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Linux-Smart-Enumeration - Linux Enumeration Tool For Pentesting And CTFs With Verbosity Levels

By: Zion3R

First, a couple of useful oneliners ;)

wget "" -O;chmod 700
curl "" -Lo;chmod 700

Note that since version 2.10 you can serve the script to other hosts with the -S flag!


Linux enumeration tools for pentesting and CTFs

This project was inspired by and uses many of its tests.

Unlike LinEnum, lse tries to gradualy expose the information depending on its importance from a privesc point of view.

What is it?

This shell script will show relevant information about the security of the local Linux system, helping to escalate privileges.

From version 2.0 it is mostly POSIX compliant and tested with shellcheck and posh.

It can also monitor processes to discover recurrent program executions. It monitors while it is executing all the other tests so you save some time. By default it monitors during 1 minute but you can choose the watch time with the -p parameter.

It has 3 levels of verbosity so you can control how much information you see.

In the default level you should see the highly important security flaws in the system. The level 1 (./ -l1) shows interesting information that should help you to privesc. The level 2 (./ -l2) will just dump all the information it gathers about the system.

By default it will ask you some questions: mainly the current user password (if you know it ;) so it can do some additional tests.

How to use it?

The idea is to get the information gradually.

First you should execute it just like ./ If you see some green yes!, you probably have already some good stuff to work with.

If not, you should try the level 1 verbosity with ./ -l1 and you will see some more information that can be interesting.

If that does not help, level 2 will just dump everything you can gather about the service using ./ -l2. In this case you might find useful to use ./ -l2 | less -r.

You can also select what tests to execute by passing the -s parameter. With it you can select specific tests or sections to be executed. For example ./ -l2 -s usr010,net,pro will execute the test usr010 and all the tests in the sections net and pro.

Use: ./ [options]

-c Disable color
-i Non interactive mode
-h This help
-l LEVEL Output verbosity level
0: Show highly important results. (default)
1: Show interesting results.
2: Show all gathered information.
-s SELECTION Comma separated list of sections or tests to run. Available
usr: User related tests.
sud: Sudo related tests.
fst: File system related tests.
sys: System related tests.
sec: Security measures related tests.
ret: Recurren tasks (cron, timers) related tests.
net: Network related tests.
srv: Services related tests.
pro: Processes related tests.
sof: Software related tests.
ctn: Container (docker, lxc) related tests.
cve: CVE related tests.
Specific tests can be used with their IDs (i.e.: usr020,sud)
-e PATHS Comma separated list of paths to exclude. This allows you
to do faster scans at the cost of completeness
-p SECONDS Time that the process monitor will spend watching for
processes. A value of 0 will disable any watch (default: 60)
-S Serve the script in this host so it can be retrieved
from a remote host.

Is it pretty?

Usage demo

Also available in webm video

Level 0 (default) output sample

Level 1 verbosity output sample

Level 2 verbosity output sample


Direct execution oneliners

bash <(wget -q -O - "") -l2 -i
bash <(curl -s "") -l1 -i

Sysreptor - Fully Customisable, Offensive Security Reporting Tool Designed For Pentesters, Red Teamers And Other Security-Related People Alike

By: Zion3R

Easy and customisable pentest report creator based on simple web technologies.

SysReptor is a fully customisable, offensive security reporting tool designed for pentesters, red teamers and other security-related people alike. You can create designs based on simple HTML and CSS, write your reports in user-friendly Markdown and convert them to PDF with just a single click, in the cloud or on-premise!

Your Benefits

Write in markdown
Design in HTML/VueJS
Render your report to PDF
Fully customizable
Self-hosted or Cloud
No need for Word

SysReptor Cloud

You just want to start reporting and save yourself all the effort of setting up, configuring and maintaining a dedicated server? Then SysReptor Cloud is the right choice for you! Get to know SysReptor on our Playground and if you like it, you can get your personal Cloud instance here:

Sign up here

SysReptor Self-Hosted

You prefer self-hosting? That's fine! You will need:

  • Ubuntu
  • Latest Docker (with docker-compose-plugin)

You can then install SysReptor with via script:

curl -s | bash

After successful installation, access your application at http://localhost:8000/.

Get detailed installation instructions at Installation.

DFShell - The Best Forwarded Shell

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D3Ext's Forwarded Shell it's a python3 script which use mkfifo to simulate a shell into the victim machine. It creates a hidden directory in /dev/shm/.fs/ and there are stored the fifos. You can even have a tty over a webshell.

In case you want a good webshell with code obfuscation, login panel and more functions you have this webshell (scripted by me), you can change the username and the password at the top of the file, it also have a little protection in case of beeing discovered because if the webshell is accessed from localhost it gives a 404 status code

Why you should use DFShell?

To use other forwarded shells you have to edit the script to change the url and the parameter of the webshell, but DFShell use parameters to quickly pass the arguments to the script (-u/--url and -p/--parameter), the script have a pretty output with colors, you also have custom commands to upload and download files from the target, do port and host discovery, and it deletes the files created on the victim if you press Ctrl + C or simply exit from the shell.

*If you change the actual user from webshell (or anything get unstable) then execute: 'sh'*


Install with pip

pip3 install dfshell

Install from source

git clone
cd DFShell
pip3 install -r requirements


git clone && cd DFShell && pip3 install -r requirements


It's simple, you pass the url of the webshell and the parameter that executes commands. I recommend you the most simple webshell

python3 -u -p cmd


SDomDiscover - A Easy-To-Use Python Tool To Perform DNS Recon

   _____ ____                  ____  _                               
/ ___// __ \____ ____ ___ / __ \(_)_____________ _ _____ _____
\__ \/ / / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ / / / / ___/ ___/ __ \ | / / _ \/ ___/
___/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / (__ ) /__/ /_/ / |/ / __/ /
/____/_____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/_____/_/____/\___/\____/|___/\___/_/

A easy-to-use python tool to perform dns recon with multiple options


It can be installed in any OS with python3

Manual installation

git clone
cd SDomDiscover
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


git clone && cd SDomDiscover && pip3 install -r requirements.txt && python3


Common usages

To see the help panel and other parameters

python3 -h

Main usage of the tool to dump the valid domains in the SSL certificate

python3 -d

Used to perform all the queries and recognizement

python3 -d --all

WEF - Wi-Fi Exploitation Framework

A fully offensive framework to the 802.11 networks and protocols with different types of attacks for WPA and WEP, automated hash cracking, bluetooth hacking and much more.

  • I recommend you my alfa adapter: Alfa AWUS036ACM, which works really great with both, 2.4 and 5 Ghz

Tested and supported in Kali Linux, Parrot OS, Arch Linux and Ubuntu

*However it's not finished and may have issues, try it at your own risk.*

If you have any issue please, contact me or create a issue


  • Deauthentication Attack
  • Authentication Attack
  • Beacon Flood Attack
  • PKMID Attack
  • EvilTwin Attack
  • Passive/Stealthy Attack
  • Pixie Dust Attack
  • Null Pin Attack
  • Chopchop Attack
  • Replay Attack
  • Michael Exploitation Attack
  • Caffe-Latte Attack
  • Jamming, Reading and Writing bluetooth connections
  • GPS Spoofing with HackRF


  • Log generator
  • WPA/WPA2, WPS and WEP Attacks
  • Auto handshake cracking
  • Multiple templates for EvilTwin attack
  • Check monitor mode and it status
  • 2Ghz and 5Ghz attacks
  • Custom wordlist selector
  • Auto detect requirements
  • Bluetooth support (Jamming, Reading, Writing)


Common usage of the framework

wef -i wlan0 # Your interface name might be different


wef --interface wlan0

Once the application is working, type 'help' to view more functions and useful info.

If you don't want to scan APs with every attack you can do something like this:

set name my-wifi # To especify the name to attack
set time 60 # To define the total duration of the attacks that ask for the time
set packets 15 # To define the amount of packets that some attacks will send


Don't install them manually, WEF takes care of that if you don't already have them



Checkout the Wiki


Demo on a Parrot OS with Kitty terminal

Created by D3Ext


If you are using bspwm, you can add this line to your bspwmrc for launching the xterm windows always beeing in floating mode (for a prettier design)

bspc rule -a XTerm state=floating

Copyright ยฉ 2022, D3Ext
