself. Both these platforms will show customers who they are paying before they ‘do the deal’ which reduces the chance of being scammed. 

4. Be Careful What You Share Online 

With so many of us busting with excitement to be travelling this holiday season for the first time in a few years, it’s inevitable that we want to share online. But, please think before you post. Checking in to airports or hotels online is really a way of alerting the online world to the fact that your house is likely unattended! And please make sure your kids understand this too. I appreciate there’s a lot of kudos for sharing holidays snaps in the moment but encourage your offspring to wait until you get home before sharing. Here are my top tips: 

  • No checking in online anywhere 
  • No sharing pics of Christmas gifts 
  • Only share holiday snaps once you’ve arrived back home 

And if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, why not make yourself a cuppa and harness the power of technology. Make yourself a to-do list on Todoist or Google Docs, send out ecards if you absolutely can’t disappoint key family and friends – loving the options from Greetings Island, buy some gift cards from Prezee or The Gift Cards Store then design your Christmas Day menu with the help of Taste or RecipeTinEats. And voila you’re done!  

PS Just remember to create unique passwords if you choose to set up accounts with any new sites! 

Happy Holidays Everyone!!! 

Alex xx 

The post My Top Tips To Help Your Family Stay Safe Online This Holiday Period appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Best Way To Protect Your Online Identity

For many Aussies, identity theft was always something that happened to other people. People on TV, usually. But the recent spate of data breaches at Optus, Medibank and Energy Australia has made many of us pay far more attention than ever to one of the fastest growing crimes in our country.  

According to the Department of Home Affairs, 1 in 4 Aussies will be the victim of identity theft over the course of their lives with an annual economic impact of more than $2 billion. And with the financial fallout from the recent data breaches only just starting to be counted, these statistics will no doubt increase dramatically next year. 

What Actually Is Identity Theft? 

Identity theft is when a cybercriminal gains access to your personal information to steal money or gain other benefits. Armed with your personal info, they can apply for real identity documents in your name but with another person’s photograph. This enables them to then apply for loans or benefits in your name, sign up for memberships or even apply for credit cards. 

And it goes without saying that the financial and emotional fallout from identity theft can be huge. Since the Optus and Medibank hacking stories broke just a few months ago, there has been multiple stories of Aussie families who have had their identities stolen and who are in a world of pain. This Melbourne family who have had over $40,000 stolen from ATM withdrawals alone is just one example. 

What Do You Mean By Personal Information? 

Your personal information is any piece of information or data that can confirm who you are or how to find you. It may be a single piece of information, or several pieces used together. It’s often referred to as personally identifiable information (PII). So, it includes your name, parents’ name, address, date of birth, phone numbers, email address, usernames/passwords or passphrases, bank account details, school or university attended, location check-ins even RSVPS for events. 

Every time you register with a new shopping site or social media platform, you will be asked to share some personally identifiable information. However, what you share may be stolen or even misused – just think about the recent list of Australian companies who had their customers’ private information stolen by hackers. So that’s why you need to ensure you are only sharing your information with trusted online sites and take every possible step to protect your personal information online. 

How To Protect Your Online Identity 

While there are no guarantees in life, there are steps you can take to ensure your online identity is as safe as possible. Here are my top 5 tips: 

1. Use Multi-Factor Authentication When It’s Offered – Always! 

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) is a no-brainer because it makes a hacker’s life a lot harder. In short, it requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to an account or app. This might be a text, email or even a code generated by an authentication app. So, even if a hacker has your password and username, they still need that final piece of information before they can get their hands on your account! 

2. Use A Different (and Complex) Password On Every Account 

Now this may take a bit of work to set up but using a unique and complex password on every account is one of the best things you can do to protect your online identity. And here’s the rationale – if you use the same password on all your accounts and your login details are stolen then hackers have access to all the accounts that are accessed with that password. Yikes!!! So, a unique password for each account is a great measure. I love using a password manager to make this process a little easier. Not only do they generate complex passwords, but they remember them too! All you need to do is remember your Master Password which needs to be extremely complex!!! 

3. Keep Your Devices and Software Updated & Backed-Up 

Updates are most commonly about addressing security weaknesses. And yes, I know they can be a pain but if you ignore them, you are essentially making it easier for hackers to find their way into your life via weak spots. And don’t forget to ensure your security software remains updated too!   

I always recommend keeping a backup of all your important info in case something goes wrong. This should include all your photos, key documents and all your personally identifiable information. A hard drive works well but saving to the cloud is also a good option. I once dropped a hard drive and lost treasured family photos, so the cloud is my personal preference. 

4. Stay Ahead of The Threats – Invest in a Security & Identity Protection Solution  

We all know knowledge is power so investing in top notch security and identity monitoring software will help keep you ahead of threats. McAfee+, McAfee’s new all in one privacy, identity and device protection solution is a fantastic way for Aussies to protect themselves online. It features identity monitoring and a password manager but also an unlimited VPN, a file shredder, protection score and parental controls. And the Rolls Royce version called McAfee+ Advanced, also offers subscribers additional identity protections including access to licensed restoration experts who can help you repair your identity and credit, in case you’re affected by a data breach. It also gives subscribers access to lost wallet protection which help you cancel and replace your ID, credit cards if they are lost or stolen. 

5. Only Use Secure Wi-Fi or a VPN 

Public, unsecured Wi-Fi can make life so much easier when you’re out and about but it’s also a tried and tested way for scammers to access your personal information. Unsecured Wi-Fi is free Wi-Fi that is available in public places such as libraries, cafes, or shopping centres. So, instead of using Wi-Fi, just use the data in your phone plan. Or alternatively invest in a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that cleverly encrypts everything you share on your device.   

About 2 months ago, I embarked on a project to clean up my online life. I’m working through the list of sites I have accounts with and am closing those I no longer use, I’m also doing a huge password audit to ensure they are all unique to each site and are super complex, thanks to my password manager. Now, I’m not quite done yet, but things are in better shape than they were. Why not consider doing the same? With the holiday season fast approaching, why not dedicate a little of your poolside time to practicing a little cyber hygiene. 


Till next time, keep those identities safe! 



The post The Best Way To Protect Your Online Identity appeared first on McAfee Blog.

BeReal – The Newest Kid On The Social Media Block

Without doubt, the biggest criticism we all have of social media is that everyone always looks fabulous! And while we all know that everyone is only sharing the best version of themselves, let’s be honest – it can be a little wearing. Well, there’s a new social media platform that is determined to uproot our online curated lives by having users post very real pictures of themselves – with no time to stage or add filters! 

Developed in France in 2020, BeReal is where Aussie teenagers are currently spending their time and energy online. And to be honest, I can totally see why. It’s all about sharing random, authentic pics without having to spend time and energy making them look beautiful. In fact, my 19-year-old tells me that the uglier and weirder the photo, the better! How refreshing!!! 

How Does It Work? 

Once you’ve signed up, the app will send all users a notification at a random time throughout the day that it’s ‘time to BeReal’. As soon as the user opens the app to share a pic, they have just 2 minutes to take a picture of whatever they’re doing at that particular moment whether they’re on the bus, at the gym or chilling at home in trackies. The app will take 2 pictures using the front and back cameras so that your followers can see what you look like and where you are. 

Now, if you don’t manage to post in 2 minutes, you’re officially late and your friends will know. In fact, there’s a small amount of shame for being tardy – as if on some level you’re not committed to being authentic. But don’t let this worry you too much – we can’t wait around all day awaiting the notification to post! 

When you have uploaded your daily snap, your friends can comment, respond to your pic with ‘RealMojis’ and even see where you are in the world with the map feature. Users can also choose to upload their pics to the public feed where other users can leave “RealMoji’ reactions but no comments. But in order to access either the public feed or your friends’ photos, users will need to take their own picture too. 

Now for my favourite parts of this app – this app has NO filters, NO option to ‘like’ anything, NO follower counts and NO private messaging!! How liberating!!  

Is It Safe? 

Like all social media platforms, there are a few risks however with a bit of strategy and a few smarts, users should be able to have a safe and positive experience. And when compared to platforms where follower counts and likes are public, influencers dominate and comments are allowed, BeReal is definitely a great choice.  

Here are my top tips to keep the experience safe and positive: 

1. Disable Your Location To Avoid Being ‘Discoverable’ 

Before you share your pics, ensure you disable your location to avoid the app sharing your exact location on the map. You don’t want an ill-intentioned follower knowing your exact whereabouts! 

2. Think (Quickly) Before You Post 

The very brief 2-minute posting window may result in rushed decisions about what to post and potentially oversharing of personal information. So, ensure you (and your kids) know not to share anything that can identify their location, any identifiable numbers such as passports or licences or, their computer screens that may display confidential information.  

3. Don’t Feel Pressures to Post If You Can’t  

Accept that there will be times when you just can’t post within the 2-minute time frame.  You may be driving, sleeping or doing something far more important. You can absolutely still post late. 

4. Know How To Report Bad Behaviour 

If you see a post that is inappropriate, then report it immediately. It’s an investment in keeping the BeReal community as safe as possible. Simply tap the three dots at the top right of the post. A report button should appear. You will then have the option to flag the post as undesirable or inappropriate. 

5. Be Aware of the Comparison Trap!  

Like all social media platforms, users may compare their posts with others. They may think their lives are boring and predictable, particularly if their friends are doing more exciting things. If a young person is prone to anxiety or low mood, this may not be helpful. As a parent, reminding your kids that perception is not reality, and that one photo does not define a person may be required. But if it all gets too much, a digital detox might be just the thing!  

So, if your kids have embraced BeReal then your homework is pretty easy – join up too! It’s impossible to understand your kids’ online world if you don’t take some time to step inside it. And for what it’s worth – I think you’ll really like this one. The fact that there is no public like count, follower tally, filters or private messaging makes the Mama Bear in me very happy!! 

The post BeReal – The Newest Kid On The Social Media Block appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How To Help Your Family Protect Their Online Data

Whether you’re standing around the water cooler at work, waiting for your kids at the school gate or sitting around the dinner table, data breaches are without doubt the hot topic of conversation. In late September, we were all shaken when news of the biggest Australian data breach to date broke – a record 10 million Optus customers had their details stolen. But unfortunately, the data breach stories have continued with Medibank, Energy Australia, and, most recently, Woolworths also reporting that private customer data had been stolen. 

Inevitably, many of us are feeling vulnerable worrying that our private identifying information (and our family’s) such as our Medicare and Drivers Licence details have potentially been stolen. We’ve all read the stories about victims of identity theft and are, rightly concerned, that it could happen to us. So, if you’re unsure as to what to do next – don’t worry – I’ve got you! In fact – I’m going to give you two action plans. The first is for those who have been personally affected by a data breach (or consider it highly likely they were affected) and the second, is a long-term plan to help you protect yourself and your family’s data online. 

What To Do If You’ve Been Affected By A Data Breach 

If you or a family member has been contacted by a company and informed that your private details have been compromised, then you need to caffeine up and bring your entire focus to this situation. And if you’re still awaiting the call but you’re thinking it’s likely you’re affected, then my advice is to assume you are. It never hurts to be too cautious when you’re dealing with a potential identity theft situation. So, here’s your plan: 

  1. If you think you’ve been affected, contact the company directly. Hopefully they can confirm whether you’re affected and identify what information was stolen eg drivers licence, birthdate, address, Medicare details. 
  2. If your drivers licence, passport or Medicare details have been stolen, then you are able to apply for new documents. You may need to apply for a Commonwealth Victim’s Certificate first. Do this as soon as possible. 
  3. Contact your bank and credit card providers and inform them that you have been the victim of a data breach and ask them to monitor accounts for suspicious activity. Also ask them to put additional verification methods in place, particularly for over the phone authentication. You may also want to do this for your superannuation accounts, MyGov and Centrelink accounts too. 
  4. Change your passwords for affected accounts immediately.  
  5. Do not click on links in text messages or emails claiming to be from the company that was affected by the data breach. If you are unsure, contact the company directly to verify the communication. 
  6. Monitor your bank accounts daily for suspicious or any unexpected activity. Also check your telephone and utilities accounts. Contact your bank or provider if you notice anything that looks a little suspect. 

What To Do To Ensure Your Online Data Is As Secure As Possible 

So, now it’s time to think long term. We all know prevention is key. So, what can we do to protect ourselves to minimise the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft (if and when) the next data breach occurs? Here’s your plan: 

1. Refine Your Password Strategy 

As we all know, it’s often the simplest things that can have the biggest impact. Ensuring you have a different but super complex password or passphrase for each of your online accounts is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself online. I appreciate that this may take a lot of work to implement but it’s so worth it. And here’s why – if you’re the victim of a data breach and your login details are stolen then you could be in a world of pain if you have just one password for all your accounts. Because within seconds of stealing your details, a hacker could potentially access your bank accounts, credit card accounts and online shopping sites where your credit card is saved – you get the picture! You see why it makes such sense! If it all feels a little overwhelming, why not use a password manager? Password managers can create and remember passwords that no human could even think of – genius! 

2. Use Multi-Factor Authentication When It’s Offered – Always! 

In summary, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) makes a hacker’s life a lot harder. In short, it requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to an account or app. This might be a text, email or even a code generated by an authentication app. So, even if a hacker has your password and username, if they can’t access the last piece of the puzzle, then you’re safe!!! 

3. Invest in A Top Tier Identity, Security and Protection Solution  

McAfee has just released a super-duper solution to help Aussies protect themselves online. McAfee+ is an all-in-one privacy, identity and device protection solution. Not only does it feature identity monitoring and a password manager but also an unlimited VPN, a file shredder, a protection score and parental controls. And the Rolls Royce version called McAfee+ Advanced, also offers subscribers additional identity protections including access to licensed restoration experts who can help you repair your identity and credit. It also gives subscribers access to lost wallet protection which help you cancel and replace your ID, credit cards if they are lost or stolen. 

4. Do A Little Cyber-Hygiene!  

Limiting your exposure online will also reduce the chance of being affected by a data breach. So, take some time to delete accounts you no longer use. Perhaps you had a side hustle on eBay a few years back but hadn’t bothered to close your accounts – well, now is the time. Close down those old eBay (and PayPal) accounts and any other accounts or subscriptions that you no longer use. 

And next time you purchase something from a new website, consider conducting your transaction as a guest only and not creating an account on their website. If there’s no benefit beyond saving a minute or two when you check out, why store your credit card number, address, and other identifying info on a website that may eventually be breached? 

If there is ever a time to take the management of your online data seriously, it’s now. Assuming that you won’t be a victim of a data breach and that ‘things like that don’t happen to you’ just doesn’t cut it. So, be proactive: sort out your passwords, turn on 2-factor authentication and practice some good quality cyber hygiene! And do yourself a favour and invest in some top-notch privacy and identity protection program like McAfee+ so you can continue living your best life online!  

The post How To Help Your Family Protect Their Online Data appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How Cyberbullying Looks In Australia in 2023

There’s no doubt that cyber bullying ranks towards the top of most parents ‘worry list’. As a mum of 4, I can tell you it always came in my top five, usually alongside driving, drugs, cigarettes and alcohol! But when McAfee research in May revealed that Aussie kids experience the 2nd highest rate of cyberbullying out of the 10 countries interviewed, my heart skipped a beat. Clearly cyberbullying is a big problem for Aussie kids. Bigger than I had previously thought. But many of us parents had so many more questions: what can it look like? where does it happen? and could my child be a perpetrator? 

So, as an ally of connected families, McAfee set out to answer these questions so undertook more research through a detailed 10-country online questionnaire to 11,687 parents and their children in June. And the answers were quite revealing… 

What is Cyberbullying? 

Before we get into the results, let’s clarify what cyberbullying means. There is often a lot of confusion because let’s be honest, different kids have different tolerances, standards and cultural lenses for what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour. The definition of cyberbullying used in McAfee’s report was based on the definition by StopBullying.Gov:   

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behaviour.  

McAfee’s definition was then expanded to include specific acts of cyberbullying, such as: 

  • flaming – online arguments that can include personal attacks 
  • outing – disclosing someone’s sexual orientation without their consent  
  • trolling – intentionally trying to instigate a conflict through antagonistic messages 
  • doxing – publishing private or identifying information without someone’s consent  

Along with other acts, including:  

  • name calling  
  • spreading false rumours  
  • sending explicit images or messages  
  • cyberstalking, harassment, and physical threats  
  • exclusion from group chats and conversation 

What Is The Most Common Form of Cyberbullying for Aussie Kids? 

Even though racially motivated cyberbullying is on the rise, name-calling is the most common form of cyberbullying with 40% of kids globally reporting that they have been on the receiving end of it. Interestingly, in Australia, our kids receive this style of bullying more frequently, with 49% of Aussie kids affected.  

Exclusion from group chats and conversations is the 2nd most commonly reported form of cyberbullying with 36% of kids globally experiencing it. In Australia, this is higher at 42%. 

The spreading of false rumours rounds out the top three forms and was reported by 28% of children globally. Curiously, Aussie kids don’t seem to use this form just as commonly with just 24% affected. Japan stands out as the leader in this reported form of cyberbullying at 44% followed by Germany at 35% and India at 39%. 

1 in 8 Aussie kids reports receiving extreme cyberbullying threats eg stalking, harassment and physical threats online. This is in line with the global average however in India and the US, more young people are affected with 1 in 5 reporting this behaviour. 

Where Is Cyberbullying Taking Place? 

It’s All About Social Media 

It’s no surprise that the bulk of cyberbullying is happening on social media with 32% of kids affected globally. Group chats come in as the 2nd most commonplace with 24% of kids involved followed by online gaming being an issue for 22% of kids surveyed. 21% of kids experienced cyberbullying on websites and forums and 19% identified that they experienced cyberbullying via text messages.  

Globally, Facebook is the social media site where cyberbullying is most likely to occur. 53% of children report witnessing it and 50% report experiencing it. This is followed by Instagram (40% witnessing and 30% experiencing), YouTube, TikTok and then Twitter. 

Overall, Aussie kids appear to experience less cyberbullying on social media with just 47% witnessing it on Facebook and 37% experiencing it. Our kids also report lower levels on Instagram as well with 34% witnessing and 30% experiencing.  

Snapchat Is a Cyberbullying Hot Bed for Aussie Kids 

It appears that Snapchat is unfortunately where a lot of undesirable behaviour happens for our Aussie kids with 34% reporting that they have been affected on this platform – a huge 10% above the international average and the highest of any country included in the survey. 

Who’s Doing The Bullying? 

Most Cyberbullying Comes From Someone Known To The Victim 

I’m sure it’s not a surprise to many parents that most cyberbullying comes from someone known to the victim. In fact, 57% of kids worldwide confirmed this with just 45% nominating that the cyberbullying they received had been initiated by a stranger. And Aussie kids’ experiences reflect the global norm with 56% expressing that they also knew the perpetrator but only 36% experienced cyberbullying from a stranger. Interestingly, only India, reported more cyberbullying at the hands of strangers (70%) than by someone the child knows (66%). 

Most Kids Don’t Think They’ve Ever Been Cyberbullied But The Results Show Otherwise 

Globally, 81% of all children surveyed stated that they had never cyberbullied anyone while just 19% admitted that they had. But when questioned further, it became apparent that there may be some disconnect. In fact, when asked about specific cyberbullying behaviours, more than half of children worldwide (53%) admitted to committing one or more types of cyberbullying —perhaps indicating that their definition of cyberbullying differs from the clinically accepted definition. The most common acts that they admitted to included making a joke at someone else’s expense (22%), name-calling (18%) and excluding someone from a chat or conversation (15%).  

Are Aussie Kids and Parents Worried? 

It appears that our kids are calmer about the state of cyberbullying that their peers worldwide. Only 46% of our kids reported they were more concerned about being cyberbullied now than last year, compared to a 59% average worldwide. Aussie children said they are among the least concerned children in the world, alongside Canada at 44%, the U.K. at 43%, and Germany at 38%. 

And Aussie parents also appear calmer than parents from other countries with only 61% nominating they were more concerned about their child being cyberbullied today versus last year, compared to the 72% international average.  Australian parents also showed the least level of worry that their child may be a cyberbully. Only 41% said that they worried this was more likely this year than last, compared to 56% of parents elsewhere. 

Now, this could be because the online learning and tech-heavy phase of the pandemic is, thankfully, over and we are not as focussed on technology-related issues. Or perhaps it’s because we really are a nation of ‘laid-back’ types! The jury is still out… 

What Do We Do About It? 

We all know that it’s impossible to fix a problem if you don’t truly understand it. So, while these statistics might be a little overwhelming, please soak them in. Appreciating the complexities of this problem and digesting how cyberbullying can look and impact our kids is essential. Now, as first-generation digital parents, it may take us a little longer to wrap our heads around it and that’s ok. The most important thing is that we commit to understanding the problem so that we are in the best position possible to support and guide our kids. 

In my next blog post, I will be sharing more detailed strategies that will help you minimise the risk of your child becoming a victim of cyberbullying. I will also include advice on what to do if your child is affected by cyberbullying plus what to do if your child is in fact a cyberbully. 

‘Till next time. 

Stay Safe Online 


The post How Cyberbullying Looks In Australia in 2023 appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What You Do Now To Protect Your Child From Cyberbullying

I can’t tell you how many times over my 25 years of parenting that I’ve just wanted to wrap my boys in cotton wool and protect them from all the tricky stuff that life can throw our way. But unfortunately, that’s never been an option. Whether it’s been friendship issues in the playground, dramas on a messaging app or dealing with broken hearts, it can be really hard watching your kids experience hardship. 

Get Ahead Of The Problem! 

But one thing I have learnt from years of mothering is that if you spend some time getting ahead of a potentially challenging situation then you’ve got a much better chance of minimising it. Or better still preventing it – and this absolutely applies to cyberbullying. 

Is Cyberbullying A Big Problem for Aussie Kids? 

In early 2022, McAfee interviewed over 15,000 parents and 12,000 children worldwide with the goal of finding out how families both connect and protect themselves online. And what they found was astounding: Aussie kids reported the 2nd highest rate of cyberbullying (24%) out of the 10 countries surveyed. American children reported the highest rate. The average for all countries was 17%. Check out my post here with all the details.  

So, to dig deeper into this issue of cyberbullying, McAfee commissioned additional research in August this year to better understand what cyberbullying looks like, where it happens and who the perpetrators are. And the biggest takeaways for Aussie kids: 

  • Name calling is the most common form of cyberbullying 
  • Most cyberbullying happens on social media 
  • Aussie kids have the highest rate of cyberbullying on Snapchat 
  • 56% of Aussie kids know the perpetrator 

You can check out my post here with all the details.  

How To Avoid Your Kids Becoming a Statistic 

So, if you need to grab a cuppa and digest all this, I don’t blame you! It’s a lot. But, as mentioned before, I honestly believe that if we get ahead of the challenges, we have a greater chance of minimising the fall out. So, without further ado – here is my advice on what you can do NOW to minimise the chance of your kids being involved in cyberbullying – either as the victim or the perpetrator. 

1. Talk About Online Respect and Kindness As Soon As They Start Using Devices 

As soon as your kids move on from just watching movies and playing games on their devices, you need to talk about the importance of ‘being nice’ online. A more natural way around this is to extend your parenting advice to include the online world too. For example:  

  • ‘Remember how important it is to be kind to everyone when you are in the playground at kindy – as well as when you are online.’  
  • ‘Always say please and thank you – to your friends in-person and online too.’ 

And don’t forget the importance of role-modelling this too! 

2. Check Your Family Communication Culture 

One of the best things you can do is to create a family culture where honest and genuine two-way communication is a feature of family life. If your kids know they can confide in you, that nothing is off-limits and that you won’t overreact – then they are more likely to open-up about a problem before it becomes overwhelming and ‘unsolvable’. 

3. Understand Your Child’s World 

Parents who have a comprehensive understanding of their child’s life will be better able to detect when things aren’t going well. Knowing who your kid’s friends are, who they ‘sit with’ at lunchtime, their favourite music and their boyfriend or girlfriend needs to be a big priority. I also encourage parents to establish relationships with teachers or mentors at school so they can keep their ‘ear to the ground’. When a child’s behaviour and interests change, it can often mean that all isn’t well and that some detective work is required! 

4. Ensure Your Kids Understand What Bullying Is 

Cyberbullying can have a variety of definitions which can often cause confusion. In McAfee’s research, they used the definition by StopBullying.Gov: 

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behaviour.  

McAfee’s definition was then expanded to include specific acts of cyberbullying, such as: 

  • flaming – online arguments that can include personal attacks 
  • outing – disclosing someone’s sexual orientation without their consent  
  • trolling – intentionally trying to instigate a conflict through antagonistic messages 
  • doxing – publishing private or identifying information without someone’s consent  

Along with other acts, including:  

  • name calling  
  • spreading false rumours  
  • sending explicit images or messages  
  • cyberstalking, harassment, and physical threats  
  • exclusion from group chats and conversation 

Now, I appreciate that reading your children several minutes of definitions may not be very helpful. So, instead, keep it simple and amend the above to make it age appropriate for your kids. You may choose to say that it is when someone is being mean online, if your kids are very young. But if you have tweens in the house then I think more details would be important. The goal here is for them to understand at what point they shouldn’t accept bad behaviour online.  

5. Give Them An Action Plan For When They Experience Bad Behaviour Online  

As soon as your kids are actively engaged with others online, they need to have an action plan in case things go awry – probably around 6-7 years of age. In fact, I consider this to be a golden time in parenting – a time when your kids are receptive to your advice and often keen to please. So, this is when you need to help them establish good practices and habits that will hold them in good stead. This is what I would instil: 

  • If someone makes you feel upset when you are online, you need to tell a trusted adult 
  • Save a copy of the interaction, perhaps take a screenshot. Ensure they know how to do this. 
  • Block the sender or delete them from your contacts. 
  • Report the behaviour to the school, the police or the eSafety Commissioner’s Office, if necessary 

Now, of course not all bad behaviour online will be defined as cyberbullying – remember we all see the world through different lenses. However, what’s important here is that your kids ask for help when they experience something that makes them feel uncomfortable. And while we all hope that it is unlikely that you will need to escalate any interactions to the police or the eSafety Commissioner, knowing what the course of action is in case things get out of hand is essential.  

6. Make Empathy A Priority  

There is so much research on the connection between the lack of empathy and bullying behaviours. In her book Unselfie, Parenting expert Michelle Borba explains that we are in the midst of an ‘empathy crisis’ which is contributing to bullying behaviour. She believes teens today are far less empathetic than they were 30 years ago. Teaching your kids to ‘walk in someone’s else’s shoes’, consider how others feel and have a focus on compassion will go a long way to developing an empathetic lens. You can read more about helping develop empathy in your child here.  

There is no doubt that cyberbullying is one of the biggest parenting challenges of our generation and, unfortunately, it isn’t going to disappear anytime soon. So, get ahead of the problem – teach your kids about kindness from a young age, create an open family communication culture, make empathy a priority in your family and give them an action plan in case things get tricky online. But most importantly, always listen to your gut. If you think things aren’t right with your kids – if they don’t want to go to school, seem emotional after using their devices or their behaviour suddenly changes, then do some digging. My gut has never let me down!     

Take care 


The post What You Do Now To Protect Your Child From Cyberbullying appeared first on McAfee Blog.

A Parent’s Guide To The Metaverse – Part Two

Welcome back to part 2 of my Metaverse series. If you are after tips and strategies to help your kids navigate the Metaverse safely then you’re in the right place. In this post I’ll share with you how your kids are likely already accessing the Metaverse, the benefits plus how to ensure they have a safe and positive experience. Now, if you’d like a refresher on exactly what the Metaverse is before we get underway, then check out part one here. 

How Many Kids Are Using The Metaverse? 

If your kids have played Roblox, Fortnite or Minecraft then they have already taken the step into this new virtual frontier. Yes, it’s that easy! But how many kids are playing on these platforms?  

So, if you’ve got a couple of kids, tweens or teens in your house, then chances are they have probably already had a Metaverse experience! Or, if not yet, then it won’t be long… 

Is There Any Difference Between Video Games And The Metaverse? 

There are actually a lot of similarities between online video games and the Metaverse including the use of avatars and the availability of items to purchase eg a horse in a game or an NFT (non-fungible token) in the Metaverse. However, the biggest difference is that the Metaverse is not just about gaming – it is so much more. In the Metaverse, there are no limitations to the number of participants nor on the type of activity – you can attend meetings, concerts, socialise without the gaming aspect, even undertake study! 

What Are The Benefits Of The Metaverse For Our Kids? 

There are so many good things about the Metaverse for our kids, particularly from an educational perspective. As a mum of 4, I am really excited at the possibilities the Metaverse will offer our kids. Imagine being able to experience a country in virtual reality – walk around, see the sights, its geographical features. I have no doubt that would enthuse even the most reluctant learners. And a recent US study confirmed this. It found that taking students on a Virtual Reality field trip to Greenland to learn about climate change resulted in higher interest, enjoyment and retention than students who simply watched a traditional 2-D video. How good! 

Taking care of my family’s mental health has always been a huge focus of my parenting approach and I am really excited at the great options the Metaverse can offer in the area. As a family, we’ve spent multiple hours using apps like Calm and Headspace to help us meditate and practice mindfulness. But the thought of being able to don a VR headset and be transported to the actual rainforest or the roaring fire that I often listen to, is even more appealing! One of the best parts of the VR experience is that it completely blocks out the ‘real world’ which would make it easier to stay in the flow. Very appealing! 

And while we’re talking benefits, let’s not gloss over the potential role the Metaverse can play in fostering empathy and promoting understanding between communities. There is a growing group of digital creators who are designing Metaverse experiences to do this using Virtual Reality. Homeless Realities is a project from the University of Southern California (USC) where students use virtual reality to tell stories, usually of marginalized communities that have been overlooked by traditional journalism. So powerful! 

How Do We Keep Our Kids Safe? 

As parents, it’s essential that we add the Metaverse to our list of things to get our head around so we can keep our kids safe. Here are my top tips: 

1. Commit To Understanding How It All Works 

While I very much appreciate you reading this post, it’s important that you take action and get involved – particularly if your kids are already. If your kids are using Minecraft, Fortnite or Roblox – sign up and understand yourself how it all works. If your kids have a VR headset and you’re not sure how it works – ask them for a turn and a lesson. Only by experiencing it for yourself, will you truly understand the attraction but also the pitfalls and risks.   

2. Direct Your Kids To Age Appropriate Platforms 

As the Metaverse is still evolving and very much a work in progress, there are very minimal protections in place for users. However, the 3 platforms that tend to attract younger players (Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite) all have parental control features. So, please direct them here – if you can – as you’ll be able to have more control over their online safety. 

Minecraft and Fortnite allow parents to disable chat functions which means your kids can’t communicate with people they don’t know. Roblox will automatically apply certain safety settings depending on the age group of their account. But regardless of what their platform of choice is, always protect your credit card details!! I know Fortnite will only allow kids to make ‘in game’ purchases if these supply credit card details in the checkout. 

3. Make Online Safety Part Of Your Family’s Dialogue 

If your kids are older, it’s likely, you’ll have far less say over where they spend their time in the Metaverse so that’s when your kids will need to rely on their cyber safety skills to help them make safe decisions. Now, don’t assume that your child’s school has ticked the cyber safety box and it’s all been taken care of. Cybersafety needs to be weaved into your family’s dialogue and spoken about regularly. Even from the age of 5, your kids should know that they shouldn’t talk to strangers online or offline, if they see something that makes them upset online then they need to talk to a parent asap and, that they should never share their name or anything that could identify them online.  

The goal of this is to make safe online behaviour part of their routine so that when they are faced with a challenging situation anywhere online, they automatically know how to respond. And of course, as kids get older, the advice becomes appropriate to their age. 

4. Don’t Forget About Physical Safety Too 

Most kids are busting to get access to a VR headset but please take some time to do your research to work out which headsets are more suitable for your kids and your lounge room! There are 2 basic types: some that require a ‘tethered’ connection to a PC or standalone models with built-in computing power. The tethered headsets have traditionally delivered a more immersive user experience due to the extra computational power the PC provides however experts predict it won’t be long before standalone headsets are just as good. The biggest selling VR headset, Occulus Quest 2, can in fact connect wirelessly to your PC with the option to connect via a cable in case the game or experience needs extra oomph! 

Regardless of which type you choose, it’s important that there is a safe play area in which to use the headset. VR headsets completely removes any visual of the real world so please remove special vases and keepsakes and ensure the dog isn’t roaming around. 

‘Cybersickness’ aka motion sickness can be a real issue for some VR users. When you don the headset and are immersed in a different time and space, your body can get very confused. If your brain thinks you are moving (based on what you are seeing through the headset) but in fact you’re standing still, it creates a disconnect that causes enough confusion to make you feel nauseous. If this happens to your kids, consider reducing the time they spend with the headset, having fewer but smaller sessions to get your ‘VR legs’ and checking the VR headset is being worn correctly. 

So, it’s over to you now parents: it’s time to get involved and understand this Metaverse once and for all. Always start with the games and experiences your kids spend their time on but when you’re ready, make sure you check out some of the more adult places such as Decentraland or The Sandbox. Who knows, you might just become a virtual real estate tycoon or set up a business that becomes quite the side hustle! The sky is the limit in the Metaverse! 

Till next time! 


The post A Parent’s Guide To The Metaverse – Part Two appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Aussies Fear Snakes, Spiders and Getting Hacked

Fears and phobias. We all have them. But what are your biggest ones? I absolutely detest snakes but spiders don’t worry me at all. Well, new research by McAfee shows that cybercriminals and the fear of being hacked are now the 5th greatest fear among Aussies.

With news of data breaches and hacking crusades filling our news feed on a regular basis, many of us are becoming more aware and concerned about the threats we face in our increasingly digital world. And McAfee’s latest confirms this with hackers making their way into Australia’s Top 10 Fears.

According to research conducted by McAfee, snakes are the top phobia for Aussies followed by spiders, heights and sharks. Cybercriminals and the fear of being hacked come in in 5th place beating the dentist, bees, ghosts, aeroplane travel and clowns!

Aussie Top 10 Fears and Phobias

  1. Snakes
  2. Spiders
  3. Heights
  4. Sharks
  5. Hackers/Cybercriminals
  6. The dentist
  7. Bees or wasps
  8. Ghosts
  9. Aeroplane travel
  10. Clowns

Why Do We Have Phobias?

Fears and phobias develop when we perceive that we are at risk of pain, or worse, still, death. And while almost a third of respondents nominated snakes as their number one fear, there is less than one-in-fifty thousand chance of being bitten badly enough by a snake to warrant going to hospital in Australia, according to research from the Internal Medicine Journal.

In contrast, McAfee’s analysis of more than 108 billion potential online threats between October and December, identified 202 million of these threats as genuine risks. With a global population of 7.5 billion, that means there is approximately a one in 37 chance of being targeted by cybercrime. Now while this is not a life-threatening situation, these statistics show that chance of us being affected by an online threat is very real.

What Are Our Biggest Cyber Fears?

According to the research, 82% of Aussies believe that being hacked is a growing or high concern. And when you look at the sheer number of reported data breaches so far this year, these statistics make complete sense. Data breaches have affected Bunnings staff, Federal Parliament staff, Marriott guests, Victorian Government staff, QLD Fisheries members, Skoolbag app users and Big W customers plus many more.

Almost 1 in 5 (19%) of those interviewed said their top fear at work is doing something that will result in a data security breach, they will leak sensitive information or infect their corporate IT systems.

The fear that we are in the midst of a cyberwar is another big concern for many Aussies. Cyberwar can be explained as a computer or network-based conflict where parties try to disrupt or take ownership of the activities of other parties, often for strategic, military or cyberespionage purposes. 55% of Aussies believe that a cyberwar is happening right now but we just don’t know about it. And a fifth believe cyber warfare is the biggest threat to our nation.

What Can We Do to Address Our Fear of Being Hacked?

Being proactive about protecting your online life is the absolute best way of reducing the chances of being hacked or being affected by a data breach. Here are my top tips on what you can now to protect yourself:

  1. Be Savvy with Your Passwords

Using a password manager to create unique and complex passwords for each of your online accounts will definitely improve your online safety. If each on your online accounts has a unique password and you are involved in a breach, the hacker won’t be able to use the stolen password details to log into any of your other accounts.

  1. Stop AutoFill on Chrome

Storing your financial data within your browser and being able to populate online forms quickly within seconds makes the autofill function very attractive however it is risky. Autofill will automatically fill out all forms on a page regardless of whether you can see all the boxes. You may just think you are automatically entering your email address into an online form however a savvy hacker could easily design an online form with hidden boxes designed to capture your financial information. So remove all your financial information from Autofill. I know this means you will have to manually enter information each time you purchase but your personal data will be better protected.

  1. Think Before You Click

One of the easiest ways for a cybercriminal to compromise their victim is by using phishing emails to lure consumers into clicking links for products or services that could lead to malware, or a phoney website designed to steal personal information. If the deal seems too good to be true, or the email was not expected, always check directly with the source.

  1. Stay Protected While You Browse

It’s important to put the right security solutions in place in order to surf the web safely. Add an extra layer of security to your browser with McAfee WebAdvisor.

  1. Always Connect with Caution

I know public Wi-Fi might seem like a good idea, but if consumers are not careful, they could be unknowingly exposing personal information or credit card details to cybercriminals who are snooping on the network. If you are a regular Wi-Fi user, I recommend investing in a virtual private network or (VPN) such as McAfee Secure VPN which will ensure your connection is completely secure and that your data remains safe.

While it is tempting, putting our head in the sand and pretending hackers and cybercrime don’t exist puts ourselves and our families at even more risk! Facing our fears and making an action plan is the best way of reducing our worry and stress. So, please commit to being proactive about your family’s online security. Draw up a list of what you can do today to protect your tribe. And if you want to receive regular updates about additional ways you can keep your family safe online, check out my blog.

‘till next time.

Alex x

The post Aussies Fear Snakes, Spiders and Getting Hacked appeared first on McAfee Blog.

A Parent’s Guide To The Metaverse – Part One

We’ve all heard about the Metaverse. And there’s no doubt it has certainly captured the attention of the world’s biggest companies: Facebook has changed its name to Meta, Hyundai has partnered up with Roblox to offer virtual test drives, Nike has bought a virtual shoe company and Coca-Cola is selling NFT’s there too. (Non-Fungible Tokens – think digital assets).  

But if you are confused about exactly what this all means and most importantly, what the metaverse actually is, then you are not alone. I’m putting together a 2-part series for parents that will help us get a handle on exactly what this new digital frontier promises and what we need to know to keep our kids safe. It will also ensure we don’t feel like dinosaurs! So, let’s get started. 

What is this Metaverse? 

I think the best way of describing the Metaverse is that it’s a network of online 3D virtual worlds that mimic the real world. Once users have chosen their digital avatar, they can meet people, play games, do business, design fashion items, buy real estate, attend events, earn money, rear a pet – in fact, almost anything they can do in the ‘real’ world! And of course, all transactions are via cryptocurrencies. 

If you are an avid Science Fiction reader, then you may have already come across the term in the 1992 novel ‘Snow Crash’ by Neal Stephenson. In the book, Stephenson envisions a virtual reality-based evolution of the internet in which his characters use digital avatars of themselves to explore the online world. Sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it?  

Still confused? Check out either the book or Steven Spielberg’s movie adaption of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One. Set in 2045, the book tells the story of people living in a war-ravaged world on the brink of collapse who turn to OASIS, a massively multiplayer online simulation game that has its own virtual world and currency. In the OASIS, they engage with each other, shop, play games and be transported to different locations.  

How Do You Access The Metaverse? 

The best and most immersive way to access the metaverse is using a Virtual Reality (VR) headset and your internet connection, of course. VR headsets completely take over users’ vision and replace the outside world with a virtual one. Now, this maybe a game or a movie but VR headsets have their own set of apps which once downloaded, allows users to meditate, learn piano, work out at the gym or even attend a live concert in the metaverse!  

Now access to the Metaverse is not just limited to those who own expensive headsets. Anyone with a computer or a smartphone (that is internet connected) can also have a metaverse experience. Of course, it won’t be as intense or immersive as the VR headset experience but it’s still a commonly used route to access the metaverse. Some of these ‘worlds’ suggest users can access their world using smartphones however experienced users don’t think this is a good idea as phones don’t have the necessary computational power to explore the metaverse properly. 

As some of the most popular metaverse worlds can be accessed using your computer, why not check out Decentraland, The Sandbox, Somnium or even Second Life. In most of these worlds, users don’t have to create an account or spend money to start exploring however if you want the full experience then you’ll need to do so.  

How Much Does It Cost? 

Entering the metaverse doesn’t cost anything, just like going on the internet doesn’t cost anything – apart from your internet connection and hardware, of course! And don’t forget that if you want a truly immersive 3D experience, then you might want to consider investing in a VR headset. 

But, if you do want to access some of the features of the metaverse and invest in some virtual real estate or perhaps buy yourself a Gucci handbag, then you will need to put your hand into your virtual pocket and spend some of your virtual dollars. But the currency you will need depends entirely on the metaverse you are in. 

Decentraland’s currency MANA is considered to be the most commonly used currency in the metaverse and also one of the best to invest in, according to some experts. MANA can be used to buy land, purchase avatars, names, wearables, and other items in the Decentraland marketplace. 

The Sandbox has a different currency, SAND, which is also used to buy items from The Sandbox marketplace. This is the second most popular currency however be prepared to buy the currency of the world you choose to spend your time in. 

Now, I totally appreciate that the whole concept of the Metaverse is a lot to get your head around. But if you have a tribe of kids, then chances are they are going to want to be part of it so don’t put it in the too-hard basket. Take some time to get your head around it: do some more reading, talk to your friends about it and check out some of the metaverses that you can access from your PC. Nothing beats experiencing it for yourself! 

In Part 2, I will be sharing my top tips and strategies to help us, parents, successfully guide our kids through the challenges and risks of the metaverse. So watch out for that. 

Till, next time – keep researching! 


Alex x 

The post A Parent’s Guide To The Metaverse – Part One appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How To Get Your Head Around Your Kids’ Online Gaming Life

Let’s be honest – many of us parents aren’t big fans of gaming. In fact, some of us have probably even been known to roll our eyes or groan when we think about just how long our kids spend playing online games. But if there is one thing I’ve learned after 25 years of parenting, it’s that taking the time to look at a stressful family situation from the perspective of my children, can be very powerful. In fact, it can almost always fast track finding a mutually agreeable work-around for everyone – and gaming is the perfect example.  

Why Do Our Kids Love Gaming? 

We have all read about how online gaming can provide players with regular hits of dopamine  –  a neurotransmitter in the brain that becomes active when you participate in fun and pleasurable activities. Now I am not disputing this for a moment – I’ve witnessed it firsthand! However, it is important to remember that dopamine increases whenever we do anything enjoyable – pop a square of chocolate in our mouth or watch our favorite sporting team win – not just when we play online games. 

Many online games have cleverly designed built-in reward systems, and many experts believe that it is the combination of dopamine and reward that probably best explains why our kids are such gaming fans. Now, these reward systems are intentionally unpredictable so players are aware they will eventually get a reward, but they have no idea as to when or how often it is coming – so they are compelled to keep playing! Very clever! 

In my opinion, gaming also fills several other needs in our children – the need to belong, to feel competent and be independent. And while we may have had these needs addressed very differently in the 70’s and 80’s – hanging at the bus stop, mastering the Rubix cube and not being helicopter parented, our batch of digital natives will often use gaming as their go-to solution. 

Why You Should See Gaming Through The Eyes of Your Child 

When many of us parents think about our kids’ online gaming, our initial thought is ‘how do we make our kids stop’. But I can you this isn’t the right approach. Online gaming isn’t going anywhere. So, taking the time to see gaming from your child’s perspective and understand why it is such a big part of their life is where you need to focus your energy. I guarantee this will further strengthen your relationship with your child and help you introduce rules that they will better respect. 

Let’s take a moment to channel the great Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird and focus on his words of inspiration for us all: ‘“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Ah yes – very wise words! 

My Top Tips For A Happy Gaming Family 

So, if you are keen to stop gaming being a negative issue in your family, here are my top tips to help you get it under control and stop it causing family tension: 

1. Change Your Thinking 

If you find yourself thinking ‘how do I get my kids to stop gaming’, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Gaming isn’t going anywhere and as parents, we don’t want to drive an unnecessary wedge between ourselves and our kids. Instead, commit to having an open mind. Think ’Ok, let’s give this gaming thing a go’. 

2. Talk To Your Kids About Their Gaming – With No Tone 

When the time is right, ask your kids what their favourite games are and why. Your aim is to get them talking. You could even do your research in advance and drop in the names of a few popular games to ask them about. ‘My work friend’s son plays Roblox, do you know much about that?’ 

3. Play Along! 

Even if you aren’t that interested, I promise, playing along will open your eyes. You’ll better understand how the game’s reward system works and what it feels like to get a shot of digital dopamine! And most importantly, it will be great for your relationship with your child. By taking the time to play with them, you are showing that you are interested in their life and their hobbies.   

4. Educate Yourself About All Thing Gaming 

When your kids started their social media journey, chances are you spent a little time familiarising yourself with the various platforms they joined. Well, you need to adopt the same approach with their gaming life too. Here are a few areas to focus on:  

  • Check out Discord – an online community where a lot of gamers spend time sharing tips and ‘cheats’. Check out an article I wrote about Discord here. 
  • Suss out Twitch – it’s a live streaming video gaming site where loads of kids spend loads of time watching others game. Yes, this is a thing!  
  • Big time gamers are now considered ‘influencers’. It’s not uncommon for tweens and teens to watch then play on Twitch, subscribe to their YouTube channel, and then follow them on Instagram. They can have a lot of sway! 
  • Do your research on the games your kids play. Having an open mind about gaming doesn’t mean it’s OK for them to play games that are not age-appropriate.  

5. Introduce Fair, Age-Appropriate Rules Around Gaming 

Once you’ve taken the time to understand your child’s gaming life, cleared your mind of any unnecessary negative gaming thoughts and done your research, why not put together a set of family rules for gaming? You may like to consider a family tech agreement and have a separate section for gaming. Or you may prefer to keep it more casual and have the rules written on the fridge or shared in the family group chat. Regardless of what you choose, ensure that you introduce these boundaries when everyone is calm and in a good head space NOT when you’re in the middle of a verbal stoush! 

You could choose to give your children a set amount of time they can use each week on gaming and then let them choose when to use it or you allocate a small time everyday once they’ve completed homework and chores. When my boys were younger, I didn’t allow gaming Monday – Thursday but after school Friday was always quite the gaming fest – a reward for getting through the school week. Do what works for your family!   

There’s no question that this digital parenting gig is complicated. Trying to help your kids find the right balance between embracing the online world and offline world can often feel hard to get right. But if you’re ever in doubt about whether you’re on track when it comes to managing your kids’ gaming, always ask yourself – have I kept an open mind? Have I taken the time to talk to my kids and understand their gaming life? Are the gaming rules fair? And, if you have answered yes, then I have every confidence that you have the right approach to ensuring gaming is a positive part of your family’s life.  

The post How To Get Your Head Around Your Kids’ Online Gaming Life appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Why You Need to Get a Family Technology Agreement Happening

There were multiple times during my digital parenting journey when I would have loved to put my head in the sand. Pretend that life was easy and that my kids weren’t going to grow up and want devices and to join social media. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. With four kids who had technology running through their veins, I had no choice but to embrace it. 

It’s All About Phones 

While many kids will first experience the internet from a family laptop or via their parent’s phone at a coffee shop (we’ve all done it), it’s when they get these devices into their hot little hands unsupervised a few years down the track that the real show starts. And that’s usually when they get access to a phone. Research from our eSafety Office shows that just under half of Aussie kids between 6 and 13 use a smartphone with about 1/3 owning their own device 

And while we can all wax lyrical about the good old days when we used payphones and how great it would be if our kids didn’t have smartphones, we need to keep it real. Technology is not going anywhere so the best thing we can to accept it’s here, educates our kids about how to use it safely and introduce boundaries and rules to ensure they are as safe as possible.  

So, without further ado, let me introduce you to the concept of a family technology contract – a great way to manage your kids and their tech use. 

What Is a Family Technology Contract?  

I like to think of a tech agreement as a clear outline of your expectations of your kids’ digital behavior – any behavior that occurs while using a device should be included in the agreement and yes, include TV here too! Now, before we progress, I have to share one key tip – don’t even think of putting together an agreement like this when tensions are high, or a heated argument is still in place – it will never work. Only talk about this or start working on it when you are in a calm and serene headspace.  

The most important thing is to have an agreement that is suitable for your kids’ ages and maturity and one that works for your family’s schedule. There’s no point making your 5-year-old sign an agreement that limits their time on Instagram when they’re probably quite happy visiting only the online sites that you have ‘bookmarked’ for them. And if your kids have a super busy schedule then you might want to include a rule that means there is no ‘leisure screen time’ (eg TV/movie viewing) till all homework is complete.  

How Old Do My Kids Need To Be? 

While it’s entirely based on your kids’ interests and tech usage, I think 3 is a good age to start with a basic agreement. That’s when they start understanding rules. And how old is too old for a tech contract, I hear you ask? Well, I acknowledge that introducing new rules and boundaries when your kids are well into their teens may be difficult however if things feel out of control and you are concerned about their mental health and less than ideal digital habits then it may also be exactly what you all need! 

What Should An Agreement Include? 

Keeping an agreement age-appropriate and relevant is essential. You may also want to keep it simple and focus on a few key things, such as: 

  • Be kind online always 
  • Never share passwords with your friends 
  • Always tell an adult if you see anything that upsets or scares you 

But it can include so much more. Here are some items you may choose to include in your own personalized version. Think of this list as a shopping list. Simply, pick & choose what works for the ages of your kids and your family’s structure. 

Time Limits/Device Usage 

  • I will ask permission before I use my device (younger children). 
  • I can use the internet/my devices/TV for __ hours a day after school. 
  • I can’t use my devices past __ pm in the evening. 
  • When I am not using my device, I will place it ___________.  
  • I will place my device in the family charging zone overnight. (This could be on the kitchen bench in a study, whatever works for your family) 


  • I understand that any internet-enabled device (eg smartphone and laptop) can give me access to many things that may not be suitable for my age. I will use my devices safely and avoid clicking on any appropriate sites. (You could choose to list sites your kids can’t visit however this maybe, in fact, give them ideas! You choose what works best). 
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to protect my personal information and not share it freely online. This includes my name, family details, school, telephone numbers, and address. 
  • I will keep my password private and not share it with anyone outside my family. 
  • I understand that not everything is as it seems online and that being safe (and savvy) online means thinking critically and questioning whether it is true. 
  • I will not use a credit card online without permission from my parents. 
  • I will close down pop-up or banner ads and not click on them. 


  • I will not share my location while using my devices.  
  • I will allow my parents to adjust the privacy settings on this device and monitor my activity. I understand that this is for my own safety. If older: I will ensure privacy settings are always on and set to the highest level for every social media platform I use. 
  • If anyone pressures me or makes me feel uncomfortable, I will stop talking to them and tell a family member or trusted adult.  
  • I understand that people are not always who they say they are online. 
  • I will not talk to anyone online who I don’t know in real life. 
  • I will not meet up with anyone I first met online without permission from my parents. 

Online Behaviour 

  • Being kind and respectful online is essential.  
  • I will only talk to people I know in real life when I am online (ideally, we’d want all our kids to agree to this but in reality, older teens won’t cop this. So, this is more suitable for younger kids) 
  • I will not be hurtful or mean to others on social media. This includes messaging, commenting, posting, liking, and sharing mean or hateful content.  
  • If I feel like I am being harassed or bullied online, I will tell a trusted adult.  
  • I will ask permission before I share pictures or videos of my friends. 
  • I will not share any content that is too revealing. This includes posting or sending inappropriate photos or messages. 

Smartphone Usage 

  • I will ensure my mobile phone stays in its protective case at all times. If it or the screen protector cracks or breaks, I will tell my parents.  
  • I will not use my phone when at school unless ___________________________. 
  • These places are no-phone zones:  
  1. Our family does not use our phones during dinner. 
  2. I will shut off my phone at __ pm and it will not be turned back on until ___ am. (You could also add here – after breakfast and/or until I am ready for school. 
  3. I will get permission from my parents before I download any apps on my smartphone – this includes games. 


  • I can play games that are rated: _____. (Ratings on games range from G, PG, M, MA15+ to R here in Australia). Please do your research here and work out what’s suitable for your kids. Check out the Australian Classification Board’s latest ratings for games to help make your decision. 
  • Video games that I am not allowed to play at my home, or anyone else’s home include: (list what games are off-limits) 
  • I will ensure my privacy settings are set to the highest level. 
  • I will not talk to people I don’t know in real life while gaming. 


I understand that access to my devices is a privilege and breaking this agreement will lead to the following consequences: (list what you feel is appropriate) 

Formalizing The Agreement 

I would have all parties sign and date the agreement: both parents and kids. You may choose to keep a copy on the fridge? Again, whatever works for your situation. 

So, if you are feeling like this digital parenting thing is getting the better of you, please consider introducing an agreement. For decades, parenting experts have written about the virtues of establishing clear boundaries for our kids and in my opinion, a tailored family tech agreement absolutely does that! 

Good luck!! 

Alex x  

The post Why You Need to Get a Family Technology Agreement Happening appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Can Parental Controls Can Help You Create Good Habits?

Molding and shaping our kids while we can is every parent’s dream. When kids are young – and sweet! – they are far more inclined to take on board our advice and lovingly imposed rules. Oh, how I miss those days!! And in a nutshell – that’s what a good set of parental controls can do for you and your kids. In my opinion, parental controls can absolutely help you create good habits but it’s essential that they are accompanied by an invested parent who’s keen to help their kids navigate the online world. 

What Can Parental Controls Do? 

With Aussie kids spending at least 5 hours online a day, it’s no secret that they can be exposed to a broad range of people, websites and themes – some potentially quite disturbing. And with most kids sporting an internet-connected phone plus a laptop, there’s no limit to what they can access – and usually when you aren’t around. 

I like to think of parental controls as another way of helping establish healthy habits and good decision-making strategies with your kids. For example, if you have told your kids there is no screen time before bed, then you are able to use Parental Controls to make that a reality. And if you have agreed that they are able to use only certain apps or social media platforms then Parental Controls can also make this happen by blocking access if they deviate. I believe that over time, these routines, and boundaries simply become part of your child’s day-to-day life and become good habits. 

McAfee’s Parental Controls, called Safe Family, can also let you view your kids’ activity online and let you know where your kids are at all times. How good??    

Doesn’t It Take Just 21 Days To Form A Habit? 

While it’s commonly believed that it takes just 21 days to form a habit, courtesy of Dr Maxwell Maltz in the 1960’s, more up-to-date research shows that it could take considerably longer. In fact, research conducted in 2010 by Health Psychology Researcher Philippa Lally at The University College in London shows that it takes around 2 months or 66 days to be precise to make a new habit stick! 

And while I love the idea that we could help our kids adopt new positive habits in just 2 months, I think we need to keep it real. Fear of missing out (FOMO) coupled with the lure of their shiny devices might mean that it takes a little more than 66 days to make a change, particularly if you are trying to modify their current usage as opposed to starting from scratch. 

Nothing Replaces The Role Of Being A Proactive Digital Parenting 

There is no-one that better understands just how time poor parents can be. Having spent the last 20 plus years rearing 4 boys and working, I feel like I’ve earnt the time poor t-shirt! So, understandably, many parents feel like they just don’t have the ‘band with’ to take on much more so digital parenting is often put in the too hard basket. And I totally get it!    

But using parental controls without some knowledge of your kids’ digital world, is a little like filling your car with petrol but not worrying about the oil. It will eventually be a problem! 

My Top 3 Digital Parenting Non-Negotiables 

So, I’m going to break it down for you. Digital parenting doesn’t have to be overwhelming, particularly if you break it down. So, in a quest to keep it simple, here are 4 things you can do to up your digital parenting game: 

1. As Soon as Your Kids Start Using Devices, Start Talking Cybersafety 

The day your child picks up a device is the day you start talking about cybersafety. If this is when they are 18 months of age, then that’s when you start. Always ensure the messages are age-appropriate and keep them simple. You could start with:  

  • “Remember, daddy/mummy chooses the game” 
  • “Let’s keep your name private online.” To help with this, why not create an online nickname for them? 
  • “Make sure you’re sitting near (mum/dad/nana) when you are using the iPad.” 

And when your kids get older, weave in more age-appropriate messages, such as: 

  • “Online friends aren’t real friends” 
  • “If you wouldn’t do it in person then don’t do it online” 
  • “Think before you post” 

Knitting cybersafety messages into your family dialogue needs to also become automatic. Talk about it just like you would sun safety or road safety. And why not share stories around the dinner table about your own online experiences or even relevant news stories to engage them in a dialogue. 

2. Create a Family Digital Contract 

I love the idea of a clear contract between parents and kids that details your expectations about their online behaviour and technology use. It’s a great way of developing a set of guidelines that will help them navigate the risks associated with being online. Now, this agreement should definitely be a family exercise so ensure your kids are invested in the process too. If you want a starting point, check out this one from The Modern Parent here 

3. Commit to Understanding Your Child’s Digital World 

Taking some time to understand how your child spends their time online is the best way of truly understanding the risks and challenges they face. So, join ALL the social media platforms your kids are on, play their games and download their messaging apps. You will develop a better understanding of how to manage privacy settings and the language/online culture that is a big part of your child’s life. And the best part – if they know you understand their world, I have no doubt that you will develop a little ‘tech cred’ which mean that they will be more likely to come to you with any issues or problems that may face online. Awesome! 

Get Technology Working for You 

There is some amazing technology available that makes this digital parenting thing a heck of a lot easier and that includes Parental Controls. McAfee’s Safe Family is a comprehensive parental controls solution that lets you monitor and block apps and websites, manage screen time, see where your kid’s devices are at all times, and more, giving you peace of mind in an ever-mobile world. The perfect partner to an invested parent! 

Parental Controls can be an awesome way of helping your kids establish positive habits around their tech use, but they are even more impactful when combined with an invested parent who has got a good handle on the online world. So, by all means, invest in Parental Control software but also commit to ramping up your digital parenting game – it’s the best way to help set up your kids for a safe and positive experience online. And isn’t that every digital parent’s dream! 

Take Care 

Alex 😊 

The post Can Parental Controls Can Help You Create Good Habits? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Aussie Children Have 2nd Highest Rate of Cyberbullying, Time To Focus on Digital Parenting

Whether it was bush fires, Covid, floods, or the Ukraine conflict, the news agenda over the last two years has been jam-packed. So, when McAfee released the findings of their first Global Connected Family Study, it was clear to me that connecting safely online needs to make it back into the news. 

Over 15,000 parents and 12,000 children aged 10-18 from 10 countries (including Australia) were interviewed for the study with the goal of finding out how families both connect and protect themselves online. So, let me share with you the results that need to spring us into action. 

  • Aussie children report the 2nd highest rate of cyberbullying (24%) out of the 10 countries surveyed. US children reported the highest rate. The average for all countries was 17%. 
  • Aussie parents are not completely aware of what’s happening in their children’s digital lives with just 20% nominating that their child had experienced cyberbullying while in fact 24% had experienced it. 
  • Children want to feel safe online and 73% of those surveyed look to their parents more than any other resource for help however parents are struggling to deliver. 
  • Parents are more inclined to protect their daughters online than their sons. Girls aged 10-14 were more likely to have parental controls on their PCs/laptops in almost every country surveyed. 
  • Children and teens want their privacy online and more than half (59%) will take steps to actively hide their online activity from hiding their browsing history to omitting details about what they are doing online. 

What Can We Do About It? 

I’m the first to admit that being a digital parent can be incredibly overwhelming. Staying abreast of the latest trends, apps and social media platforms can seem like a full-time job! And let’s not forget the latest threats and risks too. But findings, like the ones above, do have a way of shaking up priorities and do serve to provide clarity on where we need to focus our attention as parents.  

So, let’s break it down into 5 steps that you can take to ensure you are minimising the negativity and risks your kids may experience online: 

1. Check Your Family’s Communication Culture 

Without a doubt, one of the best things you can do for your family is create a culture where honest and genuine communication is a feature of everyday life. If your kids know they can confide in you, no matter what the problem is, then they are far more likely to come to you before a problem such as cyberbullying can feel unsolvable.  

2. Commit to Understanding Your Kids’ Online World 

It’s impossible to set boundaries and appreciate the risks in the digital world, if you don’t really know what your kids are dealing with. You may have little natural interest in joining Kik, Snapchat or Instagram but if you kids use it – then you know what you need to do! And if your kids can see that you are more actively involved online and using similar platforms, they will be more likely to come to you if they experience a problem. 

3. Introduce A Family Technology Contract 

In my opinion, one of the biggest causes of issues online is the fact that children are given internet-enabled devices that require adult levels of maturity and problem-solving skills. But let’s keep it real – that horse has bolted – most of our kids have phones in their pockets! So, the best way of managing this is to introduce a family technology contract.  

Now this can be as simple or complex as you feel is necessary for your tribe. You may want to insist on just a few rules such as not sharing passwords with friends, seeking permission before downloading apps, and always being kind online. You could simply write these on a piece of paper and have your kids sign it. Whatever works for you but remember, the research is showing that our kids are looking to us to help keep them safe online, so include as much here as you think your kids need. And of course, these need to be age-appropriate. I love this one for under 5’s from our eSafety Commissioner and this one is great for tweens and teens from The Modern Parent. 

4. Talk Cyberbullying (And Empathy) With Your Kids 

Bullying has existed long before the internet was even a word so unfortunately, it isn’t going anywhere. But coupled with the intensity and very public nature of the online world, it can be devastating. In my opinion, the key to cyberbullying is prevention. So, ensuring your kids know they can come to you with any problem, having a tight connection with your child so you can pick when things are ‘off’ and arming them with a basic cyber safety toolkit (not sharing passwords, privacy settings on, being kind online & having time away from devices) is essential.  

One of the ways we can also keep our kids from making mistakes online is by teaching them empathy. If kids haven’t developed empathy, then they make decisions based solely on their own desires – without any consideration for others. Many experts believe that it is the absence of empathy that leads directly to bullying.   

So, be a role model and start weaving the good old saying ‘do unto others as you would like them to do to you’ into your family dialogue.  

5. Consider Parental Controls & Protection Software 

The research findings are very clear: our kids want us to take charge of their online safety. So, let’s get technology working for us so we can keep them safe. 

Parental controls are not the silver bullet but when they are used in conjunction with proactive parenting then they can be transformative. McAfee’s Safe Family offers parents the ability to monitor device activity, limit screentime, block apps, and filter websites. This is a great way of teaching boundaries and limits while also giving yourself peace of mind that your kids are as safe as possible. 

Investing in comprehensive protection software for your (and your kid’s) devices is another way of adding a layer of protection to their online world. Comprehensive security software like McAfee’s Total Protection will protect against dangerous downloads, viruses, malware, online threats, and visits to risky websites. It will also encrypt the files on your computer and help manage your passwords! A complete no-brainer!!  

So, please don’t be overwhelmed and don’t even aim to be the perfect digital parent! Break it down and do the best you can because protecting our kids online needs to be a top priority. So, as soon as possible – check your family communication, take some time to understand your kids’ online world, put a digital contract in place, talk a little, and use some parental controls. But please do not forget about the power of role modeling. As parents, we are our kids’ biggest influencers so it might just be time for you to up your own digital safety game too!! 

Till next time. 

Stay safe everyone! 

The post Aussie Children Have 2nd Highest Rate of Cyberbullying, Time To Focus on Digital Parenting appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Are You Playing A Role In Protecting Your Online Privacy?

Like most things in life, online privacy is a 2-way street. As consumers, we expect the companies we deal with online to manage and safeguard our data to a super professional level however we also have a role to play here too. So, this Privacy Awareness Week (PAW), let’s focus on what we can do to ensure our personal information is kept as secure, and private as possible. 

Privacy Awareness Week 

There’s nothing like a dedicated ‘week’ to renew our focus and in my opinion, this year’s PAW does just that. This year’s theme is – The Foundation of Trust – we all have a role to play, a great reminder of how it’s up to all of us to ensure we manage online privacy. There’s no doubt that managing our privacy is low on the to-do list for many. And I get it – we’re all strapped for time, and we don’t ever think privacy breaches will affect us. Well, my friends, I’m here to tell you that privacy breaches do happen. Identity theft is a reality of living life online. In fact, in 2020/21, nearly 155,000 Aussies had their identities stolen and they were the cases that were reported. But the good news is that if you take a proactive approach, you can minimise the risk of this ever happening. 

What You Can Do to Protect Your Online Privacy 

Believe it or not, most of your privacy action plan involves small steps that are, I promise, relatively painless. The most important thing here is that you need to commit to doing them. The last thing you want is to spend months dealing with the fallout from having your identity stolen. It’s exhausting, stressful, and absolutely worth avoiding. 

Without further ado, here’s your action plan: 

1. Passwords 

Strong and complex passwords are essential to keeping your online information tight. Ideally, a password should have between 8-10 characters and be a combination of letters – both lower and uppercase, numbers and symbols. Each online account should also have its own password too – which is a very overwhelming concept! Consider using a password manager such as McAfee’s TrueKey to help generate and manage passwords.   

2. Conduct An Audit of Your (and Your Kids’) Privacy Settings 

Ensure all the family checks their social media accounts to ensure they are set to private. This will mean that only their chosen friends can see their private information. Each social media platform will have its own ‘help’ page which provides specific steps on how to do this.  

3. Use Public Wi-Fi With Caution 

If you are serious about your online privacy, then you need to use public Wi-Fi sparingly. Unsecured public Wi-Fi is a very risky business. Anything you share could easily find its way into the hands of cybercriminals. So, avoid sharing any sensitive or personal information while using public Wi-Fi. If you travel regularly, consider investing in a VPN. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) encrypts your activity which means your login details and other sensitive information is protected. A great insurance policy!  

4. Use 2-Factor Authentication 

Adding an additional layer of security to protect yourself when accessing your online accounts is another great way of guarding your online privacy. Turn on two-factor authentication for Google, Dropbox, Facebook and whatever other site offers it. For those new to this option, this means that in addition to your password, you will need to provide another form of identification to ensure you are who you say you are. Most commonly, this is a code sent to your mobile phone or generated by a smartphone app. 

5. Consider a Search Engine that Doesn’t Track Your Every Move Online 

Most web surfers rely on Google for their searching but why not use a search engine that doesn’t collect and store the information? And there are loads of more ‘privacy focussed’ options to choose from. Check out DuckDuckGo, that doesn’t profile users or track or sell your information to third parties. 

6. Protect Your Digital Life 

Comprehensive security protection software is an easy way to help firm up your online privacy too as it does a great job of keeping malicious software (malware) at bay. Malware can wreak absolute havoc: from installing pop ups to scanning for personal information. And if you’re likely to click dodgy links (we’re all human after all), then this is a no brainer! Super-duper security software will also guard you against viruses and online threats, direct you away from risky websites and dangerous downloads and protect your smartphones and tablets too, it can also back up your files. McAfee’s LiveSafe protection software comes with a 100% guarantee to protect you against viruses. 

So, this Privacy Awareness week, please take the time to ensure you are doing all you can to nail your online privacy. And of course, please get your kids involved too. Do your research and find some stories of ‘real life’ people who have had their identity stolen to share around the dinner table because identity theft can absolutely happen to anyone! 

Till next time, 

Stay Safe! 

Alex 😊  

The post Are You Playing A Role In Protecting Your Online Privacy? appeared first on McAfee Blog.
